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    Judas, the Jolteon [Under, Orre (to replace Delia)]


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    Judas, the Jolteon [Under, Orre (to replace Delia)] Empty Judas, the Jolteon [Under, Orre (to replace Delia)]

    Post by Silverishness Mon Apr 16, 2012 3:09 pm

    Judas, the Jolteon [Under, Orre (to replace Delia)] Tai

    Judas (Tai)
    Hex Color #E3CF57
    Item None
    Gender Male
    Age Young Adult (19 in human terms)
    Species #135/ Jolteon the Lightning Pokemon
    Height 2'7"
    Weight 50.4 lbs
    Pokédex Entry Its cells generate weak power that is amplified by its fur's static electricity to drop thunderbolts. The bristling fur is made of electrically charged needles.
    Level 47
    Ability Volt Absorb
    Nature Hasty
    Characteristic Strong Willed
    Moves -Thunderbolt [TM]
    -Shadow Ball [TM]
    -Double Kick
    -Quick Attack
    History Tai began life with a young girl by the name of Shayla. Shayla began her journey with not one, but two eevee, Tai himself and his brother, Kaze. They traveled across their home region of Hoenn, gaining allies and experience. Shayla caught an absol by the name of Demi, and Tai was instantly smitten. Though the two got off to a rocky start, they eventually became friends, and grew very fond of each other. Tai hoped maybe even one day, she would accept him as her mate, to which she eventually obliged. There was some tiff about this, as his brother sought her attention as well, but eventually, the jolteon won out. The days they were together remain his happiest, though maybe not most fond, especially with his brother's dismay looming over the normally happy jolteon's head.

    It was then the Infected began spilling into the region, killing without thought or reason. It was during the night when they came. He and Kaze had had another round of fighting, and were currently licking their wounds from the fight. They never truly hurt each other, and usually stopped when blood was drawn, but the fact that they were still fighting was enough to push Tai to solitude to think. He saw a clearly infected Aggron slowly making its way to the camp. Kaze was on watch, and quickly alerted the rest of the team to its appearance. Though Tai wanted to help, his feet stayed put as he watched with a cold stare as the team fought against the Aggron.

    After all... if Kaze died... his problems were solved.

    However, the Aggron did more damage than Tai thought it would. It killed Shayla first, then the others, then finally slaughtered Kaze. The death of his brother pained the jolteon; he hadn't truly thought it would happen. The small purple carcass hanging on the Aggron's teeth and claws bore into his mind, and he knew it was because of him. Demi had gotten to higher ground, wounded, and spotted him. “Why are you just sitting there?!” she had shouted, distraught. “Why didn't you help?!” He had no answer for her, and still, he found himself unable to move even when the ground gave out from under her, throwing her to the whims of gravity. She landed hard, and the rocks pinned her down, making her easy prey for the Aggron. She called for help, and still he didn't move. “Y-You... You TRAITOR!” she snapped, eyes full of hate even as the Aggron's shadow loomed over her. “TRAITOR! BASTARD! JUDAS!

    It was her last word. The Aggron snapped her neck as he pulled her by the head out of the wreckage, and Tai finally found the sense to move. He ran and ran, never looking back.
    Appearance Like any jolteon, he is slim with delicate limbs and spines littering his body. However, what may not be so typical is that his spines are almost always on end. A hard look is a permanent resident on his face, occasionally replaced with a dark half-grin. He has little to no scars, but is a little underweight with the lack of food available.
    Personality Once a kind, happy soul, Tai is now jaded, cynical and filled to the brim with self-loathing and a general contempt for the world. He is very much aware that the deaths of not only his team, but his mate and brother are on his paws, and sees the Aggron as an extension of himself. Any others with mates or with a positive outlook would be regarded as naïve or dumb. He does not trust others, as he cannot even trust himself, and tends to stick away from groups.

    However, seeing someone in a situation like his own, or perchance worse off than he would strike a chord, and he would try and truly help them. He longs for penitence, for redemption, but is not really sure how to obtain it, or if he's even worthy enough to seek it out. Nothing he can do can bring them back, no matter how sorry he is, and he knows it. Their deaths are his cross to bear, and he drags it with him, leaving his old, given name behind and introduces himself as the insult Demi had thrown out before her death.
    User Notes All characters here are from an old fanfic of mine
    Though he'll go strictly by “Judas” to any other pokemon he encounters, I may narrate using both names, interchanging them
    Lady Gaga's “Judas” helped inspire his newish turn lol

    Last edited by Silverishness on Sun Jun 03, 2012 12:44 pm; edited 1 time in total


    Judas, the Jolteon [Under, Orre (to replace Delia)] PCP637Judas, the Jolteon [Under, Orre (to replace Delia)] 635Judas, the Jolteon [Under, Orre (to replace Delia)] 196

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    Judas, the Jolteon [Under, Orre (to replace Delia)] Empty Re: Judas, the Jolteon [Under, Orre (to replace Delia)]

    Post by Mewtwo Wed Apr 18, 2012 3:00 pm

    The character is good, but please let me know when the switch is approved and then I can approve him.


    Judas, the Jolteon [Under, Orre (to replace Delia)] 3Br5nS6

    Judas, the Jolteon [Under, Orre (to replace Delia)] ZGD0iWwAdmin - Profiles, PlotJudas, the Jolteon [Under, Orre (to replace Delia)] UugYyDK

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    Judas, the Jolteon [Under, Orre (to replace Delia)] Empty Re: Judas, the Jolteon [Under, Orre (to replace Delia)]

    Post by Silverishness Wed Apr 18, 2012 3:24 pm



    Judas, the Jolteon [Under, Orre (to replace Delia)] PCP637Judas, the Jolteon [Under, Orre (to replace Delia)] 635Judas, the Jolteon [Under, Orre (to replace Delia)] 196

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    Judas, the Jolteon [Under, Orre (to replace Delia)] Empty Re: Judas, the Jolteon [Under, Orre (to replace Delia)]

    Post by Mewtwo Sat Apr 21, 2012 4:07 pm

    Switch was okay-ed.

    Character approved.


    Judas, the Jolteon [Under, Orre (to replace Delia)] 3Br5nS6

    Judas, the Jolteon [Under, Orre (to replace Delia)] ZGD0iWwAdmin - Profiles, PlotJudas, the Jolteon [Under, Orre (to replace Delia)] UugYyDK

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