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This is what remains of the region after the virus hit.
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Dark Days are Ahead...
Will you survive?


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8 posters



    (ELITE) The ECRUTEAK Team  - Page 4 Empty Re: (ELITE) The ECRUTEAK Team

    Post by Guest Wed Jan 23, 2013 8:50 am

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    Ecruteak City|Morning

    Tisiphone sighed internally as the elder plant began his whole life story, forcing herself to repress a yawn. She knew his type and they were fantastically boring. In a single word she could sum up his entire being. Simple. Not to say that he was lacking in mind but that he favored basic things in life, preferred to keep things relaxed and not as charged as the Direyena herself did. He was not a man of action and his slow monologue more than proved it.

    "Either way, let me introduce myself. I am Coltrane, and I herald from Kanto. It's a pleasure to meet you."

    Well if nothing else she would have another meat shield between her and the Undead. And one from Kanto... "I am on the way to Kanto myself in fact," she mentioned casually, as though she had been actually paying attention to the words she had successfully tuned out. "I'm...meeting someone." She could feel eyes watching her as she sized up the behemoth and let slip a smooth smile, more than one idea forming in her mind. "If you'd like to hang around you'll have to pull your weight big boy. Are you alright with that?"

    Despite the fact that he was utterly dull she could still find a use for such massive bulk and power.

    Age : 36
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    (ELITE) The ECRUTEAK Team  - Page 4 Empty Re: (ELITE) The ECRUTEAK Team

    Post by Silverishness Sun Jan 27, 2013 6:02 am

    Post 22

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    Ecruteak City| Morning

    Anton was a little surprised at how the duo had flocked after Ty, especially after the umbreon's less than enthused facade. Maybe he was willing to be a little puppet after all-- hypocrite. The dragumbra stayed where he was, settled behind the window as Ty made pleasant enough conversation with the newcomer, a venusaur.

    The venusaur himself proved to be the most polite giant Anton had ever seen, quickly apologizing for his trespassing. Maybe Ty's long fangs and horns did more talking than her sharp tongue. "Oh please, don't assume that I was going to trespass! Not at all! I merely heard voices and ... well, my legs carried me here, not my will. You are the first survivors that I have met and ... it's quite a momentous event for me." He shifted, and Anton sigh a little, unsure if another pokemon to lick Ty's feet was really all that necessary. But with brute strength and no will to fight her, Anton was rather sure she'd jump on the opportunity for another soldier. "But ... if you were willing to let me accompany you for a while, that would be much appreciated. If not ... I understand. Numbers mean safety, but they can also attract unwanted attention." A frown creased the dragon's lips. Why the hell would he say that? "Either way, let me introduce myself. I am Coltrane, and I herald from Kanto. It's a pleasure to meet you."

    "I am on the way to Kanto myself in fact," Ty replied casually, puiqing some interest in the shadowy onlooker. Kanto? She never mentioned Kanto... Then again, if he mentioned such a notion, she'd likely claim that he never asked. "I'm...meeting someone." Now that was interesting. He'd have to question her himself, unsure if he wanted to place a question like that on an open forum with people he'd rather not hear. "If you'd like to hang around you'll have to pull your weight big boy. Are you alright with that?"

    Sure that the others would soon be returning to the building -maybe not in such a dramatic way as they exited- Anton quickly and carefully went back to his spot, curling up in the pocket the crate provided with the wall. He settled, then waited for everyone's return.


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    (ELITE) The ECRUTEAK Team  - Page 4 Empty Re: (ELITE) The ECRUTEAK Team

    Post by Fox Sun Jan 27, 2013 11:53 pm

    (Skip please, they're not doing much for now)


    "What's the point in them being happy now if they're going to be sad later?
    The answer is, of course, because they're going to be sad later."

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    (ELITE) The ECRUTEAK Team  - Page 4 Empty Re: (ELITE) The ECRUTEAK Team

    Post by Nightfall Tue Jan 29, 2013 1:55 pm

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    Ecruteak City/Morning (3)

    "I am on the way to Kanto myself in fact," the Mightyena-lookalike said casually. "I'm...meeting someone." Coltrane's single eye blinked in curiosity and he nodded understandingly, a gentle smile forming on his scarred face. "Ah, I see. Who are you meeting, might I ask? You see, I have spent most of my life wandering the wilds of Kanto; perhaps I know them?" He was about to address the Dragonair-like creature but he was already bowing his head through the door and re-entering their shelter. Hmm... Coltrane found it odd - and a little rude - that he'd made such an effort to be polite and introduce himself while none of them had bothered to be polite back, or to even offer their names. Steady, Coltrane - one step at a time.

    The Venusaur slowly trudged closer to the door and then hesitated, looking back to the canine and chuckling amicably. "I think I'd better stay outside while the sun is still out," he said, stepping to the side to allow the female to go back inside. "If you'd like to hang around you'll have to pull your weight big boy. Are you alright with that?" Coltrane's one eye scanned the Dark-type carefully before answering: "Well, of course. I'm not sure how much help I can be but I will certainly try." He looked skyward, tracking the location of the sun and following its beams along the ground, keeping well out of the shade. "If I'm going to be staying with you all a while, may I ask what we will be doing next?"

    He had expected to be immensely happy to meet other survivors, but something about the Mightyena-mutant was making him feel a little uneasy. He wasn't sure whether it was just her ominous appearance or the way that the dragon seemed quite eager to distance himself from her. If she doesn't know that it's a bad idea to mess with me now, she might learn soon enough if she isn't careful ... Still, first impressions are unreliable. Give it time.

    (ELITE) The ECRUTEAK Team  - Page 4 Empty Re: (ELITE) The ECRUTEAK Team

    Post by Guest Wed Jan 30, 2013 3:52 pm

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    Outskirts of Ecruteak City| Morning (1)

    Finally, after days of just trekking through this region, after getting lost and having to use those absurd signs to find his way; most of which were broken by the way. Hudor finally managed to find the town, the last clue he had to finding that Legend. Those two towers were the last link to Ho-Oh that he had. Short of going from town to town, and region to region, this was his best bet. And after being almost entirely convinced that he had gotten lost yet again, he was about to turn around and go another direction had it not been for the Bell and the Burned Tower off in the horizon. Its site so familiar to him despite the fact that Hudor had never seen them in real life, only in photographs the humans in the Agency had shown him.

    Though….once he did finally find that allusive legend….that was another matter entirely. But part of Hudor figured that once he found that Legend, he would instinctively know what to do, that the answer would dawn on him. That or his training would kick in and that would solve everything one way or another.

    Either way, none of that mattered if he didn’t find a clue, or something. Maybe a feather, or some lost relic that once belonged to the Legend to track. Anything would help right now. Hell, he’d even be willing to take giant bird droppings as a clue right now. He needed to get inside that tower, even if it did not look that stable from here.

    So Hudor went on, his ambition driving him to that town at a fast pace despite his tiredness and hunger. But he didn’t relent, because if there was a town, then that meant there surely must be a giant cafeteria somewhere in there, where else would the humans and pokemon get their food? It may not be inhabited anymore, but there has to be some stockpile of food in there, readily preserved in case of emergencies. Anything was better than the things out here in the wild. Leaves and berries could only get Hudor so far; he desired real food, not some random bushes with mushy brown fruit.

    But Hudor did have to slow down the closer he got to the town…

    His nose was hit with a smell, one that had recently become known to him. Both from the final test, and also from the time spent getting here. Blood was in the air, but it didn’t smell fresh, so chances where that they were from “infected” pokemon. A lot of infected pokemon….So much so that he could smell it from here, and it smelled like it had been rotting in the sun all morning. It made him want to turn back, seeing a pile of dead pokemon was not at the top of his list of sites to see. Hell, he hadn’t even killed a single one of those “infected” things so far, just crippled them and walked off as they crawled after him.

    But he needed to get to that tower, so turning back was not an option. Hudor wouldn’t be able to face his peers ever again if he didn’t even find out where that legend was.

    Least he had one thing to remain hopeful about. Behind the over powerful stench of death, there was the faint smell of flowers. So that town couldn’t be so bad if there was still plant life growing in it….

    ((Hey~ Glad to be on this team, Didn't make him pop up in the City yet cause he is not a stealthy turtle xD, so feel free to have anyone notice a presence well in advance |D))

    (ELITE) The ECRUTEAK Team  - Page 4 Empty Re: (ELITE) The ECRUTEAK Team

    Post by Guest Fri Feb 01, 2013 4:39 pm

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    Ecruteak City|Morning

    "Well, of course. I'm not sure how much help I can be but I will certainly try." Ty shrugged nonchalantly, not really impressed with his pliant attitude. He was amiable...it was boring. She turned her head to see Anton slinking back inside and tsked lightly, irritated that he was shutting himself off again. It had taken her most of the morning to get that dragon to crack even a little bit of his shell and now here he was caulking the crack. Cheeky bastard.

    "If I'm going to be staying with you all a while, may I ask what we will be doing next?" Oh how she had almost forgotten the behemoth was there. Putting on her friendliest smile she gave a light hearted chuckle and tossed her head back. "Nothing too conventional I'm afraid," she began, her eyes drifting to the window to eye her current guests. "You see, I have plenty of provisions already and while I am perfectly willing to share they don't come free. What I need is information and I am going to have you boys helping me out. Sound fair?"

    While she awaited Coltraine's answer something caught her eye in the distance, a small blue dot steadily getting bigger as it made its way into the city. Frowning slightly she almost wished it would not notice her little abode and keep moving, worried it would be another bore like the bulbous plant in front of her. But at least she had the big guy as a meat shield if she needed it, so there was one benefit to his boring nature. "I'm going to go inside... Remain if you wish." Ty made a mental note to keep an eye out for the blue thing tonight during watch but right now she was determined to get back under Anton's scales.

    Stepping into her lair once more she nodded a reassuring greeting to the curious duo and made her way to the blue dragon. "What's the matter Fae? You seem all sulky again...come on. Cheer up!" She made a point of laying down right in front of his little cozy spot, which would make him have to acknowledge her if he wanted to move. She was not going to give up her game with him, not yet.

    Age : 36
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    (ELITE) The ECRUTEAK Team  - Page 4 Empty Re: (ELITE) The ECRUTEAK Team

    Post by Silverishness Sun Feb 03, 2013 7:08 am

    Post 23

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    Ecruteak City| Morning

    Anton sat quietly, listening bored to the conversation outside. It wasn't like he couldn't hear them; Ty had left the window wide open and no one had bothered closing it. His eyes closed, he merely let his ear do the work observing his surroundings as the conversation went on. "You see, I have plenty of provisions already and while I am perfectly willing to share they don't come free. What I need is information and I am going to have you boys helping me out. Sound fair?"

    So now she has another soldier, huh? his mind grumbled, face squinching slightly in distaste. Like some kind of dictator... There was silence for a while as the big guy seemed to be considering her offer, when she interrupted the quiet. "I'm going to go inside... Remain if you wish."

    Anton's eyes opened at the statement. Surely she was coming back in to resume her place on the throne. But as her clawed paws clicked on the old wood, he soon realized that they weren't headed toward the chair, but straight to him. Lavender eyes watched for her, unflinching when she plopped down happily in front of him, effectively blocking his escape. Staring at her with a frown, he remained curled tight into himself. "What's the matter Fae? You seem all sulky again...come on. Cheer up!"

    "'Fae'?" he growled softly, his voice steeped with irritation more than anything. "I thought you'd gotten past that stupid nickname."


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    (ELITE) The ECRUTEAK Team  - Page 4 Empty Re: (ELITE) The ECRUTEAK Team

    Post by Fox Mon Feb 04, 2013 11:37 pm

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    Ecruteak City | Morning(65)/(28)

    Kyoya rolled his eyes, his ears falling against his head as he listened to the giant dinosaur drone on.
    He's a moron! Is he actually monologuing?!
    The Ampharos grimaced as he turned on his heel, no longer caring if the big brute was aware of his presence or not.
    Getting very crowded...and now, with this pungent stench, we've painted ourselves a very large target on us...
    Kyoya moved elegantly, his tail swaying behind him in impatience.
    And the female is looking for someone. Her trainer, in all probability. Trained ones usually can't cope well without their human counterparts...The Ampharos' thoughts fell silent as his sharp gaze caught a large blue silhouette approaching them, on the other side of town.
    And what is this?...
    Kyoya stopped in front of the decrepit old building, awaiting the Umbreon and keeping a careful ear on the Venusaur behind him.


    Plague growled quietly, eyeing the talkative Venusaur with a nervous twitch.
    What is she doing, letting him stay!? He's going to attract more!
    The Umbreon was about to protest to the female alpha when she promptly turned and trotted into the house. Plague stood agape, watching her in shock. His head hung low in anxiety, his mask almost glowing in the early morning light.
    ...And why would she say all of that? Kanto? And whose she looking for? Plague narrowed his eyes as his gaze turned to the Ampharos beyond the plant type, his obvious frustration showing in his masculine frame. She just...revealed a ton of shit to all of us; and to this stranger...she's really not playing much close to the chest...he thought, eyeing Kyoya. Not like him...

    Plague snorted, his nostrils overwhelmed by the Venusaurs' scent. He stalked closer, his tail high behind him.
    "You should really find a way to mask that smell. It'll draw them to you." He hissed, his crimson eyes boring into the passive plant type.
    "And for your sake...keep quiet." He growled under his breath, the threat hanging in the air as he padded away.

    As Plague rounded the buildings' corner, he met with the fierce and calculating gaze of the Ampharos. Plagues' ears perked, his head tilting in a silent inquiry. Kyoya nodded towards the routes, his gaze never leaving the treeline. Plague followed his gaze, his ears raising as he spotted the large turtle approaching.
    "What is it?"
    "Well, it's too soon to determine whether it's a rotter or not..."
    Plagues' nose wrinkled up as he eyed his surroundings.
    "I can't smell anything from it. Too much death and...flowers." He grumbled, his eyes shooting towards the Venusaur. Kyoya laughed softly, a subtle smile spreading across his face as he crossed his arms.
    "Yes, we'll probably need to clear these dead bodies soon." He said casually, his head tilting in passive interest at the approaching figure. Plague cringed internally at the ovines' words as he looked at the bodies littering the city.
    He says that so easily...like these...pokemon were just...The Umbreon swallowed hard, uneasily averting his gaze as he gazed at the corpses.
    ...What have we all become...


    "What's the point in them being happy now if they're going to be sad later?
    The answer is, of course, because they're going to be sad later."

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    Age : 31
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    (ELITE) The ECRUTEAK Team  - Page 4 Empty Re: (ELITE) The ECRUTEAK Team

    Post by Nightfall Fri Feb 08, 2013 2:34 pm

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    Ecruteak City/Morning (4)

    As the others moved back inside, Coltrane ambled away a couple of metres into a large patch of sunlight and settled down, allowing the warm rays to energise him for the day ahead. It was then that an Umbreon with a strange mask covering his face approached. "You should really find a way to mask that smell. It'll draw them to you," he hissed angrily.

    Coltrane's single eye bore onto the Umbreon's crimson gaze within the bird skull he was wearing, allowing a small, amused chuckle to rumble from his throat. "Correct me if I am wrong, but aren't most Pokemon attracted by the scent of blood these days?" Although the small Dark-type had a point, Coltrane was not prepared to even try and mask the scent of his flower - doing so would mean having to cover it up, thus preventing the sunlight from reaching it. "I cannot do anything about it, and I will not try. Besides ... if it does offer you problems in the long-run, I will leave. But it has not offered me many problems thus far."

    "And for your sake...keep quiet." Coltrane frowned as the Umbreon padded away. Had that been a threat or a warning? Or both? Such an odd group ... this will be interesting. For the time being, Coltrane decided to obey and keep quiet for a while as he shuffled forward a little to catch their conversations from indoors.

    ((Sorry for the lateness and the quality - things have been a bit rough lately. >o<))

    (ELITE) The ECRUTEAK Team  - Page 4 Empty Re: (ELITE) The ECRUTEAK Team

    Post by Guest Mon Feb 11, 2013 3:52 pm

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    Outskirts of Ecruteak City| Morning (2)

    The smell only got worse the closer he got to the city. He had expected a few rotting pokemon, but the sheer amount of them littering the city was unnerving. All of them showing signs of infection, all of them taken down by living pokemon, and recently too. For the earth itself still showed signs of battle, and the culprits themselves still seemed to linger near the aftermath.

    Hudor couldn’t help but look away from all the death. It just unsettled him. They fact that ALL of these dead pokemon where put down, meant that the ones that handled this where strong. They should have been able to incapacitate them easily, but instead choose to kill. The world had changed so much in so little time, all living pokemon seemed more savage now. As if they were all becoming more feral so to speak. Reverting to primal instincts or something. Was all rather unpleasant the more he thought of it. He had always hoped the outsiders would at least hold some sort of decency until the very end….

    He had to halt as soon as he got close enough to identify the pokemon standing around talking. He could really only notice three of them, and none of them seemed to have a type disadvantage over him…The grass type would be at a sever advantage over Hudor, so would the electric type. He may be able to hold his own against the dark type, but it seemed fast, and Hudor didn’t bear well with land battles. If these commoners had battles of dominance to establish social hierarchy, Hudor would need to pull a miracle off. He would not allow himself to be the bottom of the food chain so to speak, he was a Hunter, anything below the top tier was unacceptable. He would have avoided them entirely if possible, but if they have been here a while, they may have seen something out of the ordinary.

    Speaking of miracles….

    Hudor would also need to pull one off now, seeing as these where the first non-Agency pokemon he had ever met. He didn’t even know the proper way to introduce himself, or if giving out name was taboo. And what hand gestures should he make? He had seen one of the human handlers pat another on the back once, and it seemed to be a gesture of good faith. But the question arose of how much strength does Hudor need to apply? Because as far as he knew, that pat could be a form of underlying aggression also, to put that other human in its place without causing commotion in the status.

    Eventually Hudor just went with the simplest of the simplest, and decided beyond that, he would mimic their gesticulations from there.

    “Greetings...Fellow Pokemon!”

    Right now he would rather face an army of undead than have to deal with anything relating to social interactions….

    ((if it wasn't for the fact that he doesn't know any curses, this post would be littered with them :\))

    (ELITE) The ECRUTEAK Team  - Page 4 Empty Re: (ELITE) The ECRUTEAK Team

    Post by Guest Tue Feb 12, 2013 5:15 pm

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    Ecruteak City|Morning

    Ty laughed as Anton took offense to her use of his nickname again, happy she needn't work as hard as last time to get him to open up. He was starting relax around her whether he realized it or not which was just what she wanted. She caught Plague from the corner of her eye arguing with the Venusaur and chuckled to herself as she heard him comment about the stench of his flower. It was a bit...overpowering. Especially for those with canid in them. "You're lucky to not have such keen a nose Anton," she mused out loud.

    "What is it?"
    "Well, it's too soon to determine whether it's a rotter or not..."

    Ah, so they saw it too. But she had come inside for a reason, to let the others determine the newcomers fate. Should he prove hostile blue likely meant that Kyoya or Coltrane could handle it, but she would wait and see. What point was there in having such lovely males around her if they didn't keep up their end of the bargain? She warned them nothing was free. Or, at least, she warned one of them. If the others couldn't figure it out then that was just too sad.

    “Greetings...Fellow Pokemon!”

    "Really? Just...really?" At least it could talk but who the hell introduces themselves like that? Getting up she walked over to the door and watched the others interact with the weird turtle thing that had shown up. Zenyt would probably know what it was but right now she was more concerned with its mental state so she kept her distance. If it noticed her presence at all her Intimidate would handle the rest and leave it knowing that she was in charge around here. And she sure as hell was.

    Age : 36
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    (ELITE) The ECRUTEAK Team  - Page 4 Empty Re: (ELITE) The ECRUTEAK Team

    Post by Silverishness Sun Feb 17, 2013 5:44 am

    Post 24

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    Ecruteak City| Morning

    It seemed that the others were more interested in chit-chatting amongst themselves discussing the new arrival's flowery bouquet than in getting back in the damn shelter and avoid being seen. Anton dismissed them, specifically the ampharos and umbreon dual that had prided themselves -or at least the sheep- in the fact that they were so damn smart. Well, obviously, they were smart enough to linger outside for Legends knew how long while the stench of the battle they'd fought previously was likely attracting more pests to kill. Anton himself merely shrugged them off mentally-- they could go and get themselves killed as much as they wanted. He'd have no part in it.

    "You're lucky to not have such keen a nose Anton."

    Ty's voice brought the dragon back from the recesses of his own apathy, lavender eyes flitting upward to meet the wolf's. His surprise watering back down into a scowl, he merely scoffed off the strange comment. "Joy, rapture," he muttered in response, not caring whether she actually heard. Yes, truly, the mediocre was something to envy in times of such crises.

    However, Anton didn't get much more time to sulk, as a new voice caught his attention. “Greetings...Fellow Pokemon!” Blinking, he raised his head to look over the crates as Ty muttered to herself in disbelief. She trotted over to the door, where the new new stranger was, standing awkwardly in front of the building. Eyebrows ascending in confusion and curiosity, he slithered out from his shadowy retreat and stopped just behind Ty, his long neck arching beside her to get a good view of whatever the hell was there. Upon seeing the... giant turtle... Anton let out a snicker, both in surprise and hilarity.


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    (ELITE) The ECRUTEAK Team  - Page 4 Empty Re: (ELITE) The ECRUTEAK Team

    Post by Fox Wed Feb 20, 2013 9:20 pm

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    Ecruteak City | Morning(66)/(29)

    Plague sniffed at the air carefully, his beaked muzzle high to catch the scent of the approaching turtle.
    "There. Not an undead." He muttered quickly, his gaze flashing to the Ampharos next to him. Plague shifted his weight uneasily, his head lowering, as if to prepare for an attack. He watched the Ampharos for any signal to move to the offensive, but saw none.
    "Kyoya?..." He whispered, watching the large water type amble up cautiously.

    The ovines' face was hard, but his paws were at his sides and tail swaying gently. The purple-ringed Umbreon studied his face carefully before his gaze fell on the large turtle.
    He must know he has the type disadvantage. And even if this turtle is hostile...we outnumber him. I wonder why he's not stopping him...

    “Greetings...Fellow Pokemon!”
    The Umbreons' jaw fell open, his head lifting in confusion, flabbergasted.
    No fucking way.


    The Ampharos held back a cringe, his eyes growing even steelier as he stared down the enormous turtle.
    His stature isn't purposefully aggressive or confrontational. He obviously doesn't know much about social interaction. A Carracosta in this kind of shape...he's seen many battles. Perhaps he was a soldier of some sort. With a mind so under-developed in social norm, he can be easily manipulated.
    A valuable asset...

    Kyoya sauntered forward, a confident but cold grin spreading across his maw.
    "Welcome to our territory. Before you get any closer, I would like to ask you some very straight-forward questions, and I expect simple answers." He asked politely, as he put his hands behind his back and nodding subtly at Plague.

    The Umbreon took the queue and slowly circled the turtle, his crimson eyes searching his form for any lesions and discoloration.
    "Where are you coming from?"
    "Have you been in the Johto bay or local waters?"
    "Have you been bitten or have ingested rotter flesh?"


    "What's the point in them being happy now if they're going to be sad later?
    The answer is, of course, because they're going to be sad later."

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    (ELITE) The ECRUTEAK Team  - Page 4 Empty Re: (ELITE) The ECRUTEAK Team

    Post by Nightfall Fri Feb 22, 2013 1:08 pm

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    Ecruteak City/Morning (5)

    As Coltrane rested in the morning sunlight, he noticed that there was more movement within the small pharmacy in which they were settled. Following everybody's gazes, he turned to see a large, turtle-like Pokemon that he had never seen before. "Greetings...Fellow Pokemon!" the stranger greeted them all warmly. Coltrane immediately liked this guy; at least he was normal. "Well, hello there," the Venusaur smiled as he stood up and turned round to face the new Pokemon so that he could fully see him. "It's nice to see that there are others out there who can handle themselves in this time of crisis. What is your name? I am called Coltrane."

    But just then a tall Ampharos appeared and began to bombard the newcomer with questions. A loud grunt cut across the last of the Electric-type's words as Coltrane stood next to the prehistoric turtle, his head raised in defiance. "What's with all of this? Let the guy introduce himself before you interrogate him, will you?" If his instincts were correct, this newcomer was going to be the one that Coltrane stayed closest to in this group; so far he showed no signs that set off alarm bells in his head, and he hoped it would stay that way. Such a strange bunch ... have you made a mistake in getting yourself mixed up with them?

    (ELITE) The ECRUTEAK Team  - Page 4 Empty Re: (ELITE) The ECRUTEAK Team

    Post by Guest Mon Feb 25, 2013 12:46 pm

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    Outskirts of Ecruteak City| Morning (3)

    Great, by the looks on everyone’s faces, Hudor could tell he had done something wrong. Those did not look like the type of faces one would make upon meeting a new arrival, lest, he did not think so. The feeling he got was that he had made a mistake, a feeling he had not felt in a long time, since he was still a young tirtouga in the Facility. But he could have sworn he said the right thing though… he made his greeting and acknowledged the other pokemon, as per custom. Unless facial expressions varied from region to region, and this was the social norm for these pokemon when making introductions.

    "Welcome to our territory. Before you get any closer, I would like to ask you some very straight-forward questions, and I expect simple answers." A tall yellow pokemon said that, the electric type he had seen from afar, and it had glasses like a lot of the humans had in the Agency. It was fairly easy to see that this pokemon was either the leader of the group, or the official tribal Greeter, who assess the new arrivals. Hudor’s answers would most likely judge where he would be placed in the hierarchy.

    "Where are you coming from?"
    "Have you been in the Johto bay or local waters?"
    "Have you been bitten or have ingested rotter flesh?"

    All very straight forward questions. As much as Hudor tried to find an alternative meaning behind this line of questioning, it all sounded like cold hard facts to him, like answering those yes or no questions the humans would give him for tests. He would have liked to answer truthfully, but he had to withhold information regarding the Agency, it may be gone now, but the program might still be being followed out by the other pokemon, he would not jeopardize that possibility.

    "It's nice to see that there are others out there who can handle themselves in this time of crisis. What is your name? I am called Coltrane. What's with all of this? Let the guy introduce himself before you interrogate him, will you?"

    ….He didn’t know quite what to make of that situation…. The grass type, ‘Coltrane’, looked like a strong pokemon, he was big and tough. Yet from the scar leading down his eye, Hudor could only judge that this pokemon lacked even the basic instincts to protect one’s face in combat, very contradictory to the ‘tough’ characteristic. AND that grass type gave Hudor his name already, something which none of the others have done so far. He could only come to the conclusion that the grass type was in the lowest of the lowest of positions in the group; because none of the other pokemon have even dared to interrupted the Leader/Greeter Electric type. Made him wonder if Coltrane got that scar from a punishment for past disobedience….

    Either way, Hudor was the new ‘new arrival’, so he would need to answer everything for now.

    “I am called Hudor.

    As for region, I hail from the north-east.”
    That much was true, he didn’t know the exact location, but he had walked from that direction to get to Ecruteak, even if that walk took more than a month. He just knew it was somewhere between the Johto and Kanto regions, far from cities or towns.

    “Water? I have seen nothing but forests land so far.”

    That last question though….he had forgotten that a large amount of these pokemon are cannibalistic in nature. Even in times of peace, he knew they ate each other for sustenance, despite the abundance of vegetation. Meat eaters all around, killing each of other and eating the remains, it was nauseating. It was bad enough when he was told that the undead did this, but remembering that the living also partook of such acts made him cringe. Sure the berries were mushy and brown and had a strange aftertaste, but they provided the necessary nutrients need on a daily basis, that should be enough for all pokemon, but apparently it wasn’t.

    “No, no bites, and no flesh.”

    Whether there was an underlying meaning to these questions, he never figured it out. But as Hudor crossed his arms from not knowing what to do next, he figured all of these pokemon must have gone through this ritual upon arriving. So even the dark masked pokemon circling Hudor would not unsettle him, it was just ‘normal behavior’ apparently.

    (ELITE) The ECRUTEAK Team  - Page 4 Empty Re: (ELITE) The ECRUTEAK Team

    Post by Guest Thu Feb 28, 2013 4:14 pm

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    Ecruteak City|Morning

    Tisiphone giggled as she felt rather than saw Anton craning around her to see the odd turtle that had arrived. The normally reclusive dragon being so close to her was certainly not an advancement she expected to make so quickly and that little sign of progress made her already smug grin break out in a happy show of fangs. He probably didn't even realize he was close enough for her to hear his heartbeat, his neck wrapping around her like that. The dark hound had to restrain herself from licking her chops at the tempting treat.

    "Where are you coming from?"
    "Have you been in the Johto bay or local waters?"
    "Have you been bitten or have ingested rotter flesh?"

    Oh my, that was quite a rapid fire list Kyoya was giving off. Coltrane took a sort of offense to what the Ampharos dared to ask but it looked like the turtle had more sense and deigned to answer the barrage. “No, no bites, and no flesh.” How precious... "Why of course he hasn't Kyoya dear," came her sultry voice, stepping out of the doorway. Ty brushed casually by the Ampharos, her tail swinging to brush his leg as she passed before setting herself down in front of everyone else to great the turtle. "Does he seem the type to feast upon the supple rarity that is flesh these days?"

    Giving her most charming smile Ty craned her neck to give the turtle a sultry sideways glance, eying him up and down. "Calm yourself Plague, before you make yourself dizzy," she requested of her masked playmate, his vulture-like circling beginning to make her nauseous. "Well well, it would seem I have yet another visitor to my humble abode. My name is Tisiphone, ...Hudor, was it?" She watched carefully for any reaction that she had gotten the name even partially correct, not really caring enough to have actually listened to his name.

    "Tell me, what is it you want from myself and my...companions?" The way the others had been addressed she was getting the impression that he hadn't noticed her lurking in the shadows and it just wouldn't do to have the new face thinking anyone but her was in charge. This was her domain and the others would do well to recognize and remember it. "Because I must warn you, I am at my limits for sharing peacefully." Too many mouths meant too big a group that would attract attention. Given the choice she would keep her mysterious duo and her dragon leaving the others expendable. They were relatively new and the Venusaur didn't seem to keen on her leadership, thinking himself better than her. It was in his eyes.

    And it was those kinds of thoughts that often saw blood beneath Tisiphone's paws.

    Age : 36
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    Post by Silverishness Sun Mar 03, 2013 6:30 am

    Post 25

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    Ecruteak City| Morning

    Kyoya, in his infinite stores of wisdom and douche-baggery, deemed himself something akin to the official greeter or gatekeeper. A position of power while still in servitude. Anton frowned; it was all probably a ploy anyhow. Ty, the ampharos, the dumb umbreon even-- all of these pokemon seemed to have one little secretive plan or another to manipulate each other and reign supreme over... whatever city this used to be. Still, the ampharos' questions, while appropriate, were rapidly fired and frankly, Anton wasn't quite sure whether the turtle would keep up with them all or not. "Where are you coming from?"
    "Have you been in the Johto bay or local waters?"
    "Have you been bitten or have ingested rotter flesh?"

    But the large venusaur objected, first by kindly introducing himself and then brushing over Kyoya's interrogation with honest charm. He then turned on the ampharos, which either attested to the venusar's courage or stupidity... or both. "What's with all of this? Let the guy introduce himself before you interrogate him, will you?" Anton wasn't sure whether he agreed or not, and continued to hold firm to his own stance that they were all stupid and he would be the happiest pokemon on the world to be rid of them. The only obstacle in his way was quite literally in front of him, her face hidden from his eyes. But he could already guess what sort of expression she wore-- a toothy, cocky grin. The master puppeteer of this bullshit.

    Surprisingly, though, the giant turtle took no offense to Kyoya's rude interrogation and instead chose to answer them honestly. “I am called Hudor," he began. "As for region, I hail from the north-east.” Northeast? That could have been anywhere, but judging from the turtle's words and speech, he... probably didn't know. Still, he continued answering all of the questions. “Water? I have seen nothing but forests land so far.” That raised a brow on Anton's face. The turtle's body screamed that it was meant for water, equipped with large flippers and a smooth shell to make water diving easier. Surely... he hadn't been walking all this time and not gotten hurt? “No, no bites, and no flesh.” Well, duh. Why would an obviously vegitarian pokemon eat flesh?

    "Why of course he hasn't Kyoya dear," came Ty's low, sultry voice. Despite the arrogance and superiority that saturated her tone and made Anton gag, at least she agreed with him. Maybe Smart Ass wasn't so smart. "Does he seem the type to feast upon the supple rarity that is flesh these days?" She strode forward confidantly, leaving Anton exposed in the doorway. He remedied that by slinking behind more crates, but still could see the goings on outside. Ty gave Plague a small, amused sideways glance before noting, "Calm yourself Plague, before you make yourself dizzy."

    "Well well, it would seem I have yet another visitor to my humble abode. My name is Tisiphone, ...Hudor, was it?" Anton's frown finally evolved into a full-fledged scowl; she was just handing out cards with her damn name on it at this point. Unlike how he had to learn her own name, he just had to make up names for her until she spilled the beans to someone else while he was in earshot. Bitch. "Tell me, what is it you want from myself and my...companions? Because I must warn you, I am at my limits for sharing peacefully."


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    Post by Fox Sun Mar 03, 2013 11:07 pm

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    Ecruteak City | Morning(67)/(30)

    "What's with all of this? Let the guy introduce himself before you interrogate him, will you?"

    Kyoya shifted a tired and annoyed glance at the Venusaur before tuning the slow, brutish creature out completely. To the Ampharos, it didn't matter what the plant-type did; whatever it chose, it would undoubtedly be boring.

    “I am called Hudor." The turtle replied, his gaze uneasily moving from the plant type as well. Kyoya grinned internally, noting the turtles' reaction to the buffoons' outburst.
    "As for region, I hail from the north-east.”
    As expected, for his species...
    “Water? I have seen nothing but forests land so far.”
    Hmm. No water. Kyoya thought, narrowing his eyes. Obviously a creature of captivity. Natural instincts would otherwise take him straight there...even if he is looking for something in particular.
    But the last question disturbed the turtle, which piqued the Ampharos' interest in the newcomer. Hudor responded with a sudden tension in his voice not present before.
    “No, no bites, and no flesh.” He mumbled before crossing his arms defensively.
    Hmm...curious reaction. Surely a soldier would not flinch at the thought of violence or death...The ovine frowned slightly, his gaze otherwise unreadable.

    "Why of course he hasn't Kyoya dear, does he seem the type to feast upon the supple rarity that is flesh these days?" Ty purred, her lithe figure moving past the Ampharos, her tail sliding against his leg. Kyoya nodded at the canine, but his gaze remained on the turtle as she took her place in front of them.
    Females...he sighed mentally, a sudden frustration building in his chest. Even if she does claim to be the leader, it's foolish for a female to boast so quickly with a male...and what's worse, it's in ignorance.
    Chelonians are often omnivorous, due to their migratory range and the lack of plant-life in the open waters of the ocean. And given the way the entire world has fallen to pieces, it's not surprising if some creatures resort to eating rotting flesh in desperation...

    But the ovine repressed his anger without flaw, a soft smile playing on his face as he adjusted his glasses.
    "My lady." He responded, allowing the others to hear the gentle tone in his voice.


    "What's with all of this? Let the guy introduce himself before you interrogate him, will you?"
    Plagues' ears snapped against his skull, as his rings instantly began to glow in aggression. The Umbreon stopped in his tracks, a deep growl growing in his throat as he glared at the Venusaur.
    "Shut your trap," He spat, his crimson eyes glowing brightly, even in the morning light. "...Stupid prick. What do you even do." Though the vulpine was masked, his voice dripped with ferocity and impatience.
    Why are we even here?! What does Kyoya even need with a crazy bitch and a flower-boy?! URGH! We were doing just fine on our own!
    Plague hissed at the large plant before continuing, his gaze moving back to the large turtle.
    At least he hasn't been bitten- means we don't have to put another one down...

    "Calm yourself Plague, before you make yourself dizzy." He heard the female call to him, snapping him from his thoughts. Plague looked to her, quickly shooting a glance at the Ampharos as he paused. Kyoya said nothing, his eyes looking at him expectantly.
    Fine then. The Umbreon lowered his tail, his dark form padding to the Ampharos' side.
    "Well well, it would seem I have yet another visitor to my humble abode. My name is Tisiphone, ...Hudor, was it? Tell me, what is it you want from myself and my...companions?"
    The vulpine listened, his attention suddenly waning as his crimson gaze fell across the now illuminated town.
    Wait..where is this...? A sudden anxiety hit Plague as his eyes shifted from one building to another. This...I know this place...He padded backwards uneasily, his gaze catching the dark dragons' momentarily.
    Oh great Darkrai, it can't be...

    (lol, this is too fun. Plagues' being such a dick. XD Also, kudos to anyone that sees the egoraptor joke)


    "What's the point in them being happy now if they're going to be sad later?
    The answer is, of course, because they're going to be sad later."

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    Post by Nightfall Mon Mar 04, 2013 1:45 pm

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    Ecruteak City/Morning (6)

    While the smartass Ampharos seemed to ignore him, the bird-faced Umbreon's reaction was not really surprising, but the sheer malice in the fox's voice was enough to touch a nerve somewhere within Coltrane's mind. "Shut your trap. ...Stupid prick. What do you even do." That did it. All he had done was stand up for somebody - whom he didn't even know - and that was what he got for it? I don't think so. The Dark-type then wandered off, and Coltrane ignored Plague's uneasy glances around the city as he stepped right in front of him, his enormous bulk towering over the smart-mouthed little vulpine.

    "What I don't do is allow anybody to speak to me like that," the Venusaur growled, his single eye narrowing almost dangerously as it bore into the crimson gaze of the Umbreon. "You've got a lot of nerve if you think you can speak to your elders like that. Learn to control that tongue of yours before you get yourself hurt. Speak to me in such a manner again and I might just be the first to inflict some damage. Got it?"

    Turning away with an angry huff, Coltrane watched as the newcomer introduced himself as Hudor, and insisted that he possessed no unwanted guests in his bloodstream. Stupid, immature, rude, cocky little whelp-- Coltrane continued to silently rant about the Umbreon's behaviour. Should've just stepped on the little twerp. One could tell by the look on Coltrane's face at that moment that he was not impressed. If one more of these Pokemon decided to try and treat him like some useless lump of flesh that just got in the way one more time he wasn't sure if he could hold his temper. All his life all he'd ever wanted to do was to help people, never expecting anything in return, and this was the thanks he got?

    Been a while since I've Leaf Stormed anything...

    (ELITE) The ECRUTEAK Team  - Page 4 Empty Re: (ELITE) The ECRUTEAK Team

    Post by Guest Thu Mar 07, 2013 5:02 pm

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    Outskirts of Ecruteak City| Morning (4)

    Good, nothing out of the ordinary so far, Hudor had apparently said the right things, because there as no retaliation from the group, and even the members who where in hiding were now out and about trying to see Hudor. Though that was about all he learned, whether he was now integrated or still being surveyed was under question, but it was a step at least.

    Well, not really, he had learned one thing, but not about his place. The new pokemon who came out of the building seemed to be the leader; another quadruped, a hound type pokemon, and a female at that. She seemed to be the only female in the entire group, unless Hudor was even more oblivious about genders from other pokemon than he thought…. It was the most obvious of hierarchy placement he had seen so far, judging by the way the greeter was regarding her, calling her ‘My Lady’ as well. Hudor made a mental note of that particular phrase, if he would need to gain her favor; he suspected calling her that would be the best bet.

    That and just the way she talked to everyone, mildly issuing commands while still being able to keep a charming appearance. He did not know if she was a leader who happened to be a female, or if her female status made her a leader….He suspected that since there was no other female in the group, it was the latter. And she was fearless also. Because in one swoop, she revealed everyone of their names, including her own, while everyone else had hid them before.

    Except for the plant type though, that one was just full of rebellion. He wouldn’t be surprised if the giant ended up getting punished again; going so far as to talk back to the one named Plague, as well as challenging the social order that is apparently in place. If this was the Agency, that kind of outburst would lead that pokemon to spend the night in the box, and no one ever wanted that….Instead this kind of thing would lead that plant type to be banished or even worse, maybe a full on ambush leading to its death or causing permanent damage. And as much as he would hate for that to happen, doing so would outcast Hudor from the group also, and that was not something he could do right now. He would need to distance himself from that rebel if he wanted to get what he wanted.

    “I did not come for hand outs, so you do not need trouble yourself. I followed the Towers here.”

    And it was true, just not the whole truth. Any questions right now would be viewed with scrutiny by both the greeter and the leader. He doubted if he would be able to get full answers in turn from them. He needed to gain their confidence, and right now that meant getting close to them.

    ((bleh, sorry for the lateness, essays are a ***** @n@))
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    Post by Guest Sat Mar 09, 2013 4:37 pm

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    Ecruteak City|Late Morning

    Plague seemed hesitant but finally stopped his vulture-like circling around the odd turtle which pleased the Direyena greatly. Though afterwards he did seem a bit more twitchy and anxious than he was only a few moments before. His aggression was slowly working its way into a panic. “I did not come for hand outs, so you do not need trouble yourself. I followed the Towers here.” Hudor's words caught Tisiphone's ear and she gave a firm look to the water type. "The towers huh? While I suppose they do serve as a landmark I'm curious as to why you would have gone towards them rather than away as surely you were aware that such large buildings meant a city." But even as she questioned Hudor another voice played behind her, interrupting her thoughts though it was not directed at her.

    Even though she didn't turn her head from Hudor Tisiphone's eyes narrowed dangerously at the authoritative tone coming from the non-authority behind her. A low snarl began to build in her throat as she waited for the brute to dig his grave even further, punctuating the end of her conversation with the newcomer. "You've got a lot of nerve if you think you can speak to your elders like that. Learn to control that tongue of yours before you get yourself hurt. Speak to me in such a manner again and I might just be the first to inflict some damage. Got it?"

    Growling furiously Ty whirled on Coltrane and bared her fangs at the impudent plant monster. "You do not give the orders around here grunt!" The female stalked towards the Venusaur and stood beside Plague with a murderous glare, fangs dripping and her whole whole body tense and ready for a fight. "My patience is at an end and I do not see you being very useful if I kill you so do me a favor, watch your own tongue before rip it right out of your head."

    "Do you understand me?"


    Somewhere in Ecruteak|Late Morning

    Soft footfalls tapped rhythmically against the stone streets, even in their pace. A scuff could be heard as the owner rounded a sharp corner the breeze it created lifting the back of a long and dark trenchcoat. It seemed to almost billow around the wearer as long legs strode purposefully down the empty streets. Well, empty of everything living anyway. This man was on a mission and he would not be deterred from it, even as the strange shadow followed not far behind.

    Golden eyes shifted to their peripheral to observe the pattern of the follower. "Che." It was nothing to be alarmed about, just a run of the mill Undead. Not even a strong one by the shape of the shadowy pursuer. Subtle movement shifted beneath the coat and the sound of a blade sliding from its sheath cut through the silent air just before the creature made its move. Hissing it launched itself but the human's swift movement saw it running head first into his upright blade effectively splitting its own head in half. As the body fell in a wet thud the man nudged it with one show before kicking it roughly away.

    "Just a Meowth," he mused aloud, bored with the way this had become routine for him. He would give this place one more night before he moved on to Viridian once more. One more night to find sign of his beloved, his Tisiphone. One more night... "One more..."

    ((Introducing the effectively insane Zenyt! lol. And Ty was talking to Hudor at the same time Col was talking to Plague so Try you can feel free to have Hudor notice her distraction as she's talking to him. And anyone can notice the way she called Col a 'grunt', since it is a reference to her Rocket training.))

    Age : 37
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    Post by Fox Mon Mar 11, 2013 12:20 am

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    Ecruteak City | Morning(68)/(31)

    "What I don't do is allow anybody to speak to me like that," The Venusaur growled, his low voice reverberating. Plague lowered himself, his ears flattening against his head as his attention was torn from the town and back to the plant type.
    What!? What the fuck is he doing!? The Umbreon thought frantically, baring his teeth. Everything in him wanted to lash out at the large creature, wanted him to sink his fangs into his throat.
    "You've got a lot of nerve if you think you can speak to your elders like-..."
    Plague spat angrily, his large crimson eyes wide with a frantic anxiety as he snarled. A sudden, ravenous bark shook Plague out of his confusion momentarily, his slender frame jumping slightly in shock.
    "You do not give the orders around here grunt!"
    The alpha female stalked towards him, standing next to the Umbreon to defend him. "My patience is at an end and I do not see you being very useful if I kill you so do me a favor, watch your own tongue before rip it right out of your head."

    Plague stared wide-eyed at the canine, his thoughts a jumbled mess. The Umbreon quietly padded backwards from them, his mind screaming at him to get back.
    The vulpine swallowed hard, his anxiety barely contained. He shakily trotted away, sure to give the group a wide girth as his gaze searched his surroundings.
    Did she make it home? It looks so damned different! What if she's there? What if she's hurt? Will the others be with her? Poe, Strix, Dawkins, Poph? Oh Darkrai, what if they're bitten?
    The Umbreon dashed across the brightening town, his eyes locked on a building in the distance as his mind continued to race. His dark body was a blur, the only sounds, his soft footfalls against the pavement.


    Kyoyas' ears perked atop his head, his slate gaze locking on the Umbreon as his movement became jerky and quick. The ovines' heart quickened, his gaze suddenly fearful behind the sleek rims.
    What is he doing? This can't be the virus reacting...can it?!
    No, no. It can't be. All the evidence I've compiled proves that highly improbable.

    "You've got a lot of nerve if you think you can speak to your elders like that. Learn to control that tongue of yours before you get yourself hurt. Speak to me in such a manner again and I might just be the first to inflict some damage. Got it?"
    The Ampharos glared at the plant dinosaur, listening with a growing anger building as the Venusaur sauntered closer and towered over the unstable Umbreon.
    Impudent fool!
    "You do not give the orders around here grunt!" Kyoyas' head snapped around, his attention caught by Tysiphone. The female was bristling as she came to Plagues' defense, her jowls dripping with saliva as she growled out her threat. Kyoyas' eyes grew slightly, taken aback by the females' sudden show of dominance.
    She's protecting him?...
    "My patience is at an end and I do not see you being very useful if I kill you so do me a favor, watch your own tongue before rip it right out of your head."
    Grunt...Just as I suspected. Only the syndicates call their employees grunts...at least to their faces.
    Silently, the Umbreon slunk back, his behavior suddenly distressed and erratic, but unobtrusive.
    I can't find out what's wrong with him right now, not with this brute...
    The Ampharos stepped forward, his cold gaze growing even chillier as he stood with the canine. The ovines' tail began to spark threateningly, his body lowering to an attack position and holding, awaiting the next move. His sharp gaze never left the turtle and the Venusaur, his gaze quickly calculating what it would take to incapacitate them.

    "It would be beneficial for you to stand down...now." He stated flatly, his tone firm and dangerous.


    "What's the point in them being happy now if they're going to be sad later?
    The answer is, of course, because they're going to be sad later."

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    Post by Nightfall Wed Mar 13, 2013 2:46 pm

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    Ecruteak City/Morning (7)

    Coltrane had expected a response to his instinctive need to stand up for himself, but never in a million years had he expected this. Within seconds, almost everybody had turned on him, the demonic canine being the first to make her point clear. "You do not give the orders around here grunt!" she growled, standing next to Plague with her fangs bared; Coltrane just stood and stared at her calmly. "My patience is at an end and I do not see you being very useful if I kill you so do me a favor, watch your own tongue before rip it right out of your head. Do you understand me?"

    The Venusaur's expression remained unreadable as he shifted slightly to the side, the giant plant on his back gently swaying with his movements. "Perfectly, miss," he replied, his voice calm but carrying a hint of the anger growing inside him. "Perfectly. Standing up for oneself is forbidden here. Ah, but it is a threat to you, isn't it? There is somebody here who is not quite so easy to manipulate. Well, guess what?" Coltrane had this one all figured out: she was a bully. A bully who somehow had it in her head that she was number one in this group and could treat others as she pleased. Narrowing his one eye, Coltrane stepped right up to the female until his face was just inches from her own. "I'm not scared of you."

    "It would be beneficial for you to stand down...now." Coltrane froze for a moment, the Ampharos's words taking him by surprise. While the guy was clearly a bit of a snob, Coltrane had not suspected him to be completely on the female's side. Or was it just because he was trying to prevent a confrontation. Either way, Coltrane was starting to get a little bit fed up. Turning on the Electric-type, his top lip raised itself into an angry growl. "And since when do I take orders from a two-faced, four-eyed smartass?"

    Everyone except the strange dragon and Hudor were up against him. Coltrane knew he could have a good go at taking them on if they wanted a fight, but at the same time he knew that a confrontation was a bad idea, especially when there were countless numbers of flesh-eating monsters out there just waiting for a noise to alert them of nearby food. "Look..." Coltrane closed his eye and took a deep breath as the fine sparkles of a Sleep Powder threatened to erupt from his back. "I really don't know why I've done nothing but cause a commotion when I've come along and voluntarily offered my help. Can we just ... calm down a bit? From what I saw on my way in, this place isn't exactly an undead-free zone." Not in any way hesitant to put any attackers straight to sleep, the Venusaur firmly stood his ground as he awaited replies. The top of his plant oozed with a thick, purple liquid; preparing a Sludge Bomb just in case of any unexpected outbursts was always a wise thing to do.

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    Post by Guest Sun Mar 17, 2013 5:42 pm

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    Outskirts of Ecruteak City| Morning (5)

    Hudor had lucked out. To find a group with a reasonable leader was gratifying. He feared he may have had to usurp the hierarchy of the group he saw in order to get answers, he may have saved himself an enormous amount of time. Though he could not cast off the doubt placed on him yet, which was reasonable, a new being entering foreign territory would be the object of concern to anyone. Yet she seemed reasonable enough, maybe her leader status is also due to her follower’s care for her, ruling with control, yet being courteous to her minions.

    "You do not give the orders around here grunt! My patience is at an end and I do not see you being very useful if I kill you so do me a favor, watch your own tongue before rip it right out of your head.

    Do you understand me?"

    Well, courteous as long as one does not cross her it seems. Because in a matter of seconds the hound in front of Hudor went from having an air of leadership, to practically screaming authority. Forgetting all about everything else that is happened as she address the most crucial of matters, her order being in question.

    Hudor made a note to himself not to cross her in the future, because the mood of the group instantly seemed to change, and the thought process merged into a hive mentality, all verbally attacking the grass type.

    And much to his surprised, it worked.

    Either the giant realized that being out-casted from the group would only mean death, or it recognized the rule of the Leader. But it stepped down, trying to remedy its own mistake, trying as it might to pass it off as everyone’s fault for the rise in emotions. But that apology would mean nothing if the others did not accept it. Hudor may very well see his first banishment today. Try as he might to will up some sympathy for the giant, he just could not, because that was apparently the way things where, Even Hudor knew not to break the rules set up by the higher authorities.

    ((Been stuck in a car for 4+ hours with a screaming kid....lets just say I'm writing this now with a massive headache |D))

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