Welcome to New Johto;
This is what remains of the region after the virus hit.
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Dark Days are Ahead...
Will you survive?


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10 posters

    The NEW BARK Team


    The NEW BARK Team - Page 5 Empty Re: The NEW BARK Team

    Post by Guest Fri Dec 23, 2011 11:43 pm

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    New Bark Town | Late Evening [5]

    From his little shadow domain, the Banette watched, analyzing the group for a victim, 'Eenie Meenie Miney Mo~' He giggled, obviously the group can't hear him, since he's a shadow.

    "We don't want any part of you little game!" The Pikachu yelled, Malo's grin grew wider, "You have no choice!" That will be his victim, as he was about to use Shadow Sneak on the Pikachu, Pan-Pan flung herself into the ground once more, he paused, maybe he shouldn't... The Twins talked about their plan, "Now would be a good time to freeze the ground, that way when it tries to come up it will hit nothing but a sheet of ice."
    "It wont hold it for long you know, and we will still have that ghost to deal with."
    "Even so it would leave one less to deal with while he try and make a run for it"
    "Then we don't have anything to worry about."

    His grin was very wide, 'Pan-Pan wouldn't get slowed by such a thing, I'm sure she's able to do this'. Malo knows his next victim. And he will DRAG THEM to his domain for a personal talk. He smiled at the group from his world, they SHOULD be scared, not discussing plans in front of the damn enemy! Without a second thought, he aimed for the Umbreon.

    Though she was in the corner, Malo could still reach her from behind. The Banette immediately threw his arms around the Umbreon, ready to drag her to the shadows.

    [Ooc: Permission to drag Luna to the shadow world? :'0 Oh and if anyone attempts to attack Malo, it's impossible, he's still in the shadowssss]

    Age : 27
    Posts : 1186

    The NEW BARK Team - Page 5 Empty Re: The NEW BARK Team

    Post by Drago Sat Dec 24, 2011 1:05 am

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    New Bark Town | Late Evening [4]

    "Well too bad... You'll die if you don't!"

    Gaius tilted his head slightly, the Aggron's voice sounded strange. The words sounded a threat, but her voice seemed to... hm... At that moment, a stray moonbeam passed across the Aggron, and Gaius got his first good look at her.

    She was missing an arm, and was covered in blood, and her skin was purple. His eyes shot wide and he backed up wildly. Infected! He barely had the presence of mind to think. He was petrified with fear. Slowly, carefully, he turned his head to the others in the makeshift party that had been formed in the small house. The Pikachu seemed unphased, and the twins, whatever they were, seemed to be stating a challenge. Where was the other one?

    The Umbreon. That was it. She was in the corner. No help would come there. Gaius's mind snapped back, however, when he saw the shadows creeping towards her. He could do nothing, however, before the shadows wrapped around her completely. What the HELL have I gotten myself into?!

    The NEW BARK Team - Page 5 Empty Re: The NEW BARK Team

    Post by Guest Sat Dec 24, 2011 10:53 am

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    New Bark Town/ Night (3)

    "Well too bad... You'll die if you don't!"

    " Now... What would Amber tell me? A double team then..."

    Arrow fixed his scarf around his neck as blood pounded in his ears. His double was staring at where the Arggon disappeared.

    "Now... Where is she going to pop up?"

    Ice began to cover the floor as one of the tall otters fired off an ice beam. Arrow wasn't so sure that would be a good idea.

    "I don't think that is a good idea guys!" called out the Pikachu. "My trainer always said that Steel was strong against Ice. Maybe if you soak the floor...."

    That was when Arrow noticed that Luna was covered in shadows. Those creepy red eyes seemed to grin from the darkness. Arrow leaped toward the shadows.... and went right through them and banged his head against the wall. When he tried to get up, he tripped and went sliding on the ice. Arrow just looked around with a dazed look.

    " Oh boy.... We're in big trouble!"

    The NEW BARK Team - Page 5 Empty Re: The NEW BARK Team

    Post by Guest Sun Dec 25, 2011 7:48 pm

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    New Bark | Night

    In the shadows of the corner, Luna's rings glowed a faint blue as her eye's glowed red. She watched the other pokemon, just sitting there. Some leader she was. But she was so confused and so lost. So many pokemon dieing around her in such a short time period. So much changing at one time. The clock seemed to slow as the shadows around Luna started to close around her.

    Wait. What?! What is going on?! The shadows started to turn to arms and a pair of red eye's glowed behind her. As she turned she let out a yelp. It was the Banette. The Banette was attacking her. She didn't have time to react, because soon she was going under. Everything was going black, but Luna wasn't blacking out. That much she knew. No, this was a move and a move she knew well. Shadow Sneak! Luna called out.

    (OOC:I give SkyRocket, permission to drag Luna into the darkness.)

    Last edited by MoonlightEve on Sat Dec 31, 2011 8:32 pm; edited 1 time in total

    Age : 25
    Posts : 3291

    The NEW BARK Team - Page 5 Empty Re: The NEW BARK Team

    Post by Min Mon Dec 26, 2011 10:01 pm

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    New Bark | Night

    "Now would be a good time to freeze the ground, that way when it tries to come up it will hit nothing but a sheet of ice." Pan-Pan almost burst into laughter. Ice? ICE? She was resistant against ice. She felt rage boil inside of her. Did these puny living think she was WEAK?! Pan let out a loud snarl before flinging her tail upwards, effectively breaking through the floor boards and ice.

    A wicked grin was on her face as she began to repeat her action, making shards of ice and wood rain down upon the living. Without warning, she burst up above ground- right behind the Pikachu with claws ready to rip him apart.

    The NEW BARK Team - Page 5 Empty Re: The NEW BARK Team

    Post by Guest Thu Dec 29, 2011 8:14 pm

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    New Bark Town//Night

    The twins jumped back as the Aggron broke through there ice, sending it along with pieces of wood over the ground. Moudie quickly raised his arms and formed a Protect to keep him and his brother safe from the falling Debris.
    "Looks like we underestimated it bro." Atticus said as the Protect stopped and the ground was now a mess of ice and wood.
    "Wouldn't be the first time a plan backfired." Moudie added as he lowered his arms.

    The both turned there head in time to see Luna starting to get dragged into the shadows. "Luna!" Atticus shouted as he ran over and grabbed her paws trying to stop her from getting pulled into the shadows. Moudie ran over and tried to held but there hands slipped through her paws and she disappeared. The stared for a few moment at the spot she was just at before turning there attention back to the Aggron which was now going to attack the Pikachu. Moudie, being the only one out of the two that had a long range attack began to charge up a Water Pulse before firing it at the Aggron.

    The NEW BARK Team - Page 5 Empty Re: The NEW BARK Team

    Post by Guest Fri Dec 30, 2011 2:08 pm

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    New Bark Town | Late Evening [6]

    Malo dragged the Umbreon into the shadows, he chuckled as the others attempted to get 'Luna' out of his clutches, pathetic. Before the Banette could drag her fully into the shadows, she piped up the name of the move he was using, Malo scoffed, 'No shit Sherlock.' As he dragged the Umbreon fully in, he closed the door to the outside world, and then left Luna alone. Malo stood a few feet from her, on his chair, like it was some therapy room or something. He got out his feather pen, and only his feather pen, ready to write something.

    "Tell me... LUNA. Why is it you weren't joining in on the game." Inside, the Banette grinned darkly, but showed no emotion outside, he was curious, a bit angered that this Umbreon isn't joining up on the fun. He knew what he was going to do if this one gave him an idiotic answer, or something unreasonable and not legitiment enough.


    Age : 27
    Posts : 1186

    The NEW BARK Team - Page 5 Empty Re: The NEW BARK Team

    Post by Drago Fri Dec 30, 2011 6:45 pm

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    New Bark Town | Night (6)

    Gaius quickly preformed a Rapid Spin in place, to deflect any ice coming his way. However, a small piece did give him a cut along his ear. It didn't hurt much, and seemed to bleed very little, so he let it sit. By the time he turned around, the Umbreon- Luna, was it?- was gone. Backing as far away from the infected pokemon as he could get while still being in the house. "What's to say we won't die if we DO play your game?" He called out to it, right before realizing the twins were launching an attack.

    He didn't like the situation. Effective or not, the more attacks were sent at the large pokemon, he was afraid the angrier it would get. An angry infected was not something he wanted to interact with. Just keep them talking...

    The NEW BARK Team - Page 5 Empty Re: The NEW BARK Team

    Post by Guest Fri Dec 30, 2011 7:07 pm

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    New Bark Town/ Night (4)

    "This isn't good..."

    Arrow tried again to stand up but ended up back on his butt. Then, the Arggon shot straight through the frozen floor.

    "I knew it wasn't a good idea to freeze the floor!"

    Arrow covered his face and closed his eyes as shards of ice and wood began to rain down on him. He felt some of them cut into his skin. He slowly opened his eyes to see the steel/rock type infected in front of him with her claw raised for the kill. Arrow's mind began to buzz with fear as horror grabbed at his heart. His eyes were blank with shock as he remembered the day that he was taken from his family.....

    "Dear, its time for you to learn how to shock down berries from the tree."

    "Okay, Memma..... What was that?" asked a younger Arrow with his tail.

    Suddenly, an Arggon burst through the bushes they lived and picked up the small Pichu. It threw him roughly on the ground and then stompped on him. The Pichu cried out in pain as the darkness closed in. The last time he saw was his parents fearful faces as they dashed away from the scene...."

    [OoC: I give Lute permission to pick up Arrow]

    The NEW BARK Team - Page 5 Empty Re: The NEW BARK Team

    Post by Guest Fri Dec 30, 2011 8:59 pm

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    New Bark | Night

    "Luna!" Her eye's could hardly make out who said it but, her ears could. It's was Atticus. Luna could feel his and his brother's paws trying to help her but, they're paws slipped right through hers and she was in the Shadow Realm once again. There the Banette watched her and then asked her something.

    "Tell me... LUNA. Why is it you weren't joining in on the game." The Banette asked the Umbreon. His face was emotionless and his voice held power and something else. Luna couldn't tell what though. So she went back to what he asked just a moment ago. Why did she not join the battle? She thought for a moment longer and it came to her.

    I didn't take part in the "game" because i'm confused and lost inside. I mean, so many of my friends have been killed or have just vanished in such a short amount of time. I'm just trying to wrap my head around all this killing and vanishing. Luna said, hoping the Banette wouldn't try and do anything funny. Luna really didn't want to have to battle this pokemon in the Shadow Realm.

    Last edited by MoonlightEve on Sat Dec 31, 2011 8:35 pm; edited 1 time in total

    Age : 25
    Posts : 3291

    The NEW BARK Team - Page 5 Empty Re: The NEW BARK Team

    Post by Min Fri Dec 30, 2011 10:06 pm

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    New Bark | Night

    Pan-Pan barely dodge the Water Pulse as she ducked away, scowling. "Stupid water..." she mumbled. But then, Gaius spoke. "What's to say we won't die if we DO play your game?" She frowned. "But you guys won't play it willingly." The Aggron muttered.

    She turned back to Arrow, gently picking him up by the ear and watching him. "You're more scared of me than any of the others are... Why?" she pointed out. Pan wanted to have a conversation for a bit, like Malo was probably doing with Luna right now.

    The NEW BARK Team - Page 5 Empty Re: The NEW BARK Team

    Post by Guest Mon Jan 02, 2012 5:15 pm

    ((ooc: I can't think of anything good to put, so please just skip. ;; ))

    The NEW BARK Team - Page 5 Empty Re: The NEW BARK Team

    Post by Guest Thu Jan 05, 2012 3:52 pm

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    New Bark Town | Evening [7]

    I didn't take part in the "game" because i'm confused and lost inside. I mean, so many of my friends have been killed or have just vanished in such a short amount of time. I'm just trying to wrap my head around all this killing and vanishing The Lunar Pokemon replied, oh how the Banette wanted to LAUGH. Build the bridge - GET OVER IT. Malo never knew the meaning of 'friends', he found them meaningless.

    'But what about Pan-Pan?' The Banette winced in his mind, his other half being a complete INSULT to him. Though he must admit, the Aggron showed kindness, it's just that the idiots on the surface can't see the deeper meaning in one's very existence.

    Malo had a set of rules. One of them, being - 'See the deeper meaning of one's existence, for physical outlooks do not describe one's true intentions'. And obviously Pan-Pan was very kind as he treated the dear lady with respect and such.

    The Banette aimed the feather pen toward himself, "Tell me, do you have any other reasons?"


    Age : 27
    Posts : 1186

    The NEW BARK Team - Page 5 Empty Re: The NEW BARK Team

    Post by Drago Fri Jan 06, 2012 7:38 pm

    ((No real interaction with Gaius atm. If I posted with him, it'd be too short to really matter. Skip. Just say he cowered in the corne ra little more. >.<))

    The NEW BARK Team - Page 5 Empty Re: The NEW BARK Team

    Post by Guest Mon Jan 09, 2012 7:12 pm

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    New Bark | Night

    "Tell me, do you have any other reasons?" The Umbreon thought for a moment. Did she have any other reasons for not taking part in the battle? She closed her eyes and thought back to some of her old battles. Out of all of them, one stud out the most. The one she had against the Aggron but when it was still a Aron. That battle had really scarred her. All the blood and just the memory it's self. Luna took in a big breath and spoke.

    Yes there is another reason. Back when the Aggron was just a Aron, I...I...I killed her. I really don't remember much, all I know is that one minute I was protecting my friends and the next, covered in blood and just really confused. Luna paused for a minute and let what she send sink in before she continued. Believe me when I say, I didn't know what I was doing. Everything that happen during that battle, I don't remember, but I do wish I could take it back. Luna said as she looked down at the memory.

    Age : 25
    Posts : 3291

    The NEW BARK Team - Page 5 Empty Re: The NEW BARK Team

    Post by Min Mon Jan 09, 2012 7:51 pm

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    New Bark | Night

    The Pikachu was gone. He had fled as the Aggron let him go, quietly sitting down on the broken planks of wood. She couldn't help but remember when she died. Luna killed her. The only reason she was up and running right now was because she wanted to kill Luna. Make her feel what she had felt as life slipped away from her claws. She remembered how she killed Erik and Bernard. They were good Pokemon. Innocent Pokemon. Why did she kill them? She shouldn't have killed them...

    Whatever she thought, her infected mind would disagree. It would tell her to do things and she would oblige, because if she didn't, she feared the worst. She didn't even know who she was anymore. She wasn't in control of her body, mind, or actions anymore. "Who... Am I?" she asked in a pathetic voice. She turned to Gaius, who was in the corner.

    "Who am I?" she repeated. "I don't know who I am anymore..."

    The NEW BARK Team - Page 5 Empty Re: The NEW BARK Team

    Post by Guest Thu Jan 12, 2012 1:25 pm

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    New Bark Town//Night

    The twins didn't have a clue on what to do. Luna was gone, somewhere in the shadows, and this Aggron just started forgetting who it was, saying 'who am I' over and over again. The two Dewotts looked at each others, wondering what to do next. "What should we do Attius, it doesn't seem right attacking this infected while its in this state." Maudie said as he pointed to the Aggron.
    "I have to agree, just doesn't seem right." Atticus added before looking over to the corner where Luna disappeared then looking back at his brother. "Guess we just wait and see what happens next." Atticus finished as he sat down. Maudie just shrugged in agreement and sat down next to his brother, waiting for something interesting to happen next.

    The NEW BARK Team - Page 5 Empty Re: The NEW BARK Team

    Post by Guest Thu Jan 12, 2012 4:44 pm

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    New Bark Town | Evening [8]

    Malo, in truth, wasn't really surprised that the Umbreon had killed Pan-Pan when she was an Aron, but he was surprised that she actually had the guts to admit it. Before the Banette could speak, he heard something going on from outside, in the real world. Looks like something's up. He snapped his fingers, revealing a hole to the real world. "Adieu." Malo waved, going back up into the real world, he left the portal open in case the Umbreon wanted to leave.

    The Banette noticed the Aggron hovering over the Donphan, nothing seems out of the ordinary except for a pair of idiots sitting on the floor as if some huge ass Aggron was normal. Then again, it's the apocalypse, what did you expect? Malo sat in the corner, staring at everyone, his wheel seemed to be more loose than usual, he'll fix that later.

    He frowned, Pan-Pan wasn't herself this time, he should help with that. With the snap of his fingers [Wait, fingers? Paws? Rag hands?], he and the Aggron transported to a different house, which was one where they could talk alone, "Pan-Pan, you okay dear?" He asked, he floated toward her, obviously concerned.

    [Ooc: Had permission from Lute to magically transport Panny and Malo somewhere else from the group]


    Age : 27
    Posts : 1186

    The NEW BARK Team - Page 5 Empty Re: The NEW BARK Team

    Post by Drago Fri Jan 13, 2012 4:28 pm

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    New Bark Town | Night (7)

    The voice of the infected seemed strange. The undead pokemon that killed his trainer were mindless, savage beasts. This one seemed almost... Childlike. She was different from the others, at least. She seemed less dangerous to him. Yet, the size and her missing arm made her quite intimidating. A game... He thought. I suppose that could-

    Gaius's thoughts were interrupted as the Ragdoll reappeared. Something about him scared Gaius, and it wasn't that it was a Ghost type. He had dealt with them before. It was his manner. The strict politeness coupled with the smugness of his behavior, created a worrying image in the current circumstances. It took Gaius a moment to realize that both the attackers had vanished again. Shaking his head in confusion, he turned to the twins. Whatever they are, they're obviously not dead. "Sorry to jump in so quickly. Who are you, and what were they?"

    ((Short post is short. >.<))

    The NEW BARK Team - Page 5 Empty Re: The NEW BARK Team

    Post by Guest Sun Jan 15, 2012 8:31 am

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    New Bark Town|Night (1)


    The Ninetales had been listening to them for quite sometime, he never liked to act without being prepared. He had taken quick peeks at them, which didn't do much, he could only see some purple, blue, grey, and black. Eternal had only seen a few living Pokemon for since his last stop, which was Violet City. But these Pokemon, they were... quite different. Eternal's curiosity got the best of him.

    Coming out of his hiding place, he saw a Donphan, two Pokemon he didn't reconize. Coming up beside the only Pokemon he reconized, he asked Excuse me, exactly what is going on?

    ((OOC: Hi everyone! Well, since Luna hasn't left the realm with Malo, however, Malo left to go with Pan-Pan, leaving Gaius and the twins.))

    The NEW BARK Team - Page 5 Empty Re: The NEW BARK Team

    Post by Guest Mon Jan 16, 2012 12:53 pm

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    New Bark | Night

    The Umbreon watched as the Banette open a portal back to the real world. "Adieu." The Banette said as it waved and lept into the portal. Luna freaked out. Should she go or should she stay? While she thought it though, the portal started to close. Now she was really freaking out. Luna ran for the portal and lept through just as it closed.

    The portal was dark and the sir was filled to your neck with sorrow. That's all the Umbreon felt as she moved through the portal. The light was getting brighter as she drew closer to the exit. As the exit came closer and closer, all of a sudden Luna tripped or something and fell out of the hole. Ow. That was stupid. Luna said as she rubbed her head and looked down, see one of the twins under her. Her face lit up as she got of the twin and tried to help him up. I'm so sorry, I didn't mean too! Please tell me your ok? Luna said, her face still bright as the morning sun in the night.

    Age : 25
    Posts : 3291

    The NEW BARK Team - Page 5 Empty Re: The NEW BARK Team

    Post by Min Tue Jan 17, 2012 7:33 pm

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    New Bark | Mid-Night

    She felt her body suddenly be transported, and in a blink, she was in a different house than the other living. Malo floated towards her. "Pan-Pan, you okay dear?"

    "Malo, who am I? I don't understand who I am. Do I have a purpose? Is my purpose to die?" she murmurs. She flexed her claws, clicking them with impatience on the rotting, wooden floor. She looked up back to Malo, her face expressionless. Her eyes were stone cold. "Am I supposed to live? Am I supposed to die? What am I supposed to do with my life?"

    [Short post.]

    The NEW BARK Team - Page 5 Empty Re: The NEW BARK Team

    Post by Guest Fri Jan 20, 2012 7:29 pm

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    New Bark | Near Dawn [9]
    "Malo, who am I? I don't understand who I am. Do I have a purpose? Is my purpose to die? Am I supposed to live? Am I supposed to die? What am I supposed to do with my life?" Pan-pan was in obvious pain, yet her eyes showed no expressions whatsoever, Malo shushed her, doing some hand motion, as if telling the Aggron to calm down, "You're Pan-Pan, your purpose is to live, and explore, though that purpose doesn't seem to be showing, but just keep on staying, and it'll come, you'll learn."

    To be honest, this was his feelings the moment he left Justine, how would he live his life now that no one knew of him? He found a purpose after meeting Pan-Pan though, and he feels like he would need to watch her back, "In the meantime, do you want to play? We'll play a small game, won't take too long." Malo said that almost too quickly, he wanted the young Aggron to calm down, her negative energy would attract some unwanted visitors.

    Age : 27
    Posts : 1186

    The NEW BARK Team - Page 5 Empty Re: The NEW BARK Team

    Post by Drago Sat Jan 21, 2012 7:37 pm

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    New Bark Town | Near Dawn (8)

    Excuse me, exactly what is going on?

    "An undead and ghost type tried to attack us. They left though, for some reaso-" Giaus gave a jump as he realized the voice belonged to a newcomer next to him. A Ninetales, he could recognize. He shook his head. Considering his entrance was even more random, he shouldn't be so shocked. He harumphed through his trunk, and began again. "My name is Giaus." He said simply. Before he could say more, the Umbreon appeared again, landing out of nowhere on one of the twins. Quite the entrance. He thought. He wouldn't pry for where she had been, not yet, anyway. He hadn't truly met any of the others yet...

    While Luna apologized to the twin she landed on, Gaius lost himself in thought. He scratched his head with his trunk as he began. The undead who had been here was odd. Not savage, but not innocent, obviously. Gaius suspected despite her size and condition, she was little more than a child mentally. This was odd. Something else bothered him, though. Why was Luna singled out by the Bannette? There seemed to be something else going on in this small destroyed town. Breaking his self promise not to pry, he turned to the Umbreon. Time was running thin, when the duo could return at any time.

    "What were they?" He begins softly. "What do you know about those two?"

    The NEW BARK Team - Page 5 Empty Re: The NEW BARK Team

    Post by Guest Sun Jan 22, 2012 5:18 pm

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    New Bark Town|Near Dawn(2)

    An undead and ghost type tried to attack us. They left though, for some reaso- The Donphan jumped while it was explaining. My name is Giaus. He said, introducing himself. Call me Eternal. The Ninetales gave out his alias.

    An Umbreon appeared and landed on one of the blue Pokemon. She apologized (he figured it was a female from her voice), and Eternal blinked. What were they?What do you know about those two? Giaus spoke. The Ninetales kept quiet, hoping to get information from this group, not knowing anything about the two Pokemon himself.

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