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3 posters

    A simple yet stupid question.


    A simple yet stupid question. Empty A simple yet stupid question.

    Post by Guest Tue May 08, 2012 7:07 pm


    Alright well, I was wondering if Signing would be classified as writing or even if i'm able to use it for Toxic.

    Posts : 280

    A simple yet stupid question. Empty Re: A simple yet stupid question.

    Post by Cobalion Tue May 08, 2012 7:08 pm

    Just as with writing, there's still the problem of getting other people to understand him.


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    Iron Will Pokemon
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    A simple yet stupid question. Empty Re: A simple yet stupid question.

    Post by Guest Tue May 08, 2012 7:09 pm

    I figured as much.

    Age : 25
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    A simple yet stupid question. Empty Re: A simple yet stupid question.

    Post by Min Tue May 08, 2012 7:30 pm

    Sign Language? Well...

    First, there's the problem that sign language uses all aspects of the hand. Which means all ten fingers of a human. Croagunks only have like... What, three? I'll point out that Toxic wouldn't be able to do the proper signals even if she knew them, so that already kinda crosses signing out in the first place.

    Then there's also the problem that Cobalion brought up- there's not even many humans who understand sign language. Nevertheless Pokemon, so it wouldn't be a very reliable way to communicate in the first place.

    Of course, you could let Toxic learn it if you'd like. It is your character, but you wouldn't really be able to use it at all.

    A simple yet stupid question. Empty Re: A simple yet stupid question.

    Post by Guest Tue May 08, 2012 7:54 pm

    Alright, sense all my other idea's have failed. I was wondering would he be able to draw picture's AND use hand motions?

    A simple yet stupid question. Empty Re: A simple yet stupid question.

    Post by Guest Tue May 08, 2012 8:38 pm

    I recommend just using common sense ^^;
    Such as pointing at a direction, using motions. Not just a particular hand language. As Lute said, not much know of it, and not much know of writing either.

    Sometimes drawing could be confusing as well, but nonetheless, just use common sense. Nothing really beats that lol

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    A simple yet stupid question. Empty Re: A simple yet stupid question.

    Post by Mewtwo Wed May 09, 2012 9:13 am

    We have told you body language and general motions were acceptable, Eve. Just reading and writing made no sense for your character.

    Sign Language is also extremely difficult to master, and requires years of practice. It also various by country in our world, so presumably it would vary by region as well.

    Like Sep said, common sense works best. Body language is the Universal language, everyone can read it. Drawing would most likely just be interpreted as squiggles.


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