Welcome to New Johto;
This is what remains of the region after the virus hit.
Undead pokemon lurk behind every corner, infest every city, haunt every cave.
Dark Days are Ahead...
Will you survive?


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Harb Mgt. Admin
Harb & Shop Mgt. Admin

Background art was made by Fox. The Banner was made by Silverishness. Show them some love, yeah?

Pokemon © Nintendo
EpidemicJohto © 2011
All names, characters, plotline and artwork are under copyright protection of Epidemic Johto and their respective owners.
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    EJ News: July 2015


    Posts : 1464

    EJ News: July 2015 Empty EJ News: July 2015

    Post by Mew Fri Jul 10, 2015 10:55 am

    So... would have had one of these out last week, except that I'm a lazy asshole, so let's get down to it before my motivation fails again, yeah?

    • First and foremost - SUICUNE IS BACK. That's right, our founding admin Suicune has returned from an extended time away from Epidemic, and with their return, there's been a slight restructuring of upper staff. Suicune and Lugia are both now in a special place as far as admins, being founding admins. As such, the current administrators have agreed that their position will change. They'll no longer be focusing primarily on running site processes, and will instead be focused on a more Personal Relations aspect, making sure any grievances with staff are handled swiftly, in an unbiased manner. They're true upper management among the upper managers as of now
    • ROOKIE CHANGE - Due to the fact that some teams aren't the fastest, and one character may not be sufficient to prove your skill adequately, a change is being made to the rank of rookie, effective immediately. The character cap for all rookie members is being increased to three, up from the one where it currently stands. Ranking will remain the same in all other aspects, with evaluation taking place when the first character hits ten posts/
    • EJ Tournament - The Tournament is still going strong, and I'm greatly enjoying how things are shaping up thus far. Everybody's putting forth a hell of a show, and as we near the midway point, I want everyone to know that I'm impressed with how everyone's been doing.

    That should about cover it for now, more will be added as it comes up.


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    EJ News: July 2015 Hz72hB2

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