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9 posters

    The CANALAVE Team


    Age : 29
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    The CANALAVE Team - Page 14 Empty Re: The CANALAVE Team

    Post by Dandelion Fri Mar 15, 2013 8:13 pm

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    Jubilife City | Noon | 30

    The ghost calms her with soothing words, "It cannot spread." These flames would not go out of control, they were for Courtney and Courtney only. TD looks to the blaze and stares captivated again for a few moments, knowing the statement to be true. Feeling her fins quiver softly on her head the Vaporeon gets a chill in her spine. Water types should not be this close to flames unless they were being put out. As Namdnas drifts closer and offers her lithe form a paw TD gladly accepts and slips her forearms around his ethereal body. His entire being seemed to offer her comfort, always knowing what to say in a place that she was so very lost in.

    "It'll be o.k. I promise." He coos, the words relaxing her and helping the tears to come to an end. Wherever the Pawniard was now, she was safe. A sense of relief washed through her knowing that she would no longer have to worry about her friend. Closure cruelly pleasant thing. The Vaporeon nods to Namdnas, turning her head to stare toward Jerome stalking away in the distance. "Whah abou him? The poor Bisharp had taken it the hardest and didn't seem any better now then he did earlier. "Will he be okey?" She presses against the ghost types side.

    Age : 29
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    The CANALAVE Team - Page 14 Empty Re: The CANALAVE Team

    Post by Kaze Sat Mar 16, 2013 1:58 am

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    Jubilife City Pokecentre | Noon | {50}

    The Gengar looks over at the blue skinned steel type. TD knew how to be fluid, she would bounce back from this but Jerome...The Ghost was seriously afraid this might have broken him.
    "We'll see." The purple ghost says softly. "Scars may not heal but they will fade. He just needs some time." Inwardly Namdnas sighs, hoping his words are true.
    A stabbing pain ripples across his chest and he clutches at it with his clawed hand as a noticeably large chunk of his body breaks off into nothingness, the formerly attached mass of purple gases suddenly losing its grip on the rest of his body and rising upwards as it bubbles off into harmless water vapour and a faint purple tinge in the smoky air.
    Namdnas's baleful red eye closes for a moment in the pain. Ah, his old body! This disease driving itself deeper inside of him was killing him.
    The pain passes, leaving behind it an anesthesia-like numbness followed by a painful tingling as his body visibly shrinks.
    Namdnas coughs.

    "Come on, let's go to the Pokemart. There'll be some supplies there we can take and maybe something in food." He says cheerfully, trying not to worry TD about his state with a reassuring squeeze to the Vapoureon's shoulder.
    He smiles despite the lingering pain.

    Age : 31
    Posts : 2481

    The CANALAVE Team - Page 14 Empty Re: The CANALAVE Team

    Post by Nightfall Tue Mar 19, 2013 2:19 pm

    ((Skip me again, Jerome is just waiting for them to catch up.))

    Age : 29
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    The CANALAVE Team - Page 14 Empty Re: The CANALAVE Team

    Post by Dandelion Wed Mar 20, 2013 5:49 pm

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    Jubilife City | Noon | 31

    Pressing closer to her ghostly companion TD feels more then just safe in his comforting presence. "Scars may not heal but they will fade. He just needs some time" Each word his speaks hold years of collected knowledge within them even if she can't actually hear the soft sounds. A longing stare trails from her eyes into and past Jerome. In time.. Nodding to the Gengar the Vaporeon gets to her darkly color paws only to watch Namdnas' face contort with pain. "Nam'nas!" She squeals, hopping back one step in surprise but leaning forward. The grimace only increases as a wispy purple lump of his body detaches from the rest of his form and dissipates into the air. Her eyes go wide with horror as a new hole now remains in his shrinking body, agony clear on his face.

    Her heart beats like crazy with panic. From the moment she first saw him his missing body hadn't been a concern. I'm fact she hardly even gave it a second thought. But now the truth of it causes a new wave of worry and concern to pass through her already emotionally exhausted body. "Ar-are you o-okey?" The whimper quivers on her tongue. The real words she wanted to say clung to the Vaporeons throat, impossible to speak yet racking her brain. Are you dying too..? Slowly he recovers, relieving her slightly but not enough. If Namdnas..
    He had to be okay.. he just had to be.

    "Come on, let's go to the Pokemart. There'll be some supplies there we can take and maybe something in food." His words try to console her but pain of worry for him is overwhelming. It felt so surreal, each time the Gengar comes into her vision she can almost invasion another chunk floating away.. his entire body simply fading out forever. No! She has to strain to keep her voice calm, "Y-yeah, lets catsh up to Je'rome.."

    Age : 29
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    The CANALAVE Team - Page 14 Empty Re: The CANALAVE Team

    Post by Kaze Thu Mar 21, 2013 12:41 am

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    Outside Jubilife City Pokecentre | Noon | {51}

    The Gengar staggers faintly, his breathing rasping in his throat as he openly pants. The sharp rows of his teeth are clearly visible through his open mouth.
    The Ghost plainly knows it is by virtue of his typing alone that it is taking so long for him to fade; the poison of his form fighting the virus that dug its cancerous claws into him.
    "I'm an old man." He says with a rich throaty chuckle that soon turns into a hacking cough.
    There can be no denying he has gotten weaker...
    No, this cannot be his time to go yet!
    Determinedly the Gengar forces himself to hide the pain to comfort TD. If he were to fade now it would be devastating to the poor girl.

    Namdnas turns his red eye on the bright blue roof of the pokemart and softly floats towards the door where he can see Jerome is waiting.
    It looks dusty and abandoned but more or less intact except...
    A thin layer of frozen water is laid along the bottom of the door, perhaps some remains of an attack?

    Age : 31
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    The CANALAVE Team - Page 14 Empty Re: The CANALAVE Team

    Post by Nightfall Fri Mar 22, 2013 2:31 pm

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    Jubilife City/Noon (45)

    Jerome hadn't moved an inch away from where he had stopped outside the Poke Mart entrance when Namdnas and TD arrived. His mind was still too numb to think straight; heck, to even think anything at all. The only thing he saw was Courtney's smiling face dancing in front of his vision. The only thought that managed to pass through his mind was how he had failed to protect her. If he had just payed more attention during the battle this would not have happened.

    And he wouldn't have the wounds on his own belly, which were starting to hurt like hell.

    He clutched the slash marks between his middle spikes and suppressed a groan as Namdnas floated up next to him. "Ice..." the ghost murmured, looking down at the shop's tiled floor. Jerome followed his gaze and noticed it as well. "Be careful." Jerome's voice was strained as he spoke; suddenly speaking had become an effort but whether it was because of the weight of Courtney's death or because of the sudden burst of pain from his wounds he did not know. "Might ... might be slippery." The walls began to spin as he staggered forward, finally leaning on the counter and trying to catch his breath.

    "You don't..." The Bisharp's face was fraught with pain as he turned to the Gengar. "You don't still have that disinfectant with you ... do you?"

    ((Uh oh.))

    Age : 29
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    The CANALAVE Team - Page 14 Empty Re: The CANALAVE Team

    Post by Dandelion Sat Mar 23, 2013 4:42 pm

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    Jubilife City | Noon | 32

    With each attempt to soothe her the Vaporeon only becomes more internally distressed. Namdnas was in a bad way, oh so very bad. Trying hard to stand tall and stay calm for him TD follows along until they reach the PokeMart where Jerome is standing by. Distracted from watching the Ghost's lips she is barely able to catch the conversation as the Bisharp mouths "Be careful." Teal eyes try to follow the stern ones gaze when they spot the icy flooring through the doorway. That isn't natural ice.. Its not possible for it to be. Instinctively TinyDragon backs up closer to Namdnas for protection, feeling safe near the ghost, yet can hardly relax as her eyes lock onto Jerome. He is so much more rigid then normal, if that's even possible for him, as pain seems to ripple through his stiff form. Effort and agony shone bright in his eyes with slow, labored words. "Might ... might be slippery." She nods without thought, only keen on his movements.

    He only gets worse. Unable to stand straight, or at all, the Bisharp is toppling and falling, heavy steps hardly an aid to keep him upright until he can finally find something to grasp for support. Something about the movements mixed with his sharp, bladed arms swinging sends a shiver of fear through the Vaporeon. Her tail flies to protect her face and the permanent scars on it catch her eyes. The abuse.. Those eyes would of closed if not for Jeromes mouth once again moving. "You don't..." The words are even slower then before, easy for her to pick out, "You don't still have that disinfectant with you ... do you?"

    When the words stop TD's mind flashes back to earlier. They're all inside the Pokemon Center and Jerome has the container of bitter scented liquid. Staring at it awkward he looks to Namdnas for something and upon seeing him with Courtney drops it on the ground in panic. There is a shockwave in the floor as he runs toward them and the glass container shatters. "But you broke d'it.." Her voice trails off, the thought of him snapping at her rising in the back of his mind. Blood and pain is plastered on him, desperately she looks to the Gengar for support, "W-whats wong wif him?" This was not the place to be grounded.

    Age : 29
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    The CANALAVE Team - Page 14 Empty Re: The CANALAVE Team

    Post by Kaze Sun Mar 24, 2013 8:37 pm

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    Outside Jubilife City Pokecentre | Noon | {52}

    Namdnas's one red eye opens wide as he sees Jerome stagger and nearly fall, forced to hold onto the pokemart counter for support. It was shocking to see any sign of weakness on the normally sotic dark type's face but Jrome was clearly in a lot of pain. Even his earlier trust of disinfectant has completely evapourated.
    The Gengar floats close to Jerome's side, noticing the way the wounds on his stomach look angrier than before. Perhaps it was the exertion of walking with such wounds or perhaps it was something even worse. Either way it was a kind of wound not associated with mental pain and something he was ill equipped to deal with. All the healing items were back in the pokecenter and there was no way Jerome could walk back there; he could barely stand.
    "TD, can you go back to the pokecenter and try and find some more disinfectant?" He asks calmly. TD was still young, she could get there and back before he could.
    Using his ghostly ability to defy gravity the Gengar floats upwards and starts to look through the pokecenter supplies.
    This place was a shop not a hosptial!
    In irritation the poison/ghost starts to tear the useless things off the shelves; stuffed dolls shaped like Clefairy, sticks with fluff on the end, empty pokeballs.
    As they fall to the ground the aged Gengar pauses as his clawed hand closes around a brightly colored plastic bottle.

    He remembered this vaguely. Closing his eye Namdnas thinks back to when he last saw one of these. It was in his trainer's hand and he had held it to a wound and pressed part of it and a soothing mist had come out and helped fix up a wound.
    Determinedly snapping out of his nostalgia Namdnas floats back down to Jerome.
    His stubby claws scrabble across the plastic as he tries to find and pull the trigger but the workings of the device frustratingly elude him until finally he sharply smacks the potion open on the counter.
    The plastic shatters into shards, half of the healing liquid within spilling out on the floor before the Gengar tips it up like a cup to trap the last few sticky dribbles of medicine inside.
    "Here." The aged ghost says, offering the sticky pink plastic half-bottle to Jerome. "Pour it on your wounds. It should help." He advises, knowing that while most of its potency has probably been lost the medicine kept for a long time and might help at least numb the pain.
    Leaning over to inspect the wounds Namdnas says something so softly that it is almost inaudible. His back to the Vapoureon his next words could only be read by Jerome and himself.
    "Jerome...Dark types are not immune to the infection..."

    Age : 29
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    The CANALAVE Team - Page 14 Empty Re: The CANALAVE Team

    Post by Dandelion Thu Mar 28, 2013 1:36 am

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    Jubilife City | Noon | 33

    She swallowed hard and could feel the lump travel down her throat. Jerome wasn't standing back up under his own power and Namdnas moved closer to inspect. "TD, can you go back to the pokecenter and try and find some more disinfectant?" There was hesitation from worry but she nodded fiercely. Yes, I can do that! Before she could go Namdnas turned and said something more to Jerome that she couldn't catch. It was probably that she would be back soon with help.. Not dwelling on the thought TD ran with all the strength in her paws back to the Pokemon Center. More disinfectant. She passed the pyre on the way, flames still smoldering, and had to look away to hold back tears.

    Thankful that the Mart and Center weren't too far from each other the Vaporeon went inside the healing center and began to rummage around the shelves. This was her second time doing so and most the supplies was already on the floor. Including the bag the Bisharp had brought. With a quick glance over the bottles lying about the floor she deems for the moment none are the disinfectant she needs and to start with the bag. Tipping it over containers pour and roll out of the bag and their strong yet fading scents from within begin to hit her nose. The sour smells begin to mix together making her head spin but TD holds her focus, checking each one until the familiar bitter tang shows up. Yes! The bottle is too big for to gasp with her teeth so the Vaporeon shoves it back in the bag with the few other items that hadn't fallen out.

    Grabbing the straps firmly with her teeth TinyDragon runs back to the others. Her neck is cranked upward so not to trip on the cargo and her steps are a bit clumsy from the awkward vision positioning it caused. Pressing forward until she is back at the mart, winded from the motion, she releases the sack and mutters, "I- I got et."

    ((Feel free to use those other items too if ya want :3))

    Age : 29
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    The CANALAVE Team - Page 14 Empty Re: The CANALAVE Team

    Post by Kaze Sat Mar 30, 2013 1:12 am

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    Outside Jubilife City Pokecentre | Noon | {53}

    The Gengar smiles down at the scarred Vapoureon, stroking his clawed hand across her head encouragingly.
    "Good job TD, this will help a lot." He says cheerfully as he rummages through the bag. Human medicines are strange and he had never been taught how to read the strange black squiggles that humans used to mark things but he unscrews a couple of tops and takes a whiff of the liquids they contain. Most of the harsh medicinal smells are unfamiliar to him but those he do recognize bring back fogged memories of times when he was injured and his trainer had taken him back to the pokecenter to fix up his wounds.
    The memories come back so strongly it nearly hurts as the aged Ghost Type struggles to keep himself from being lost in the mists of memory.
    Carefully he picks out the medicines he recognizes and lays the bottles on the bench.
    "This is burn medication I think, good for fixing up the skin and this is an antidote for poisoning." The ghost chuckles to himself. "Not that I know what that's like and this is an ointment, should go on after the disinfectant."
    Namdnas puts that bottle near the end of the row, close to Jerome.
    "Well with all of these we should be able to get the wound clean at least, plus we'll be prepared if we get into another fight."
    Namdnas blinks his red eye in surprise, his words apparently could not have come at a worse time.
    From the upper floors of the pokemart a light fluffy snow has started to fall.
    The Gengar catches a flake on his paw and watches the delicate crystal melt.
    "TD..." He says hoarsely as he looks around. "Stay close."

    Age : 29
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    The CANALAVE Team - Page 14 Empty Re: The CANALAVE Team

    Post by Dandelion Mon Apr 01, 2013 4:30 pm

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    Jubilife City | Noon | 34

    "Good job TD, this will help a lot." His praise works up a smile and a hint of pride beams off her face. The gently strokes reinforce the good feeling and TD silently pants from her run as Namdnas paws through the bag. As the ghost notes what some of the medicines are TinyDragon also remembers them from long ago though her paws don't offer much use for them. Stepping lightly inside to the iced floor of the mart TD has a much better view of Jeromes wound. It looks inflamed with fresh bouts of blood. Will these medicines be able to help? First Courtney, then Namdnas's condition, and now Jerome.. With a quick shake of her head to dismiss the thought the Vaporeon sits on the cold ground. The frost chilled air dries out her delicate scales but she tries her best to ignore it.

    Until a light snow begins to fall. "S-snow inside?" A shiver not caused by cold runs down her thin frame and she stands. Only the corner of her eye catches Namdnas's lips moving and she must infer the words as ether 'snow?' or 'TD'. "Stay close." This time she see's them clearly and side steps closer to him. The light snowfall was making her fins quiver. Pressing her back to the counter stress begins to build in her fragile body. There was something in here, if it was growling she could not hear it.

    Age : 29
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    The CANALAVE Team - Page 14 Empty Re: The CANALAVE Team

    Post by Kaze Mon Apr 01, 2013 8:12 pm

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    Outside Jubilife City Pokecentre | Noon | {54}

    Namdnas's red eye nervously scans the shadows, trying to pick up the shape of the hidden danger among the dusty shelves before the gentle snow becomes a harder hail, or worse, a blizzard.
    The ceiling of the shop, something he had not noticed before, was covered as the floor had been in a layer of ice but this layer was thicker and mounded up into large semi-transparent icicles that clustered like stalactites to the ceiling.
    It is from these peaks of ice thst the snow is starting to fall.
    "Ice Type..." He says softly to himself, throwing a concerned look at Jerome who's wounds are still bleeding. His poor head is aching as another small bubble breaks off into nothingness and the Gengar prays it is something weak enough for him to defeat without needing to resort to burning himself up as fuel for Fire Punch.
    He rests his clawed hand on TD's back as he determinedly looks for the source of the snow storm. White flakes settle on his purple shoulders only to melt into the swirling purple gasses of his body.
    Where was it?
    A few dark shapes show in the icicles. Was it a Froslass, a ghost like himself, keeping the frozen bodies of its prey on display or was it just imperfections in the snow.
    "TD, can you try breaking some of those icicles?" He asks softly, knowing he can no long distance moves he can use on them.

    Age : 29
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    The CANALAVE Team - Page 14 Empty Re: The CANALAVE Team

    Post by Dandelion Tue Apr 02, 2013 12:23 am

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    Jubilife City | Noon | 35

    TD feels anxiety and wonder as she stares at the frosted floor. Delicate snowflakes are piling and attempting to melt on the ice but there is still a visible reflection in it. Images of icicles can be seen yet she does not dare look up yet to truly see them. Creeping as slow as possible TD inches her way closer to Namdnas for support. "TD, can you try breaking some of those icicles?" Though her arsenal is mostly defensive for her own safety she does have one ranged attack. It might not be the best for the situation but her Water Gun would have to do. Nodding to the ghost she takes in a breath and starts to bubbles up little bits of pressured water.

    Keeping herself tense TD is able to launch the liquid out in short bursts of successive blue bullets. It takes more then one hit to break each icicle but luckily they start to crack and drop rather quickly. She has to see each break and can not hear the crackling sound of shattering ice. When a row of the pillars begins to fall her Water Gun stops and she crouches nervously.

    Age : 29
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    The CANALAVE Team - Page 14 Empty Re: The CANALAVE Team

    Post by Kaze Tue Apr 02, 2013 2:49 pm

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    Outside Jubilife City Pokecentre | Noon | {55}

    The falling icicles hit the iced over floor with a sound like shattering window panes and Namdnas winces at the sharp sound as another lump of his body bubbles away into nothingness.
    The icicles fall like daggers and once the last one has hit the ground and shattered into rubble he can see the falling snow has completely stopped.
    The shattered piles of ice show just that, ice. Namdnas breathes a sign of relief that there are no bodies shown among them.
    Just jumping at shadows he scolds himself as he carefully drifts over the rubble as he mentally lists Ice Types.
    Jynx, No.
    Lapras, No.
    It can't be a Seel or Dewgong...
    As The Gengat hovers over the ice a thin chain of ice crstals seems to shift over the rubble and when the ghost's drifting takes him over it the crystals leap up like a snake and lasty around his midriff.
    A sizable lump of his gaseous body floats off as the chain of ice squeezes him tight.
    Part of the icy rubble opens glowing blue eyes, the pokemon made of ice crystals perfectly camoflauged in the ice it creates while it pants clouds of cold air.
    It's unlike anything the Gengar has ever seen before.
    "Put me down..." He says in his most enticing tone, layering his voice with hypnotic calm but the chain of ice squeezes tighter and cuts off his words before he can lull the strange creature to sleep. He struggles to free himself but the unknown Ice Type has bound him tightly, trying to slowly squeeze the life out of him.

    Age : 31
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    The CANALAVE Team - Page 14 Empty Re: The CANALAVE Team

    Post by Nightfall Sat Apr 06, 2013 2:16 pm

    ((Sorry, skip me for now. >.< I'll have something ready for Jerome next round, no worries.))

    Age : 29
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    The CANALAVE Team - Page 14 Empty Re: The CANALAVE Team

    Post by Dandelion Sun Apr 07, 2013 5:07 pm

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    Jubilife City | Noon | 36

    The icicles fell and shattered against the floor sending a terrible wave of vibrations through the ice and a shower of crystals everywhere. The feeling sent an unnatural shiver through her body, not one of cold but from a horrible sound wave she couldn't hear traveling through the ice. The unpleasantness made TD squeeze her eyes shut as tight as they would go. I wonder what it sounds like. That thought was better left forgotten. Standing a bit tense she waited for the feeling to dissipate before opening her aqua eyes again. TD stayed close to the chilly counter and took a few steps forward before rumbles shook the floor. Oh no..

    Throwing her head about it was only moments before it came into view. Namdnas was in trouble. He was being constricted by ice chains! There was something in here and it wanted them dead. Already her fragile heart was pounding hard in her chest to the point of pain. Her entire body ached and felt tense like she was being stepped on by something mavvie. With a small whine the Vaporeon pressed her blue paws hard against the ice to flee the agony. Her legs shake until they can not support her frame and fall down weakly. There is a deluded copy of herself standing still from her Substitute. The attack was never her favorite and left her feeling tired but at least it could protect her at least a bit.

    Getting back to her paws the Vaporeon whines with tears in her eyes, "Leave him awone!" A jet of water streams from her mouth toward the ice monster. She wasn't strong. She wasn't a fighter. But maybe she could at least help her friend.. With another breath she sends another pulse of water toward it before making sure to stay behind the Substitute. The Ghost's face was contorted with pain, words or cries lost to her though obvious to all. She whined again, claws scratching desperately at the ice beneath her. Jerome was hurt. Namdnas was being attacked. What was she doing? Cowering in fear.. She had to hope, and be brave. Please no..

    Age : 29
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    The CANALAVE Team - Page 14 Empty Re: The CANALAVE Team

    Post by Kaze Sun Apr 07, 2013 7:14 pm

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    Outside Jubilife City Pokecentre | Noon | {56}

    Namdnas gasps as the chains squeeze tighter and leave him incapable of offering soothing words to try and lull the thing binding him into dormancy. It's strong ice crystal chain holds him still as its strangely luminescent eyes bore into him from the pile of shattered ice where it still hid.
    It's unlike anything the Gengar has ever seen before, a perfect camoflauged creature made of ice itself.
    "Let...go..." The Gengar growls as he struggles to break free of the creature's Bind attack. Another bit of his gaseous body dissolves into nothingness as the Ghost winces in pain. His headaches are just getting worse and worse the harder he fights to break the icicle chain.
    A jet of water hits right beside the creature's icy body. Of course, hidden in the shattered ice still its translucent body makes it look like a bit of its shattered icicles. Could TD even see its leering face at this angle?
    Namdnas's red eye closes briefly as he winces in pain and tries to snap the icicle chain with one clawed paw.
    He hated being bound, even though this time he could still move a bit.
    Drawing back his fist he sees the blue eyes of the ice type staring back at him. Blue...It wasn't even infected and still it was trying to kill him.
    As a faint flicker of flame starts to play around his fist, using the gases of his body to fuel the fire the Snowflake opened its jagged edged mouth and exhaled a burst of frigid air at first him then towards the Vapoureon. It's breath is so cold it leaves little snowflakes in its wake.

    Age : 31
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    The CANALAVE Team - Page 14 Empty Re: The CANALAVE Team

    Post by Nightfall Wed Apr 10, 2013 1:03 pm

    ((Skip. I'm really sorry but I've been struggling a lot with Jerome lately. Just say he's noticed the attack on Namdnas and is hacking away at the ice that surrounds the enemy. If I can't come up with something next turn he's going inactive.))

    Age : 29
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    The CANALAVE Team - Page 14 Empty Re: The CANALAVE Team

    Post by Dandelion Fri Apr 12, 2013 8:30 pm

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    Jubilife City | Noon | 37

    The Vaporeon pants throwing her head to and fro. What could she do! Her move pool was so limited in this situation on top of her desire to simply not fight. Sand Attack would only cause pain to her paws with the icy tile and her other move couldn't do anything for Namdnas. Anything at all.. TD clenched her teeth while tears were already beginning to blur her vision. She was so weak the very pressure of the vibrations in the room from cries and movement of the monster makes her dizzy. The fuzzy tired feeling from her Substitute doesn't feel much better. What can I do?

    Another wave makes everything shudder. There is flames, ice, and raw pain all about Namdnas' face causing a loud whine to escape her muzzle that she can not suppress or hear. The snowflake sends a blast of ice her way as well. Her ever wide eyes lock on the oncoming hazy ice as she bundles up tightly behind her Substitute. TD's scarred tail swings around her paws and across her muzzle to shield her though the copy she created earlier does so first. The damaging chill hits the fake so only the cold it emits harmlessly trails past and taps her skin.

    Waiting long, tedious seconds the Vaporeon forces her nerves to relax enough to turn and fire a continuous jet of water again toward the attacker. A shock wave echos through the floor from whatever it is colliding with and tingles her body. Her TM's were gifts she loved dearly but right now she truly wished for another offensive move.

    Age : 29
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    The CANALAVE Team - Page 14 Empty Re: The CANALAVE Team

    Post by Kaze Mon Apr 15, 2013 5:45 pm

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    Outside Jubilife City Pokecentre | Noon | {57}

    The swirl of his purple gases slows and becomes lethargic as the Gengar himself does.
    The chill numbs his body, making it more difficult for him to breath and his movements become slower as the chill bites even to the very core of his gaseous body.
    The blue-eyed things angular mouth seems to leer at him triumphantly, waiting for the cold to chill him enough for it to feed. It doesn't know that once the cold is enough to immobilize him Namdnas will simply dissolve into wisps of inedible poison gas.
    The Gengar's one red eye glares balefully at it.
    The bright blue eyes show this ice thing wasn't even infected, just a hungry predator, but for their own safety there was no option but to kill it.
    The creature would not simply give up fresh meat when it found it.
    Struggling against the bonds Namdnas feels one crystal in the chain snap courtesy of Jerome's blades. Using the weak link to his advantage the gaseous ghost writhes against his captor and pulls himself free, floating over back to wait at TD's side.
    "Go away!" He yells at the Ice Type, voice deep and nearly human with command but obviously the unknown Ice Type hadn't been captured before the Epidemic because his words have no effect beyond getting their enemy to finally drift from the camouflage of the shattered icicles across the slick floor.
    It's eyes are a luminescent icy blue and its body unusually angular like a snowflake. Long stings of ice crystals hang from the shadows of its mouth where they gleam like teeth. One chain is shorter than the other from where they have broken it.
    His head fuzzy from the cold and the constant loss of his spirit Namdndas can't think of what it could possibly be called.

    ((OOC: It's a Cryogonal for those that haven't guessed.))

    Age : 29
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    The CANALAVE Team - Page 14 Empty Re: The CANALAVE Team

    Post by Dandelion Tue Apr 23, 2013 5:02 pm

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    Jubilife City PokeMart | Noon | 38

    TD presses her forelimbs close to her chest feeling her heart pound hard against her ribs. Numbly she imagines the sound echoing loud enough for everyone in the room to hear. The tiny feelings in her toes itch and crawl up her legs. Jerome was fighting off his pain and the monster with heavy bladed attacks. Thank you. The Vaporeon silently sighs to herself through her soft panting. More vibrations ring through her paws with a bouncing wave. Daring to look back Namdnas has broken through the ice chain, he was free! Instantly she is on her paws with tail high in relief. The danger has not passed but its a step in the right direction.

    About to ask the ghost if he was alright the Pokemon finally became visible to her aqua eyes. It slides slowly across the floor seeming to be nothing more then shifting ice. "Na na nam.." She stutters heavily from nerves and quick breaths. Something in the air makes her tattered fins quiver uncomfortably. Was it making noise? She steps closer to the ghost nervous for him as well as herself. He had been attacked, Jerome was heavily injured from earlier and she'd only ended up hurting herself. The substitute already looked so wrecked and weak. It wouldn't last another hit. Would she even last.. any hit? This Pokemon was showing no sign of letting up in the slightest.

    "Wah we.. wah we do?" She whines softly. The Ice types shiny chains snake threateningly across the floor as though looking for another body to latch onto. The Vaporeons legs start to shake and nearly topple her. It wasn't giving up yet it had no reason to even attack. There was no way, no chance, nothing. They couldn't run with Jerome's wounds or stay here was a violent attacker. There was only one thing they could do. "No.." She gasps, finally realizing.

    Age : 29
    Posts : 2388

    The CANALAVE Team - Page 14 Empty Re: The CANALAVE Team

    Post by Kaze Tue Apr 23, 2013 6:01 pm

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    Outside Jubilife City Pokecentre | Noon | {58}

    Panting for breath Namdnas raises one hand aggressively towards the Ice Type.
    Arceus above he felt so cold. If he had bones they would be aching but at it is he can feel his gaseous body slow down and become heavier. It is getting harder and harder to hover above the ground now and he doubts that even he could try his hypnotizing voice again he would be able to call up the right tone to put their opponent to sleep.
    The Gengar grits his pointed teeth, hovering protectively in front of the Vapoureon as he feels another bubble of his body break off into nothingness.
    When did he get so old?
    "Go away!" He wheezes at the Ice Type as he I don't want to have to do this...[/color]"
    His one red eye slides closed.
    Oh, his body feels so sluggish in the cold. This may be the end of him.
    Hiding his insecurities he turns to face the Vapoureon to make sure she can read his lips.
    "TD...Don't be afraid."
    With a soft whump noise his fist ignites in a bright blaze, feeding off his gaseous body to fuel the growing flame.
    The ice around his floating feet begins to drip and melt.

    Age : 31
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    The CANALAVE Team - Page 14 Empty Re: The CANALAVE Team

    Post by Nightfall Sat Apr 27, 2013 1:22 pm

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    Jubilife City/Noon (46)

    Jerome managed to let go of the counter long enough to savagely charge at the wall surrounding the creature and hack away at it, his blades clanging loudly against the solid ice. It eventually cracked, and Namdnas was freed from the creature's grasp. Its eyes were narrowed with rage as it emerged from its protective wall, and Jerome gasped as it came into full view.

    "Get back," he warned the others, standing in front of them with his bladed arms raised defensively. "I know this Pokemon. It's called Cryogonal, and it's from Unova just like me." Glaring into the creature's bright blue eyes, Jerome's body tensed up, ready to attack. Judging by this creature's normally-coloured eyes and lack of body decay, it wasn't even infected. This only enraged the Bisharp further, and he growled at their foe as a dark aura enveloped his blades. "What the hell do you want?" he demanded, more than ready to kill this thing on the spot if it made any sudden moves, despite the small drizzles of blood that steadily pumped out of his stomach wound.

    ((It's been ages since I posted with Jerome. :o Hope I've got everything right here.))

    Age : 29
    Posts : 2651

    The CANALAVE Team - Page 14 Empty Re: The CANALAVE Team

    Post by Dandelion Sun Apr 28, 2013 4:58 am

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    Jubilife City PokeMart | Noon | 39

    The Vaporeon shakes nervously. This wasn't right. This wasn't right! The blue eyed snowflake glared them down with maliciousness until she had to take a step back in fear. Why would it do this, was it angry that they had stepped into its lair? Jerome had recovered himself enough to speak. "I know this Pokemon. It's called Cryogonal, and it's from Unova just like me." Cryogonal? That name was familiar and so was this Pokemon. They are native to her home region and are popular to have as an ice type. Why didn't I remember it sooner. This one had a more angry disposition then those she had met before though. Namdnas moves even closer and looks to her with his one eye, "TD...Don't be afraid." The way he'speaks' so clearly to her is frightening. TD wraps her tail tightly about her body, squeezing her eyes shut not to see the bright scars on it.

    The Bisharp seemed so much more angry then normal, the scowl on his face apparent and not caused by simply irritation. "What the hell do you want?" He was always gruff but this was a new level for what the Vaporeon had seen. Wait.. The red gushesof blood pour from Jeromes side like her Water Gun. That, that cant be good! All this activity with that open wound would kill him! Their was already another attack prepped on his blades as they glowed darkly with power. How can you think of fighting in that state! Her heart pounds hard in her chest making it difficult for the young water type to breathe. The feeling only intensified as she watches Namdnas' hand burst into flames. Pain took over his face and gripped at her soul. Nether of her friends were in good shape.. They were both fighting with their lives on the line.. She was just fighting.

    TD's forepaws go to her face to cover her eyes and hide the tears pouring from them. This was not how battles went. This is not how Pokemon were supposed to treat each other. This wasn't right! With her teeth clenched tight the water reserved inside her bubbled ferociously. Tears streamed down her face, blurring her vision of the ice coated room. As she stared the Cryogonal deep in its blue eyes she screamed a simply word laced with pain, "NO." Blindly she launches a heavy pressure Water Gun forward. No one had to die here. No one had to die but it..

    Age : 29
    Posts : 2388

    The CANALAVE Team - Page 14 Empty Re: The CANALAVE Team

    Post by Kaze Sun Apr 28, 2013 2:52 pm

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    Outside Jubilife City Pokecentre | Noon | {59}

    A large portion of the Cryogonal's spiked body seems to break away and shatter as the pressurized stream of water hits it and shatters some of the tough ice of its form.
    The snowflake-like ice type makes an incoherent hissing noise of anger as it sweeps forwards towards them.
    Lashing like whips it turns the chains of ice on the Gengar's companions.
    Jerome is up but Namdnas can tell by the pumping of blood from the wounds on his stomach that the tall Steel Type won't last long if he tears open the wound with battle. TD is fighting hard. An absurd flower of pride blooms inside him at that.
    The bright blue eyes of the Cryogonal fixate on her as its jagged tooth mouth opens wide.
    The chains of ice dart towards the Vapoureon with surprising speed, aiming to bind and contrict like a serpent's coils until all the lfie was squeezed out of her.
    The ice crystal hiss across the thin frozen layer over the pokecenter floor as Namdnas sees an opening and leaps forwards.
    His flaming fist collides hard with the Ice Type's solid face and the heat of the blow causes it to begin to drip and flow.
    The attack meant to trap TD hisses to a standstill as the sharp chains of interlinked ice once again lash around Namdnas's gaseous form, cutting into the Ghost Type's purple body.
    Instead of trying to free himself Namdnas forces his flaming fist to flare brighter, twitsting so that the Cryogonal's shining back made a wide open target for both TD and Jerome.
    Water drips to the ground as the searing hot bright flames begin to melt the Cryogonal.
    Confused and melting the Ice Type insticitvely holds on tighter to his prey, trying to squeeze the Gengar to death before the ice can melt it entirely.
    "Now!" He calls out as another bubble of gases boils away to nothing and he feels his thoughts becoming steadily fainter.

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