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This is what remains of the region after the virus hit.
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Dark Days are Ahead...
Will you survive?


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2 posters

    Schizophrenic Ihanen The Undead Hypno [Kanto,Lavender]


    Age : 28
    Posts : 1078

    Schizophrenic Ihanen The Undead Hypno [Kanto,Lavender] Empty Schizophrenic Ihanen The Undead Hypno [Kanto,Lavender]

    Post by SkeletonCupcake Tue Oct 18, 2011 4:11 am

    Approximate time of infection:late into the second month.
    Known Moves:-Hypnosis
    -Psychic[Tm Before he was infected]

    Pre-infection;Pre-trainer-Ihanen grew up alone without parents due to his role in a humans experiment.One crazy human wanted to alter Pokemon so they may suffer the same disorders humans had such as schizophrenia.This man was only successful in giving Ihanen the disorder of Schizophrenia however since Ihanen was always watched these traits never showed.Thinking he was unsuccessful he gave the pokemon to a trainer to take care of.

    Pre-infection:After trainer-Ihanen was then a substitute on the team Aria was on before the Infection killed his trainer leaving him to fend for himself. He did get some luck though when his trainer died the bag her male friend carried around with various useful items ended up in his possession.However as time passed Ihanen's suppressed Schizophrenia became worse and he began speaking of himself in plurals.

    Although his team mates would have understood his behavior others did not and shied away from him.This continued until there was no one left to keep him company.Enraged and alone he took the Bag and trotted off away from the safety of his home.Ihanen had no planned destination he just walked along until he reached a cavern,passing through he was met by hordes of infected.

    He eventually managed to exit the cave but he had become infected in the process.Unsure of his own safety and others he headed towards Lavender town.

    After infection- Ihanen walked slowly the bag from before he was infected still slung across his chest was barely of any concern. He looked about trying to scavenge berries for some pokemon he had found injured.The infection hadn't completely taken away his brain yet but his coat grew more and more discolored each day.

    After the injured had been dealt with and ran off Ihanen sat thinking about what he was to become what would happen to his current selves.Two weeks later his brain had been overthrown and now his only words to the pokemon around the tower were "Come with us...follow us down the bloodied path...come with us...' he would say with a crazed smile.

    User Notes:Ihanen no longer speaks to those around him verbally but instead telepathically, this allows his consciousness trapped within to speak freely but often the infected part of his mind will speak through telepathy as well.he is also a schizo and tends to go back and forth between using the words, I, we, us, and me.

    Last edited by NightmaresEmber on Thu May 31, 2012 4:21 pm; edited 2 times in total (Reason for editing : added picture)

    Posts : 2653

    Schizophrenic Ihanen The Undead Hypno [Kanto,Lavender] Empty Re: Schizophrenic Ihanen The Undead Hypno [Kanto,Lavender]

    Post by Lugia Tue Oct 18, 2011 7:29 am

    You need an image. But when you get one, it looks good. But keep in mind, he'll lose his ability to speak as the Infected progresses. If your spot in Lavender isn't taken by then, you'll be after the Cubone.


    Schizophrenic Ihanen The Undead Hypno [Kanto,Lavender] Shadowlugiasig


    "It's amazing how hard someone will fight for their underpants."


    Age : 28
    Posts : 1078

    Schizophrenic Ihanen The Undead Hypno [Kanto,Lavender] Empty Re: Schizophrenic Ihanen The Undead Hypno [Kanto,Lavender]

    Post by SkeletonCupcake Tue Oct 18, 2011 8:39 pm

    I added an image.

    Posts : 2653

    Schizophrenic Ihanen The Undead Hypno [Kanto,Lavender] Empty Re: Schizophrenic Ihanen The Undead Hypno [Kanto,Lavender]

    Post by Lugia Tue Oct 18, 2011 9:13 pm

    Approved, you'll be after the Smeargle.


    Schizophrenic Ihanen The Undead Hypno [Kanto,Lavender] Shadowlugiasig


    "It's amazing how hard someone will fight for their underpants."


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