Welcome to New Johto;
This is what remains of the region after the virus hit.
Undead pokemon lurk behind every corner, infest every city, haunt every cave.
Dark Days are Ahead...
Will you survive?


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    The LAVENDER Team


    Age : 29
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    The LAVENDER Team - Page 3 Empty Re: The LAVENDER Team

    Post by Kaze Sat Dec 03, 2011 5:54 pm

    Lavender Town|Morning (6)

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    Step after step Cketch continues his path down the street, hands held in front of him. He keeps to one side of the street and within touching distance of the nearest wall as he sniffs the air to determine if any of the houses still have food in them.
    Outside an open doorway he catches a whiff of the leathery scent again. The dragon pokemon he normally encountered were often reluctant to share what they had and some tried to eat him. However the dry bone and soft skin smells were with it and they were generally kinder to travelers.
    If not he could probably steal something...

    Cketch approaches the house, step after careful step.

    Age : 28
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    The LAVENDER Team - Page 3 Empty Re: The LAVENDER Team

    Post by SkeletonCupcake Sun Dec 04, 2011 3:59 am

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    Lavender Town||Pokemon tower||Morning(4)

    Ivys eyes snapped open the second she felt a chill in the air.Night was falling and she had much to do."Perhaps I should eat..."Ivy told herself.Picking through the leaves Ivy kept thinking back to this morning.'What was that thing, who was it...and why...why do I feel...like this?'Ivy thought.Tossing a single berry in the air before catching and eating it.

    Getting up Ivy looked around the tombstones.Something was telling her to not go downstairs just yet.Instead she'd rummage about for seeds and what not up here while she waited.Though if it was infected she was a bit worried about it being hostile.Shaking her head she got back to looking around while she waited for darkness to blanket the town.

    Last edited by CrimsonKat on Sat Jan 21, 2012 2:28 am; edited 2 times in total (Reason for editing : Time Change)

    The LAVENDER Team - Page 3 Empty Re: The LAVENDER Team

    Post by Guest Sun Dec 04, 2011 10:49 am

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    Lavender Town/Morning(9)

    The time was comming...The night was falling uppon Lavender Town. As the sun light slowly left his body, his blood red eyes shot open...one of his claws twitched...Slowly, but by bit, his whole body started to move as his sandy blood dripped as if it was dust left on a statue far too long. His body started to crack on the joints from Rigor Morties...his nerves were all stiff for being in the same position for far too long.

    He cracked his neck loudly hissing...It was time to tend to the tower. He could feel someone's presence in here...but he didn't cared, maybe it was just outside, maybe it was in one of the homes. But if it was inside of the tower, he shall find it and sacrifice it.

    Last edited by Shaymin on Sun Dec 04, 2011 5:15 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : Time Change)

    Age : 36
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    The LAVENDER Team - Page 3 Empty Re: The LAVENDER Team

    Post by Silverishness Sun Dec 04, 2011 4:47 pm

    Post 10

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    Sil's House| Late morning

    Torrent sighed and dipped his head down to keep his large form out of sight of the nearby windows. "Yeah. We've got food. Lemme go get it." He stood on all fours and lumbered to the kitchen, careful to not knock anything over.

    There was still old blood that stained the eggshell white countertop, something he was never able to get out. He paid it no mind as he rummaged through the cupboard, pulling out three cans of canned pokefood. It was somewhat old, but it was all the old pokemart had left after he had exhausted Sil's original stock. He was a large pokemon, and he needed a lot of food...

    He padded back into the living room and handed each pokemon their share, popping open the lids for them. He popped his own lid and quietly licked the psuedo-meat out, keeping an eye on the figure outside. "...We shouldn't recklessly go out there for it," he muttered. "We've been reckless enough for today."

    Last edited by Silverishness on Sun Dec 04, 2011 5:40 pm; edited 1 time in total


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    The LAVENDER Team - Page 3 Empty Re: The LAVENDER Team

    Post by Min Sun Dec 04, 2011 5:03 pm

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    Lavender Town | Afternoon

    "Yeah. We've got food. Lemme go get it." Therese nodded, still watching outside. She turned back to Noir, who spoke. "What's....that thing...?" She followed the area to where the Cubone was pointing to find another Pokemon. A Smeargle. It was walking in a curious fashion, as if it couldn't see. She stared at it's tail, which had purple instead of the usual green. Was it an infected? She's seen purple on many infected before, and this newcomer was walking weirdly...

    She watched as it slowly disappeared from her line of view. Then she turned around to find Torrent coming back with 3 cans. She gratefully accepted the opened can as she quietly ate from it. "...We shouldn't recklessly go out there for it, we've been reckless enough for today." The Marowak nodded. "And... We don't know if it's infected or not. It has an oddly-coloured tail and it's walking weird." she murmured, but her curiosity for this stranger was growing. What if it wasn't one of the undead? What if it was living?

    Well either way, it seemed to be headed towards them. Therese patiently sat, eating her fill, waiting for the Smeargle to come a good distance so she could find out if it really was alive or not.
    Dearly Departed
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    The LAVENDER Team - Page 3 Empty Re: The LAVENDER Team

    Post by Shaymin Sun Dec 04, 2011 5:16 pm

    [Sorry guys, the time issue has been resolved~
    Sorry I didn't edit it earlier too ;; Fall Semester is ending and I need to improve my GPA]


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    ~Shaymin~LegendII~RP Mod~Warning Mod Fill in~

    We still can't see the future in the shimmering heart.
    As we grow up, where are we headed?

    You are the one, by being an irreplaceable friend~


    Age : 37
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    The LAVENDER Team - Page 3 Empty Re: The LAVENDER Team

    Post by Fox Thu Dec 08, 2011 3:07 pm

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    Lavender Town | Afternoon (10)

    Noir carefully watched the others, and was relieved when the large dragon mentioned food. His stomach had been empty for days; his last meal was a few leaves off a scraggly old bush almost three days ago. The Dragonite came back, handing each of them an open can of Pokefood. The aroma saturated his nose, bringing tears to his eyes. He dropped his Pikachu and dug into the can with his claw, bringing up handfuls of the food into his mouth as quickly as he could.

    The adults started talking about the Pokemon outside. He sat and listened in contentment, chomping away on the most wonderful meal he's had in months.

    (OoC- Sorry guys, I didn't get email notification for some reason...)


    "What's the point in them being happy now if they're going to be sad later?
    The answer is, of course, because they're going to be sad later."

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    Age : 29
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    The LAVENDER Team - Page 3 Empty Re: The LAVENDER Team

    Post by Kaze Fri Dec 09, 2011 1:40 am

    Lavender Town|Afternoon (7)

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    As Cketch lets his paws run across the lavender colored walls of the remaining houses a new scent is revealed, something that smells very much like food.
    In fact it smells like some form of meat, although without the metallic tang of blood, he had no way of telling exactly what kind of meat.
    Smeargles were by nature very social pokemon, even if Cketch sought a quick meal and some bodyguards rather then freindship.
    Two houses down from where the scent was he paused.
    "Hello! Is anyone here?" he calls.

    Age : 28
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    The LAVENDER Team - Page 3 Empty Re: The LAVENDER Team

    Post by SkeletonCupcake Fri Dec 09, 2011 4:46 pm

    (OOC-skip because Ivy is just eating)

    The LAVENDER Team - Page 3 Empty Re: The LAVENDER Team

    Post by Guest Sun Dec 11, 2011 11:35 am

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    Lavender Town/Afternoon(10)

    As the day progressed, Halloween kept moving, his steps were slow and heavy. His breathing was harsh as his sand like blood would fall from wounds he started to walk upstairs slowly. The day light made him slow...he was much more acostumed to the night.

    As he went to the first floor he heard something. He moved through inbetween the graves and tried to see what was making that strange noise...It seemed as if juicy berries were being squished in the small jaws of someone. Someone that entered his towers and will soon be in his claws.

    Age : 36
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    The LAVENDER Team - Page 3 Empty Re: The LAVENDER Team

    Post by Silverishness Sun Dec 11, 2011 3:55 pm

    Post 11

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    Sil's House| Afternoon

    Torrent's eyes never left the white pup wandering around the town, following something that only the canine knew. 'Maybe he's caught our scent...' he grumbled in his mind. He finished his food and silently waited for the smeargle to come near. He did, and soon, he was near the door, quietly chirping, "...Hello?"

    The large dragonite wasted no time. He darted to the door, then grabbed the white pup with massive paws much in the same way he grabbed the kid cubone. He did not, DID NOT, want any Infected near his home, and that meant removing anything that attracted attention toward it. His clawed paw over the pup's mouth, he snarled low into his ear as he closed the door to keep the pup shut.

    After close inspection, he found that the eyes were wide and completely white, indicating the thing was blind. He didn't smell of death, not like the Infected did. He looked him over in slight irritation; his food rations were only so big... "Therese, what should we do with it?" he asked in a low voice, letting his hold slacken.


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    The LAVENDER Team - Page 3 Empty Re: The LAVENDER Team

    Post by Min Sun Dec 11, 2011 8:08 pm

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    Lavender Town | Afternoon

    Therese gave a warm smile as she watched the young Cubone eat his meal. She felt satisfied to know that Noir was at least getting some sustenance inside of him. She noticed that the Smeargle had reached them, calling out. "Hello! Is anyone here?"

    And before she can speak, Torrent darted to the Smeargle and grabbed him, putting a hand over his mouth to mute any sound coming from it. She quietly analyzed their captive. Cketch's eyes indicated that he was blind, and the motherly Marowak immediately felt sorry for it. After all, the poor thing just got grabbed by something he couldn't even see.

    "Therese, what should we do with it?" She gave a quick sniff. The intruder didn't smell like the death scent the undead carried around. "He's... Not infected." she murmured, approaching the Painter Pokemon. "What's your name?" she asked gently, wanting to make sure that the Pokemon knew she meant no harm. "I'm Therese."

    Age : 37
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    The LAVENDER Team - Page 3 Empty Re: The LAVENDER Team

    Post by Fox Wed Dec 14, 2011 12:23 am

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    Lavender Town | Afternoon (11)

    Noir had been a bit put off by the sudden hostility that the giant dragon showed, and how quickly something that large could move, especially with such little provocation.

    Noir carefully put the can down next to him and picked up his plush. He had never seen a pokemon like the one that had been wandering the streets, and was curious to get a better look. He shuffled closer, hovering quietly behind the Marowak as she sniffed at it.
    "He's... Not infected. What's your name?"
    The motherly creature in front of him seemed to give her trust out freely, being kind to whoever happens across.
    Noir wondered how she survived as long as she did.
    Maybe she's actually really strong?
    He couldn't help but recall Iva. This Marowak reminded him alot of her; very kind and trusting, even to those who didn't really deserve it. The young Cubones' face grew dark underneath his mask- he hated thinking of Iva. It hurt too much.

    Noir watched the Smeargles' face with suspicion as he waited for its' answer.


    "What's the point in them being happy now if they're going to be sad later?
    The answer is, of course, because they're going to be sad later."

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    Age : 29
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    The LAVENDER Team - Page 3 Empty Re: The LAVENDER Team

    Post by Kaze Fri Dec 16, 2011 5:17 pm

    Lavender Town|Afternoon (8)

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    Cketch wriggles free, resisting the urge to bite down hard on the clawed paw until he tasted blood. Eating one of Them was very much inadvisable.
    "Cketch." he answers the warm bone scented one as he holds his tail at the ready.
    He quickly makes his away far away from the leathery dragon scent and gets his back to the wall before he gets confused by the new surroundings.
    "And you are?" he asks politely as he quickly tries to adjust to the contents of the room.

    Age : 28
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    The LAVENDER Team - Page 3 Empty Re: The LAVENDER Team

    Post by SkeletonCupcake Sun Dec 18, 2011 12:39 pm

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    Lavender Town||Pokemon Tower||Afternoon(5)

    Ivy shuddered softly, she felt like something or someone was watching her.Dropping the half eaten berry, Ivy looked around a bit, not showing fear even though she was scared."Hello?"She called out softly.Ivy wanted to stand up, to attack but she had a feeling she should wait until whatever it was, came closer.

    (OOC-Gah short post is short*flails*)

    Last edited by CrimsonKat on Sat Jan 21, 2012 2:29 am; edited 1 time in total

    The LAVENDER Team - Page 3 Empty Re: The LAVENDER Team

    Post by Guest Sun Dec 18, 2011 12:51 pm

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    Lavender Town/Afternoon(11)

    The clawing of his heavy feet dragging through the dirt echoed through the floor, his large figure towering over the graves. He could smell the scent of the berry that had been eaten...taking a deep breath his glowing red eyes scanned the area...There was someone here but wished to hide.

    A Soft voice called out in a shy greeting. His eyes immidiatly looked towards the sound, he could see a partially humanoid figure. His next victim was there. In slow steps he walked towards it. What ever would it be...his claws would curl around it, this thought made him grin with antecipation.

    Trick or treat...Give me something Sweet to Eat...

    Age : 36
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    The LAVENDER Team - Page 3 Empty Re: The LAVENDER Team

    Post by Silverishness Mon Dec 19, 2011 7:08 am

    Post 12

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    Sil's House| Afternoon

    Torrent watched as the blind pup nervously answered his question. "Cketch," he muttered quickly, adding a, "Who are you?" Torrent sighed and moved back to his corner of the room.

    "Torrent. And you're in my home, kid, so don't try to... mess things up, ok? And... sorry 'bout the... grab," he replied softly -and somewhat awkwardly- as he hunkered down again. He wanted to give the thing some food, but... he was already so short on supply... "Just calm down. Brought you in so the Dead wouldn't find us. You wanna go, then go, but you can't hang around here."


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    The LAVENDER Team - Page 3 Empty Re: The LAVENDER Team

    Post by Min Wed Dec 21, 2011 2:58 pm

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    Lavender Town | Afternoon

    Therese looked back out the window again. "It's nice to meet you, Cketch." she murmurs, eyeing the tower warily. She was still suspicious of it, she wanted to know what was in there. The Marowak didn't want the spirits of the dead disturbed. She quietly spoke up. "Cketch, you went near the tower, right? Did you detect anything?" She avoided using any words with sight, because she can easily tell the Smeargle was blind. He had no pupils. Besides, she didn't want to accidentally hit a nerve.

    The Marowak closed her eyes. She suddenly felt queasy, and her stomach was flipping around. Maybe it was the food? No, the food tasted perfectly fine and she had a strong stomach. She stiffened when her heart started to beat irregularly, feeling like she was going to gag. Suddenly, the feeling wash away. 'What was that?' she wondered silently, a frown on her face.

    Age : 37
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    The LAVENDER Team - Page 3 Empty Re: The LAVENDER Team

    Post by Fox Thu Dec 22, 2011 4:10 pm

    (Ooc- Please skip, Noir isn't doing much other than being his untrusting self, lol)


    "What's the point in them being happy now if they're going to be sad later?
    The answer is, of course, because they're going to be sad later."

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    Age : 29
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    The LAVENDER Team - Page 3 Empty Re: The LAVENDER Team

    Post by Kaze Thu Dec 22, 2011 5:02 pm

    Lavender Town|Afternoon (9)

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    "Many dead things. Dirt smells, stone smells." He says dismissively, getting fully used to the room and still feinting clumsiness.
    "There was one of Them too." He adds, hoping the bone scented pokemon would share food in exchange for information.
    " I don't know what kind of pokemon it was but it was tall, shorter then him" Cketch waves a paw at Torrent. "But taller then us and it smelt like hot sand... and blood but They all smell like blood. It also stopped moving when it got warmer so maybe it sleeps when it's cold?"
    He gives a shrug.
    "It's probably awake now."

    Age : 28
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    The LAVENDER Team - Page 3 Empty Re: The LAVENDER Team

    Post by SkeletonCupcake Sat Dec 24, 2011 3:58 pm

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    Lavender Town||Pokemon Tower||Late Afternoon(6)

    Ivy sighed and shook a bit.Looking down for a moment before stepping out from behind the gravestone to see who was approaching.When Ivy saw the Cacturne she gasped lightly.It was the most horrifying thing she had ever seen, yet somehow it was beautiful in its own way."Who are you?" Ivy asked, her voice shaking slightly from fear.

    (OOC-I promise this is the last short post for a while)

    Last edited by CrimsonKat on Sat Jan 21, 2012 2:30 am; edited 1 time in total

    The LAVENDER Team - Page 3 Empty Re: The LAVENDER Team

    Post by Guest Sat Dec 24, 2011 4:37 pm

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    Lavender Town/Late Afternoon(12)

    The figure came out of it's hidding. Halloween stopped, marveled by the courage. He loved when one would attempt to show it's courage to face him after he was infected. The creature seemed to be a beautiful Roserade, although the rose on the top of her head was Red and not white. Fascinating creature it is.

    Halloween walked towards her, his feet clawing at the ground and his claws running through the gravestones. He wanted to touch this strange creature...This strange creature...that was in HIS territory!

    Age : 36
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    The LAVENDER Team - Page 3 Empty Re: The LAVENDER Team

    Post by Silverishness Sun Dec 25, 2011 4:36 am

    Post 13

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    Sil's House| Late Afternoon

    Torrent was quiet as the pup spoke, watching the blind thing carefully, when Therese caught his attention. Her hide had turned a sickly pale and during the pup's story, she didn't look too hot. His sniffed and smelled something... odd... about her scent. Though, when she look as if about to gag, whatever was bothering her seemed to leave her. His eyes narrowed. What the hell had just happened to her?

    "There was one of Them too," Cketch added, catching the dragon's attention once more. "I don't know what kind of pokemon it was but it was tall, shorter than him." The pup waved a paw at Torrent. "But taller than us and it smelt like hot sand... and blood but They all smell like blood. It also stopped moving when it got warmer so maybe it sleeps when it's cold?"

    Torrent frowned. Sand? There wasn't really sand around for miles. Any beach was located in Vermillion; the beaches here were only wooden docks. And with height like the pup described it would probably... wait a minute...

    "...How can you see, kid?" he asked, keeping an eye on Therese and the other kid beside her. "Thought you were blind, with those eyes. How can you give us a description?" His tone wasn't mocking or taunting, it was more inquisitive, or at least about as inquisitive as his voice could be.


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    The LAVENDER Team - Page 3 Empty Re: The LAVENDER Team

    Post by Min Tue Dec 27, 2011 12:00 pm

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    Lavender Town | Afternoon

    " I don't know what kind of pokemon it was but it was tall, shorter then him. But taller then us and it smelt like hot sand... and blood but They all smell like blood. It also stopped moving when it got warmer so maybe it sleeps when it's cold?" Cketch shrugged. "It's probably awake now."

    Then Torrent brought something up. "...How can you see, kid? Thought you were blind, with those eyes. How can you give us a description?" Therese nodded. 'He's right. How does he know our heights being blind? The scents were understandable but...' She kept quiet, waiting for what the Smeargle had to say.

    Age : 37
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    The LAVENDER Team - Page 3 Empty Re: The LAVENDER Team

    Post by Fox Thu Dec 29, 2011 12:58 am

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    Lavender Town | Afternoon (11)

    Noir sat quietly behind the Marowak, listening to everyone talk.
    He stayed quiet until the blind one mentioned the Thing in the tower.
    The Cubone started to shiver, and began to cling to his Pikachu harder.

    "...How can you see, kid? Thought you were blind, with those eyes. How can you give us a description?" Noir sighed.
    He probably could hear the breathing, or even when it talked...That would be a good place to start at guessing how tall something is...
    He didn't say anything about that though. Instead, he got up, holding his plush and whispered, "It was a desert Pokemon. It looked like a cactus with a big hat...he did smell like blood. He had blood everywhere on him..." Noir looked at all of them, then continued.
    "He was nice to me...he gave me candy. But then..." Noirs' voice cracked as his eyes started to tear up. He fell silent as he backed up to sit against the wall, cradling his plush.

    "He's dead now, except for he's breathing." He whispered to himself.


    "What's the point in them being happy now if they're going to be sad later?
    The answer is, of course, because they're going to be sad later."

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