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8 posters

    The CORONET Team


    The CORONET Team - Page 10 Empty Re: The CORONET Team

    Post by Guest Thu Sep 27, 2012 1:36 am

    [Ooc: skip, do to negligence, I lost track of the day OTL]

    The CORONET Team - Page 10 Empty Re: The CORONET Team

    Post by Guest Thu Sep 27, 2012 5:26 pm

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    Mt.Coronet | LKT: Late Evening (4)

    "You're never gonna catch meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! I'm super duper fast!" said a wild Espeon with a hat,"I'm like Speedy Gonzales if Speedy had Skittles! I had some skittles! Woo hoo! I'm all jacked up on some rainbow!" WAOH! thought the Luxray, This guy is cool! Apparently, Phineas had some child left in him, because now he's craving Skittles. But that feeling left him when Phineas looked behind the "Dapper Fellow", what Benton calls him, and saw an undead Excadrill. Not another undead. Phineas moaned and put the first move, He used Swagger on it. It staggered backwards and stared at the group.

    ((OoC: Sorry for the shortness. I can't think of anything to say. F*** YOU WRITERS BLOCK!))

    The CORONET Team - Page 10 Empty Re: The CORONET Team

    Post by Guest Sat Sep 29, 2012 8:43 am

    Skip.... no CPU to post with. CURSE YOU SMART PHONES

    Age : 26
    Posts : 1035

    The CORONET Team - Page 10 Empty Re: The CORONET Team

    Post by Negative10 Mon Oct 01, 2012 11:49 pm

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    Mt. Coronet | LKT: Late Evening

    "... I would like to find this answer too, Benton. I'd like to join on your voyage to see Him." BT smiled gladly at Vortex's agreement to come along on his (faith?) journey, alongside with a little relief. But it was then and there that they had to help their new friend -- there was no time to waste! The Shieldon hopped after the running Espeon, laughter bubbling up as he watched Missy Skittles being chased by the fiendish Excadrill. The Luxray was quick to aid the psychic type, using a mighty Swagger upon the enemy. Fantastic! He beamed, seeing his chance to help out. Of course, Benton was admittedly not the best fighter with only one attacking move (Tackle isn't always greatest technique), but he had heart, and a lot of it! The Shield Pokemon charged right past the Excadrill without another thought and towards the Espeon.

    "Hold up now, good stranger!" BT called out to her, waving a stubby paw to tell her to stop running. He was so very excited to finally meet a psychic type and actually talk to them, wondering if the rumors of seeing the past and future were truth. A grand shiver past the spine as he imagined the lengthy discussions of his future fortune Benton was bound to have sooner or later! Ooh, he just had to talk to the Espeon now...! Eyes wide with respect the Shieldon neighed to his newest acquaintance once more. "Talk, talk we should do!"

    He slowed down to a trot, which lessened until he was at a complete stop. Maybe he was being too greedy, too full of avarice? Maybe instead of asking of his own wonderful future, he should ask of all their futures in general? Who was going to die first, or who was going to have kids first? Or was that too personal? Benton cocked his head in question, his mental train running in circles as he continued to debate whether or not it was better to ask of such a mighty scribe.

    The CORONET Team - Page 10 Empty Re: The CORONET Team

    Post by Guest Fri Oct 05, 2012 7:30 am

    OoC please skip

    The CORONET Team - Page 10 Empty Re: The CORONET Team

    Post by Guest Mon Oct 08, 2012 10:31 am

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    Mt.Coronet | LKT: Late Evening (5)

    Phineas smirked at little Benton as, what he thought was about to be a Tackle, racing towards the Espeon, trying to make him slow down. Apparently he didn't know, Skittles are like drugs to Pokemon. The Excadrill, still dazed and confused was stumbling around and almost fell on Benton. Phineas couldn't use his electric move because, well he is a ground type. Phineas wanted to finish this quick and easy so he repeatedly used Bite. When the Excadrill was almost defeated, he looked to see what Benton and Espeon were doing. Well, Benton and Espeon had slowed and started talking. Good, We need a new member, Phineas thought. The big lion, to finish the battle, let out a mighty Roar. The undead Pokemon was blasted against the wall and crumbled to the floor, re-dead.

    Phineas was quickly to sit next to Vortex because she was the closest thing to a friend, well because they're both new. So how'd you like my move, Phineas said to Vortex, My trainer taught me that.

    The CORONET Team - Page 10 Empty Re: The CORONET Team

    Post by Guest Mon Oct 08, 2012 3:51 pm

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    Coronet, Late Evening(2)

    "Don't hurt the nice moley mole! We were playing chase!"

    She still smiled as she went over the deceases Excadrill, using her psychic powers to try and get him to move, not comprehending that he was really dead-dead this time. Frowning, though it was not out of sadness, was portrayed upon her face suddenly as she turned around, her ears drooping sadly. She wasn't really sad. Truth be told she wasn't capable of it. But Helena wanted them to feel bad for killing her playmate so abruptly.

    "Well... there goes Dig Dug. He was gonna be my new bestest friend! But now he's super duper wuper dead."

    She let her ears and tail fly back up into the air again, and she bounced happily over to the Shieldon, smiling widely as she regarded the fossil.


    Helena bounced in elation around the kind pokemon, skipping and singing and being so full of vigor and glee she couldn't control it. It got so severe her hat fell off! Then there was a mildly amusing scene where she chased the hat and returned back upon her head, still singing and bouncing all the while.

    "Now... I'm super excited! All that fun! Meeting all you people! Somebody hug me!"

    ((HUG THE FURRY PINK KITTY. You know you want to.))

    Age : 26
    Posts : 1035

    The CORONET Team - Page 10 Empty Re: The CORONET Team

    Post by Negative10 Wed Oct 10, 2012 10:01 pm

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    Mt. Coronet | LKT: Late Evening

    "YOU CAN BE MY NEW BESTEST FRIEND! ... Somebody hug me!" Benton laughed at that, at the glorious and happy tone of her voice. What good times they were sure to have! The Shieldon trotted after her, neighing in good tiding.

    "Of course I am your bestest friend! I'm everyone's buddy!" He exalted, sitting on his hind legs as he looked on with great optimism. BT knew that he was unable to look at anything in anything worse than good willed (did that make sense?), but he couldn't change that! Everyone had a story, everyone grew from what they once were; the Shieldon knew that even the baddest of the bad had some sort of background. So that meant that even the silliest of Pokemon had their own deals and thoughts. With that, he looked at the moving dead-not-dead Excadrill, tilting his head backwards as laughter escaped him.

    Xerxes was probably off on his own world again, and 'Tex and Phineas were having a good conversation he bet, and Osmund was being the cool guy as always. Clearing his throat, Benton nudged the Espeon. "I am Benton, BT! And we have to move on, I say! To the Spear Pillar we must go onwards. Our destiny awaits!" Nodding in good determination, the Shieldon gave a small jump and began his way further into Mount Coronet.

    [ooc: realized that BT never introduced himself, and that despite being on page 16 this team hasn't gotten that far into the mountain. LOL]

    The CORONET Team - Page 10 Empty Re: The CORONET Team

    Post by Guest Sat Oct 13, 2012 2:23 am

    ((ooc: skip. have too much going on right now))

    The CORONET Team - Page 10 Empty Re: The CORONET Team

    Post by Guest Sat Oct 13, 2012 12:39 pm

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    Mt.Coronet | LKT: Late Evening (6)

    Phineas gradually followed BT as they walked further into the dark depths of the Mountain to Spear Pillar to find Arceus. Phineas lit up his fangs to more clearly. Being the second biggest Pokemon in the group, Phineas walked right behind BT. One, for protecting him, and Two, for comfort. Nowadays, he feels left out, alone. Like as if no one likes him. Phineas tries to be nice but he can lose his temper easily if you say the right/wrong thing. It's like disarming a bomb, if you cut the wrong wire...BOOM. So sometimes he tries to stay distant in his thoughts. He thinks of all the good times with his trainer, the fun battling, the exotic foods and places, also the playful banter between him and Phineas. But then people snap him out of it because he is about to run into a wall or something.

    [color:1564=#F7D02CWhy...Why did I have to stop liking battles, I would be with my trainer right now, enjoying some finger cakes. Phineas thought while tearing up. They were excellent friends and now the Trainer's probably dead. That's why he wants to see Arceus, to bring his trainer to him. He could care less for the undead, he at least would die with the person he loved the most. But then again, he shouldn't have been so stubborn! Phineas is starting to get a little mad, JUST BECAUSE I DIDN'T LIKE BATTLING!! Phineas was so angry, and all of a sudden and rammed right into the cave wall, so hard it started to fall and behind there was a staircase. Sorry... Phineas said. He was sooo embarrassed.

    ((OoC: I have no idea what part of the cave we're in, I think we are heading away from the entrance. LOL!!))

    The CORONET Team - Page 10 Empty Re: The CORONET Team

    Post by Guest Mon Oct 15, 2012 3:59 pm

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    Coronet Cave, Evening(3)

    Helena skipped after the Shieldon, babbling on about things such as her friends in Saffron, her life as a magician. Various things that she said so fast they most likely would zoom past the heads of any near her without catching a word of what she said. As she gabbled and babbled about herself and everything else under the sun, she bounced beside the Shieldon, not really walking..... but literally bouncing. Like a bouncy ball you buy from those quarter machines in super markets. Only this one was furry and pink and wouldn't shut up.

    She began to get confused as to where they were going, because she hadn't really listened to the little Shieldon, even though he was now her "bestest" friend.
    "Mr. Shieldon? Where are we going?"

    Not really noticing where they were in the gloom of the cave she concentrated till the gem on her forehead glowed with energy and cast a bright pink light ahead of them to see by. It was.... very, very, very dark.

    The CORONET Team - Page 10 Empty Re: The CORONET Team

    Post by Guest Sat Oct 20, 2012 12:39 am

    (skip, tired, sleepy, confused, lost, and not sure which day I am on)

    Posts : 3

    The CORONET Team - Page 10 Empty Re: The CORONET Team

    Post by Claydol Sun Oct 28, 2012 3:44 pm

    The caves were so peaceful. The quiet, tranquil atmosphere pleased the Harbinger to no end as it drifted down the darkened passages of its empire. But there was noise then. A dreadful crashing combined with light voices ricocheting off the once silent walls. Claydol radiated hate, the sudden fluctuation of its psychic powers the only insight to its fury.


    Disgusted, its broad, cracked face was void of emotion as the Harbinger drifted onwards. A large, cavernous wound revealed the psychic’s innards, gory and throbbing as an incredible psychic ability held everything in place. Glimpse of its still heart was sheltered by thick, rotting skin – black with death.

    Then, it saw them.

    It was a group of pathetic creatures with the nerve to disturb the beautiful silence with their own mindless chatter. Half of Claydol’s blank, red eyes fell onto the luxray. The feline, he was the one responsible.

    The enormous psychic drifted forward, held aloft with its own psychic powers as it passed through the gathering, slow and oozing threat. A chill was left in its wake as Claydol halted before its target, the creature oblivious to death lurking just behind.

    There was no sound.

    Before it could scream, cry out in terror, the electric-type was hoisted in the air akin to a mere rag doll. Locked in a psychic bubble, Claydol was motionless as it regarded the limp feline, rotated to face its attacker. The luxray was helpless. Left staring terrified and open-jawed at the Harbinger in an image of encased, unfathomable terror, Claydol continued to stare. There was no emotion, no sign of life within the beast.


    Whilst the cave remained still, Claydol’s telepathic order for the luxray’s mind had devastating effects. In a fraction of a second, the feline’s head had burst. Blood and brain matter splattered across in a gruesome explosion, raining down on the creature’s companions whilst a headless corpse was left floating before them.

    The Harbinger was pleased.

    Dropping the body, Claydol needn't turn as it left the scene in the same eerie quiet as it had arrived. Blind to the remaining creatures, the Harbinger was sure they had got the message. As a final warning, it gave a telepathic hiss whilst departing into the darkness that had spawned it.

    ~Dead Silence~

    The CORONET Team - Page 10 Empty Re: The CORONET Team

    Post by Guest Mon Oct 29, 2012 5:20 pm

    (skip.... aye aye aye)

    Age : 26
    Posts : 1035

    The CORONET Team - Page 10 Empty Re: The CORONET Team

    Post by Negative10 Fri Nov 02, 2012 4:20 pm

    [ooc: skip please, don't have time ;-;]

    Age : 28
    Posts : 1234

    The CORONET Team - Page 10 Empty Re: The CORONET Team

    Post by Catalyst Thu Nov 15, 2012 10:56 pm

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    | Mt. Coronet // LKT: Late Evening |

    Vortex froze, seeing the harbinger take Phineas and explode his head with the mere force of its will and psychic power. She had been jumbled up before with all the commotion, but it seemed like all the confusion went away in a split second, seeing the pieces of cranium and brain matter splatter across the cave floor. She hadn't enough breath to gasp as blood splattered across her chest in a long, gash looking streak. She looked down at her chest, then up to the murder, a horrified expression on her face. She then noticed everyone had just seemingly disappeared, probably scared away in fright. So, she instinctively walked toward Benton. Slowly, step by step, her claws scraping the dirt, she backed away from the Claydol and the Luxray, who's body had dropped to the ground. The doll turned away, hissing with a cold tone that made Vortex's scales and skin crawl. She trembled slightly, feeling her back touch the cave wall. Beads of luke warm sweat spilled down her flesh. She had seen three gruesome killings by these monstrous creatures - harbingers - already. She was sick of it at this point. Purely disgusted.... What had this world come to?
    "... G--Guys...?" she whispered, panting softly from her heart racing. Her expression was slightly distant, her mind spacing out from the trauma as she stared at the floor.
    "I think we should get going...." she stopped looking at the floor, now moving her blurry vision up to look at the two she had left, the Cacturne and the Shieldon. For now, she was glad there was someone.


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    Just hold out against the night

    And guard your hope with your life

    Age : 28
    Posts : 1078

    The CORONET Team - Page 10 Empty Re: The CORONET Team

    Post by SkeletonCupcake Mon Nov 19, 2012 12:29 pm

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    Mount Coronet||LKT: Late Evening(1)(1)

    Elliot flapped his wings lightly as he flew above the cavern floor. His younger companion just below him as they explored the inside of Mt. Coronet. It was just over a year now since the infection hit and the duo came here to the caverns below Spear Pillar seeking shelter from the chaos. Luckily both were accustomed to living on little to no food for long periods of time.

    The pair continued in silence, simply enjoying the company of one an other. Elliot keeping his eye out above while Eadion kept an eye on the ground below her paws. They continued like this until the unmistakable scent of blood and death invaded the large, blue birds nostrils. "Eadion, wait. I smell blood." He stated, his voice filled with disgust as he followed the scent. Elliot turned his head making sure that the Fresh Snow Pokemon followed at a safe distance. Following the stench of blood Elliot located a seemingly distraught Charmeleon who appeared to be living along with two others. For now he waited on the sidelines his wing-beats falling silent as he landed next to a rock which his friend resided behind.

    Eadion padded along quietly below her winged friend Elliot. Her stomach complained at her for the lack of nutrients it had been receiving but she shook her head and ignored it. She couldn't lie to herself though, the travels through the caverns were beginning to take their toll on her. Without a word of complaint Eadion continued to walk beneath her feathered companion.

    The young Glaceon halted when Elliot did."Eadion, wait. I smell blood."He had said. Eadion instinctively fell behind and began walking slower staying a safe distance back from the large bird. She followed in silence until Elliot landed abruptly next to a large boulder. Not wishing to be engaged in the chaos unless she had to, Eadion remained hidden behind said boulder.

    (Back again guys 8U)

    Age : 26
    Posts : 1035

    The CORONET Team - Page 10 Empty Re: The CORONET Team

    Post by Negative10 Tue Nov 20, 2012 11:46 pm

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    Mt. Coronet | LKT: Late Evening

    Dead silence.

    Benton the Shieldon was an optimist -- that was proven many times over when he tried to make his friends happy. He loved to see smiles appear on others faces, simply because seeing them happy made him joyful also. Happiness was a contagious germ that the little Pokemon wouldn't mind getting over and over. Yet when the combatant to cheerfulness begins to sprout and leech until all that is left is a sadness, BT is at a loss.

    He's at a loss when his friend's head explodes right in front of him.

    He was at a loss when his friends disappeared without reason, or when they died in a rock fall.

    The dual type stared in confusion for a moment without comprehension, as if he were trying to will the reality to disappear. He couldn't have died... A horrible pit had opened up within his stomach, and the rocks that he had previously eaten threatened to reemerge. What had just happened? This couldn't have just been a hit and run; where was the intent? Flashes of his earlier days when he found his owner's house smothered in blood and gore came to the forefront of his mind, but the Shieldon withstood it. "I think we should get going..." He raised his eyes to the Charmeleon in something akin to fear -- a friend... just died...! -- but in the next moment he was shaking his head roughly.

    He had seen death, accepted that it was an undeniable part of life; but Arceus, did it pain him every time he had to witness the event. Stomach still churning with unease, BT tried to prep himself up. He was alive, and wherever the Luxray was, it was a tad better than where the Shieldon stood. No more pain, suffering, sadness... Arceus, receive him well. There was something comforting in the fact that the god that they were going towards had brought Phineas into his abode. The Luxray wasn't dead, he just passed on! A calm expression washed over the little herbivore as he nudged Vortex in comfort.

    "You're right, 'Tex," Benton spoke in a gentle voice, although it was obvious that he was quickly recovering from the death of their friend. "We've got nothing left except to go to Arceus -- he will answer all our questions then." He looked at Ozzy and Vortex, his voice more serious as his eyes hardened. "We can't go back anymore."

    His words echoed in his mind as he slowly twisted his head and looked down the cavern. One last glance at the decapitated body of the Luxray, BT began his slow trot within Mount Coronet. I'm okay, I'm okay... He repeated in his mind, trying not to let the ache in his heart worry him too much. He wasn't pushing away Phineas' death, or deflecting his fear; he was being responsible and being the leader... right?

    Age : 28
    Posts : 1234

    The CORONET Team - Page 10 Empty Re: The CORONET Team

    Post by Catalyst Thu Nov 22, 2012 1:05 pm

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    | Mt. Coronet // LKT: Late Evening |

    Vortex looked down at Benton as he nudged her.

    "You're right, 'Tex. We've got nothing left except to go to Arceus -- he will answer all our questions then."

    Vortex nodded slightly, her face blank. But inside, she was swirling with emotions. Why did everyone have to die? Why did these pokemon kill innocent pokemon? This infection was nothing but a curse. The only thing that it ever did any good to was getting her out of her life of shame. … She still felt guilty over leaving her owners behind. How could she feel guilty when they treated her so badly…? She sighed, and shook her head. Dwelling on the past in this epidemic was something you should never do. She watched Benton’s face become stern.

    "We can't go back anymore."

    Vortex paused a moment, taking in what he said. We can’t go back. We can never go back. Even if he meant his own meaning to that, we can’t dwell in the past. We gotta move forward now…. Her face became a slightly determined look, and she gave the Shieldon a curt and affirmative nod. She watched as he turned to look at the dead body one last time, before turning around and, in less than his usually happy manner, jogged into the cave. Vortex looked to the Cacturne and walked in behind Benton. Arceus would help, right? What if Arceus just didn’t care? What if he had better things to do? They were his children for god’s sake, how could he leave them to suffer and die? She guessed she’d get her answers solved someday. Hopefully sooner than later.

    (OoC: Short and crappy post is short and crappyyy. *flails* xD)


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    Just hold out against the night

    And guard your hope with your life

    The CORONET Team - Page 10 Empty Re: The CORONET Team

    Post by Guest Mon Nov 26, 2012 8:15 pm

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    [center]Mt. Coronet/LKT: Late Evening(23)

    Osmund simply stared with a deadpan expression when the luxray's skull exploded into a delicious mist of blood and bone shrapnel, some of the gore that had hit his body almost instantly being drunk up by his dry skin. His focus on the corpse too great to fully hear what Benton said, but he nodded as acknowledgment before the tiny guy turned around and began to trot bitter sweetly toward Arceus' lair with the fucking lizard not too far behind him. Seeing his only opertunity the Cacturne glanced back at the two before walking over toward the feline's corpse.

    Glancing once more at the two who were a good distance away by then, the Scarecrow Pokemon lost any feeling of impending judgement and knelt down next to the body before Jamming his arm into the throat hole and inching it as far as he could into the body cavity, the pores on his arm all expanding to take in the sweet red life nectar that was coagulating in the deceased Pokemon's body, a pleased smile began to form on Osmund's rounded face as his tension level dropped, and his skin began to grow more vivid in pigment. Slowly but with effort he began to remove his arm from the body, having parasited off of the Luxray's corpse, he at least owed it the dignity to not mar it's body any more. As he began to trudge at a half jog back toward Benton and the Charmleon, he heard something. A click, or more appropriately a clack as a pebble nearby one of the many looming tunnel-corridors rolled a bit as if disturbed by something. Pivoting sharply, the cacturn pointed both of his arms toward the source of the sound and narrowed his eyes as spikes and needles began to grow out of his arms, pointing in the direction of the disturbance.

    " Benton! ...Fire chameleon.... I think there's still something following us, kill it now? or wait for it to come bite us in the ass later?"

    (Ooc: sorry for low quality of post, I rushed it a bit, but hey now i'm back in the posting groove :D)

    Last edited by ReD RuM on Fri Mar 22, 2013 9:16 pm; edited 1 time in total

    Age : 28
    Posts : 1078

    The CORONET Team - Page 10 Empty Re: The CORONET Team

    Post by SkeletonCupcake Wed Nov 28, 2012 2:15 pm

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    Mount Coronet||LKT: Late Evening(2)(2)

    "Benton! ...Fire chameleon.... I think there's still something following us, kill it now? or wait for it to come bite us in the ass later?"

    Elliot chuckled as the Scarecrow Pokemon pointed him at the very least out. He looked to Eadion and nodded for her to follow him as he further approached the Cacturne and his rag-tag group. Curtly extending his wing towards the grass-type before him in a gesture of greeting his beak opened. "Hello there fellow traveler and survivor. I am Elliot and this youngster is my companion Eadion. Who might you be?" Elliot said as politely as he could though a hint of cynicism slipped through and found its way into his speech.

    Elliot's red eyes washed over the Cacturne looking for hints of infection. Finding none the Honchrow's eyes traveled over his companion. The corners of his beak nearly turned up in a smile when Elliot saw Eadion's oversized crown tilting to the side. His free wing quickly righting the relic. Looking back towards the Cacturne he waited with an air of smugness about him for the others response.

    Eadion followed Elliot moving from behind her hiding spot. She smiled and listened intently to the conversation, tilting her head to the side slightly as she looked up towards her avian friend. Her Relic Crown tilting a bit, threatening to fall but before she could move to right it Elliot had already done so.

    Turning her attention back to the Scarecrow pokemon she giggled. Even if it didn't seem right she had never seen a pokemon wearing a tie before. It amused her. Continuing to softly giggle at the Cacturnes silly appearance Eadion could not bring herself to introduce herself as her laughter was overcoming her.

    Age : 26
    Posts : 1035

    The CORONET Team - Page 10 Empty Re: The CORONET Team

    Post by Negative10 Fri Nov 30, 2012 11:28 pm

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    Mt. Coronet | LKT: Late Evening

    Benton was a patient little tyke, mostly because he had plenty of time to work on the skill. Wait a million years in fossilization? Done! Stay completely still to avoid the infected? Hardly a problem. It was funny how the Shieldon knew that there was a point where others would have become impatient, but he had always taken his time. He took things in stride, and in turn he used that tailwind behind him to push him forward. It's not about the destination, but the journey! He thought sagely as he twisted his head at Ozzy's call. Vortex was walking alongside him, and he nudged her leg in affection. They were weary travelers, but hey, let's brave the road together and stick to the end. The thought of companionship made BT's spirits rise, and he listened in as the two new Pokemon introduced themselves.

    "Elliot! Eadion! Hiya!" He hollered from his standpoint a few feet away, raising a paw and waving it enthusiastically. How lucky they were to have found new friends, especially within the large cavity that is Mount Coronet. BT trotted back easily with a hop in his step, looking up to see Osmund. "Looking greener with each passing moment, my good brother." He said with a solemn nod, though his eyes twinkled as if he were about to laugh. Out of the Pokemon around him, he knew this slick Cacturne the longest -- it was such a blessing and a curse, knowing the deaths and abrupt leavings of friends they faced. An easygoing grin still playing on his mouth, the ancient Pokemon did a funny bow by deep his head downward and sticking his rump upward. "I am Benton, and we are the spectacular Team Coronet!"

    His laughter neighed just as the Glaceon's (Eadion!) was, and Benton looked at his other friends, his other teammates. "Do you like the title, my fellow survivors? Our bond defines us, yes!" He explained with fervor, looking at the insecure Vortex, to the savvy Osmund -- to the gleeful Eadion and the self-righteous Elliot. "We inevitably face a lot of things that will hurt us in more ways than one, but we have to remember that we've gone through it together. This bond, as different individuals and awkward friends and even funny relatives; what's a better way than to describe it as a team?" BT couldn't help the briefest shade of grief that followed his words, but he was determined to stay optimistic about the situation. If he wasn't optimistic, than what was he? A sad Benton? Unthinkable!

    "Of course, you two still have the choice to join us, hehe." He added in awkwardly, realizing he had gone off on his own tangent.

    Age : 28
    Posts : 1234

    The CORONET Team - Page 10 Empty Re: The CORONET Team

    Post by Catalyst Sun Dec 02, 2012 4:35 am

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    | Mt. Coronet // LKT: Late Evening |

    Vortex had stopped when she heard voices. She had almost ignored the cacti pokemon, but when there was the noise of pokemon that she didn't know, she snapped to attention.

    "Hello there fellow traveler and survivor. I am Elliot and this youngster is my companion Eadion. Who might you be?"

    Benton had brushed against her as he turned to look towards the newcomers.

    "Elliot! Eadion! Hiya!"

    He trotted past the Cacturne, his head bobbing slightly to him as he muttered to the succulent. Vortex quietly walked forward, standing a little bit behind the Shieldon as he bowed awkwardly.

    "I am Benton, and we are the spectacular Team Coronet! Do you like the title, my fellow survivors? Our bond defines us, yes!"

    Vortex nodded at Benton, softly smiling in approval. The other groups of pokemon she'd seen hadn't bothered to mention an official name for the unity of survivors in the area. Team Coronet was at least a team name. It is who they are; surviving in a mountain that's home to Arceus. The Charmeleon looked up, her eyes focusing on the bird and canid creature. Well they seemed uninfected.... She still wasnt sure about them, though. Benton continued gleefully.

    "We inevitably face a lot of things that will hurt us in more ways than one, but we have to remember that we've gone through it together. This bond, as different individuals and awkward friends and even funny relatives; what's a better way than to describe it as a team? ...Of course, you two still have the choice to join us, hehe."

    They were an odd bunch. But they were an awesomely odd bunch. Benton seemed to be the master of speeches. She admired him for his optimism; something she always tried to keep, even in the face of the epidemic. She looked back to the new pokemon.
    "I'm Vortex.... Pleased to meet you both." she said quietly, addressing them by making eye contact with each of them. She eyed all members of the group, awaiting a response from the pair.


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    Just hold out against the night

    And guard your hope with your life

    The CORONET Team - Page 10 Empty Re: The CORONET Team

    Post by Guest Wed Dec 05, 2012 8:45 pm

    (Ooc: skip, lets just say that Osmund lowered his arms and retracted his spikes while still eyeing over the newcomers cynically before crossing his arms and blatantly saying his name in a rude tone.)

    Age : 28
    Posts : 1078

    The CORONET Team - Page 10 Empty Re: The CORONET Team

    Post by SkeletonCupcake Thu Dec 06, 2012 7:34 am

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    Mount Coronet||LKT: Late Evening(3)(3)

    Elliot seemed to smile again when introductions were over. Though something was obviously bothering him and it wasn't Osmund's rude behavior. No he remembered meeting another that went by the same name of Team Coronet even though he or she had no visible companions. Trying to think and recall a sudden outburst from Eadion snapped him from his thoughts.

    "Oh so you guys are the ones that weird snake thingy was on about. I think her name was Adriana? No...Ariel?...Aria! That's it her name was Aria." Eadion babbled, obviously thinking the same thin or near the same thing as he had. The crow like Pokemon chuckled and mindlessly ran his feathers over his Shell Bell and Amulet Coin as the group continued to converse. At least Eadion was enjoying herself and no one was going to hurt her. As far as he could predict anyway.

    Eadion was twitching with excitement over the group of individuals. They all seemed to be pretty cool though the cactus looking one didn't seem very happy about their arrival though she was unsure why. Blinking when she heard the team name her mouth immediately opened to respond. "Oh so you guys are the ones that weird snake thingy was on about. I think her name was Adriana? No...Ariel?...Aria! That's it her name was Aria." The ice type said without pause.

    Sitting excitedly her tail wagged, she hoped for some sort of positive response. But her envy of the bond the team shared was starting to get to her, causing her to snuggle close to her avian companion to prevent herself from getting hissy and mad at them for something so trivial.

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