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This is what remains of the region after the virus hit.
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Dark Days are Ahead...
Will you survive?


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    The SEAFOAM Team


    The SEAFOAM Team  - Page 7 Empty Re: The SEAFOAM Team

    Post by Guest Thu Dec 06, 2012 4:07 pm

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    Seafoam Islands|Afternoon

    Nikki smiled as he felt his friends shift and waken, nuzzling the otter's leg affectionately. He looked up with wide eyes happy and sparkling as Maudie ate a few of the berries before slipping back into a deep sleep. Worried, Nikki whimpered lightly before cuddling closer to his watery friends. He was feeling much better after his berry, though the acidic ink from the Tentacruel still stung his paws, and was sure that whatever Maro brought them would make them feel better. He just had to wait...they would be okay. Right...?


    Both Nikkolai and Kegan jolted at the sound of Maro shouting the great Fearow's name, Nikki beginning to cry as he saw a brown blot plummeting from the sky. Kegan hushed the small fox and bid him to stay with his friends in the bed as the fire moth moved to the mouth of the cave, witnessing Maro's snarl as she set eyes on the wicked bird from his native region that seemed to be causing all of the trouble. "Keagan, do you think the children will be ok alone for the five minutes it will take me to get Fear in here and for you to kill that son-of-a-bitch that nearly killed them both?"

    Kegan looked at Maro with new eyes, the ferocity of the female whom was normally so calm an interesting turn of events. "Let me deal with the birds, Miss Maro. Fear is the size of two of you, at the least, you may not have an easy time of it." Though he was sure that his words were falling on deaf ears. The level of protectiveness radiating off of her rivaled that of his own breeder when one of his his Pokemon was in danger. "...But if you think he can get here under some of his own power then you may be able to help him back. The boys should be safe here for a few minutes." Leaving the ghostly fox to her decision the Volcarona took to the air to challenge the beast of a Braviary that was currently circling his fallen prey.

    The bird didn't see the moth coming as Kegan slammed into his side, stabbing him with his slim proboscis in a vicious Bug Bite. He was resistant to the attack, naturally, but it was really just an excuse to get close enough to blast his Flamethrower where the bird couldn't dodge. Breaking off from the territorial Valiant Pokemon Kegan began trying to draw him away from Fear, giving him time to get back to the cave where it was safe. He didn't want to kill the living bird, it wasn't his fault he was paranoid and territorial, he was scared. They all were. Yes he pulled a dick move and attacked another living but in his mental state he probably couldn't tell living from dead anymore. That didn't mean he deserved to die, no, that just meant Kegan had to lure him away from the others before ditching him.

    ((Ana, let me know if you want me to change anything. ^_^))

    Age : 37
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    The SEAFOAM Team  - Page 7 Empty Re: The SEAFOAM Team

    Post by Fox Sun Dec 09, 2012 8:53 pm

    (Gah, I can't believe I forgot about posting here; please skip me another turn, they're still unconscious. It'd be kind weird for them to wake up so soon. Matter of fact, skip me next turn as well my dears, so you don't have to wait on me...then I'll have them wake up and eat some berries to regain their strength~
    Note: And Phoe, you're fine dear. I'm glad the twins have an adorable little friend)


    "What's the point in them being happy now if they're going to be sad later?
    The answer is, of course, because they're going to be sad later."

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    The SEAFOAM Team  - Page 7 Empty Re: The SEAFOAM Team

    Post by Nightfall Wed Dec 12, 2012 2:48 pm

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    Seafoam Islands/Afternoon (34)
    (Post count continuing from [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.])

    Finally ... it was about time. After weeks of non-stop swimming and hardly any eating, Zeke was home at last. The Seafoam Islands didn't look that much different from when he lived there with his family as a child, but he knew very well that they were no longer the same place that he knew and remembered fondly. Those undead heathens no doubt crawled through its depths. Upon that thought, Zeke couldn't help but wonder, if the rumours had been true, if Articuno was still alive. Surely the legendary bird Pokemon would've been able to eradicate the undead plaguing its home ... if he had even been there in the first place, of course.

    The Golduck swam closer to the islands, keeping just the top of his head above the water. Beneath him his chubby stomach rumbled, and Zeke reckoned at this rate it wouldn't stay flabby for long. He hadn't had anything decent to eat in days, and for somebody like him who adored every mouthful of food he received, it was not good news. "Hang in there," he mumbled, giving his growling gut a quick pat as he swam along ... only to stop in his tracks when he noticed a rather large group of living Pokemon gathered on a hill on the northern island.

    Two Dewott appeared to be in a bad way, while a Vulpix looked a little worse for wear as well. In the sky a battle appeared to be still raging, but Zeke reckoned that it was only polite to go over and offer assistance. "Er, hey guys?" Cautiously crawling up onto the shore, he eyed the very weird-looking Eeveelution who was heading for the water as he lifted a webbed hand. "Need any help?"

    ((My next post will be much better than this, I promise. -_- Really not in the posting mood atm but knew I had to do it before I got a warning. Nice to be here with you guys. <3))

    Age : 36
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    The SEAFOAM Team  - Page 7 Empty Re: The SEAFOAM Team

    Post by Silverishness Sun Dec 16, 2012 4:03 am

    Post 31

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    Seafoam Islands| Afternoon

    "Let me deal with the birds, Miss Maro. Fear is the size of two of you, at the least, you may not have an easy time of it." Maro glanced to him, her crimson eyes flared with fury at the circling bird above. There was no way she was leaving Fear to that thing while she still had strength to help. "...But if you think he can get here under some of his own power then you may be able to help him back. The boys should be safe here for a few minutes." It was all she needed. As Keagan himself took to the skies, Maro rocketed across the sand and down the hill, quickly finding something else entirely.

    A golduck was emerging from the waters, close to Fear. While her first instinct was to eradicate the water type, his movements indicated he was very much alive. Coming to a still, she stopped in front of him as he posed a question to her, "Need any help?"

    She glanced to Fear's limp form, then looked back to the golduck. "Can you help me carry him?" As much as she wanted to get Fear with the others and then take on that infuriating bird herself, Keagan was the one with wings and completely capable of handling the villain on his own.

    She trotted to the fearow, first placing her ear near his chest to listen for a pulse. Thankfully, it was there, and she maneuvered herself beneath one of his giant wings, then looked to the golduck in a silent bid to cooperate. Her eyes flicked down to Fear for a moment before she whispered, "We're going to get you better, ok? Just hang in there."


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    The SEAFOAM Team  - Page 7 Empty Re: The SEAFOAM Team

    Post by Nightfall Wed Dec 19, 2012 1:45 pm

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    Seafoam Islands/Afternoon (35)
    (Using this as a temporary image for Zeke until I get a better one)

    The weird-looking Eeveelution asked if he wouldn't mind helping her to carry the fallen Fearow. Zeke's hand shot up to give a salute, but quickly lowered it again when he realised the severity of the situation. The huge Flying-type was in a pretty bad way. "Er, yeah! Sure thing!" Standing up onto his legs, he wobbled around the bird's limp body and placed himself underneath his unoccupied wing, gripping its under-layer tightly in his webbed hands, his unsteady legs trembling throughout.

    "OK, on the count of three," he said, peeking round and catching the Eeveelution's crimson gaze. "One, two, three!" With a groan of effort, he hoisted the gigantic wing up off the ground, hoping that the Ghost-type would manage on her side. "So er ... where do you want to put him?"

    The SEAFOAM Team  - Page 7 Empty Re: The SEAFOAM Team

    Post by Guest Wed Dec 26, 2012 10:48 am

    ((For sake of plot Sil has allowed me to skip her, so after me will be Sil and then Ana))
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    Seafoam Islands|Afternoon

    It took some time but finally Kegan was able to distract the Braviary away from the beach, luring him to the other side of the island. From that point it was just a matter of losing him. It was only a temporary solution since the bird's species were notoriously territorial and he would obviously return to the beach, but hopefully Maro would have Fear off to the cave by then. He began to wonder why in all of his time on the island he had never seen the bird before...but dismissed it to his usualy cautious nature as a Larvesta. He never usually let anything find him.

    As he finally lost his pursuer Kegan made his way back to beach in time to see Maro and something blue getting Fear up to the cave. Not really sure who the newcomer was he allowed himself to trust Maro's instincts and swooped down to aid them. "You two will have trouble on your own, let me take him. I'll leave your new friend to you." Wrapping his six legs around Fear's middle, keeping the large avian's wings tucked to his sides, Kegan began to lift the bird with the beat of his six powerful wings. Ember scales drifted down from the effort it took to lift him but thankfully birds had hollow bones to make flight easier, otherwise he would have been much heavier.

    Nikki sat and waited for everyone to return, too anxious to know what had become of the Fearow who had tried to save him. Curled up next to the twins the silver fox's tails bounced softly in anxious anticipation, occasionally bumping against them as they slept. His heart was full of concern for everyone. The twins for their condition, FearSpirit for his disappearance, Uncle Kegan and Miss Maro for rushing out to fight who knew what to save FearSpirit...everyone he loved was in danger and here he was, powerless to help. What good was a friend if they couldn't help the ones who cared about them?

    He could hear the sound of Kegan's wings before the moth even arrived, Nikkolai up and ready as the Volcarona settled into the cave. His legs unfurled and released the Fearow onto the stone as gently as he could before coming to a rest just behind. "Mr. FearSpirit?" Nikki asked cautiously, checking the large avian over for injuries. "Is he okay?" Kegan merely shook his head. "I am not sure. Miss Maro will be able to get a better look at him once she and the newcomer catch up." Nikki gave a puzzled look to the fire moth. "Newcomer?" Kegan nodded. "A water type, Golduck I believe." Nikki wasn't sure how he felt about so many people coming and going from their little group, but he was satisfied at least Fear was back.

    Age : 36
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    The SEAFOAM Team  - Page 7 Empty Re: The SEAFOAM Team

    Post by Silverishness Fri Dec 28, 2012 7:53 am

    Post 32

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    Seafoam Islands| Afternoon

    "Er, yeah! Sure thing!" was the golduck's response, and Maro thanked her lucky stars the water type was friendly. A fight mere inches from her wounded friend was not something she wanted to partake. She nodded at the duck's instructions, but paused as great wings beat against the wind, indicating something arriving. Almost fearful that the bird had lost or beaten Keagan, she gave a sigh of relief when her eyes laid upon the bug's giant form. "You two will have trouble on your own, let me take him. I'll leave your new friend to you." Keagan's words gave no room for objections as he wrapped his multiple legs around Fear and took off with him, heading back to the outcropping.

    Another sigh escaped her. There were only enough berries for the three boys to get better, and with Fear's injuries... Her eyes went to the berry bush. They needed to ration whatever was left over there, but desperate times... Letting out a breath of resolution, knowing what she needed to do, she turned back to the helpful golduck and gave a small bow. "Thank you for your help, or rather your offer for it." She glanced back to the outcropping, then back to the golduck. She would have liked to find out what he was doing there, what he wanted from such a desolate island, but her instincts were screaming at her. She needed to go and help Fear and the boys. "I'm sorry, but I need to attend to them..." Giving another bow, she turned tail and flew across the sands in a dash to the berry bushes she'd gathered from before. Collecting another array of berries in a large leaf, she bundled them up and began to sprint back to the others, hoping she wasn't too late to help Fear.


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    The SEAFOAM Team  - Page 7 Empty Re: The SEAFOAM Team

    Post by Fox Sun Dec 30, 2012 10:46 pm

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    Seafoam Islands | Afternoon

    Maudies' vision was blurred and hazy as he quietly groaned, the sharp smell of blood making him jerk up in sudden fear.
    "Attie!" He gasped, reeling around in frantic terror for his twin. The otter fell over, still dazed from the earlier attack. The blue-scarved twin shook his head and strained to focus his eyes. A blurry blue and red splotch was just in front of him, to which he scrambled over and frantically felt for any wounds.
    "Mmm...Urrghh...Maud...?" The lying otter grumbled, leaning against his elbows. "Wh-what are you doing?..."
    Maudie focused on his twin, his gaze fierce and his paws trembling.
    "Y-you're not hurt, are you!?"
    "...Gurrghh...my leg still hurts...but..." Atticus fell silent as he too caught the scent of blood, his dark eyes focusing on his brother. "...What's going on?"
    "I don't know..."
    The blue-scarved otter shook his head in confusion, looking about him, his gaze falling on the small silver fox. Behind the child was a tattered, feathered body, covered in blood. Maudie froze, his ears falling flat as he realized who exactly the bloody body was.
    "...No..." He whispered, clutching his brothers' arm tightly.

    (THEY'RE BACK!~ I missed rping as them so much~)


    "What's the point in them being happy now if they're going to be sad later?
    The answer is, of course, because they're going to be sad later."

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    The SEAFOAM Team  - Page 7 Empty Re: The SEAFOAM Team

    Post by Nightfall Wed Jan 09, 2013 1:43 pm

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    Seafoam Islands/Afternoon (36)

    The Volcarona arrived and said that he'd take the inured Fearow off their hands for a while. The strange Eeveelution thanked him for his help, and Zeke responded with a cheeky grin, a wink and a salute. "No problem! Glad to be of assistance!"

    The Golduck stood back for a moment and watched them all converse, feeling very out of place. It seemed that he was no longer needed, and that was a good enough excuse for him to get into the deeper parts of the island to see whether his family were there. "Well I'm off to ... er..." Pointing a thumb over his shoulder, he chuckled nervously. "Gonna go see if I can find the folks. Maybe I'll see you all later?"

    Giving the group a small wave and adding, "Good luck," Zeke slipped into the water and disappeared down into its murky depths.

    ((Leaving post. Sorry for the short stay, maybe I'll be back sometime. <3))

    Age : 25
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    The SEAFOAM Team  - Page 7 Empty Re: The SEAFOAM Team

    Post by Min Mon Jan 14, 2013 4:02 pm

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    Shores of Seafoam| |Afternoon

    It was... so cold.

    From the moment he fell from the deck of the sinking ship, the waters were merciless, grasping and ravaging his body as the sea closed his eyes and pried him away. He couldn't recall how long he had been out for, days? Maybe even weeks? But as he wearily looked up from his place in the beach sand more worries sprung into place. Where was he? Tyrone shivered and coughed, barely able to sit up as he regarded his surroundings. "Am I even... alive?" he mumbled, and was soon his by an tide of memories at the theory that he was dead. "Lize..."

    He began to cry, the tears mixing with the salt water that drenched his body as he sobbed. Why did everything had to be like this--where had he gone wrong? Suddenly he froze, his eyes wide and silent as he picked out sounds. Shaking his head roughly he narrowed his eyes, concentrating on the soft murmurs from afar. Tyrone struggled to stand, watching the small figures he could see. "H-hello?!" he called, only to succumb to a fit of coughs and hacks. He slowly limped of few steps forward, before falling on his knees.

    Every movement he made caused his body to ache and groan, joints rusty as he collapsed onto the sand. He whimpered, unable to get up. "Someone save me..." he whined. Had the Pokemon he spotted even heard his call? What if they were undead, rushing to devour him? Or what if they weren't friendly and just left him to die? What if he was already dead, and this was just some sort of unfortunate after life that he was stuck with?

    But in the end, the little Bagon hoped for the best.

    [OOC: Whee! :'D Good to be on this team. <3]

    Age : 36
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    The SEAFOAM Team  - Page 7 Empty Re: The SEAFOAM Team

    Post by Silverishness Tue Jan 15, 2013 4:11 am

    Post 33

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    Seafoam Islands| Afternoon

    Maro darted off once more from the small berry bush that had come in so great of use, her leaf pouch filled with the plant's precious berries. Her long legs carried her swiftly, but upon hearing a strange voice on the air, she stopped, her indigo head turning toward the surf. "H-hello?!" it called as her eyes searched for the voice's owner. She began thinking that she'd somehow managed to swallow saltwater, but no-- there, in the tide, a small large-headed dragon fell to its knees.

    Her heart began to tear with indecision, but she quickly came to a consensus before too much precious time had passed. She finished her dash to the outcropping, laying the new mound of berries at the boys' feet. "Eat what you need, boys, and save some for Fear," she said in a curt, strict tone before turning on her heels and dashing out again, making a beeline for the little dragon. She slowed a small ways away, sniffing to make sure the telltale stench of death didn't cling to him.

    "Someone save me..."

    A sad sigh escaped her, her feet bringing her closer to the dragon. "I'm right here, Sweetie," she cooed in a soothing voice. "I'm going to pick you up, all right? We have berries for you, and you can sleep. Just hold on." With that, she began maneuvering herself beneath the little thing, adjusting him to ride on her back.

    ((Lulu, I left it open so he could object if he wanted : ) ))


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    The SEAFOAM Team  - Page 7 Empty Re: The SEAFOAM Team

    Post by Guest Fri Jan 18, 2013 3:49 pm

    ((I hate to do this last minute but skip please. I can't think of much more to do than have Nikki be happy the twins are awake. lol))

    Age : 37
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    The SEAFOAM Team  - Page 7 Empty Re: The SEAFOAM Team

    Post by Fox Sat Jan 19, 2013 3:18 am

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    Seafoam Islands | Afternoon

    Atticus clenched his jaws as he watched the small fox and Fearow cuddle and coo over each other. Worry evaporated for the large bird and was quickly replaced with a boiling rage. The red-scarved Dewott fell forward and got to his feet with a pained grunt, his twin looking up to his twin with worry.
    "How can you act like everythings' okay!? You dropped him, didn't you!? You did! Didn't you!" He roared, his eyes alight with pure rage. "You almost killed him! He would have DIED! AND IT WOULD HAVE BEEN ALL YOUR FAULT!" The red-scarved otter seethed, his breathing labored as he bared his teeth at the bird. "You can't even carry a kid without throwing them to their deaths! You're pathetic! You shouldn't even be here! YOU DON'T DESERVE IT!!" Atticus turned his attention to the fox, balling up his fists. "Why!? Why are you treating HIM like he's your friend!? It's NOT FAIR!" The otters' screams echoed throughout the hollow, making them echo with a stinging ferocity. Atticus snarled, his fist balling up and flashing a brilliant blue before smashing into the cavern wall. Ice shards flew as his fist collided, leaving a large indention in the wall, covered in icicles. The otter quickly pulled back his fist and barreled past the others, racing out of the cave and onto the beach, ignoring his pulsing leg.
    Maudie watched with horror as his brother took off, leaping to his feet as he dashed after him.

    "Attie stop!!" Maudie tackled the twin into the sand, turning him around quickly. "What are you doing!? What's wrong!?" He asked in desparation and fear.
    Atticus scoffed in indignant rage. "Wh-what's WRONG!?"
    "THEY are wrong! Did you see him!? He was willing to forgive him, just like that for dropping him to his death! He still cared about him, even after that!" Atticus seethed, grasping tightly at his brothers shoulders. "How come he did that!? How come! He didn't deserve that!"
    Maudies' ears flattened as he silently listened.
    "Maud...that could have been US. He would have dropped us! That moth probably saved him! He's the only one that can fucking FLY! Do you honestly think that bug would have come to OUR rescue the way he did for Nikki!? HE WOULDN'T HAVE! We can't trust them!" The otter sighed, his ears falling in defeat. He turned sadly, clenching his teeth against the tears. "...I'm tired of it, Maud. I'm tired of looking for others to let in. I can't take it anymore...." He sniffled, and continued. "We won't find trust. We won't find understanding. It's about time we realize that..." He whispered, looking down at the sand. "...They're not worth the pain."
    Atticus slowly got to his feet, his shoulders hunched and his head low. The red-scarved otter slowly walked into the surf and stared out over the blue waters. He felt a clawed hand wrap around his. Attie looked next to him, up to his brothers' face.
    "...We should go."
    Attie silently nodded, and dove quickly under the water, his brother moving with him in unison.

    (Leaving post.)


    "What's the point in them being happy now if they're going to be sad later?
    The answer is, of course, because they're going to be sad later."

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    The SEAFOAM Team  - Page 7 Empty Re: The SEAFOAM Team

    Post by Guest Tue Jan 29, 2013 2:42 pm

    ((I know the team is still on hold waiting on a Harb but I need to do my leaving post before I forget.))
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    Seafoam Islands|Afternoon

    Nikki was near tears when FearSpirit lifted him up and offered his goodbye, trying hard to be strong for the bird. He didn't want to hurt him by crying, but a voice crying out behind him made the emotional barricade useless. "You almost killed him! He would have DIED! AND IT WOULD HAVE BEEN ALL YOUR FAULT!" His eyes widened as he turned to look at his two friends, both finally awake. For a moment he was overjoyed to see them both still alive but the shouting wiped it right off again. "You can't even carry a kid without throwing them to their deaths! You're pathetic! You shouldn't even be here! YOU DON'T DESERVE IT!!"

    "Why!? Why are you treating HIM like he's your friend!? It's NOT FAIR!" Eyes bore into him and Nikki burst into tears, unable to stop it. "I..." but he was silenced by a loud sob that choked off his air. Nikki had no words to placate his friends, nothing that would soothe their ire. "You're all my friends..." he whimpered pathetically. "...We should go." His head shot up even as the tears kept coming and he saw the two begin to leave the cave.

    "No!" Nikki cried, desperate to get the twins to stay. He couldn't lose them...he couldn't. First FearSpirit and now the otters? He had already lost his home and his family why did his friends have to leave too? Did they really want to be away from him so much? "Please..." he begged, his running slowing as he realized that he wasn't going to be able to catch up to them. "Please don't leave me..." When he finally gave up, steps coming to a tragically slow stop as he sat upon the cliff overlooking their forms disappearing from his life forever, his heart broke.

    Kegan had followed Nikki to ensure the kit's safety but upon seeing him so lost, so broken, he could no longer feel the separate distinction that had been bred and trained into him by his sire. He had always been told that for breeders, while you loved all your hatchlings, you couldn't form permanent attachments because the children never stayed. They always found new homes. But seeing Nikkolai like that...he couldn't do it anymore. This child needed someone in his life who was permanent and Kegan was the only one who could do that for him. "Come on child," he whispered gently, resting a wing over his small form. "I don't think it is such a good idea to stay here anymore."

    Lifting Nikkolai onto his back he soared down to the beach to find Maro. Upon finally spotting the wispy female he settled down near her and tried to get her attention. However she seemed to be distracted by a small Bagon so it would require more than his bulk to get her attention. "Miss Maro," he called out, trying not to startle her. "If you are heading back to the cave you should know that everyone is gone." At his words a loud sob could be heard from atop his back where Nikki was still crying. Kegan felt bad for the boy but while he was up there he had no way of comforting him. "We are leaving as well, but..." His head shifted slightly to try and indicate the Vulpix upon his back, his eyes reflecting his sorrow for the child. "We want you to come with us. Will you go?"

    Whether she did or not, the two were leaving, but Kegan really wished she would join them. If not for him then for the child upon his back who desperately needed the companionship.

    ((Leaving post finished...and man was that depressing...))

    Age : 36
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    Post by Silverishness Thu Jan 31, 2013 4:08 am

    Post 34

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    Seafoam Islands| Afternoon

    Shouting. While Maro couldn't yet understand the words, she turned to the source, as it was coming from the outcropping. Frowning lightly, she took only a few steps twoard it when she realized the twin otters were walking away, as a brown figure flew off. ...Fear? But... he was on Death's door! How could he just fly away now?! Her eyes went to the otters, who were actually storming away from the cave and toward the beach.

    "Attie stop!!" one cried before tackling the other into the sand. Maro's feet lurched to go and see what was wrong, but the rest of her body was rigid. "What are you doing!? What's wrong!?" While the question was perfectly understandable, especially from Maro's view, the other twin scoffed.

    "Wh-what's WRONG!? THEY are wrong! Did you see him!? He was willing to forgive him, just like that for dropping him to his death! He still cared about him, even after that!" Maro swallowed, the rage of the young otter taking her by surprise. Surely he didn't think Fear would have dropped poor Nikki on purpose...? "How come he did that!? How come! He didn't deserve that!" The blue-scarved brother was silent as his red-scarved counterpart continued. "Maud...that could have been US. He would have dropped us! That moth probably saved him! He's the only one that can fucking FLY! Do you honestly think that bug would have come to OUR rescue the way he did for Nikki!? HE WOULDN'T HAVE! We can't trust them!" Maro's eyes widened in shock, the accusation striking her like a knife in the chest. "...Boys..." she whimpered, but her voice was too soft for them to hear.

    "...I'm tired of it, Maud. I'm tired of looking for others to let in. I can't take it anymore...." He sniffled, and continued. "We won't find trust. We won't find understanding. It's about time we realize that..." He whispered, looking down at the sand. "...They're not worth the pain."

    "Boys..." Maro stood, unbelieving of her ears and eyes. After they'd worked so hard to save them after the tentacruel's attack, after she'd personally fetched healing berries and gotten them back to the health where they could storm off-- that meant she didn't care? Betrayal and hurt sliced at her soul, sure that these boys didn't even see her as they reached the water's edge. "...We should go." Eyes frantic, her legs finally allowed her to move, beginning to dart to them.

    "Wait! WAIT!" she cried, her voice breaking with emotion and strain. "BOYS! Wai--" She was far too slow. They dove expertly into the murky waters, leaving her pleading on the sands. Why? Why had they thought like that...? Legs shaking from adrenaline, it was all she could do to go back to the little dragon she'd found. Fear, the boys... Who else would leave? Would she end up alone once more? With all of the company compacted into a few, beautiful hours, she wasn't sure she could handle it.

    As she returned to the dragon's side, a shadow drew upon her, accompanied by heavy wingbeats. Frightened that something else had found its way onto the beach, she turned, flashing fangs at whatever was looming over her, tears already welling in her eyes. But when she saw Keagan and little Nikki, something inside of her fell. The look on their faces... They were leaving too.

    "If you are heading back to the cave you should know that everyone is gone." A loud cry sounded after his words, Nikki already torn with the situation. Her heart ached for him, but the finality of Keagan's voice only made her expression sink more. "...I know."

    But what surprised her was, instead of bidding her a farewell as she thought, he followed with, "We are leaving as well, but..." His head shifted slightly to try and indicate the Vulpix upon his back, his eyes reflecting his sorrow for the child. "We want you to come with us. Will you go?" Simple shock lighted her face, and she immediately turned to the dragon beside her. Swallowing, she wasn't sure if she could live with the knowledge that she'd abandoned someone in need... But Nikki needed her as well. Sighing, she nudged the bundle of berries intended for Fear closer to the dragon.

    "Eat these. You'll feel much better. The outcropping up there has more, and is a safe place to rest." Her voice was soft and gentle, as a mother speaks to her own. She looked back up to Keagan and nodded, her smile warm and welcoming. It would be nice to stay with them and not be so alone anymore... She expertly hopped onto the volcarona's grand back, snuggling next to the weeping vulpix.

    "Let's go."

    And so, they were off, six expansive wings carrying them through the skies to a destination unknown.

    [Leaving post]


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    Age : 25
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    The SEAFOAM Team  - Page 7 Empty Re: The SEAFOAM Team

    Post by Min Mon Feb 25, 2013 6:14 pm

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    Shores of Seafoam| |Afternoon

    A ghost had approached him, purple and wispy with eyes a vivid crimson. Was he really in the afterlife? The phantom had come to him, offering help with a sweet, cooing voice. But the poltergeist had left as fast as she came, nudging berries towards the Bagon before she turned to leap onto the back of what Tyrone could make out as a Volcarona, before taking to the skies. "Eat these. You'll feel much better. The outcropping up there has more, and is a safe place to rest." were her last words to him, and obediently the dragon reached for the fruits, slowly bringing them to his mouth.

    He greedily feasted upon the berries, jaws churning their juicy flesh as he slowly got up, feeling his strength growing. His body still shivered with the cold of the seas, the waves tumbling and crashing upon the sand shores, sprays of droplets raining upon his drenched form. "Lize..." he mumbled, looking up to the orange sky. The sun had slowly begun to set, the faintest pink tainting the vivid color. "Lize, if you can hear me up there..." he smiled gently, lips curled slightly upwards.

    "...I'm going to live the best I can. I'll live a live for you, down here, okay?" he dragged a single claw across the sand, making an x. "An X marks the spot," he chuckled a bit. "This is where my story begins." he stamped one footprint beside it, before dipping his head. He sighed, before looking up to the outcrop the Phanteon mentioned, and slowly started to head towards it.

    "Let's make this a good one,"

    Age : 25
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    Post by Min Wed Feb 27, 2013 6:27 pm

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    Seafoam Island| |Afternoon

    The sun was hot on his back, not as hot as the Hoenn climate but still warm enough to be pleasant for the reptile, a rough, grainy purr escaping from his throat as he walked across the sands. Hoenn, my home. His gaze traveled across the island. "Where am I... anyway?" he paused, frowning. The Bagon raises his head to the skies. "This weather doesn't feel like Hoenn... And the only island-like areas I know of in Hoenn are the Faraway Island and Mossdeep..." Tyrone sighed. "Maybe I'm not even in Hoenn."

    Shrugging the thought away, he continued his way to the outcrop, a small pile of berries in his arms as he slowly limped upwards. As he finally reached the area, he collapsed onto the ground, panting and weak. "Man I'm pathetic..." he muttered, crawling on his knees as he edged to the center. Plopping a second berry into his mouth, he sat for a moment in the shade, reflecting on the past. "All alone on a island..." he sighed. "...I wonder if I'll ever get off, or maybe I'll evolve into a Salamence one day and fly..."

    Age : 25
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    The SEAFOAM Team  - Page 7 Empty Re: The SEAFOAM Team

    Post by Min Sun Mar 03, 2013 5:15 pm

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    Seafoam Island| |Late Afternoon

    The dragon sighed, the idea of possibly gaining wing and taking flight exciting him, yet a deep fear trembled inside at the thought. The skies belonged to the birds, not wannabes like him. What if the Fearows attacked him for invading their lands? What if murders upon murders of Murkrows ripped apart his new limbs wilst he plummeted back to the Earth? The Bagon shivered at the thought, but found his gaze pointing towards the setting sun. What if he could reach Lize up there, if he flew high enough? What if he could fly to the heavens, and see Lize's face again?

    Suddenly, a vicious snarl had snapped him away from his thoughts, immediately stumbling into a standing position as he turned to face his foe. A pair of Kingler, exoskeleton rotting and black oozing from the cracks decorating it's body, began to approach Tyrone. The Bagon stepped back, body tense with anticipation. "Ah fuck, not even a day and already undead..." he muttered, frowning. Closing his eyes, his body was swiftly engulfed with a blazing blue aura, charging forward with his Dragon Rush. He wasn't going to die yet. He wasn't going to let Lize down.

    Age : 25
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    The SEAFOAM Team  - Page 7 Empty Re: The SEAFOAM Team

    Post by Min Thu Mar 07, 2013 6:00 pm

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    Seafoam Island| |Late Afternoon

    His Dragon Rush had caused him to ram directly into one of the Kingler, it's exoskeleton cracking and soon crumbling as it recoiled in pain. "Take that, undead bastards!" he mocked, narrowly dodging a powerful Ice Beam as the Bagon stumbled, regaining his footing only to find the other crab swinging it's claw down. The limb had struck him right in the stomach, the Crab Hammer forcing the oxygen out from his lungs as the dragon fell onto the sands of the beach. "Damn...I'm too low-leveled for them..."

    Gritting his teeth, the Bagon slowly got up, watching as the two crustaceans began to speed towards him. A feeling of dread and terror over took the dragon, realizing he was much too weak to defeat them alone. Hesitating, he felt his mouth run try before he turned tail and dashed further into the island. He pants hard, legs and arms pumping as he tried to get away from the undead. A Scald flew past him, only fueling Tyrone more as he sprints. "ARCEUS HELP ME!" he shouts, glancing up the sky. Could Lize hear him from up there? Was god listening to their prayers at all? Had the angels grown deaf, no longer able to grant the now-muted wishes of the mortals?

    He hoped not.

    Age : 25
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    The SEAFOAM Team  - Page 7 Empty Re: The SEAFOAM Team

    Post by Jay Fri Mar 29, 2013 8:50 pm

    ([ooc: im sorry for skipping on the first turn, I just cant get into a posting mood right now. i just had a huge panic attack and i... bleh sorry for excuses.


    Age : 25
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    Post by Min Sun Mar 31, 2013 4:31 pm

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    Seafoam Island| |Late Afternoon

    He screeches when the feeling of cold ice hits his back, biting his lip as he tried to bear the pain. He falls forward, slamming against the rough, rocky earth as the Ice Beam takes it's toll. He could feel the freeze spreading, his body slowly freezing into harsh ice. Tyrone grunts and struggles. "Help! He-" his voice is cut short as the ice freezes his mouth shut, eyes watering in fear. He feels his whole body go numb as it gets encased in the clear solid, his form caged in something that could be described as living art.

    He feels the flame of his determination dimming, his body growing colder by the second. He can feel the vibrations in the earth as the two crustaceans race to feast on him first. Was this...was this the end for him? He wants to cry, but finds that the ice froze his tears the moment they dripped down his cheek. Suddenly, his gaze looks up as he sees a dark figure, a shadow of some sort as it flies past him. He hears the crunching sound of shells breaking and the dying screeches of Kingler. He feels the ice on his body cracking, and he bursts from his cold cage and looks around. "W-who?"

    There was nobody there.

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