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This is what remains of the region after the virus hit.
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Dark Days are Ahead...
Will you survive?


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    (ACE) The LOSTLORN Team


    Age : 36
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    (ACE) The LOSTLORN Team  - Page 11 Empty Re: (ACE) The LOSTLORN Team

    Post by Silverishness Sat Apr 13, 2013 4:48 pm

    Post 55

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    Sil's Farm House| Afternoon

    Sil could only watch as Hannibal's whispered words set Cassius off, snarling about having been a trainer's pokemon, about beating other trainers and then reduced to a life of being paraded around in bows and dresses. Electricity shot out, but Sil was too exhausted mentally and physically to attempt to move. Hannibal merely focused on trying to keep the damage to a minimum -which seemed to be proving a difficult time- and then set a wall of flame between the two. It was easy to see from her standpoint that the hound wasn't actually attacking Cassius-- what was the point of that? Stalling, waiting, for what? To prove Cass was nothing but a bloodmonger? At what price? These two were going at each others' throats all because of her... and she had no idea what to do about it.

    "Should we even try to stop them?" Kinah asked, her words barely registering in the doe's mind. "Or do you think they will even hear us at this point?" Sil couldn't answer, only watch with a gradually saddening expression. No, they probably wouldn't be able to hear either of them-- and even if they did, they wouldn't listen anyway. No, this was a pointless battle that was going to end with someone dead or close to it. "We can just leave them here if you want. I'm good either way. Though if we stay I will probably have to patch up the winner."

    "I just want all of this bullshit to stop," Sil replied weakly. "Obviously, it's too much of a request to ask..." Her eyes stayed on both males, unsure of what to do. While both of them were technically on her shit list, she wasn't quite able to walk away and let them duke it out themselves. Not when their blood was being spilled in her own name. She sighed again, then turned to Kinah. "What else can either of us do but watch this bullshit?"


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    Post by Guest Sat Apr 27, 2013 1:14 pm

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    Sil's Farm House|Afternoon

    “You know, I used to do a bit of battling myself – I was quite good at it, actually. I had to be, else I wouldn’t be here today. I didn’t do it for sport though. Oh no I wasn't allowed such a luxury. It was my life,”

    Cassius snorted and shook his mane, electricity crackling all around him. "I don't care about your life story mutt, it bores me. Now do something and stop standing there like a little bitch." He felt his muscles getting tighter in preparation for battle as he summoned a couple of Agility, wanting as much speed as he could get to make up for the fact he had little depth perception now. As Hannibal refused to fight the Zebstrika took it upon himself to go for the first move and charged head first with a Quick Attack, intending to knock the mutt to the ground and stomp the shit out of him.


    Kinah sighed at Sil's reply and realized that yes, this bullshit had to stop. Soon. Or else the female fighter was going to knock both their asses out and drag them. She was getting really sick of the teenage drama these two grown males were displaying and a heavy sigh escaped her. She had seen so much potential in Cassius, and a brighter side to the angry Hannibal. But as the zebra took off after the canine she began to question if a knock down drag out was the best solution to this squabble.

    Something had to give.

    ((Lame post for Kinah, sorry. But once I get Weavile in here she is just being pissy XD))

    Age : 29
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    Post by Snitch Sun Apr 28, 2013 11:35 am

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    Sil's Farm House || Afternoon [49]

    "I don't care about your life story mutt, it bores me. Now do something and stop standing there like a little bitch."

    Hannibal could only smirk at the curt response, shaking his head disapprovingly as the sparks about the zebra’s form continued to crackle in blatant threat.
    “Conversation is an art, you know,” He commented, the hound subtly testing the strength of his wounded leg as his spoke. Kinah had told him to stay off it as best he could, rest and recuperate, but it seemed he’d have no such luxury. Even without Cassius ready to smash his face in, Hannibal was well aware that something was bound to crop up and jeopardize his health. He presumed he would simply have to get used to a new limp – a little memento from dearest Sil.

    He had told himself that he would refrain from battling, keep his venomous tongue under wraps, but it seemed that Cassius needed no further prompting. The damage was done. Hannibal was going to get a fight one way or another. Calculating eyes never leaving his opponent, the hound’s tolerance was gradually being worn away by a burst of adrenaline. It was that old sensation of blood lust; the rush that would accompany the fight, the pain, the victory of battle to leave him hungry for more. Forget restraint, Hannibal, no matter the odds stacked against him, was entitled to a little taste of nostalgia.

    The Zebstrika charged towards him, barrelling at a speed the hound hadn’t thought him capable of – he’d obviously put the moment of pause to good use. Hannibal would have to be careful. He moved as quickly as his leg would allow, dodging a head-on collision only to have the creature rocket into his shoulder. Emitting a quieted growl of pain, his balance lost as he was smashed to the ground, Hannibal wasted no time in recovering. Flinching away from the dangerous hooves intent on snapping his bones, the canine instead opted to escape beneath the zebra’s bulk, a Flamethrower building in his throat. He slipped out to the electric-type’s left, balance knocked by a hoof to a now bloodied paw before launching his concentrated, fire attack.

    Age : 27
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    Post by Drago Wed May 01, 2013 10:46 pm

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    Sil's Farm House | Afternoon (50)

    The ensuing battle was too much for Aegis. Mind reeling, he thought back to his arrival. It had been quiet- he had met the hound and Kinah, and Sil. This morning they had seemed... well, not altogether friendly, but sane at least. In a mere span of hours they had gone from that to complete hostility, trying to kill each other like this. And the others just sat there watching? Inching farther out the back, Aegis quickly changed his mind about the group. He would not be missed, and was likely no longer on any of their minds. Turning around at a safe distance, he began to run.

    And he didn't look back.

    ((Leaving post. It's been swell guys! Thanks for letting Aegis stick around. :]))

    Age : 36
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    Post by Silverishness Sun Jun 02, 2013 5:40 am

    [[Skip. Sil's just watching the battle.]]


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    Post by Guest Wed Jun 05, 2013 7:09 pm

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    Sil's Farm House|Afternoon
    C(50)/K(74)(Skipping Kinah, she is chilling by Sil)

    Cassius didn't realize the hound had gotten away from under him until his hoof felt the distinct pressure of a paw crunching beneath it. Smirking he turned to attack the Houndoom once more only to come face to face with a thin yet powerful jet of flame. Turning his head just in time the jet crashed into the side of his neck and burned like hell. Crying out in pain the Zebstrika launched a volley of Thunderbolts in any attempt to strike the mutt, if only just once, as he backtracked away.

    At his new vantage Cash used the distance to close in with another Quick Attack, fur sparking with electricity as he readied a Thunderbolt to come behind it. All he needed to do was make contact...

    ((Made the request for Weavile which will make this fight so much more interesting lol))

    Age : 29
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    Post by Snitch Sat Jun 08, 2013 7:59 am

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    Sil's Farm House || Afternoon [50]

    As the electricity cascaded around him, Hannibal was forced to dismiss Kinah’s warnings and sprint to evade the attack. The pain rocketed up his leg as soon as pressure was applied, his devastated paw quickly sapping his speed to leave him wincing in agony. Gritting his teeth as the nearby sparks of Cassius’ attack bit threateningly at his emaciated form, a constant reminder of the electrical shower surrounding him, the Houndoom fought back the pain to emerge mainly unscathed a distance away.

    Trotting on three legs, his stature hunched as he desperately sought to keep his leg from making further contact with the ground, Hannibal could only wince at the sight of the paw. It was completely crushed, hardly recognisable as it hung awkwardly, unnaturally at the leg’s end. Cursing inwardly, the hound only able to utter deep, pained breaths in his current state, he quickly became aware of the tingle of electricity in the air.

    Cassius had recovered.

    Turning to find the Zebstrika charging at him, Hannibal barely had time to escape the brunt of the attack. Cassius caught his hip, but it quickly became apparent that the Quick Attack was merely a charade. The Thunderbolt that followed evoked a feral yelp as the hungry sparks raced through to the canine’s very core. He was knocked back, unable to catch his footing as he crumbled to the ground, breathing heavily before the rapid rise and fall of his form ceased altogether. He was still.

    Feigning unconsciousness – his breathing made shallow to an extent where he appeared almost lifeless – Hannibal had sought a change in tactics. He was exhausted, injured, but by no means ready to give up. He was obviously the underdog in this situation, the muzzle affixed to his face limiting all but one attack, and he was keen to turn the tables the only way he knew now – to fight dirty. Motionless as he lay on his side, his back turned to his attacker, Hannibal waited. Senses acute to movement and those tell-tale shifts in the air, the Houndoom readied a Flamethrower in the back of his throat in the event that Cassius intended to fortify his state with a hoof to the skull.

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    Post by Guest Wed Jun 12, 2013 2:43 pm

    (( ooc: Please skip, I'm too busy today to post :( ))

    Posts : 23

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    Post by Weavile Wed Jun 12, 2013 8:26 pm

    Blessed cold...

    Where was it?!

    Weavile dragged herself through the hellish forest, its humidity and warm soil infuriating her to no end. She could see the cold mountains not far off, her only obstacle a bridge over a large expanse of water, but for now she had to dredge through these woods.


    The sounds of fighting and the loud sparks of electricity caught the Harbinger's attention which she gleefully investigated. Battle meant death, death meant cold, and what didn't die could be felled by her own blood-thirsty claws. Fire burned, she could feel it, but it was soon followed by more cracks of thunder. Peering into a large clearing Weavile saw a sight so enraging she began to dig her own claws into her hip. Five healthy beings, two locked in battle, their warmth radiating to her and causing her icy form to shudder.

    They needed to be cold.
    No warmth.
    They must...

    "Freeze!" Launching an Ice Beam at the larger zebra the female announced her presence and wasted no time in going after the fire hound, his warmth expelling so much more than the others. She would have her frozen wasteland if it killed them. And lucky for her it would.

    ((Here to fulfill my contract ))

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    Post by Guest Fri Jun 21, 2013 6:12 pm

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    Sil's Farm House|Afternoon


    As Cassius lunged for Hannibal the eerie shriek that came from the trees had him skid to a halt just behind the fallen Houndoom, his good eye going wide at the sight of a bloodied and shriveled Weavile leaping from the foliage to go after Hannibal. "The hell is that thing?!" he cried, rearing back and finding himself nearly in the way of her attempt to go for the hound. Turning back he raced for the girls, not wanting them mixed up with whatever that freak was going to do.

    But Kinah was already up.

    "You again!" she cried, remembering that sunken form from Icarrus, the one who had killed the Haxorus. "How the hell do freaks like you keep finding me?" Not wasting any more time the Mienshao went for the Ice type, her body going up into the air as she came down with a Hi Jump Kick. "I'm sick of you Undead bastards!"

    ((Weavile, please feel free to hurt my characters. Kinah just cannot lose any limbs or die. Cassius is up to you he just has to live until his 60th post))

    Age : 29
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    Post by Snitch Mon Jun 24, 2013 5:03 am

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    Sil's Farm House || Afternoon [51]
    Hannibal heard Cassius approaching, heavy footfalls giving away the zebra’s position as the canine prepared himself to act. The fire was ready to greet his opponent’s face, simmering impatiently behind the creature’s jaws as the hound readied himself to spring. The pain in his leg and paw was numbed by adrenaline, his anticipation to attack in one fast, fluid motion rendering all over emotion obsolete. Then suddenly, a most ungodly screech disrupted his focus.
    Cassius obeyed, the ground still to signal that the creature had stopped dead in his tracks. Hannibal could not see this new threat, yet there was no doubt in his mind that such a creature was capable of immense power. The stench of decay confirmed it was an undead, but the clarity of its demand suggested that it was something far more sinister. Cassius’ cry of bewilderment only cemented Hannibal’s concerns. Of course, he had never been one to follow the rules.
    Jumping in action, spinning around to get his first glimpse of the fast-approaching threat, Hannibal had only a moment to register the sight before he let loose his Flamethrower. Igniting the grass directly before him in another temporary wall of flame, the Houndoom wasted no time in retreating. In that one fleeting glimpse of the undead, Hannibal had learnt all he needed to know – primarily, that he wasn’t going to get himself killed fighting it.
    "You again! How the hell do freaks like you keep finding me? I'm sick of you Undead bastards!"
    Having already placed a solid distance between himself and the Weavile – not to mention the surviving trio he called company – Hannibal watched as Kinah valiantly sprung into action. Reckless perhaps, but he could admire her guts. Of course, he was in no state to follow suit. Whilst he made little noise, the rapid heaving of the Houndoom’s chest betrayed his exhaustion, the pain that was quickly inhibiting his natural calm. He couldn’t fight this thing. He was unlikely to have emerged victorious against Cassius, let alone the demonic undead that currently faced the group. Rationality prevailing over pride, Hannibal knew what was required of him.
    Casting a final glance to Cassius, stood protectively beside his Sil, a flicker of a smile touched the Houndoom’s features. The Zebrastrika had won his prize only to face another obstacle. He would miss this group far more than he’d prefer to admit – but he had most definitely outstayed his welcome. It was time for a change, a moment of calm amidst the overwhelming chaos and this looked as good an opportunity as ever to find it. Hannibal, satisfied that the undead was distracted by Kinah, offered a farewell tilt of his head before fleeing the scene altogether.
    He wished them luck. Were they to escape alive, a reunion would be quite charming.

    (( Leaving post! I’m sorry it’s come to this, but I really need a change of scenery with Hannibal – and he wouldn’t be sticking around when Weavile’s about, lol. ))

    Posts : 23

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    Post by Weavile Sun Jun 30, 2013 12:10 pm

    Weavile was infuriated that not only did she miss her mark that was the Houndoom but another face she soon began to recall popped up. 'You again', that was what the fighting type called her just before coming down with a Hi Jump Kick, forcing the Harbinger to duck and roll to avoid the assault. As the Mienshao came down with a large crash, the attack clearly nowhere near her, Weavile soon began to piece together that face.


    "Haxorous..." she purred, remembering the delightful dragon she had frozen and torn apart taking her favorite limbs as a treat for later. The Mienshao had tried to stop her. Clearly leaving that one alive had been a mistake as now the warm body wanted to try and take her head on. "Pretty fire...burning bright...let's see if we can kill your light!" Firing another Ice Beam she froze the fighter's leg to the ground before cackling maniacally. "Such heat...such fire...your soul burns bright as the sun." She stepped forward casually, tracing her long claws up the ermine's neck and cheek before pausing to rest the tip of her right middle claw atop the purple spot on her forehead.

    "I want it cold!"

    Her claws came down viciously, rushing over the stoat's left eye and down to her neck face contorting in disgust as the rich warm blood from within spilled over her paws. "Nonono! Cold! Be COLD!" Readying another Ice Beam she prepared to take out the fighting type the same way she had her dragon friend long ago, only she would delight in dismembering this bitch far more than she had him.

    Age : 36
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    Post by Silverishness Wed Jul 03, 2013 3:44 pm

    Post 56

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    Sil's Farm House| Afternoon

    It all happened so quickly-- Sil, in her exhaustion, barely had time to think as the fight between Hannibal and Cass suddenly turned into a fight between all of them and an Undead. A screaming Undead, that seemed to recognize at least one of their ranks.

    "The hell is that thing?!"
    "You again!" Kinah cried, earning Sil's attention. How the hell did Kinah know this psycho!? "How the hell do freaks like you keep finding me? I'm sick of you Undead bastards!"

    Jumping to her feet, her first instinct was to run. This wasn't like the liepard and druddigon-- no, this was different. This one felt different, and a terrible wrenching in her gut stopped her from try to attack. The only reason she didn't run was either because of a misplacement in loyalty or sheer fear keeping her feet planted. It seemed Hannibal had already abandoned them, the lanky hound nowhere in sight. Trembling, she could only watch as the weavile retaliated easily to Kinah's attack with one of its own, freezing Kinah to the ground. Wide-eyed, sure she'd see the end of one of her only allies, Sil stood frozen as the Undead waltz casually up to the hindered fighter and sliced her happily, her zealotry immediately turning to fury when the blood spilled.

    "Nonono! Cold! Be COLD!" The thing began to attack again, and Sil panicked.

    "KINAH!" she cried, flinging a hasty Energy Ball at the Undead monster, hoping to stall it enough to give Kinah a chance.


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    Post by Guest Fri Jul 05, 2013 4:36 pm

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    Sil's Farm House|Afternoon


    As Cassius lunged for Hannibal the eerie shriek that came from the trees had him skid to a halt just behind the fallen Houndoom, his good eye going wide at the sight of a bloodied and shriveled Weavile leaping from the foliage to go after Hannibal. "The hell is that thing?!" he cried, rearing back and finding himself nearly in the way of her attempt to go for the hound. Turning back he raced for the girls, not wanting them mixed up with whatever that freak was going to do.

    But Kinah was already up.

    "You again!" she cried, remembering that sunken form from Icarrus, the one who had killed the Haxorus. "How the hell do freaks like you keep finding me?" Not wasting any more time the Mienshao went for the Ice type, her body going up into the air as she came down with a Hi Jump Kick. "I'm sick of you Undead bastards!"

    ((Reposted, didn't change anything since Weavile needs to hurt Kinah again))

    Posts : 23

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    Post by Weavile Tue Jul 09, 2013 6:34 pm

    Weavile was infuriated that not only did she miss her mark that was the Houndoom but another face she soon began to recall popped up. 'You again', that was what the fighting type called her just before coming down with a Hi Jump Kick, forcing the Harbinger to duck and roll to avoid the assault. As the Mienshao came down with a large crash, the attack clearly nowhere near her, Weavile soon began to piece together that face.


    "Haxorous..." she purred, remembering the delightful dragon she had frozen and torn apart taking her favorite limbs as a treat for later. The Mienshao had tried to stop her. Clearly leaving that one alive had been a mistake as now the warm body wanted to try and take her head on. "Pretty fire...burning bright...let's see if we can kill your light!" Firing another Ice Beam she froze the fighter's leg to the ground before cackling maniacally. "Such heat...such fire...your soul burns bright as the sun." She stepped forward casually, tracing her long claws up the ermine's neck and cheek before pausing to rest the tip of her right middle claw atop the purple spot on her forehead.

    "I want it cold!"

    Her claws came down viciously, rushing over the stoat's left eye and down to her neck face contorting in disgust as the rich warm blood from within spilled over her paws. "Nonono! Cold! Be COLD!" Readying another Ice Beam she prepared to take out the fighting type the same way she had her dragon friend long ago, only she would delight in dismembering this bitch far more than she had him.

    Age : 36
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    Post by Silverishness Fri Jul 12, 2013 3:15 pm

    Post 56

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    Sil's Farm House| Afternoon

    It all happened so quickly-- Sil, in her exhaustion, barely had time to think as the fight between Hannibal and Cass suddenly turned into a fight between all of them and an Undead. A screaming Undead, that seemed to recognize at least one of their ranks.

    "The hell is that thing?!"
    "You again!" Kinah cried, earning Sil's attention. How the hell did Kinah know this psycho!? "How the hell do freaks like you keep finding me? I'm sick of you Undead bastards!"

    Jumping to her feet, her first instinct was to run. This wasn't like the liepard and druddigon-- no, this was different. This one felt different, and a terrible wrenching in her gut stopped her from try to attack. The only reason she didn't run was either because of a misplacement in loyalty or sheer fear keeping her feet planted. It seemed Hannibal had already abandoned them, the lanky hound nowhere in sight. Trembling, she could only watch as the weavile retaliated easily to Kinah's attack with one of its own, freezing Kinah to the ground. Wide-eyed, sure she'd see the end of one of her only allies, Sil stood frozen as the Undead waltz casually up to the hindered fighter and sliced her happily, her zealotry immediately turning to fury when the blood spilled.

    "Nonono! Cold! Be COLD!" The thing began to attack again, and Sil panicked.

    "KINAH!" she cried, flinging a hasty Energy Ball at the Undead monster, hoping to stall it enough to give Kinah a chance.

    [Strict repeat]


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    Post by Guest Fri Jul 12, 2013 4:51 pm

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    Sil's Farm House|Afternoon

    As the psychotic Weavile began to rhyme Kinah struggled to recover from her missed Hi Jump, sharp pains rocketing up her legs as she fought to get up. All her effort was wasted, however, when the bitch froze her leg to the ground. Pulling roughly she tried to get free only to spot Hannibal slinking away, giving her pause. "Oi! The hell do you think you're going? Get back and help damn it!" But this only gave the Weavile time to reach her and Kinah went stiff as sharp claws slowly traced across her neck and up her face, coming to rest at the top of her head.

    "I want it cold!"

    Kinah screamed in pain as those claws came raking down, flesh opening and warm blood spilling down her face, the Mienshao's paws coming up in a flash to grip at her wounds and press down in vain in a mad attempt to stop the flow. As the Undead renewed her assault, truly obssessed with the idea of everything being cold, only Sil's scream brought the fighter back to reality. "KINAH!" She could practically feel the energy coming towards them and figured Sil must have unleashed some kind of attack. Punching the ice around her leg as hard as she could she finally managed to crack it and pull her leg free, rolling out of the way of the attack.

    Within seconds Cassius was at her side and nudging her up with his nose, guiding her arm around his neck. "Come on, while Sil has her distracted." Nodding she allowed the zebra to guide her to a tree where she blindly gripped the trunk to stay steady. "Stay here, I'm going to try and get it away from you girls." Before she could stop him Cash was off and racing towards the ice type with a Flame Charge when he saw Sil in danger. "No, I won't let you touch her!" he called out, hoping to catch the Weavile off guard. "Get back!"

    ((Weavile feel free to stop Cassius any way you want, Kinah will be out of the fight for at least this round until she can see again.))

    Posts : 23

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    Post by Weavile Sun Jul 14, 2013 7:35 pm

    Weavile cackled madly at the ermine's pathetic flailing, clutching her injured face in shame and trying to roll away. But as she enjoyed her victim's suffering she missed the green ball of power heading straight for her. Energy Ball striking her in the side of the head Weavile was easily knocked to the ground, claws digging into the soil as she pushed herself back up. "Bitch..." Turning her assault to the Sawsbuck her claws began to glow a sickly purple, the haze around them pulsing and swirling angrily as the weasel charged. Only to be blocked by an annoying monochromatic equine.

    "No, I won't let you touch her! Get back!"

    She didn't even pause. Eyes glowing an angry red she unleashed her Shadow Claw on the zebra, digging them into his shoulder and wrenching them free to leave three deep gashes that painted his leg with thick crimson fluid. "Warmth is bad, always bad! Needs to die...diediedie!" Soon she was on top of the Zebstrika's back, digging her claws into his sides over and over again from his perch, the striped one whinnying in pain and  thrashing wildly to get her off. But the Harbinger could care less. The more of his warmth she spilled the less of it there would be to pollute her icy wonderland.

    Age : 36
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    Post by Silverishness Sun Jul 28, 2013 5:19 am

    Post 57

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    Sil's Farm House| Afternoon

    The psychotic ice demon was too fast to keep track of. Sil's attack flew, giving Kinah enough time to punch her way free and roll out of the way. As the sawsbuck stood, watching, Cass came to the fighter's side to help her up. "Come on, while Sil has her distracted." They went to a tree, where Sil was about to follow when she heard a low, hateful growl nearby. "Bitch..." Turning, her emerald eyes widened in pure, unadulterated terror as she realized just what kind of danger she'd put herself in. Those sick, purple-glowing claws, the bared bloody fangs... She could only stand as the demon made its charge when a sudden wall of black and white blocked her view. "No, I won't let you touch her! Get back!"

    The psychotic ice type didn't even flinch at the sudden change of opponents. Sil could only watch once more as the creature dug its claws into one of her friends' bodies, easily cutting through skin, muscle and artery. Blood spattered, sprayed everywhere, staining the world in one fell crimson mist. Using Cass' shock and the momentum from the initial charge, the demon expertly tossed itself onto the zebra's broad, strong back, slashing into it as well. Sil's back legs sprung on instinct, her antlers arced and ready to impale. "NO!" she cried. "GET OFF OF HIM!"


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    Post by Min Thu Aug 01, 2013 7:43 am

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    Near Sil's Farm House| |Afternoon

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    It was cold. The more the feline walked the more frigid the air became, her dark pelt fluffing up in a vain attempt to keep a little warmer. With her short pelt and emaciated frame, the act was futile. She shivered, gritting her teeth. What was causing the temperature to drop so drastically, anyways? She thought Unova would be warmer than this, considering she has crossed a arceusdamn desert to get to this forest. "So much for finding a nice, cozy place to stay." the Purrloin spat. "...I miss home." she mumbled, remembering the warm, temperate lands of Hoenn. She longed to rest her head on those rickety wooden bridges, to nap among the Fortree forests as birds flew past. But I'm regions away now. I'll never be able to find my way back home. I'll never get to see my friends again.

    "NO! GET OFF OF HIM!" the shout jolted the cat out of her thoughts, eyes wide and fearful as she looked around her. Where did that come from? Focusing her ears, she swore she could hear the sounds of a battle in the distance. "Hello? she called, legs shaking violently. Maybe she was just hallucinating? No, it couldn't be...I can still hear a quarrel. Warily, but with heightened curiosity, the Purrloin slowly began to move towards the source, pawsteps careful as she made her way around stones and trees. The temperature was steadily lowering. Her emerald gaze flickered around her surroundings, squinting as she saw figures only a few ways away from her. She could see a small dark silhouette, and whatever it was, she knew it was powerful. The presence was ominous, enough so that Lulu could feel her legs already beginning to buckle, body trembling.

    She couldn't give up here, she knew. She had come all this way to investigate, and by the looks of it, the other figures were being attacked. The distinct smell of blood made the Purrloin perk up, a short smile growing on her lips as she bundled up her courage. The sharp scent almost rejuvenated her, and with an inhale of frosty breath, she utilized Assist in hopes that one of these other Pokemon (whom she assumed mostly were survivors--blood of an undead just didn't smell the same!) had some kind of attack that would be useful. She felt her legs stamping at the ground, raising dust and debris into the air that quickly cloaked her body. In an instant, her body was enveloped in fire, the feline charging forward and towards what she now identifies as a Weavile with a Flame Charge. It was on the back of a large equine, and before she crashed into the Zebstrika she leaped upwards, hoping to at least graze the ice-type with the move. "Incoming!"

    [OOC: Sorry this post is kinda shitty--it's 10:43PM and I'm trying to get a lot of things done at the same time. xD;; Lulu used Assist which selected Cassius's Flame Charge. Weavile, feel free to wound Lulu or throw her away, nothing too major, though. c: ]

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    Post by Guest Sat Aug 03, 2013 1:33 am

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    Outskirts of Sil's Farm House| Afternoon

    It was just way too cold. Despite the added benefit of his sweater along with all the fur covering his body, the Teddiursa was still shivering with every step. What he wouldn’t give to be in a nice warm house, or a cave, or anything really, as long as a heater was in it…Yet there his companion was walking alongside Tryvex, enduring the same circumstances except for the sweater, and the giant wasn’t even showing any signs of being cold. It had to be the size difference, no other explanation.

    Speaking of no explanations, they still had no explanation as to why there where in this foreign region…

    They were both born and raised in Johto for fuck’s sake! Yet out of nowhere they end up in this cold hell hole and forced to freeze their asses off as they try to figure out what the hell happened. Little good that did though, seeing as neither could remember what exactly happened. One minute talking about finding food, the second doing the exact same thing but with the added benefit of being cold as hell. So of course Try took the most logical course of action to figure what direction to go.

    Flipping a twig always works!

    Least it does half the time, and that’s way better than guessing, because he can always blame it on the stick if things go bad later. The perfect scapegoat!

    Which in the end he would need, for the freak’n stick decided to lead them to trouble. Of all the abandoned areas in the world, all the solitary buildings and desolate woods, that damned stick lead the two bears to a fight. One between 5 strange looking pokemon, none of which they were familiar with.

    And just like that, Theo was stopped in his track. A small arm coming out and blocking his path, stopping him from proceeding further. In all honesty, that small arm wouldn’t be able to do much against Theo If he really wanted to keep going further. Nah, it was the owner of said arm that made Theo obey and stay put.

    They’ve only known each other about a month, but Theo learned that Tryvex almost never did reckless actions, even if he was a bit too cautious. But that was understandable at least, that teddiursa had a mission, something Theo didn’t really have himself, and Try wanted to make sure he didn’t die a premature death before that mission was fulfilled. So even if it was boring, doing what he said usually meant Theo would come out safe.

    Unless that Teddiursa was taking advice form a stick again…

    But one look to the distance and could immediately see why Try wanted to stop. It was infected with pokemon, either living or infected, it was too hard to tell from the distance they were at, but if there was one thing Theo knew about Tryvex, it was that that small bear avoided other pokemon at all costs. Yet Theo himself could not suppress the urge to run out to that desolate farm and help out any living pokemon that were being attacked. Anything to help really, the world needed to protect the living, there was already so little of them.

    However Tryvex seemed to read his mind, already shaking his head in disapproval at the taller, yet younger bear.

    “We’re not here to play hero, we don’t even know what the hell is happening.”

    He was right really….even if he didn’t want to admit it. Staying here on the outskirts of the town was safest, especially seeing that dark feline using a fire move, Theo knew firsthand the dangers of messing with a fire based pokemon, his wounds were barely healed…It would be a smart move to just stay here, or even to walk away, but it was just so…..unfair. There could be someone like him out there, cowering I fear and just praying to survive, and here they were just watching.

    The world was unfair.

    ((whether anyone notices the two is up to you, but they are prob gonna stay out of that fight for a while |D))

    ((OOC:Theo's post count continued from [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]))
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    Post by Nightfall Tue Aug 06, 2013 1:30 pm

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    Lostlorn Forest/Afternoon (40)
    (post count continued from [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.])

    "...What on earth?"

    Rhonda paused for just a second to take in the lush forest that had suddenly materialised all around her before shaking her head vigorously. The stresses of the day were clearly becoming too much for the old Haxorus, since now she was hallucinating that Fuchsia City had disappeared and that Lostlorn Forest back home in Unova had taken its place. But as her feet gently felt at the soft, cool, mossy ground underneath them and her nose absorbed the scent of pine trees and flowers, Rhonda began to believe her own illusion.

    "How did...?" The dragon lowered her head towards the ground and sniffed at the grass, its earthly scent traveling into her head and clearing her muffled senses. There was no doubt about it - this was Lostlorn Forest, a place where she had found a home for a few weeks while she searched the region for her children. She had recognised it just looking at its geographical features, and concluded by spying the tops of the cliffs over the treetops that the stream was due south of her position. Rhonda cautiously started to pad in that direction, hoping that a cool drink would uncloud her confused mind.

    Surely she had been teleported in one way or another, that much was obvious - she was fairly certain that her kind were incapable of warping locations from one region to the next at random. How it had happened Rhonda did not know, but obviously some divine intervention had been at play. All she could think about was how relieved she was to have killed that awful Arcanine before it had happened, for Arceus only knew how frantic with worry she would be right now had she not. She wondered if her friends had teleported as well, and where to. Legends guide them, she thought, finally reaching the stream next to the waterfall and dipping her head down for a drink.

    After just a few gulps, Rhonda raised her head after hearing what sounded like a distressed cry. She turned her head to its source, north-west of her position. With a determined growl rumbling from her throat, Rhonda set off in that direction. If she couldn't find Fredrick or Elinor, the next best thing for her would be to help other survivors like herself to the best of her ability. If it gave the old dragon peace of mind, it was good enough for her.

    ((It was Sil's cry that Rhonda heard and she is now heading in their direction. Also, hey. X] Been wanting to join this team for ages.))

    Last edited by Nightfall on Sun Sep 15, 2013 7:00 am; edited 1 time in total

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    Post by Weavile Wed Aug 21, 2013 7:39 am

    Weavile grinned maniacally as the horse beneath her screamed in pain and terror, bucking wildly to try and get her off. How sad for him that such thrashing only caused her claws to dig in deeper! Her grin spread wider as a particularly angry deer charged her and the weasel merely jumped from her prey and allowed the female to collide with her companion instead. The sticky warmth of the equine's blood still dripped from her shimmering claws and the heat nearly made her ill, the ice type bending over in a dry heave before attempting to wipe the offending liquid from her body.

    Heat...it disgusted her.

    As Weavile busied herself in cleaning she didn't notice the tiny dark kitten until it was surrounded in flames and right on top of her. The attempt itself failed, Weavile moving out of the way of the physical side of the attack, but the fire from it singed her fur and sent the Sharp Claw Pokemon into a blind rage. "YOU!" she screeched, glowing red eyes narrowing dangerously at the small horned kitten. "YOU DARE?!" Raising her claws she backhanded the small feline sending her flying several feet away. Her claws began to glow as she summoned her Shadow Claw, ready to tear into the tiny thing, when the sound of heavy footsteps caught the female's attention. "So the miserable wretches have more hiding? More heat?" She would not tolerate such insult.

    "I will see you all frozen alive!"

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    Post by Silverishness Sat Sep 14, 2013 3:10 pm

    Post 58

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    Sil's Farm House| Afternoon

    Of course the Weavile would move.

    Of course.

    Sil was only able to jerk her head up enough to where she didn't accidentally skewer Cass as she ran into him, knocking them both over. She didn't stop at the ground though; her attempt to save the zebra from her antlers changed her trajectory, and was sent sprawling away from where Cass landed. She quickly pushed herself back onto her hooves, even though the world was still spinning a bit. But the pool of red quickly gathering around Cass was enough of a reason to not be daunted by something as stupid as dizziness and she went to his side. Cass! Oh Legends, Cass...!"


    Sil's head snapped up to see something small wreathed in flames charge the distracted Weavile, a move that sent the sawsbuck's heart into another fit of fright. What the fuck was going against that monster and why did it have that kind of a death wish?! But there was no time to try and warn the courageous/ stupid newcomer. It had already pissed the Weavile off, which, she supposed, gave her some time to move Cass away from the monster.

    "Cass, can you stand?" she asked in a frightened whisper, her head near his as she stood almost protectively in front of him. "We need to get out of here."

    [[Welcome, all you new guys! 8D]]


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