Welcome to New Johto;
This is what remains of the region after the virus hit.
Undead pokemon lurk behind every corner, infest every city, haunt every cave.
Dark Days are Ahead...
Will you survive?


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2 posters

    Juggler Irwin [WIP]


    Posts : 208

    Juggler Irwin [WIP] Empty Juggler Irwin [WIP]

    Post by Fern Tue May 10, 2016 10:22 pm


    Juggler Irwin
    Text Color FFA812
    Theme(s) Carnival-Ghost Town
    Item Satchel with potions & healing items he's salvaged; a lot of unnecessary empty Poke-Balls, a small crystal ball in his cloak pocket, Vai's letter, lots of random trinkets (mainly round), berry pouch, batteries, a universal communicator that he used in the circus
    Weapons Mainly his Electrode, a sniper rifle with limited ammo, smoke balls, throwing knives
    Gender Male
    Age 24 Years
    Species Human
    Weight 115.5lbs
    Height 6'1"
    Occupation Juggler/Clown
    Party "Oh, how I adore my well-rounded darlings!"

    His party, while once consisting of a troupe of Voltorb, now only contains three Pokemon. When he left the circus, the Voltorb and other Electrode he owned were already sickly (due to the circus inbreeding them for the juggling acts), barring Houdini. When the Epidemic hit, their already weak immune systems and fragile bodies couldn't keep up with the constant migration and lack of proper meals, and they died.
    Attack list-
    **Any aqdditional notes (items, scars, curret status, et cetra)
    Attack list-
    **Any aqdditional notes (items, scars, curret status, et cetra)
    Attack list-
    **Any aqdditional notes (items, scars, curret status, et cetra)
    Pkm 4
    Attack list-
    **Any aqdditional notes (items, scars, curret status, et cetra)
    Pkm 5
    Attack list-
    **Any aqdditional notes (items, scars, curret status, et cetra)
    Pkm 6
    Attack list-
    **Any aqdditional notes (items, scars, curret status, et cetra)
    Quote "Behold my dexterity and grace!"

    "Oops! Dropped my balls!

    History [[EXTREME EXTREEEEME ROUGH DRAFT]Irwin, as astonishing as it sounds, began life in an unceremonious fashion. Being born on a farm naturally had its perks, but it was made clear by both of his parents that his sole purpose was to be a helping hand. Therefore, life was dull for the young Irwin, and his childhood was spent tending to land that wasn't even his. However, everything took a turn when the carnival came to town. On the horizon, the boy saw the faint lights of whirring carousels and ferris-wheels. He didn't know what the place was, but it was a flicker of hope in his drab world. And so, one night, Irwin snuck out of his rickety home to investigate the source of the brightness, with only twenty dollars to accompany him.

    When Irwin finally arrived, his mouth was agape and his eyes were glassy with tears of disbelief. He thought the only colors in life were the dull browns of crops and dirt, but each splash of life provided by a wayward clown or an emblazoned carnival game set the sheltered boys' heart aflutter.

    When he purchased cotton candy, something clicked in his mind--he didn't want to ever leave. But fate is a twisted handmaiden, and with horror, the young Irwin caught a glimpse of his two furious parents--still in their pajamas--gesturing around and screaming until they were red in the face. He was paralyzed by fear, and his cotton candy fell to the ground in a light heap. His father caught his eye, and, as he had many times before, he pulled his arm back, set to punch his child for his disobedience.

    However, when Irwin clenched his eyes shut this time, no impact was made. He heard a scream and felt the hair on his arm raise up as if in the presence of immense static electricity. When he finally wrenched open his eyes, he realized that was indeed the case. An Electrode sat between him and his wide-eyed father, a wicked smirk on its spherical face. It waggled its thin brows at Irwin, then gave a wink as it turned to his parents and began flashing white and sizzling. Irwin got the message, running a fair distance from the scene and covering his ears. People screamed as the explosion, while small, created a small crater before them. His parents, though injured, scurried away without protest. Irwin rolled the black ball that was the Electrode, figuring that he could pay his thanks once he was healed up by his trainer.

    While searching, a jester approached him, his face contorted into shock. "What did you do to Houdini?"

    "Houdini?" inquired the boy, dumbstruck as he glanced from the Electrode to the jester. "He...he saved me," admitted Irwin, patting the fainted Electrode solemnly. The clowns face relaxed into one of understanding.

    "He has quite a history for that. What's your name, boy?"


    "Where'd you come from?"

    "The farm," he pointed. The jester drank in his features--the dirty, smelly clothes that hung ragged off his body, the unkempt yellow hair, the soil that resided beneath his fingernails and littered his skin, and the splotchy bruises that were far too large and many for simple farm equipment to create.

    "How old are you?"

    "I'm twelve," he responded, holding up his fingers for emphasis.
    The legal rules concerning minors are rather lenient in the Pokemon World, and given that Irwin was above the age requirement for a Pokemon adventure, it was only natural for the clown to give him this request; "Wanna come with us?"

    The boys face lit up, and he nodded eagerly, gripping the jesters hand as he showed him around his new home--the traveling carnival, but not before Houdini was rushed to the nearest Pokemon Center.
    It was there he learned of love, friendship, and confidence. The carny's welcomed him with open arms, and he was loved by everyone. He also came to learn, through training, he had a latent talent for circus acts.

    Houdini and Irwin were practically inseparable. Their balancing act, (one of which Irwin stood atop the Electrode as he rolled around and juggled simultaneously) was a big hit, and they spawned many friends as they traveled. For his 17th birthday, Irwin was gifted a Universal Communicator, so that him and his best friend could finally speak to each other. This also led to more intense of acts, such as rolling and leaping through rings of fire while juggling knives, due to this new channel of communication.

    While new people came and went into the carnivals staff, there was one trainer of whom led Irwin towards one of his Pokemon. His name was Jeremiah, and his expertise was in Spheal Training. Irwin caught him beating the Spheal into submission, so Houdini blasted him away. He took the injured Spheal to the carnival head and explained the situation. Through the little time they had spent together, Irwin had bonded with the little Pokemon, so he decided to keep him in his care, naming him 'Otto.'

    Around his 20th birthday, the 'Freak Show' quadrant of the carnival recruited a new addition to their ranks--a Fortune-Telling Gardevoir named Vai. As he did with all new members, Irwin visited her tent and put on a personal juggling act to welcome her. She was delighted, and offered him to stay for tea. They talked for a long time that night, about their hopes, dreams, and pasts. He learned that Vai was a wise Pokemon, she had traveled around the world much like Irwin had and finally decided to settle down with an official carnival. Partnered with her own Universal Communicator, she used 'Future Sight' when guests arrived and told them all that she saw. When he returned home that night, he lay in bed and thought of nothing but her beautiful maroon eyes.

    But he couldn't love her. It wasn't allowed. Pokemon and human relationships were taboo in society, even between a humanoid Pokemon like Gardevoir. Due to a rather disgusting situation between a toothless clown and a Skitty, it was also strictly banned on the circus premises and, if caught, would lead to exile. In those situations, it was also a possibility that the lesser-species, namely, the Pokemon, would be killed.

    But Irwin couldn't resist her. Night after night he visited, arousing suspicion from the surrounding carnies. Meanwhile, their relationship blossomed, and they grew from friends to something more. They did everything they could to keep their bond a secret.

    Whispers of them being 'more than friends' surfaced, and it was only natural for those who were jealous of Irwin (and those who were friends with Jeremiah and still held a grudge) to investigate. They would try to find any crutch they could to remove Irwin from their lives. So a plan was conceived to place a tape recorder in Via's tent while they were out doing a show.

    Unfortunately, that night, the pair had been rather doting, and many sweet nothings were said. The next day he came to visit, there was a note left in scrawled handwriting; "Had to run. They found out. Going to kill me. I'm a sinner. I'm sorry. I love you." Adjacent to it lay her small, crystal ball.

    Irwin was banned from the circus grounds, and disappointment festered in him. They tried to withhold his Communicator, knives, juggling balls, cloak, Houdini, Voltorbs, and Otto, but he smuggled them out with him. He knew he would be a fugitive once they found out what was missing, as they were considered property of the circus. It was then with a heavy heart he roamed the regions with nothing but his Pokemon and juggling talent. He snuck onto many cruise liners until he ended up in his home region of Johto.

    He wandered here for years until his name and face was erased from the public eye. His old home, of which he tried to find in a fit of nostalgia, was now Route 35. There was no trace of his house anymore, save for the pond he used to skip rocks across as a child. He sojourned in this route for the sake of comfort and familiarity. He performed to gain 'tip money,' allowing him to purchase a Pokegear and mulch to grow berries. (It is ironic, in a way, that after all these years he returned back to his farming routes.) He befriended many, including a little Jigglypuff he named 'Dot,' of whom loved Irwin and spent as much time with him as possible. (Irwin could sleep with his eyes open, making her believe he stayed awake during her songs.) He kept his Pokemon close to him, and they alleviated the pain in his heart.
    The numbers of trainers of which he befriended and obtained their phone numbers steadily grew as the weeks turned to years. He called them often to ensure they were alright, much to many of their distastes. His number was often blocked, but that didn't bog him down; he just assumed they were busy on their adventures. He had his Pokemon, and his friends, and that was all he needed.

    But when the Epidemic hit, Irwin was forced to migrate. The strain of constant town-hopping and lack of proper food caused his inbred Voltorbs to drop like flies. He blamed himself for their deaths, and obsessively kept a watchful eye over his remaining three Pokemon. He salvaged as much as he could as he traveled, picking up baubles and round objects along the way. Round things gave him comfort, and Dot and Otto enjoyed playing with them, so he hunted for them obsessively.

    But everywhere he looked, he couldn't shake the urge to hunt for Vai. When his Pokemon fell asleep at night, Irwin would sob for hours. He didn't want them to see him as anything but the pillar that they needed. But Houdini noticed this, and stayed up with him on those lonely nights. Irwin needed to know if Vai was safe and sound, and he desperately needed to hold her in his arms again.

    He then recalled a story that Vai had told him--according to legend, there was supposedly a Pokemon with rainbow wings and a crest of gold that sat atop a tower in Johto. It was all-knowing, and catching sight of its lustrous spectrum trail it left behind in its flight could make your dreams come true. Irwin remembered seeing a tall tower when he sheltered in Ecruteak, so he made his way back, albeit slowly.

    Now it is where he resides, gathering up the courage and supplies he needs to make it to the top and find this supposed legend. If anyone knew where his beloved was, it would be a God.
    Appearance Irwin is lean and lanky due to his frequent exercise and vegetarian diet. His eyes are an almond brown and his hair still remains spiked and flared atop his head like a fire. He still adorns his infamous red headband, however, he has adopted a velvet red cloak over his typical flashy clothing. (This was taken from the circus. 'Holsters' for his throwing knives are sewn on the inside of the cloak, as are a few pockets for his smoke balls. He keeps Via's crystal ball in here as well.) His firearm juts precariously out of the satchel on his side, as he does not like using it.

    Usually seen with his Electrode beside him. He keeps Otto and Dot in their Poke Balls until they arrive somewhere safe enough for them to be allowed out.
    Irwin is fiercely loyal to his "friends." (This being in quotations because he automatically assumes everyone he meets or talks to friends, even if the other person does not return those feelings in kind.) Thusly, he does have personal space issues and will ask probing questions and flatter you incessantly. This is not, in any sense, a perverted attribute; he does this because he truly cares about people and he wants to know of any problems they have so he can help them. He loves boosting the confidence of others, and is encouraging, yet persistent to the point of being obnoxious. He literally won't leave your side.

    Despite his security in himself, he is definitely a follower, not a leader. He doesn't like making decisions on his own and will ask for input to influence what he should do, even in the smallest of situations. (Such as, "which berry should I eat?")

    He has a curious fascination with round things and will go out of his way to find them as a sort of comfort/sensory thing. They remind him of the younger days in the circus and his times with Via.

    Fighting makes Irwin uncomfortable and he hates to kill due to his kind-hearted nature. His methods of survival are mainly based upon illusions and distractions, his Smoke Balls being his weapon of choice.  He's also an exceptional hider, and can climb trees and run long distances with minimal effort. His muscles and stamina were honed by his years in the carnival.
    User Notes -My first hooman. <3 I've always loved this guy. I had the biggest crush on him when I was younger, and I'm soooo happy I get the chance to RP as him. <3

    -I'm unsure how the Universal communicator works in RP, can someone please explain to me like I'm five? OTL

    Posts : 2653

    Juggler Irwin [WIP] Empty Re: Juggler Irwin [WIP]

    Post by Lugia Mon May 16, 2016 5:35 pm

    I can explain, me me me! I think I'm the one that designed them

    Here's a person wearing one:
    Juggler Irwin [WIP] Red

    So a Poke Comm is two parts: a microphone/ earpiece and then the main processing part. The mike/earpiece is like a little bluetooth that is small and black. It automatically activates when pokemon's voices are nearby and feeds the translated words into the earpiece. The bulk of the device is worn as a collar, and the two are wirelessly paired.


    Juggler Irwin [WIP] Shadowlugiasig


    "It's amazing how hard someone will fight for their underpants."


    Posts : 208

    Juggler Irwin [WIP] Empty Re: Juggler Irwin [WIP]

    Post by Fern Tue May 17, 2016 10:49 pm

    That's super helpful, thank you!

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