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5 posters

    Kavi the Growlithe [[Colosseum]]


    Kavi the Growlithe [[Colosseum]] Empty Kavi the Growlithe [[Colosseum]]

    Post by Guest Wed Jul 24, 2013 2:46 am

    Kavi the Growlithe [[Colosseum]] OtJmA0h


    Item N/A
    Gender Male
    Age Young Adolescent
    Species #058, Growlithe:The Puppy Pokémon
    Height 2' 2" [A little shorter]
    Weight 41.1 lbs [A little lighter]
    Pokédex Entry A Pokémon with a loyal nature. It will remain motionless until it is given an order by its Trainer.
    Level 12
    Ability Flash Fire
    Nature Timid
    Characteristic Quick to flee
    Moves - Ember [Lvl Up]
    - Heat Wave [Egg Move]
    - Bite [Lvl Up]
    - Roar [Lvl Up]
    History Kavi was born into a large pack of Growlithes, a clan which often had a hard time supporting itself.  There never seemed to be enough food around to feed all of them.  Kavi didn't notice this at first, however, as pups were often the first to feed.  As a young pup Kavi spent nearly all of his time play fighting with the other pups, and occasionally going on little 'escapades' around the grasslands.  However, his parents, as well as the rest of the pack, were always careful to keep a close eye on him and the other pups.  He never really knew why.

    One day during one of his 'escapades' Kavi and two of the other pups, Kitchi and Mo, managed to run into a small group of Vaporeons.  The Vaporeons apparently weren't very happy to see them, because they started shooting water type attacks at the young Growlithes.

    Startled and rather surprised, all three growlithes stumbled backward before turning and fleeing back toward the pack.  The Vaporeons gave pursuit, until a few of the pack adults stepped in and took the Vaporeons head on while the others tended to the frightened, but thankfully not badly hurt, pups.  

    The whole experience must've phased Kavi quite a bit, because after that he refused to go more than ten feet away from his mother.  He clung to her side like sap to a tree, becoming rather shy and fearful of nearly everything.  He refused to play with the other pups, staying away from anything and everything that was even the slightest unusual.

    Then the epidemic hit.  At first there were just rumors, pokémon coming back to life after their death, attacking anything and everything in sight.  Kavi didn't believe it, and neither did the rest of the pack.  Until they saw their first undead.  It was a Vulpix.  The poor thing was missing a leg, and had a murdurous look in it's now bright red eyes.  Kavi had spotted it from behind the refuge of his mom.  The pack made quick work of the Vulpix, but the Vulpix wasn't the only one.

    Soon more and more came, slowly invading the grasslands they lived in.  His pack fought back, but eventually his pack started being corrupted as well.  It got to the point where it was only him and two of the adults, his mother and one of the lead males.  The grasslands at that point had become entirely corrupted, and they were planning on fleeing that morning.

    Morning arrived and the small trio began their trek across the grasslands.  At first everything was quiet.  Too quiet.  As they began to near the edge of the grasslands with still not a peep from the undead pokémon, they were suddenly swarmed with tons of them.  The pokémon seemed to come out of nowhere, coming at them in all directions.  

    The lead male and Kavi's mother fought back, but it soon became apparent that there was simply too many of them.  The lead male instructed Kavi and his mother to flee while he held them off.  Kavi's mother gave a moments hesitation before turning and fleeing, Kavi in close pursuit.  Kavi did not risk glancing back for fear of what he would see.  A few of the infected pokémon noticed them as they fled, pursuing them.  One of the pokémon, a Vaporeon, launched a water type attack on Kavi's mother.  The attack hit dead on and Kavi's mother stumbled, falling down and skidding to a halt on the ground.

    Kavi called out to his unmoving mother, stopping a few feet away from her.  His mother did not respond, and instead lay there on the ground.  The infected pokémon were growing closer, and Kavi, not knowing what to do, turned and fled, tears streaming in his eyes.  He did not look back.  He couldn't.  He couldn't think straight.  He couldn't do anything.  He couldn't do anything but run.  So that was what he did.
    Appearance Kavi is a normal Growlithe, if not a bit small.
    Personality Kavi is very shy, and does his best to run or hide from anything and everything that he deems could pose even the smallest threat.  Because of this he tends to have an unnatural fear of virtually everything, especially things bigger than him, which he does his best to avoid at all costs.
    User Notes Text Color - #F77503
    -Father was Arcanine

    Last edited by Gunia on Thu Jul 25, 2013 2:48 am; edited 3 times in total

    Kavi the Growlithe [[Colosseum]] Empty Re: Kavi the Growlithe [[Colosseum]]

    Post by Guest Wed Jul 24, 2013 4:04 am

    Ready to be moved to Main Computer

    Age : 32
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    Kavi the Growlithe [[Colosseum]] Empty Re: Kavi the Growlithe [[Colosseum]]

    Post by NyraXerz Wed Jul 24, 2013 12:04 pm

    X3 For your first profile this looks very good~ I just wanted to note that the level appears a little high for the age of the character. Level in relation to age is a tricky thing, but I know I've seen it mentioned on others who were looking for profile approval that generally the level cap for someone of adolescent age is 30.

    This can also depend on the training received and such, but it appears that Kavi has not had much experience in battle to compensate for this. I know by lowering the level he would no longer be able to know the move flamethrower by level-up, put perhaps one of the pack members was an ex-trainer pokemon and knew how to use tms and passed it along? Or heat wave is a similar move that can be passed by breeding by means of having an arcanine father who knows the move.


    Kavi the Growlithe [[Colosseum]] Yx8XtF9

    "Light thinks it travels faster than anything but it is wrong. No matter how fast light travels, it finds the darkness has always gotten there first, and is waiting for it."
    Larka's Art Shop

    Age : 25
    Posts : 1556

    Kavi the Growlithe [[Colosseum]] Empty Re: Kavi the Growlithe [[Colosseum]]

    Post by Duma Wed Jul 24, 2013 2:40 pm

    Ah yes, good points Nyra x3 I helped her out via skype with this profile, I'll mention this to her when she's next online.

    Kavi the Growlithe [[Colosseum]] Empty Re: Kavi the Growlithe [[Colosseum]]

    Post by Guest Wed Jul 24, 2013 6:16 pm

    NyraXerz wrote:X3 For your first profile this looks very good~ I just wanted to note that the level appears a little high for the age of the character. Level in relation to age is a tricky thing, but I know I've seen it mentioned on others who were looking for profile approval that generally the level cap for someone of adolescent age is 30.

    This can also depend on the training received and such, but it appears that Kavi has not had much experience in battle to compensate for this. I know by lowering the level he would no longer be able to know the move flamethrower by level-up, put perhaps one of the pack members was an ex-trainer pokemon and knew how to use tms and passed it along? Or heat wave is a similar move that can be passed by breeding by means of having an arcanine father who knows the move.
    Alright, I've edited :3

    Does that look okay?
    The author of this message was banned from the forum - See the message

    Kavi the Growlithe [[Colosseum]] Empty Re: Kavi the Growlithe [[Colosseum]]

    Post by Guest Wed Jul 24, 2013 6:47 pm

    Ciana wrote:Sorry to pop in, but I would say lower the level quite a bit more. Your character has had little to no battle experiance as well as a Timid nature [making him less likely to battle nayway], so I would place him at 15-20 level wise, and even that could be pushing it. Mewtwo is very strict on this. <:
    Also, for the breeding move, his father must be noted in the User Notes, dear.

    Othersie, very nice first profile! :3
    Alright, how's that?
    The author of this message was banned from the forum - See the message

    Kavi the Growlithe [[Colosseum]] Empty Re: Kavi the Growlithe [[Colosseum]]

    Post by Guest Wed Jul 24, 2013 7:45 pm

    Ciana wrote:Looks perfect to me : ) Welcome to the site!
    Thanks a lot! ^^

    Posts : 3650

    Kavi the Growlithe [[Colosseum]] Empty Re: Kavi the Growlithe [[Colosseum]]

    Post by Mewtwo Sat Aug 03, 2013 12:14 pm

    Very well done and I am happy you received so much help.

    Approved for Colosseum.


    Kavi the Growlithe [[Colosseum]] 3Br5nS6

    Kavi the Growlithe [[Colosseum]] ZGD0iWwAdmin - Profiles, PlotKavi the Growlithe [[Colosseum]] UugYyDK

    Posts : 176

    Kavi the Growlithe [[Colosseum]] Empty Re: Kavi the Growlithe [[Colosseum]]

    Post by Mesprit Sat Aug 03, 2013 1:38 pm

    Kavi has been placed in Chapter 1: Scavengers. He will be second in the posting order.

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