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    The HQ Team (PLOT)


    Posts : 91

    The HQ Team (PLOT) - Page 12 Empty Re: The HQ Team (PLOT)

    Post by Wally Sun Aug 05, 2018 6:43 pm

    The HQ Team (PLOT) - Page 12 YivhiK1
    Indigo Plateau: HQ [Kanto District Hospital - Colress's Hospital Room] || Early Afternoon || 47

    "We'll get to the bottom of this," the Champion soothed, grounding the boy with his steady, solemn gaze. "We won't let anyone innocent be blamed and we'll do everything in our power to make sure no one else dies."

    Wallace nodded and Wally felt another knot loosen in his chest. "We will. And... Would you like more company? I can leave Bubbles here with you, too."

    Wally swallowed, realizing how dry his throat was, and contemplated the offer for a second. Bubbles was so sweet. It might help a lot to have him around... For a number of reasons too, considering his strength...

    "O-okay. Please?" He leaned further into his cousin. "I... I'd appreciate it a lot."

    "And I'm leaving Austentitic," Steven promised, mouth set in determination. "No one will bother you, I promise."

    "I... I'd appreciate it a lot," he said softly, rubbing at his eyes. "Th-thank you. Both of you."


    The HQ Team (PLOT) - Page 12 Wally
    take a melody
    simple as can be
    give it some words and
    ♪ sweet harmony ♪

    Posts : 76

    The HQ Team (PLOT) - Page 12 Empty Re: The HQ Team (PLOT)

    Post by Steven Tue Aug 07, 2018 7:52 pm

    The HQ Team (PLOT) - Page 12 RPjY51

    Indigo Plateau (Kanto District Hospital) | Early Afternoon (48)

    "We will. And... Would you like more company? I can leave Bubbles here with you, too," Wallace added, and Steven felt a well of gratitude that he had backup in this.

    "O-okay. Please?" Wally accepted, curling a bit more into his cousin "I... I'd appreciate it a lot."

    "And I'm leaving Austentitic," Steven added, feeling resolve tighten. "No one will bother you, I promise."

    Or hurt him. He'd like to think the murderer would have no interest in him but given the fact that he had been there so close to when the killer had been...

    It may be paranoid, but a bit of paranoia in this case was probably fine.

    "I... I'd appreciate it a lot," Wally murmured, scrubbing fists into his eyes and tugging Steven's heartstrings. "Th-thank you. Both of you."

    "Of course," the Champion soothed.

    He restrained himself from jumping when the door opened, but Wally couldn't, the boy starting terribly. Hiding a wince, Steven turned to see who dared to disturb them and was mollified by the sight of a nervous young lady a year or two younger than himself who really looked like she'd rather not be here.

    Which was infinitely better than Clair, who he thought may have followed them here at some point.

    Glancing at Wallace and stepping forward to give the two cousins some cover, aware that Wally would rather people not see him in such a state, Steven addressed their visitor.

    "Yes? Can I help you?"

    "Ah- Champion Steven, sir- um-" She struggled over her words and Steven gave her a gentle smile. The willingness to be patient seemed to help a bit and she took a deep breath and let it out, the words coming right afterwards. "Security Chief Karen asked me to come find you and Mr. Simmons. She'd like to speak with you."

    Well, it wasn't surprising, but he'd hoped he could stay with Wally just a bit longer. He couldn't blow off an official investigation no matter how much he loved the boy.

    "We'll be right along, thank you."

    With a nervous smile, she ducked out of the doorway, Steven half-turned to give his friends a rueful look, and Wally, pale and wane, nodded sadly.

    "I'm sorry, Wally," Steven said. Wally gave him a tired little smile.

    "I know. It's okay. Go do your Champion stuff." He pressed the button and let Orion out, who leaned down over the chair and wrapped his arms around the boy's neck. Steven, remembering himself, reached into his pocket and drew out his Skarmory's pokeball, letting the bird out. Though Austentitic could not possibly know what was going on, he knew immediately that he was to guard the exhausted, sad boy seated on the chair, and he nodded to Steven.

    "I'll be okay."

    And so, with another apology and a hug, Steven went, hoping this would be quick.

    Age : 36
    Posts : 3208

    The HQ Team (PLOT) - Page 12 Empty Re: The HQ Team (PLOT)

    Post by Silverishness Sun Aug 12, 2018 9:09 pm

    Post 48||Post 47

    The HQ Team (PLOT) - Page 12 Karenandwallace_by_kemurigakurekaze-d8rzhfe

    Indigo Plateau [Kanto District Hospital]||Early Afternoon

    "O-okay. Please?" Wally asked, curling more into Wallace's embrace, causing the latter to smile warmly. "I... I'd appreciate it a lot."

    "Of course, hon."

    "And I'm leaving Austentitic," Steven added. "No one will bother you, I promise."

    Wallace let out a small breath of relief; with three pokemon looking after Wally, he would surely be ok. Not that Wally was likely a target for anyone , but after their unfortunate interactions with Clair and Karen, Wallace really didn't like the idea of leaving Wally and the sick doctor alone. "I... I'd appreciate it a lot. Th-thank you. Both of you."

    "Of course," the Champion soothed.

    The door opening caused Wally to jump nearly his own height into the air, and Wallace pulled him close, putting his body between whoever was daring to enter and his shaken cousin. Steven also, thankfully, took up a defensive position between them, and addressed the stranger at the door.

    "Yes? Can I help you?"

    "Ah- Champion Steven, sir- um-" She struggled a moment, but Wallace imagined that Steven's natural soothing charisma settled whatever nervousness she was feeling. "Security Chief Karen asked me to come find you and Mr. Simmons. She'd like to speak with you."

    Had Karen found something? "We'll be right along, thank you." The stranger bowed and quickly made her exit, likely to make sure she didn't delay in getting back to Karen.

    "I'm sorry, Wally," Steven apologized, but Wally calmly rebuffed it.

    "I know. It's okay. Go do your Champion stuff." With that dismissal, he summoned Orion and Steven in turn summoned his Skarmory. Taking the cue, Wallace brought out Bubbles, and almost immediately, though the bird and water mouse couldn't possibly know what had happened, took the opportunity to settle near Wally in a protective circle. "I'll be okay."

    Wallace beamed at the sight and nodded. "You certainly will." He turned to Steven and nodded, leading the way back to the security hub.

    Karen stared at the computer monitor with narrowed, dull eyes as she listlessly breathed out a long drag of cigarette smoke. She was perched on her file cabinet, almost completely obscured by how much smoke was in the room. She should have been scouring more files for another lead, but this new development had her stumped good.

    It wasn't Ganon.

    She didn't turn as Steven and his fop opened her door, the latter recoiling with a coughing fit. "Wh--! Where did all this smoke--?! Karen, is there a fire in there?"

    "No," she answered without bothering to move even her eyes to the coughing Water master. "I'm smoking."

    "And how have the smoke detectors not gone off?!"

    Turned 'em off." Still, she made no motion. She was perfectly motionless, save for her hand going and withdrawing from her mouth. A good dozen used cigarettes lay on the cold linoleum, lazily discarded. "Don't leave the door open. Didn't get the ones out there."

    "Wow, that's safe."


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    The HQ Team (PLOT) - Page 12 Empty Re: The HQ Team (PLOT)

    Post by Wally Sun Aug 12, 2018 10:00 pm

    The HQ Team (PLOT) - Page 12 YivhiK1
    Indigo Plateau: HQ [Kanto District Hospital - Colress's Hospital Room] || Early Afternoon || 48

    "Of course, hon," Wallace soothed. Wally closed his eyes, grateful for the millionth time that he had such an understanding guardian

    "And I'm leaving Austentitic," he heard Steven add. Make that understanding guardians. "No one will bother you, I promise."

    Being so huddled into his cousin, he felt Wallace sigh a little, no doubt relieved that Wally would be so well guarded. He wasn't the only one. "I... I'd appreciate it a lot. Th-thank you. Both of you."

    "Of course."

    The door opened and the sudden, expected noise, coupled with the immediate knowledge that someone was entering, set Wally's nerves afire; before he could control himself he jumped near out of his skin. Wallace held him closer while Wally breathed deeply, feeling his face flush as he tried to reign in his heartbeat. Wow, that was pathetic. At least Steven was handling all the talking.

    "Yes? Can I help you?"

    "Ah- Champion Steven, sir- um-" Wally's heart sank as he turned in his seat to look. Oh no, don't let it be someone here because of Karen or someone else official asking them back, please don't, please please please- "Security Chief Karen asked me to come find you and Mr. Simmons. She'd like to speak with you."

    Damn it. His stomach felt full of rocks.

    "We'll be right along, thank you," Steven promised the lady in a response entirely expected and super unwelcome. Far from stupid, Steven turned around to see Wally watching, eyes sad.

    "I'm sorry, Wally," he apologized softly, and Wally tried to smile to ease his guilt at having to leave him. It wasn't his fault, after all.

    "I know. It's okay. Go do your Champion stuff." Realizing he needed the company asap, Wally let Orion out, the fairy standing antsily on the side as he waited for Wallace to part from his human's side so that he could take Wallace's place in holding him. Steven in turn let out Austentitic, and Wallace, Bubbles. At the Champion's last worried look at him, Wally gave him another smile he was sure did not look happy, but hopefully the fact that he managed a smile at all would set him at ease.

    "I'll be okay."

    Wallace smiled too, and the sight soothed Wally a little further. "You certainly will."

    And then, with a final hug, they were gone. Orion moved to occupy the seat that Wallace vacated, pulling Wally close as he curled into him.

    "I'm here," he soothed. Wally wiped at his face, reluctant to spill his soul when Bubbles and Austentitic were in the room. He loved them dearly, but there were a great number of things he'd like to talk about and none of them could ever get back to Wallace and Steven ever.

    It would have to wait until later.

    "Stay close?" he pleaded.

    "Of course."

    It was quiet for a few minutes and then the door opened again, Orion looking to find Lavender nosing her way in, a bundle of folded clothes in her mouth. Instantly, Wally relaxed, giving the cat a tearful smile as she brought the boy her package and rubbed her face against his leg as he relieved her of it.

    "Th-thanks, Lav."

    "Of course," she purred, eyeing Colress as she stopped loving his leg and sat back to survey him. As she spotted the bunny-mouse and the bird, Wally watched the gears in her head turn as she made the split-second (reluctant) decision not to immediately leap onto the hospital bed to settle around the sick doctor. They all understood how important it was to maintain the idea that Wally wasn't as close friends with the man as he was, and so regretably, the cat would be denied her usual nature here.

    Wally had no doubt she would make up for that later at some other point, but for now she'd have to forgo snuggling. At least until the man was visibly upset.

    "I'm gonna go change," he said softly, and Orion let him go so he could stand. He stumbled a moment before finding his balance and then stretched, giving his worried pokemon a reassuring smile that probably came out a lot more nervous than he would've liked.

    Stepping inside the bathroom and being alone again made it all real again in a rush, especially as he stared at the blood on his uniform. Swallowing a sound of disgust and pain, he ripped the clothes off as quickly as he could and with shaking hands tried to pull his clothes on.

    He didn't know what he would do when Colress woke up and panicked, as he definitely would, but for the moment he just had to keep himself calm and not think too much about the blood and the dead person and all the other dead people he'd seen and wow he was bad at this.


    The HQ Team (PLOT) - Page 12 Wally
    take a melody
    simple as can be
    give it some words and
    ♪ sweet harmony ♪

    Posts : 2131

    The HQ Team (PLOT) - Page 12 Empty Re: The HQ Team (PLOT)

    Post by Colress Sun Aug 26, 2018 12:58 am

    The HQ Team (PLOT) - Page 12 QY4tWKB

    Indigo Plateau  | Early Afternoon | (29)

    Everything felt foggy. Colress' brain was moving at a sluggish pace, and this wasn't helped by opening his eyes. In fact, all he could see was white and even that was blurry. The light was blinding, though, so he shut his eyes again to ease the pain. Wasn't I wearing my glasses earlier? How did I lose them this time?

    The answers to these questions very quickly brought to mind harsh smells, the flickering light, and the feeling of being trapped. Where am I now? The... place he had been in earlier hadn't been such a vivid white. It then hit him that he was laying down. Whatever he was laying on wasn't really hard, but it wasn't his bed. More comfortable than his office chair though...

    He tried to move his arms so that he could sit up properly. One cooperated. The other... made a light rattling sound and he felt something pull and then stop when he tried to move his wrist. "Hm?" His eyes snapped open, and he tugged his arm again. It still didn't give. Without the aid of his bound arm, he sat up with a panicky gasp. With his free hand, he reached over to feel for what could be holding his wrist. It was metal. Like handcuffs. He didn't need to see to confirm it.

    What had been going on immediately before passing out started to flood back in. Clair had more or less dragged him to the prison. They were convinced he was the killer, and they were going to prove it. Thanks to getting distracted, he had been passed along to be held elsewhere... Wally! The boy had come to his room in terror and mentioned something about another body being found. His heartrate had started to pick up, and he couldn't help but try to yank his arm free again. The effort caused him to make a gasp  It was fruitless, of course, but his fear was dictated he had to try.

    Then there was a sound. Something like a bird? A really large one, and he couldn't see them. The sound also brought to his attention that there was a weight missing from his ear.  My communicator is gone, too. That realization made his heart drop. They didn't want him communicating with the Pokemon gaurding him. Afraid of potentially angering whatever Pokemon was on guard, he ceased his attempts at freeing his arm and laid back down, defeated.


    "My mind's a kaleidiscope, it thinks too fast
    blurs all the colors till i can't see past
    the last mistake, the choice I made
    Staring in the mirror, myself to blame."

    Shopkeep & Warnings Mod

    Age : 37
    Posts : 781

    The HQ Team (PLOT) - Page 12 Empty Re: The HQ Team (PLOT)

    Post by Phoenix Sun Sep 02, 2018 5:38 pm

    The HQ Team (PLOT) - Page 12 WX6TVdd
    Indigo Plateau | Early Afternoon

    With nothing else to do and bored of the idea of going back to carve up already used canvases Clair found herself wandering after dumping her charge on Steven and his pussy squad. Eventually she came to the small reservoir the league was using for the water Pokemon who couldn't be on land and sat at the edge, summoning her beloved Kingdra to stretch his fins. Asoth was thrilled to be out of his ball and darted about quickly before eventually coming back to rest against Clair's leg as it dangled in the water. It was a rare moment for the normally icy dragon trainer, a warm smile of utter affection on her face as she stroked Asoth's head.

    It wasn't often she got a moment of true peace in this place and it was times like this that she treasured. Here she wasn't a replacement for Lance, or his shadow, or the failure that everyone in her life had always painted her as. Here she was just Clair... Simple, normal Clair. Asoth adored Clair for no other reason that he chose to. He didn't expect anything of her or demand her strength and loyalty to offer his power, he just loved her. That was all she had ever asked of her family...

    Unfortunately, like most things in her life, this too was going to find itself ruined by a stumbling idiot. "M-M-Miss Clair?" came the stammering voice of a young woman who all but fell as she tripped over her own exhausted feet. Clair sighed and rolled her eyes, looking at the woman coldly. "What do you want?"

    With a tired salute she did her best to stand up and address her de-facto Champion. "F-Forgive me, ma'am, but I've...I've been looking everywhere for you. Security Chief Karen has...has asked for the Champions to come to her office." The girl was panting through every few words and Clair found herself rolling her eyes again. "Fine. Fine. You've told me, now go. Tell Karen I'll be there shortly." Without needing any further excuse the nervous mess fled the field and supposedly went to go do just that. Clair whispered her apologies to Asoth who nuzzled her leg once again instead of actually answering.

    "I'll leave you in the reservoir for a little while, okay? I'll come back to get you soon. You deserve a break from sitting in that stupid ball. Enjoy yourself my sweet boy." With one last kiss to his wrinkled head she removed her legs from dangling in the water and slipped her shoes back on, heading for Karen's office once more. It would figure that she would be called back this soon. She never got to do anything relaxing.

    Finally reaching her destination she frowned as she noticed Steven and Wallace were already there, trying her best to hold back the snarl that wanted to escape to hear him bitching about a little smoke. Coming up behind him she didn't even bother to be subtle as she scolded his prissy behavior.  "Perhaps if you aren't comfortable you can step outside and let real leaders do the talking, hm? You aren't really needed for any important decisions, you just have to do as your told. So why don't you go find a way to wash the smell of smoke out of your hair so you don't spend the next six hours whining about it."

    Posts : 91

    The HQ Team (PLOT) - Page 12 Empty Re: The HQ Team (PLOT)

    Post by Wally Mon Sep 03, 2018 11:10 am

    The HQ Team (PLOT) - Page 12 YivhiK1
    Indigo Plateau: HQ [Kanto District Hospital - Colress's Hospital Room] || Early Afternoon || 48

    Getting into his clothes was proving to be a challenge.

    Wally's hands shook terribly as he tried to get himself in order. Amazing how being stuck on one terrible thought could screw up everything else, even simple tasks that autopilot usually handled with ease.

    It was still hard to believe today even happened. It wasn't much past noon right? He didn't have a watch on him but he knew that much. Gods it felt so much later...

    He froze as he pulled his shirt over his head, the rustling fabric almost but not quite covering a noise. He couldn't discern what it was. Did he just make it up? He was pretty jumpy...

    But then he heard the loud, unmistakable gasp and- rattling? What? It was repeating now, too. Tugging his shirt down over his head and into place (and hearing Austen call softly as he did), he pulled his coat on as he pushed the door open in time to see Colress lay down. The boy wasted no time rushing to his side.

    "H-hey what- Col what's wro-"

    Orion and Lavender were just standing up as he came out and as Wally hurried to get closer to his friend, Orion pointed to Colress's wrist-- on the side of him that had been obscured from sight when he and his guardians had sat there. The handcuff was a punch to the gut. Right. Still a suspect.

    Even if he, Steven, and Wallace had spotted it, protocol probably wouldn't have let them take it off.

    "H-hey, it's okay- uh- here-" Gently, he pressed the scientist's glasses into his free hand. First order of business was to try to ease his fear by giving him back what he needed to see. It probably wouldn't make him feel safe (no way Col wasn't about to have some kind of breakdown; this entire day was nothing but bullshit; Wally sure would be freaking out, in his shoes) but at least it was a step in the right direction.


    The HQ Team (PLOT) - Page 12 Wally
    take a melody
    simple as can be
    give it some words and
    ♪ sweet harmony ♪

    Posts : 2131

    The HQ Team (PLOT) - Page 12 Empty Re: The HQ Team (PLOT)

    Post by Colress Thu Sep 06, 2018 8:28 pm

    The HQ Team (PLOT) - Page 12 QY4tWKB

    Indigo Plateau  | Early Afternoon | (30)

    Colress could hear a door opening, and that made him all but flinch. He wasn't sure who would be coming in now, but it couldn't be anything good. Then he heard Wally's voice. "H-hey what- Col what's wro-" Just knowing that Wally wasn't in danger helped ease some of his fears, so He sat up enough to try and see where the boy was standing and squinted. Unfortunately, that didn't help with his vision, but soon, he could feel someone press glasses into his hands. "H-hey, it's okay- uh- here-"

    Even though he knew it was bound, he still tried to move his handcuffed hand to put on his glasses. Even though he had been so elated to know Wally was safe, the grim reminder of his own situation was enough to deflate his mood. He struggled to unfold the arms of the glasses one-handed, but he had done this before. It took a moment before he could actually put the glasses on, and once he did, he blinked a few times to readjust. Wally was the closest to him and had obviously been the one to hand him his glasses. He thought he could see Orion and Lavender close by. Then he noticed the Skarmory and Azumarill a little further away. He must have heard the Skarmory earlier. He thought the Azumarill might be Jetstream, but he would have expected him to be closer to Wally. Either way, he didn't question the presence of the water-fairy. The first thing he asked was, "A-are you alright? You found... a body? A-and what happened earlier? You couldn't breathe?" The horror of seeing the young kid covered in blood and choking to breathe was again in the front of his mind, and he worried about Wally's well being.


    "My mind's a kaleidiscope, it thinks too fast
    blurs all the colors till i can't see past
    the last mistake, the choice I made
    Staring in the mirror, myself to blame."

    Shopkeep & Warnings Mod

    Posts : 91

    The HQ Team (PLOT) - Page 12 Empty Re: The HQ Team (PLOT)

    Post by Wally Sun Sep 09, 2018 2:27 pm

    The HQ Team (PLOT) - Page 12 YivhiK1
    Indigo Plateau: HQ [Kanto District Hospital - Colress's Hospital Room] || Early Afternoon || 49

    Wally admittedly felt kind of like an idiot and a jerk as he watched his friend try to open his glasses to put them on. Probably should have done that for him.

    On the bright side, it gave him a second to compose himself, so he took a few deep breaths and tried to look calm and... okay-ish by the time Colress turned wide, frantic eyes on him.

    "A-are you alright? You found... a body? A-and what happened earlier? You couldn't breathe?"

    Yeah nope calm gone. He felt the blood drain from his face and it took him a second to realize he was shaking. And that he hadn't answered Colress's question.

    Yeah, that wouldn't worry the shit out of him or anything.

    "I- uh- d-don't wanna- I don't wanna talk about it," he stammered, shoving his trembling hands into the pockets of his jacket. Coat. Whatever. Several years later and he still didn't know what to call this thing he wore like, everyday. "Are- are you-"

    His eyes strayed to the cuffed hand and his stomach turned, face turning red. "Yeah sorry that's- a stupid question..."


    The HQ Team (PLOT) - Page 12 Wally
    take a melody
    simple as can be
    give it some words and
    ♪ sweet harmony ♪

    Posts : 2131

    The HQ Team (PLOT) - Page 12 Empty Re: The HQ Team (PLOT)

    Post by Colress Mon Sep 10, 2018 11:19 pm

    The HQ Team (PLOT) - Page 12 QY4tWKB

    Indigo Plateau  | Early Afternoon | (31)

    When Wally turned white and started shaking, Colress felt something in his stomach sink. "I- uh- d-don't wanna- I don't wanna talk about it," Wally dodged while shoving his hands into his pockets. That didn't do much to ease Colress' fears for Wally's well being, but the boy tried to switch topics. "Are- are you-" He started the question, but his eyes drifted to the handcuff and he quickly answered his own question. "Yeah sorry that's- a stupid question..."

    "I-it's fine," Colress tried to soothe. "Other than... that." He tried to not bring more attention than necessary to the cuffs."I-I..." He stumbled as he tried to figure out exactly how he felt. "Don't know." He glanced towards the unknown Skarmory in the room before continuing. "Wh-where are we? This... can't be the prison can it?"


    "My mind's a kaleidiscope, it thinks too fast
    blurs all the colors till i can't see past
    the last mistake, the choice I made
    Staring in the mirror, myself to blame."

    Shopkeep & Warnings Mod

    Posts : 91

    The HQ Team (PLOT) - Page 12 Empty Re: The HQ Team (PLOT)

    Post by Wally Wed Sep 12, 2018 2:49 pm

    The HQ Team (PLOT) - Page 12 YivhiK1
    Indigo Plateau: HQ [Kanto District Hospital - Colress's Hospital Room] || Early Afternoon || 50

    "I-it's fine," his friend tried to comfort. "Other than... that."

    Yeah. That. He tried to swallow.

    "I-I... Don't know." Col glanced towards Austen, looking very small and lost. "Wh-where are we? This... can't be the prison can it?"

    "No, no," Wally hurried to soothe. "It's- uh-"

    He glanced at Orion and Lavender, both of whom winced and gave a little shrug. Yeah, there really wasn't much of a way to sugarcoat this, was there?

    "It's the hospital," he admitted. "You, uh... fainted."

    "Policy dictates you had to see a doctor, just in case," Austen added, clawing a little at the floor in a gesture Wally recognized as a sign of deep irritation. He was stewing.

    "He can't understand you, Austen," Wally reminded him with a nervous little laugh, running a hand through his hair. "Uh-"

    He gestured to the bird, who looked over at the doctor. "Right, uh, introductions. Col, this is Austentitic and Bubbles, Steven and Wallace's pokemon."


    The HQ Team (PLOT) - Page 12 Wally
    take a melody
    simple as can be
    give it some words and
    ♪ sweet harmony ♪

    Posts : 2131

    The HQ Team (PLOT) - Page 12 Empty Re: The HQ Team (PLOT)

    Post by Colress Thu Sep 20, 2018 8:24 pm

    The HQ Team (PLOT) - Page 12 QY4tWKB

    Indigo Plateau  | Early Afternoon | (32)

    "No, no," Wally quickly answered, but he started to trip over his words as Colress waited for further explanation. "It's- uh-" Wally looked towards Orion and Lavender before finishing, "It's the hospital. You, uh... fainted." He wasn't sure if he was more embarrassed or worried about that. He had passed out, and they hadn't even done anything! That he knew of, at least...

    Before his thoughts could explore that option for long, the Skarmory in the room said... something. He felt the loss of his communicator even more strongly at that moment. Even though this wasn't his Pokemon, he missed the easy communication the device offered. Wally jumped in to explain, "He can't understand you, Austen. Uh-" He then gestured to "Austen." "Right, uh, introductions. Col, this is Austentitic and Bubbles, Steven and Wallace's pokemon."

    That would explain the powerful presence they both gave off. Especially Austen. In much different circumstances, he would have been very interested in learning more about them, but he was a criminal who needed to be guarded by one of the champion's own Pokemon. He wasn't sure what was going on, but it must not bode well if that was one of the security measures in place. In order to be polite and keep them from getting angry at a social slight, he gave them a polite, if a little strained, smile and waved. "I-I'm Dr. Colress Ganon."

    With all the Pokemon in the room, half of whom were strangers, Colress was missing his own. He vaguely recalled Karen accusing his Pokemon of having Teleport, and she demanded that he hand his Pokemon over. Did they think his Pokemon were accomplices? Would his innocent Pokemon suffer because karma was biting him again? "Do you know where my Pokemon are?"


    "My mind's a kaleidiscope, it thinks too fast
    blurs all the colors till i can't see past
    the last mistake, the choice I made
    Staring in the mirror, myself to blame."

    Shopkeep & Warnings Mod

    Posts : 91

    The HQ Team (PLOT) - Page 12 Empty Re: The HQ Team (PLOT)

    Post by Wally Sat Sep 22, 2018 1:31 pm

    The HQ Team (PLOT) - Page 12 YivhiK1
    Indigo Plateau: HQ [Kanto District Hospital - Colress's Hospital Room] || Early Afternoon || 51

    "I-I'm Dr. Colress Ganon," his friend nervously introduced himself to the two pokemon he didn't know. Wally's heart ached at the strain in his smile and his voice; the doctor was putting out a good effort, but it didn't take a genius to see he was upset and unsettled by the very strong pokemon he didn't even know.

    Probably didn't help that he was embarrassed over fainting. Wally could relate.

    Col blinked and turned to Wally, eyes widening in near-panic. "Do you know where my Pokemon are?"

    He winced. Fuck. "No," he admitted, shuffling his feet. "I... I guess Karen or Clair took 'em? I haven't seen them or heard of them..."

    "I'm sure they'll be fine," Orion tried to comfort, remembering too late that Colress had no comm. Wally removed his from his ear and held it out to his friend.

    "Here, you can borrow mine for a bit until we get yours back."


    The HQ Team (PLOT) - Page 12 Wally
    take a melody
    simple as can be
    give it some words and
    ♪ sweet harmony ♪

    Posts : 2131

    The HQ Team (PLOT) - Page 12 Empty Re: The HQ Team (PLOT)

    Post by Colress Mon Sep 24, 2018 8:06 pm

    The HQ Team (PLOT) - Page 12 QY4tWKB

    Indigo Plateau  | Early Afternoon | (33)

    When Wally's reaction to his question was to flinch, Colress's heart sank. "No. I... I guess Karen or Clair took 'em? I haven't seen them or heard of them..." He didn't know how long it took for them to look for the move that they suspected R2 to have, but wouldn't they have returned them by this point? Or... How long had he been out? There was also the new murder to account for... Or they were already ready to throw the book at him, and decided to withold them so he wouldn't be able to escape. His breath caught when that possibility crossed his mind. Wally tried to hand him something, and it took a moment for him to realize that it was his communicator. "Here, you can borrow mine for a bit until we get yours back."

    He blinked at the offered object dumbly. "Wh-why? I-I won't need it..." His eyes strayed back over towards the Pokemon guarding him. They probably wouldn't approve their prisoner having something unauthorized. "No thanks," He said as a definitive refusal.


    "My mind's a kaleidiscope, it thinks too fast
    blurs all the colors till i can't see past
    the last mistake, the choice I made
    Staring in the mirror, myself to blame."

    Shopkeep & Warnings Mod

    Posts : 91

    The HQ Team (PLOT) - Page 12 Empty Re: The HQ Team (PLOT)

    Post by Wally Wed Sep 26, 2018 4:07 pm

    The HQ Team (PLOT) - Page 12 YivhiK1
    Indigo Plateau: HQ [Kanto District Hospital - Colress's Hospital Room] || Early Afternoon || 52

    "Wh-why? I-I won't need it..." the doctor stammered, Wally frowning as his skittish gaze went to Austen and Bubbles. Wouldn't need it? What was in his head right now? "No thanks."

    "Won't need it? Why? I- I thought it might make you feel better if you could understand them at least?" He drew his hand back slightly, wary of potentially annoying him by insisting, but this really would help, so he didn't withdraw his hand entirely. Was this his self-sabotage nonsense again? God damn it accept help for once in your life. "It'll help."


    The HQ Team (PLOT) - Page 12 Wally
    take a melody
    simple as can be
    give it some words and
    ♪ sweet harmony ♪

    Posts : 2131

    The HQ Team (PLOT) - Page 12 Empty Re: The HQ Team (PLOT)

    Post by Colress Fri Sep 28, 2018 9:03 pm

    The HQ Team (PLOT) - Page 12 QY4tWKB

    Indigo Plateau  | Early Afternoon | (34)

    "Won't need it? Why? I- I thought it might make you feel better if you could understand them at least?" Wally tried to explain. He slightly retracted his hand, but he didn't pull it back entirely. "It'll help."

    "I doubt that they-" He lightly pulled his cuffed hand to make the metal jingle for emphasis, "-Would let me to have it. Why take mine and insist on a Champion's Pokemon to guard me? You'll just get in trouble with the police, so really... No thank you."


    "My mind's a kaleidiscope, it thinks too fast
    blurs all the colors till i can't see past
    the last mistake, the choice I made
    Staring in the mirror, myself to blame."

    Shopkeep & Warnings Mod

    Posts : 91

    The HQ Team (PLOT) - Page 12 Empty Re: The HQ Team (PLOT)

    Post by Wally Fri Sep 28, 2018 9:43 pm

    The HQ Team (PLOT) - Page 12 YivhiK1
    Indigo Plateau: HQ [Kanto District Hospital - Colress's Hospital Room] || Early Afternoon || 53

    Man, the look on Col's face looked like something of a sad puppy.

    "I doubt that they-" Wally's eyes snapped from Col's face to the lightly rattling handcuff as the doctor gave it a little shake "-would let me have it. Why take mine and insist on a Champion's Pokemon to guard me? You'll just get in trouble with the police-"

    Wait police? What about the police what?

    "-so really... No thank you."

    Fear flooded his chest. Police? Who said anything about police? He was probably irrational levels of afraid but fuck, police!? No the police weren't involved- well, not as heavily as Col thought. Right?

    They didn't contact the hospital staff at any point, right?

    Words fell out of his mouth before he could stop them. "Wh- no- n-no, the police aren't involved? Not to the extent you're thinking, I mean!"

    Deep breaths Wally, jesus. He sucked one in and let it out with a shudder, trying to gain a grip on himself. He hadn't broken down in front of Colress yet and he didn't intend to start now, especially when Colress had definitely had a worse day than he did. Shit, what would he even be doing in Col's shoes right now? Suspected of murder? Chained to a hospital bed? Unsure of where the case was going and where his pokemon are?

    Really, the man was remarkably composed. Wally knew he'd never stop crying.

    "I th-think it's protocol for the hospital staff to have to use... th- that... in the case of a- a suspect," he mumbled, pointing to the handcuff without really looking at it. The sight of it was making his stomach turn. "But they didn't ask Steven or Wal to do this. You're just a su-suspect right now. Nothing more. And Steven doesn't think you did it."


    The HQ Team (PLOT) - Page 12 Wally
    take a melody
    simple as can be
    give it some words and
    ♪ sweet harmony ♪

    Posts : 2131

    The HQ Team (PLOT) - Page 12 Empty Re: The HQ Team (PLOT)

    Post by Colress Mon Oct 01, 2018 7:18 pm

    The HQ Team (PLOT) - Page 12 QY4tWKB

    Indigo Plateau  | Early Afternoon | (35)

    Wally immediately tried to counter, "Wh- no- n-no, the police aren't involved? Not to the extent you're thinking, I mean!" He took a deep breath to compose himself before he argued, "I th-think it's protocol for the hospital staff to have to use... th- that... in the case of a- a suspect." He then pointed at the handcuff.
    "But they didn't ask Steven or Wal to do this. You're just a su-suspect right now. Nothing more. And Steven doesn't think you did it."

    He didn't buy Wally's placations; it seemed pretty clear what was going on to him, and Wally was just trying to make him feel better. "Unfortunately, it doesn't really matter what he thinks," Colress quietly said. "And why else post a guard inside the room?" His tone was flat, as if he had already given up. Though thinking of his Pokemon caused his eyes to fill with tears. He tried to blink them away, but it was getting harder to keep it hidden.


    "My mind's a kaleidiscope, it thinks too fast
    blurs all the colors till i can't see past
    the last mistake, the choice I made
    Staring in the mirror, myself to blame."

    Shopkeep & Warnings Mod

    Posts : 91

    The HQ Team (PLOT) - Page 12 Empty Re: The HQ Team (PLOT)

    Post by Wally Wed Oct 03, 2018 8:14 am

    The HQ Team (PLOT) - Page 12 YivhiK1
    Indigo Plateau: HQ [Kanto District Hospital - Colress's Hospital Room] || Early Afternoon || 54

    Col graduated from 'sad puppy' to 'very upset kitten.' "Unfortunately, it doesn't really matter what he thinks," his friend said, still in that small, sad voice. "And why else post a guard inside the room?"

    "G-guard?" That question had taken him totally- well- off guard. What was he talking about? There weren't any strange humans or pokemon in the room; there weren't any even outside the room. Austen and Bubbles's presence must have convinced the hospital staff that he didn't need to be eyeballed, thank god.

    But that meant what he said just... didn't make sense. He'd already said that Austen and Bubbles weren't here for him? What was going on in his head? The tears in Col's eyes were a punch to the gut but he couldn't make him feel better if he was missing something; guess he'd just have to ask and just look stupid. "What are you talking about?"


    The HQ Team (PLOT) - Page 12 Wally
    take a melody
    simple as can be
    give it some words and
    ♪ sweet harmony ♪

    Posts : 2131

    The HQ Team (PLOT) - Page 12 Empty Re: The HQ Team (PLOT)

    Post by Colress Fri Oct 05, 2018 7:11 pm

    The HQ Team (PLOT) - Page 12 QY4tWKB

    Indigo Plateau  | Early Afternoon | (36)

    "G-guard?" Wally looked at him in confusion. "What are you talking about?"

    Colress didn't understand why Wally was confused. With his free hand, Colress waved towards the strange Pokemon in the room, "That's why they're here. Maybe Steven phrased it more nicely, but that's essentially what they're here for. Have to make sure I don't somehow get away while chained to a bed."


    "My mind's a kaleidiscope, it thinks too fast
    blurs all the colors till i can't see past
    the last mistake, the choice I made
    Staring in the mirror, myself to blame."

    Shopkeep & Warnings Mod

    Posts : 91

    The HQ Team (PLOT) - Page 12 Empty Re: The HQ Team (PLOT)

    Post by Wally Tue Oct 09, 2018 11:48 am

    The HQ Team (PLOT) - Page 12 YivhiK1
    Indigo Plateau: HQ [Kanto District Hospital - Colress's Hospital Room] || Early Afternoon || 54

    Oh no; Col's eyes were really filling up now. "That's why they're here. Maybe Steven phrased it more nicely, but that's essentially what they're here for. Have to make sure I don't somehow get away while chained to a bed."

    ... Well shit. That's where the mistake in communication was. Still...

    "Maybe you guys should wait outside?" he murmured to Steven and Wallace's pokemon. They looked at each other, and then at the tearful doctor, and nodded.

    Once they were out of the room, Wally, hoping Colress might be able to start relaxing, turned back to his friend. "They're here to look after you," he clarified, feeling his insides squirm as he realized he would have to divulge the other part--and hint at his own weakness--for Col to believe any of this. "Clair wasn't very nice to you. Steven's kind of pissed about it. And uh- he and Wallace wanted me to have someone keeping an eye on me, too..."


    The HQ Team (PLOT) - Page 12 Wally
    take a melody
    simple as can be
    give it some words and
    ♪ sweet harmony ♪

    Posts : 2131

    The HQ Team (PLOT) - Page 12 Empty Re: The HQ Team (PLOT)

    Post by Colress Fri Oct 12, 2018 7:37 pm

    The HQ Team (PLOT) - Page 12 QY4tWKB

    Indigo Plateau  | Early Afternoon | (37)

    To Colress's surprise, Wally muttered something to the guard Pokemon. "Maybe you guys should wait outside?" What shocked him even more was the fact that they actually left. There was a pause as they looked at each other, Wally, and him, but they still left without a fight. "They're here to look after you," Wally tried explaining. "Clair wasn't very nice to you. Steven's kind of pissed about it. And uh- he and Wallace wanted me to have someone keeping an eye on me, too..."

    "Huh? Why? She took me where she thought I should go. If they're convinced I did it, then it only makes sense... It's not her fault I fainted," He muttered. He couldn't look at Wally in his shame. He also had to ask, "Why would he think I was an appropriate choice?"


    "My mind's a kaleidiscope, it thinks too fast
    blurs all the colors till i can't see past
    the last mistake, the choice I made
    Staring in the mirror, myself to blame."

    Shopkeep & Warnings Mod

    Posts : 91

    The HQ Team (PLOT) - Page 12 Empty Re: The HQ Team (PLOT)

    Post by Wally Sun Oct 21, 2018 5:47 pm

    The HQ Team (PLOT) - Page 12 YivhiK1
    Indigo Plateau: HQ [Kanto District Hospital - Colress's Hospital Room] || Early Afternoon || 55

    "Huh? Why? She took me where she thought I should go. If they're convinced I did it, then it only makes sense... It's not her fault I fainted," Col wouldn't look at him. It didn't take a genius to see why. Wally was about to refute that when he added, "Why would he think I was an appropriate choice?"

    Aw fuck.

    "Uh- okay, first thing- she's not supposed to drag you off to a place people convicted of a crime are taken, and she's- kind of a piece of work. Sure, she may not have knocked you out, but she still did something wrong and that scared you and probably didn't help you stay awake, als-"

    Wait, he should maybe not tell Colress about Clair dropping him.

    "Also, I um... I meant... I meant the pokemon. They wanted the pokemon keeping an eye on me. Although if they knew you were awake now that'd probably make them feel better that another human's here watching me, too..."


    The HQ Team (PLOT) - Page 12 Wally
    take a melody
    simple as can be
    give it some words and
    ♪ sweet harmony ♪

    Posts : 2131

    The HQ Team (PLOT) - Page 12 Empty Re: The HQ Team (PLOT)

    Post by Colress Tue Oct 23, 2018 7:55 pm

    The HQ Team (PLOT) - Page 12 QY4tWKB

    Indigo Plateau  | Early Afternoon | (38)

    Wally immediately countered, "Uh- okay, first thing- she's not supposed to drag you off to a place people convicted of a crime are taken, and she's- kind of a piece of work. Sure, she may not have knocked you out, but she still did something wrong and that scared you and probably didn't help you stay awake. Als-also, I um... I meant... I meant the pokemon. They wanted the pokemon keeping an eye on me. Although if they knew you were awake now that'd probably make them feel better that another human's here watching me, too..."

    "They seemed pretty convinced it was me... Though they did keep going on about Teleport, which, I'm not sure where they got that from. R2 told me his parents were Elgyem like he was, so he could never have had it, Colress mused aloud. If they were going to pin it on him... That would be a roadblock. None of his Pokemon had ever known Teleport. "... If they're expecting that to be the evidence they need, it's not going to work very well." He then made himself look at Wally again, and the last few words the boy had said clicked, "How are you doing? And I mean  really. You waved it off when I asked, and I've let my own pity party go on for too long."


    "My mind's a kaleidiscope, it thinks too fast
    blurs all the colors till i can't see past
    the last mistake, the choice I made
    Staring in the mirror, myself to blame."

    Shopkeep & Warnings Mod

    Posts : 91

    The HQ Team (PLOT) - Page 12 Empty Re: The HQ Team (PLOT)

    Post by Wally Fri Oct 26, 2018 6:13 pm

    The HQ Team (PLOT) - Page 12 YivhiK1
    Indigo Plateau: HQ [Kanto District Hospital - Colress's Hospital Room] || Early Afternoon || 56

    "They seemed pretty convinced it was me... Though they did keep going on about Teleport, which, I'm not sure where they got that from. R2 told me his parents were Elgyem like he was, so he could never have had it.

    Wally's heart lept. Oh thank god. That was pretty solid. Unless they could prove he borrowed a pokemon--and he didn't because Col didn't talk to anyone--he was fine. This was going to turn out just fine.

    "... If they're expecting that to be the evidence they need, it's not going to work very well."

    It sure wouldn't. After all that shit, Wally welcomed the feeling of glee that stole over him up until Colress cut it short with direct eye contact.

    Normally that would please Wally given Colress's entirely too timid nature, but the look suggested Colress was about to question him. "How are you doing? And I mean really. You waved it off when I asked, and I've let my own pity party go on for too long."

    Why did he have to be right.

    "I- uh-" His face was very hot now, fuck. "I- I'm fine, Col, really. And what's this about a pity party? You're having like, the worst week ever!" He waved his arms around. "I-I'd say- I'd say that qualifies for being allowed to let yourself feel bad! I'm f-fine I'm not- I'm not even hurt and I've got clean clothes now and everything see? I'm fine."

    He could feel Orion staring at him. Remembering the blood had turned his face sheet white again; he could tell by how shaky his knees suddenly felt. Please, please don't say anything.


    The HQ Team (PLOT) - Page 12 Wally
    take a melody
    simple as can be
    give it some words and
    ♪ sweet harmony ♪

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