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3 posters

    Vanus the Braixen


    Age : 30
    Posts : 9

    Vanus the Braixen  Empty Vanus the Braixen

    Post by Danielfightscats Wed Jan 07, 2015 3:29 am

    Vanus the Braixen  Tumblr_muvd814XY41r8saeio1_1280

    Text Colour Skyblue (SVG) #87CEEB
    Item No Item currently
    Gender Non-Binary he/him
    Age Young Adult
    Species 654: Braixen, The fox pokemon
    Height 3'03"
    Weight 32.0lbs.
    Pokédex Entry When the twig is plucked from its tail, friction sets the twig alight. The flame is used to send signals to its allies.
    Level 24
    Ability Blaze : When a Pokémon with Blaze uses a Fire-type move, the power will increase by 1.5× if the user has less than or equal to ⅓ of its maximum HP remaining.
    Nature Sassy
    Characteristic Thoroughly cunning
    Moves - Fire spin (Lvl)
    - Psybeam(Lvl)
    - Thief (TM)
    - Flame charge (Lvl)
    History As a young Fennikin, Vanus used to live in Kalos region in a fox hole by a tree with his family. Being a trickster and a crafty little fox, he made nightly visits to various team hideouts (to help feed his rather large family) primarily those with some rather dim-witted team flare grunts and snatched any produce available at each location. Eventually tired of being outsmarted by the fox pokemon, the grunts devised a plan to ambush him and trap him at the base.

    After capturing him in a quickball and knowing that his species is somewhat rare (not to mention fitting to the team flare theme), he was trained up as team flare pokemon member. Impatient to increase his abilities he underwent quite rigorous and somewhat abusive training. Despite this mistreatment Vanus became rather loyal and fond of his trainer within Team Flare perhaps not understanding his position or suffering from a bit of Stockholm syndrome.

    He showed this affection through procuring goods for his team and trainer. Being somewhat of a kleptomaniac himself his ability to obtain items came in handy along with his trainer teaching him thief through TM. For team flare his 'gifts' were quite welcome, his habits were encouraged but eventually grew into quite a large problem, with the fox starting to commit more than simple pickpocketing or foraging through other people’s garbage and his eventual demise that came from a jewellery store incident. It happened on a visit overseas, he was caught and his trainer was held accountable. Although the trainer could make up for what was lost, the incident had cost the team member quite badly in terms of status within the group and potential raises and promotions. Vanus had lost his opportunity for human companionship, and in a move that rather spiteful he was released/ thrown out into the wild.

    Far from anywhere close to what the now young Braixen called home he quickly became jaded and untrusting to the new world around him. He learnt to survive by himself, drifting from group to group never staying around long enough to get attached, afraid of what that might cost him.
    Appearance “Braixen is a bipedal, fox-like Pokémon. While the majority of its fur is yellow, it has black legs, white arms, face and neck, and a dark orange tail tip. The fur on its cheeks is longer, and a small mane of white fur covers its shoulders and chest. Long, wavy tufts of dark orange fur grow out of its large ears, and its eyes and small nose match this fur in color. Above its legs, the fur sweeps out to either side. When its mouth is open, two pointed teeth can be seen on its upper jaw. Braixen always keeps a stick in its tail, which it sets alight using its bushy tail fur. The flame from the lit twig is used for both attack and communication.”

    Vanus has no discernible differences from other Braixen aside from perhaps a shaggier coat as he is quite unkempt.
    Personality No longer the spirted young fennikin, Vanus has become jaded and perhaps somewhat depressed following the incidences that occurred in his past, he’s still a bit of a roguish thief. He’s rather allusive, full of commitment issues, and it’s hard to get a real answer out of him if the question concerns his past or emotions. He’s a Kleptomaniac, although rather apologetic following any theft as it’s an uncontrollable and regretful habit (although he will hold on to what he can, and is reluctant to give anything up). Sly and crafty, sometime sassy and a downright know it all.
    He’s NB but doesn’t really think too much about it so he’s happy to go by masculine pronouns.
    User Notes
    -somewhat based of off Roald Dahl’s fantastic Mr Fox character mixed with the Disney fox robin hood.
    -character concept assisted by ej user Happy Lunatic
    -art is by me.

    Last edited by Danielfightscats on Wed Jan 14, 2015 6:16 pm; edited 4 times in total

    Posts : 1265

    Vanus the Braixen  Empty Re: Vanus the Braixen

    Post by Victini Wed Jan 07, 2015 2:43 pm

    I only have one note: despite you justifying it in the history, I do still think that moveset is a little overpowered for a Pokemon of his level and age, Fire Blast and Psychic in particular. I'd recommend replacing those moves to either something a little less powerful (such as Incinerate and Psyshock, for example) or replacing them with something different, such as a level-up or egg move.

    Please let me know once you've made your revisions and I'll take another look.


    Vanus the Braixen  VictiniVanus the Braixen  TGJeE
    The Victory Pokemon

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    Vanus the Braixen  Empty Re: Vanus the Braixen

    Post by Victini Wed Jan 07, 2015 3:56 pm

    ^Agreed. It's a good profile otherwise so just make some adjustments and you'll be OK to go. :]


    Vanus the Braixen  VictiniVanus the Braixen  TGJeE
    The Victory Pokemon

    Profile Admin & Team Sheet Manager

    Age : 30
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    Vanus the Braixen  Empty Re: Vanus the Braixen

    Post by Danielfightscats Wed Jan 07, 2015 4:02 pm

    coolio, thanks, i think im just used to choosing move-sets for pokemon teams on the nintendo games, all fixed up now(i think)

    Posts : 1265

    Vanus the Braixen  Empty Re: Vanus the Braixen

    Post by Victini Thu Jan 08, 2015 1:40 pm

    Vanus the Braixen  RGgji6G


    Vanus the Braixen  VictiniVanus the Braixen  TGJeE
    The Victory Pokemon

    Profile Admin & Team Sheet Manager

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