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Will you survive?


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6 posters

    Twilit's Sketchbook

    Moon Moon
    Moon Moon

    Age : 25
    Posts : 1518

    Twilit's Sketchbook - Page 2 Empty Re: Twilit's Sketchbook

    Post by Moon Moon Sat May 11, 2013 12:14 pm

    Man I'm dumping a lot of stuff here today...Oh well, enjoy!:
    Twilit's Sketchbook - Page 2 PZS3yfG
    A Kickass Zombie Feraligatr who has a resemblence to godzilla...

    Twilit's Sketchbook - Page 2 YfD8bRx
    A Jynx character named Flurry who I plan on making, she's somewhat inspired by the cloud Diva of the Same name From Paper Mario the Thousand year Door

    Twilit's Sketchbook - Page 2 KCaHeKP
    More Flurry, she's angry because I didn't draw her a mouth :o

    Twilit's Sketchbook - Page 2 S9ah8XO
    Different view
    Moon Moon
    Moon Moon

    Age : 25
    Posts : 1518

    Twilit's Sketchbook - Page 2 Empty Re: Twilit's Sketchbook

    Post by Moon Moon Sun May 19, 2013 7:55 am

    Twilit's Sketchbook - Page 2 OmD8Qvd
    Bass Single
    Twilit's Sketchbook - Page 2 F1yZWMb
    Lovelace single
    Twilit's Sketchbook - Page 2 GmLacgs
    Moon Moon
    Moon Moon

    Age : 25
    Posts : 1518

    Twilit's Sketchbook - Page 2 Empty Re: Twilit's Sketchbook

    Post by Moon Moon Thu Jun 20, 2013 11:27 am

    Twilit's Sketchbook - Page 2 JrQ2mlj

    Twilit's Sketchbook - Page 2 NxTJpdZ

    Been a long time since I drew Carter, luckly I found my Laptop and Paint Shop pro along with it, so enjoy the Pastel smearing used to make this.
    Moon Moon
    Moon Moon

    Age : 25
    Posts : 1518

    Twilit's Sketchbook - Page 2 Empty Re: Twilit's Sketchbook

    Post by Moon Moon Sat Jun 29, 2013 3:43 am

    Twilit's Sketchbook - Page 2 E8Kyx4x
    I was working on some sketches I drew earlier, and I was only able to finish this little thing. It's a (Maybe?) Fakemon evo for Banette, I was trying to make it chibi but instead it turned out looking like a demon spawn from Hell. (I wonder how the 'normal' versions will turn out) The coloring on it's legs is borrowed from Majora's Mask color scheme. I am in no way under the influence of any drug if you guys are wondering, and I haven't had any nightmares to inspire this. I am just weird.
    Moon Moon
    Moon Moon

    Age : 25
    Posts : 1518

    Twilit's Sketchbook - Page 2 Empty Re: Twilit's Sketchbook

    Post by Moon Moon Sat Jun 29, 2013 4:49 am

    Staving off sleep for EJ I present to you:
    Twilit's Sketchbook - Page 2 6mOGPsP
    Spectre Version 2.0
    Fucking chirst, it's eyes are damn nightmare fuel.
    Moon Moon
    Moon Moon

    Age : 25
    Posts : 1518

    Twilit's Sketchbook - Page 2 Empty Re: Twilit's Sketchbook

    Post by Moon Moon Sun Jul 07, 2013 2:18 am

    Made a Misdrevious when I should have been in bed:
    Twilit's Sketchbook - Page 2 JlzACW6
    Strangely proud of this one.
    Moon Moon
    Moon Moon

    Age : 25
    Posts : 1518

    Twilit's Sketchbook - Page 2 Empty Re: Twilit's Sketchbook

    Post by Moon Moon Sun Jul 07, 2013 2:51 pm

    A Pokefied Vivian:
    Twilit's Sketchbook - Page 2 26zxpyy
    She's my favorite partner in Paper Mario, her fire attacks make even Boss battles easy! Plus she's so cute <3
    Moon Moon
    Moon Moon

    Age : 25
    Posts : 1518

    Twilit's Sketchbook - Page 2 Empty Re: Twilit's Sketchbook

    Post by Moon Moon Fri Jul 19, 2013 12:16 pm

    Just a dump of stuff, all of these are free to use on EJ!
    Twilit's Sketchbook - Page 2 PoHoSo8
    Twilit's Sketchbook - Page 2 JO0E2dz
    Twilit's Sketchbook - Page 2 MmoUtgj
    Moon Moon
    Moon Moon

    Age : 25
    Posts : 1518

    Twilit's Sketchbook - Page 2 Empty Re: Twilit's Sketchbook

    Post by Moon Moon Sat Jul 20, 2013 12:18 am

    I drew T-6321 today, and I really like how he turned out! I also wrote a song for him to sing, I hope it isn't too horrible ;)
    Twilit's Sketchbook - Page 2 5E1EMf3
    It's based on the song 'Hijo de la luna' if you were wondering, it's very good. I'd recommend listening to it sometime.
    Moon Moon
    Moon Moon

    Age : 25
    Posts : 1518

    Twilit's Sketchbook - Page 2 Empty Re: Twilit's Sketchbook

    Post by Moon Moon Sun Jul 21, 2013 10:02 pm

    After listening to Hijo de la luna for 12 hours straight I drew this:
    Twilit's Sketchbook - Page 2 JL69kU6
    He's an Absol that's based around the legend described in the song, and as such I gave him a moon motif.
    He's up for sale at my shop if anyone's taken a shine to him.
    Moon Moon
    Moon Moon

    Age : 25
    Posts : 1518

    Twilit's Sketchbook - Page 2 Empty Re: Twilit's Sketchbook

    Post by Moon Moon Tue Aug 27, 2013 12:31 am

    Lack of sleep and nightcore does wonders for one's imagination, Wanna take a look at what I've conjured up tonight?:
    Twilit's Sketchbook - Page 2 ZKwzmml
    Moon Moon
    Moon Moon

    Age : 25
    Posts : 1518

    Twilit's Sketchbook - Page 2 Empty Re: Twilit's Sketchbook

    Post by Moon Moon Tue Aug 27, 2013 11:05 pm

    More late-night artz! This time It's Twi, I think I'll be reactivating her soon so I'll use this image~:
    Twilit's Sketchbook - Page 2 OX7FZYn
    Moon Moon
    Moon Moon

    Age : 25
    Posts : 1518

    Twilit's Sketchbook - Page 2 Empty Re: Twilit's Sketchbook

    Post by Moon Moon Wed Sep 11, 2013 6:42 pm

    New sign for my art shop! Don't forget to check over there if you have the time, pwease? ;w; :
    Twilit's Sketchbook - Page 2 2EO8oz2
    Moon Moon
    Moon Moon

    Age : 25
    Posts : 1518

    Twilit's Sketchbook - Page 2 Empty Re: Twilit's Sketchbook

    Post by Moon Moon Mon Sep 16, 2013 7:20 am

    New image for Churo! My shading skills have much improved over the months so this was done solely by me.:
    Twilit's Sketchbook - Page 2 Ic9YGJ2
    My request to re-adopt him is still pending, but after I graduate from being a Rookie I'll start him up.

    Edit: In case anyone was wondering who that sexy snake was, I'll post her image up so you can all get a better look:
    Twilit's Sketchbook - Page 2 VJuhvb3
    She is a currently unnamed OC who may or maynot be in a future Batman fanfiction of mine. (HELL YEAH BATMAN)
    Moon Moon
    Moon Moon

    Age : 25
    Posts : 1518

    Twilit's Sketchbook - Page 2 Empty Re: Twilit's Sketchbook

    Post by Moon Moon Mon Sep 30, 2013 11:15 pm

    My tablet's finally arrived! It's so awesome to have one again after be forced to use a mousepad for 6 months, and here's what I drew~:

    Twilit's Sketchbook - Page 2 EmyJDlK

    Admittedly the style isn't any different than before, but now it gets done much faster. This image will be part of a much larger comic I'll be working on, so keep watching to see more!
    Moon Moon
    Moon Moon

    Age : 25
    Posts : 1518

    Twilit's Sketchbook - Page 2 Empty Re: Twilit's Sketchbook

    Post by Moon Moon Sat Oct 05, 2013 5:29 pm

    I was very active artistically today, as well as physically. I did over 100 jumping jacks! (And boy was I bet afterwards) Most of these are pretty good if I do say so myself, but give me your feedback if that'd be okay~:
    Twilit's Sketchbook - Page 2 JzeH9SJ
    Twilit's Sketchbook - Page 2 PClodEH
    This has got to be my best work to date, the shading is excellent and the lining overall is superb. I liked the head so much that'll I'll be using it as my watermark for now on.
    Twilit's Sketchbook - Page 2 FakBB1K
    Watermark as shown here.
    Twilit's Sketchbook - Page 2 CCSxrBN
    Some fanart for the RP I'm in with Duma right now, Twilight's just wondering where her new BFF is.
    Twilit's Sketchbook - Page 2 IRSwTIc
    Some older stuff I had lying around on my laptop. This stuff was done with my mousepad so it isn't as good, but it's still decent enough to show. Here's Anju~
    Twilit's Sketchbook - Page 2 Xb6yA8N
    And a piece of stuff from my Slendermane art tumblr that hasn't really taken off.
    Moon Moon
    Moon Moon

    Age : 25
    Posts : 1518

    Twilit's Sketchbook - Page 2 Empty Re: Twilit's Sketchbook

    Post by Moon Moon Sun Oct 06, 2013 5:52 pm

    Made a picture of Slendy earlier today while I was derping with the pencil tool:
    Twilit's Sketchbook - Page 2 1oGrLO6

    I saw a clip of Slender the Arrival last night, so I guess that may have inspired it.
    Moon Moon
    Moon Moon

    Age : 25
    Posts : 1518

    Twilit's Sketchbook - Page 2 Empty Re: Twilit's Sketchbook

    Post by Moon Moon Thu Oct 17, 2013 7:38 pm

    Another Picture of Requiem~:

    Twilit's Sketchbook - Page 2 Requiem_again___open_rp__by_phasmasilvia-d6qunm0

    Twilit's Sketchbook - Page 2 B3dJRiW
    Without Shadow Ball

    I really like her design, there's something about that feathery head that's appealing to me...

    Age : 24
    Posts : 1556

    Twilit's Sketchbook - Page 2 Empty Re: Twilit's Sketchbook

    Post by Duma Thu Oct 24, 2013 4:43 pm

    Whoo for feathery heads x3

    love your artworks twi ;3
    Moon Moon
    Moon Moon

    Age : 25
    Posts : 1518

    Twilit's Sketchbook - Page 2 Empty Re: Twilit's Sketchbook

    Post by Moon Moon Sun Nov 03, 2013 7:45 pm

    Taking open requests right now, if anyone wants to hop into chat I can draw something for them~
    Moon Moon
    Moon Moon

    Age : 25
    Posts : 1518

    Twilit's Sketchbook - Page 2 Empty Re: Twilit's Sketchbook

    Post by Moon Moon Sat Nov 09, 2013 2:23 pm

    My tablet is finally working again :'D:

    Twilit's Sketchbook - Page 2 NaZTXVH
    I noticed how malevolent this little bird looked, that explains the next image.
    Twilit's Sketchbook - Page 2 CCOCgDb
    Moon Moon
    Moon Moon

    Age : 25
    Posts : 1518

    Twilit's Sketchbook - Page 2 Empty Re: Twilit's Sketchbook

    Post by Moon Moon Sun Jan 05, 2014 2:03 pm

    I drew Twilight. As a Pony. It's been a long time since I drew a horse MLP style, so it may or may not be crap.:
    Twilit's Sketchbook - Page 2 0rNi7tG
    If this sort of thing appeals to other people, I shall add it as an option in my shop.
    Moon Moon
    Moon Moon

    Age : 25
    Posts : 1518

    Twilit's Sketchbook - Page 2 Empty Re: Twilit's Sketchbook

    Post by Moon Moon Sun Feb 09, 2014 8:32 pm

    Since my tablet's broke, have some Porygon!
    Twilit's Sketchbook - Page 2 LhRdLvZ
    I decided to experiment with a few textures this time, and I'd like a little critiquing please :3

    Last edited by Twilight Requiem on Sun Feb 09, 2014 10:14 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : (Cleaned the image up a little and added watermark))
    Moon Moon
    Moon Moon

    Age : 25
    Posts : 1518

    Twilit's Sketchbook - Page 2 Empty Re: Twilit's Sketchbook

    Post by Moon Moon Thu Feb 27, 2014 8:59 pm

    My Tablet's working again! (Yay!) I'll be taking requests for the next two days in case anyone wants something from Twi.
    Moon Moon
    Moon Moon

    Age : 25
    Posts : 1518

    Twilit's Sketchbook - Page 2 Empty Re: Twilit's Sketchbook

    Post by Moon Moon Fri Feb 28, 2014 8:13 pm

    A profile image for Uboa the Black Ditto (he's in the middle of transforming into a Druddigon.)
    Twilit's Sketchbook - Page 2 9RM8Coy

    And a pair of doodles I did for some friends today:
    Twilit's Sketchbook - Page 2 QH7R9I1
    Twilit's Sketchbook - Page 2 W1Oqu2Q
    If people enjoy these simple doodles, I might be inclined to add them to my shop...

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