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    Eyes of Winter Snow [Winter] The Murkrow [ANY]


    Posts : 208

    Eyes of Winter Snow [Winter] The Murkrow [ANY] Empty Eyes of Winter Snow [Winter] The Murkrow [ANY]

    Post by Fern Fri Mar 20, 2015 12:35 pm

    Eyes of Winter Snow [Winter] The Murkrow [ANY] Eyesofwintersnow_by_kemurigakurekaze-d8o6r0e

    Art by the wonderful Kaze!

    MORE ART <3:



    [Winter] "Eyes of Winter Snow"
    TEXT COLOUR#666699
    GENDERCisgender Female (She, Her)
    AGEYoung Adult
    SPECIES Murkrow; The Darkness Pokemon
    WEIGHT4.6 Pounds
    ABILITYSuper Luck
    NATURENaughty (+Attack,-Special Defense)
    CHARACTERISTICLikes to fight (+Attack)
    DEX ENTRYFeared and loathed by many, it is believed to bring misfortune to all those who see it at night.
    ITEM(S) Scarf Made of Persian Fur
       -Wing Attack (Level Up)
       -Taunt(Level Up)
       -Thunder Wave (TM73)
       -Toxic (TM06)


     Winter is undeniably as cold as her namesake. She is inhospitable towards others. This Murkrow trusts no one but herself, using the Pokemon she encounters for her benefit. Despite this skeptical attribute, she is hypocritically cynical. Her main motive is her own selfishness. This can tie in with her flirtatious nature, as she is very suave, and will use the opposite sex for her own gain. It is not uncommon for her to have a quick fling just to steal food off of someone.

    She is bluntly honest, with a barbaric twist. She enjoys experimenting with others emotions, studying what makes them tick and using their weaknesses against them to see how far she can push them before they break. Winter finds entertainment in frightening the feeble. She will usually take things way too far just for a good laugh.

    She utilizes her sarcasm in conversation often and possesses a sharp tongue with the mouth of a sailor. Winter also has an odd love for puns and inappropriate humor.

    Winter is a strong believer of natural selection, and thinks that only the strong and calculating survive in the face of the Epidemic. In her mind, the virus was created to destroy the weak. She has no quarrel with anyone who exterminates the faint of heart.



       "Murkrow is an avian Pokémon with black feathers. Its crooked, yellow beak and the three, feathery tufts on its head resemble a witch's nose and hat respectively. The feathery crest is smaller on the female than on the male. It has semi-circular, red eyes with white sclera and pupils and a spiky collar of feathers around its neck. The shaggy feathers on its tail resemble the end of a broom, and there is a thin, red band at the base of the tail. Its yellow feet have four toes, three facing forward and one backward.


    Winter is undeniably alluring. She keeps herself glamorous, as it is 'much easier to beguile with a pretty face.' As such, her feathers are preened and lustrous, shining a glossy black. Her eyes are mystical; while normal Murkrow have striking crimson irises, hers are a ghostly silver. When enraged, her eyes become flecked with white, almost like falling snow.

    She keeps her prized Persian Fur scarf close at all times. It is a skinny scarf, however, it is rather lengthy (for a Murkrow, anyways. It is about two feet long) so she has it wrapped around her neck tightly. The ends come together in a knot and hang down, but it doesn't dangle enough to hinder her gait or flight.


       Winter was hatched into an avifauna that dwelled in Pinwheel forest. The flock was split into three long before her time, and each species called a designated section of the forest 'home.' The segregation went thusly; birds of the Pidove line on the outskirts, the murder of Murkrow and Honchkrow within the Hidden Grotto, and other birds that decided to integrate themselves into the community lived in all vacated areas. They were isolated from each other due to each group believing they were superior; in their hatred, they separated. The hate still reigned upon Winter's birth, and she was, unfortunately, born in the middle of a civil war between the flocks. The Pidove desired a larger portion of the forest, and the others refused, leading to the fight.

    Seeing Winter's oddly colored eyes drove the flock into a frenzy. Many of the Murkrow were furiously superstitious, and word went around that the newborn was an omen. They decided the best course of action would be to use her as a weapon against the Pidove, abandoning her in their territory before she could even fly. That way, the bad luck could remain within their borders, giving the Murkrow an advantage.

    But this had quite the opposite effect. The Pidove were far more civilized, and they took the young, helpless Murkrow in as their own. There were some that disagreed with introducing a sworn enemy into the flock, but as Winter grew, she became accepted as part of the Pidove community.

    The war was still ongoing when Winter hit adolescence. She was perplexed as to why it was being fought, and it was relayed to her, along with her true origin. (Although this information was shared with the utmost reluctance.) Winter grew furious towards the Pokemon that had abandoned her as a child. This gave the Pidove a marvelous idea, to use Winter as a weapon against the Murkrow. Once they saw her, one of their own kind, leading a plight, it was liable to spark a revolution.

    She was trained diligently by the senior fighters of the Pidove flock. The Murkrow, now blooming into adulthood, learned quickly and began to fall in love with the rush of battle. Soon, she was sent on her first mission, which was to steal food from the Murkrow murder. She was delighted with this request, as they were in the midst of the harshest winter the forest had ever known. Food was difficult to come by, and stealing from the Murkrow would certainly cripple their society.

    With a swoop and a screech, she made her presence known, and the Murkrow were petrified at the sight of her misty eyes. "The omen returns! The omen returns! The one with The Eyes Of Winter Snow!" She adopted the name they cried to the heavens as she purloined their only means for survival. The mission ended up being a booming success, not only was she triumphant in her task, but she had also struck raw fear into her enemies.

    To celebrate her victory, and the adoption of her new alias, she flew to the nearby Castelia and stole a luxurious Persian fur scarf from a wealthy woman. This added to her sinister image, as she claimed that she had killed and gutted the Persian herself, wearing its pelt as a trophy; a reminder to the Murkrow to never cross her.

    Eventually, the Pidove began to use Winter as a pawn in their war--an unstoppable, merciless weapon. Meanwhile, Winter was beginning to love the adrenaline of crime, and she became unruly. She would go on her own 'missions,' not only assaulting the Murkrow but others in the forest as well. Anyone who caught her eye would be subjected to her cruelty; a plaything to her whims. She'd kill the weak bugs that dwelled in the forest, she'd steal from the ones who were already poor. The revered warrior soon became dishonorable in everyone's eyes.

    The Pidove flock tried to contain her, and this angered the untamed Winter. There wasn't much the Pidove could readily do--if they tried to stop Winter from doing what she pleased, they'd lose their only hope of winning the war.

    It was when she began to steal from the Pidove themselves when the Pidove decided that enough was enough. They called a truce with the other flocks in the forest, and they all plotted on how to rid themselves of Winter.

    They came to the conclusion--they would all work together to exile her. And so it was done.

    Winter put up no resistance, she merely cawed, "I was merely cleansing you of the weak, the ones who don't deserve the gift of life." Secretly, Winter was content with the exile--she was getting bored with the Pokemon there, anyways. There were new victims to be found.

    She roamed Unova as a sovereign and independent spirit. Winter kept her skills in thievery and battling well honed as she journeyed.

    At one point, she learned of TM's due to eavesdropping on a pair of gossiping Patrat. She decided that it was necessary for her to harness the power of these discs, so she tailed a traveling trainer who had recently bought one from a local Poke Mart. Winter watched with intent eyes as she taught her Pokemon the move. Winter, now having the knowledge of how to properly use a Technical Machine, stole many of them as she traveled. She experimented with many TM's until she had the move arsenal she desired--she learned Toxic and Thunder Wave along with her Wing Attack and Taunt. These new attacks assisted her in her craft, anyone who fought against her whims were met with an unforgiving paralysis or were poisoned.

    When the Epidemic began, she was not fearful, rather, she was pleased. This was something to exterminate the weak that so plagued the world. As a bonus, the virus gave her the opportunity to steal as often as she pleased. However, she soon grew bored with the usual scenery of Unova, and decided it would be more fun to start anew in a different region, establishing her prowess worldwide--and her message of cleansing the world of the weak. The shadow avian flew for many miles until she arrived in Kalos.

    And in the face of the apocalypse, Winter continues to flourish as her own breed of harbinger.

       -is sort of racist towards other bird-type Pokemon due to being raised in that sort of society

    - one day I'll actually make a character that isn't just a plain ol' living 'mon orz

       -Coding provided by identitist. Thank you for the free use format. [: Also is one of the profile thingies provided by Ricxs. c:

    Last edited by Fern on Mon Jul 11, 2016 2:04 pm; edited 2 times in total

    Posts : 208

    Eyes of Winter Snow [Winter] The Murkrow [ANY] Empty Re: Eyes of Winter Snow [Winter] The Murkrow [ANY]

    Post by Fern Sun Apr 12, 2015 8:36 pm

    Winter is now ready to seek approval!

    Posts : 1265

    Eyes of Winter Snow [Winter] The Murkrow [ANY] Empty Re: Eyes of Winter Snow [Winter] The Murkrow [ANY]

    Post by Victini Thu Apr 16, 2015 6:30 am

    Eyes of Winter Snow [Winter] The Murkrow [ANY] RGgji6G


    Eyes of Winter Snow [Winter] The Murkrow [ANY] VictiniEyes of Winter Snow [Winter] The Murkrow [ANY] TGJeE
    The Victory Pokemon

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    Eyes of Winter Snow [Winter] The Murkrow [ANY] Empty Re: Eyes of Winter Snow [Winter] The Murkrow [ANY]

    Post by Fern Mon Jul 11, 2016 2:06 pm

    I would like to reactivate Winter, please. Place her on any team you see fit!

    Posts : 1265

    Eyes of Winter Snow [Winter] The Murkrow [ANY] Empty Re: Eyes of Winter Snow [Winter] The Murkrow [ANY]

    Post by Victini Mon Aug 01, 2016 2:34 pm

    Re-approved (apologies for the wait)

    Winter has been placed on the Under Team and is fourth in the post cycle, after the Liepard.


    Eyes of Winter Snow [Winter] The Murkrow [ANY] VictiniEyes of Winter Snow [Winter] The Murkrow [ANY] TGJeE
    The Victory Pokemon

    Profile Admin & Team Sheet Manager

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