Welcome to New Johto;
This is what remains of the region after the virus hit.
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Dark Days are Ahead...
Will you survive?


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    Trystre, the Sawk


    Trystre, the Sawk Empty Trystre, the Sawk

    Post by Guest Tue Sep 06, 2011 8:41 am

    "Government's Pokemon... Heh. I'm just as screwed as you are, buddy."

    Trystre, the Sawk Sawk


    - Double Kick
    - Low Sweep
    - Karate Chop
    - Focus Energy
    Not to mention my.. Actual training.

    Inner Focus
    Prevents Flinching. Though perhaps I do not flinch due to my training.

    Nature: Hasty
    Characteristics: Likes to Run

    National Dex No./Species:
    #539, Sawk, The Karate Pokemon.
    Height: 4'07" (1.4 Meters)
    Weight: 113lbs (About 51kg, 8.07 Stones)
    Pokédex Entry: The sound of Sawk punching boulders and trees can be heard all the way from the mountains where they train. Tying their belts gets them pumped and makes their punches more destructive. Disturbing their training angers them.


    Before this outbreak, I was the partner of a young woman who worked for the government, along with a Gallade and a Blaziken. Each of us Pokemon had a speech transmitter around our necks-- We, technically, were agents of the government. We had to be understood. The four of us had worked to escort other humans to safety-- some of those humans had infected pokemon. Aesth, the Blaziken, was quick to extract the virus, and soon became a danger to others-- Zeper and I had to kill him. Sara.. my Trainer, had to dispose of his body so none else would catch the virus-- I think she cremated him.
    The three of us, Sara, Zeper, and I, had gone deep into a forest to look for survivors-- we were ambushed. Being fighting-types, the two of us had a big disadvantage against the Fearow. Luckily for us, Zeper had Thunderbolt; though we couldn't save Sara, and my Gallade companion had been pecked by the Fearow. Had I known then that the blood upon it's beak would infect him, we wouldn't have cost the lives of so many others. His infection took a while, but he finally gained the signs of it.

    I'm ashamed that I had to snap his neck in front of those human children back in Fortree... However, I'm more ashamed that I let him kill one child's mother.

    I was assiged a new trainer shortly after Zeper's death, and we were shipped out to Johto to continue the evacuation. Gerald, my new trainer, had an Arbok and a Seviper... They all were undertrained, new agents, and my experience didn't help them at all. Their own stupidity killed them when they engaged a Venusaur that was about to eat a man and his Graveller. Luckily they didn't die in vain; the man and his pokemon made it out alive, but are they still? I'm almost certain that Venusaur is, as I did not fight it. Between now and then, I have witnessed many a tragedy, including pokemon becoming infected, dying, and infecting others. Perhaps I've witnessed more than my sanity allows.

    I haven't the slightest idea how I managed to survive this long without getting infected. Luck I suppose? My translator got broken in a recent fight against an undead Umbreon... Warning from the wise, their jaws are stronger than you'd think. I had been planning to continue my search in saving what humans and uninfected I could... Without the ability to speak English, I could only hope to save pokemon.

    User Notes:
    - He has extensive knowledge of both human and Pokemon anatomy, however has better knowledge of bipedal creatures.
    - He is very protective.
    - He is quick to react, both physically and verbally.
    - He has mental trauma from having to kill his two closest friends, as well as watch his trainer-- and a young mother --die.
    - Having witnessed the infections of several pokemon, he has learned what to look for in an infected pokemon.
    - He has no fear of death, and would likely ask another pokemon to snap his neck if he becomes infected.

    Pah, we won't make it out alive.

    Last edited by deathlyscar on Tue Sep 06, 2011 12:27 pm; edited 2 times in total (Reason for editing : Grammatical Errors, improper item.)

    Posts : 2653

    Trystre, the Sawk Empty Re: Trystre, the Sawk

    Post by Lugia Tue Sep 06, 2011 11:52 am

    Very interesting character! :D

    There is one problem, though... All items need to be from the games somehow, someway. As good as an idea it is, there is no translator. So, unfortunately, he cannot have one.

    However, everything else looks good. Just edit that, and you're golden. :)


    Trystre, the Sawk Shadowlugiasig


    "It's amazing how hard someone will fight for their underpants."


    Trystre, the Sawk Empty Re: Trystre, the Sawk

    Post by Guest Tue Sep 06, 2011 12:29 pm

    Edited. :)

    Posts : 2653

    Trystre, the Sawk Empty Re: Trystre, the Sawk

    Post by Lugia Tue Sep 06, 2011 12:36 pm

    Approved. Choose a place; you'll need to make a new team. :)


    Trystre, the Sawk Shadowlugiasig


    "It's amazing how hard someone will fight for their underpants."


    Trystre, the Sawk Empty Re: Trystre, the Sawk

    Post by Guest Tue Sep 06, 2011 12:41 pm

    Blackthorn City would be interesting, I think.
    I tried looking for a place to properly submit an application for one, but I couldn't find it... Maybe I just didn't see it, blind as I am.

    Posts : 2653

    Trystre, the Sawk Empty Re: Trystre, the Sawk

    Post by Lugia Tue Sep 06, 2011 1:37 pm

    Heh, it's fine. There is an official place, but really, we can do it from here, since we both seem to be online. Blackthorne is fine, btw. Go ahead and start a new thread for your team. I'll make the team character sheet. :)

    Good luck!


    Trystre, the Sawk Shadowlugiasig


    "It's amazing how hard someone will fight for their underpants."


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