Welcome to New Johto;
This is what remains of the region after the virus hit.
Undead pokemon lurk behind every corner, infest every city, haunt every cave.
Dark Days are Ahead...
Will you survive?


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Background art was made by Fox. The Banner was made by Silverishness. Show them some love, yeah?

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3 posters

    Cinderspark's Notepad


    Age : 29
    Posts : 2684

    Cinderspark's Notepad Empty Cinderspark's Notepad

    Post by Dandelion Fri May 03, 2013 10:05 pm

    Mother said I could be anything I wanted to be
    That I had a choice over my destiny,
    I sat in my room and stared out the window
    Thinking of life while a gentle breeze blow,

    I smiled and cheered at the thought in me
    This is it, this is what I want to be!
    Running down the hall cooing with delight
    I jumped at my mom saying I want to be light!

    Delicate and free I may go anywhere
    Drifting in the clouds and dancing on the air,
    Shining through windows and bouncing off steel
    Rising the spirits of those that must heal,

    I'm seen as good against those that our evil
    Revealing the light within them is crucial,
    Flee from the ranks of those that are dark
    Into the sky we shall embark,

    Mother said I could be anything I wanted to be
    I smiled stating simply I want to be me.

    Randomness of the mind at work.

    Cinderspark's Notepad Empty Re: Cinderspark's Notepad

    Post by Guest Fri May 03, 2013 10:39 pm

    Cinder, that was pretty nice, I really enjoyed that, and that's coming from the kind of person who doesn't normally enjoy poetry.

    Age : 29
    Posts : 2684

    Cinderspark's Notepad Empty Re: Cinderspark's Notepad

    Post by Dandelion Sun May 05, 2013 3:51 am


    Capture the beauty within everything and everyone [with an]
    Imagination that is an endless expanse of wonder
    Artistic and awe-inspiring to those around her [she's]
    Nonstop joy to be with, full of life and love
    Altruistic and gentle her kindness makes hearts light.

    Acrostic poem for an amazing person.

    Age : 29
    Posts : 2684

    Cinderspark's Notepad Empty Re: Cinderspark's Notepad

    Post by Dandelion Wed Aug 14, 2013 4:30 am

    Rocky Ground

    I'm right here
    and I'm ready,
    Just gotta go steady
    on this rocky ground.

    Head up high
    I will not die,
    I just gotta try
    and hold on though this all.

    Thus I will run
    this has to get done,
    And once I can touch the sun
    then I can be at peace once more.

    But until that day
    I will stay strong and pray,
    That you are also okay
    for your suffering is equally mine.

    [though] You caged me
    ignored my plea,
    Why couldn't you see
    that all I want is to be free again.

    So I'm right here
    and I'm ready,
    Just gotta go steady
    on this rocky, rocky ground.

    First poem I wrote that I remember saving. Written June 26th, 2010.

    Age : 29
    Posts : 2684

    Cinderspark's Notepad Empty Re: Cinderspark's Notepad

    Post by Dandelion Tue Sep 24, 2013 12:01 am

    Cinderspark's Notepad 1YM3NNCCinderspark's Notepad 9pzPbShCinderspark's Notepad IpEyqa0Cinderspark's Notepad 1cLeLVhCinderspark's Notepad 2z7W6oS
    Cinderspark's Notepad YOFImtu  Cinderspark's Notepad VzjFdmGCinderspark's Notepad LUqrhbLCinderspark's Notepad MZzI9PbCinderspark's Notepad BTTihyl

    Fakemon sprites that I've made. They are all scratch aside from Direyena, which is an edit.

    Last edited by Cinderspark on Sun Feb 22, 2015 4:56 am; edited 1 time in total

    Age : 25
    Posts : 1556

    Cinderspark's Notepad Empty Re: Cinderspark's Notepad

    Post by Duma Tue Sep 24, 2013 4:38 am

    OwO I love those sprites

    Age : 29
    Posts : 2684

    Cinderspark's Notepad Empty Re: Cinderspark's Notepad

    Post by Dandelion Sun Aug 10, 2014 5:39 pm

    I drew some things:

    Age : 29
    Posts : 2684

    Cinderspark's Notepad Empty Re: Cinderspark's Notepad

    Post by Dandelion Sun Feb 22, 2015 4:55 am

    I actually finished something for the first time in over a year.

    Cinderspark's Notepad 3ioRnYI

    Male and female Dragest sprites.
    Cinderspark's Notepad VzjFdmG Cinderspark's Notepad YOFImtu

    Age : 29
    Posts : 2684

    Cinderspark's Notepad Empty Re: Cinderspark's Notepad

    Post by Dandelion Thu Oct 29, 2015 11:58 pm

    Cinderspark's Notepad 1v6lQp1
    Raven the Aiveon - @renegade

    Cinderspark's Notepad LFeN1et
    Balthazar the Mightyena - @Balthazar

    I colored some of Vince's sketches from their sketchbook! He drew them, I only colored them.
    The characters belong to Vince and Balthazar respectively.
    (Balthazar's appearance said the scar was on her forehead but if its on the check like in the sketch I can move it!)
    The author of this message was banned from the forum - See the message

    Age : 29
    Posts : 2684

    Cinderspark's Notepad Empty Re: Cinderspark's Notepad

    Post by Dandelion Thu Jan 02, 2020 8:46 pm

    My new years resolution is to draw more! Its been years since Ive been able to draw consistently, and happily, and I really want to get back to a happier art place.
    2019 was a very bad year for me depression wise, but art helped me on the dark days. So here's some of my oldest 'chus (2009) that I drew during the year (plus my sona).

    Cinderspark's Notepad 13371105_DxbziYNFtal3FuE

    Cinderspark's Notepad 17097740_kGKPsQB69XtNBi3
    Nyle the Eeveechu

    Cinderspark's Notepad 17099344_33kKc1kJsGlFqS2

    Cinderspark's Notepad 17097807_2S8UMc2fsKOoBJY

    Cinderspark's Notepad 17735467_VliDTnFndOYR1tF
    Shadow the Eeveechu

    Cinderspark's Notepad 18887270_MifwYm20CgNZajF

    Age : 29
    Posts : 2684

    Cinderspark's Notepad Empty Re: Cinderspark's Notepad

    Post by Dandelion Fri Feb 14, 2020 1:39 am

    Its been a bad week. My harddrive exploded with no way to recover anything. I hadn't backed up anything since getting this laptop two years ago either, and had recently stored a lot of things on it (such as purging my phone). So.. rip. Hindsight is 20/20. Heres some stuff I finished and uploaded beforehand.

    Cinderspark's Notepad 19236051_ChoNbwjOmRGMxSM
    Hreint the Leafeon

    Cinderspark's Notepad 19381197_lWJRVgoR41cRS3G
    Kove the Meowstic

    Cinderspark's Notepad 19506383_gLkYmeyqKtdyytZ
    Melanie the Ninetales

    Cinderspark's Notepad 19594759_JV2aIXSUcPLBp3h
    Faux the Vulpix

    Cinderspark's Notepad 19594726_Azg5LXPiaH8CVoq
    Cinder the Quilava

    Cinderspark's Notepad 19626421_d3FDHa6advGyhss
    Etincelle the Electrike

    Age : 29
    Posts : 2684

    Cinderspark's Notepad Empty Re: Cinderspark's Notepad

    Post by Dandelion Mon Jan 04, 2021 2:10 am

    I remembered my New Year's resolution last year was to draw more. That feels so long ago now, like a lot more than a year. I lost my job, the primary place I was sketching, and the small art drive I had gained died, but I still managed to finish some of those sketches.

    Cinderspark's Notepad 20137109_VGFxvTTwkUUyOYH
    Gwen Wyndra the Radeon

    Cinderspark's Notepad 23404232_LBuLVrQG5h88y3K
    Sorrel the Shinx

    Cinderspark's Notepad 26368139_DhN9sKLeSzO65v7
    Cinderchu [pixel]

    Cinderspark's Notepad 28163416_8ffigWD5dzxyXi8
    Eleroo the Radeon

    Cinderspark's Notepad 28179013_P4JYdkJotBMhNEI
    Seek the Aiveon

    Cinderspark's Notepad 29853717_2CJAoezH9WPKeIj
    Thief the Quilava

    Cinderspark's Notepad 29938734_Dm2VN9Rvc4QxOag
    Lemon the Azumarill

    Cinderspark's Notepad 29954594_m2jwpvDIQuvr8mW
    Nikora and George (Sketch drawn by Cat)

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