Daryl | |
Text Color | #55141C |
Item | None at present |
Gender | Male |
Age | Adult |
Species | #??? Direyena, the Dire Wolf Pokemon |
Height | 5'4" |
Weight | 150lbs |
Pokédex Entry | "Its horns are used to show authority, and it emanates a scent that alerts its pack when in danger. these horns are highly prized, but rarely gotten by poachers." |
Level | 65 |
Ability | Intimidate (lowers the opponent's Attack stat by one stage when they enter battle) |
Nature | Brave (+Attack, -Speed) |
Characteristic | Strong willed (+Sp.Def) |
Moves | Take Down (level up) Shadow Ball (TM) Super Fang (move tutor) Strength (HM) |
History | The second son of a broken relationship, Daryl’s hatching was no spectacular event in the timeline as his disinterested parents busied themselves with their own messy lives. His mother was distant, seldom sparing the scraggly youngster a second-glance, whilst his father was prone to violent bouts of aggression that struck fear into the hearts of the family. His only solace was his brother, Merle. Whilst his parents remained absent throughout his early childhood, Merle stood resolute by his side. Daryl clung to him, warming himself in the glow of a creature he truly idolized. Merle cared, providing the pup with everything he needed – food, shelter, comfort, friendship and above all guidance. Daryl learnt everything from Merle. He saw the world through his sibling’s eyes, learning quickly how he should behave in order to survive the many cruelties he would undoubtedly face. He learnt not to cry, not to speak at all if he could help it. He shouldn’t laugh too much; shouldn’t attach himself to creatures that would ultimately hurt him. Merle was all he needed to get by. After only three short years, Daryl was slowly taking the form of his brother. He picked up his habits – bad and good alike –, adopted the same tone of voice and interest in battling, but remained the invisible child. His parents hardly knew he existed. He would never show it – Daryl knew better than to expose the weakness of his emotions – but it hurt, knowing he was truly unloved. It only gave him further incentive to build up a steely exterior. Merle said he didn’t need anyone’s approval, anyone’s love, to exist. He mattered regardless. When his mother was killed later that year in a freak accident, a forest fire that destroyed a good portion of the family’s territory, Daryl's emotions broke free. She had never shown him any form of attention, but her demise hit him harder than he could ever imagine. He was distraught, saved from the flames by Merle and impatiently, sternly hushed as they returned to their irate father. Daryl silenced only when the Mightyena snapped. He beat Merle with a ferocity the pup had previously been sheltered from. The shouting was common, but this, Daryl wasn’t prepared for this. He quickly sucked up his upset, immobilized by fear. He blamed himself, believing his crying had provoked the attack and soon swore away emotion altogether. The years that followed were sculpted by that fateful night, violence becoming a daily occurrence as Daryl’s childish innocence was lost. The brothers remained in their territory, living in tension alongside their aggressive father and learning to accept life as what it was. They had learnt to fend for themselves, training hard and living as comfortably as they could, whilst Daryl gradually fell into a state of silence. His bond with Merle could never be endangered, but it was obvious Daryl had collapsed in on himself. He was almost as aloof at his late mother now, a coping mechanism for his tragic existence. Things worsened when Merle began disappearing. Daryl often found himself alone, starved of his only support for indefinite periods of times. It started as only a few hours here and there, but hours soon turned into days. He felt abandoned, caught between loathing and sorrow before reminding himself that he shouldn’t be feeling anything. It was a weakness. Instead, Daryl accepted it. He would never control Merle and so set about distracting himself, trying to carve out his own future. He battled more, training and quickly evolving whilst working hard to avoid his father. But with Merle gone, he found himself the target of his parent’s aggression. He sported fresh wounds, growing up scarred with a skin thick enough to stop bullets. Nothing could hurt him anymore. Or so he thought. One day, Merle simply didn’t come back. He refused to believe it, confident that he’d show up in the end as he always did. But weeks turned into months and Daryl was forced to accept the fact that his brother wasn’t coming back. He was heartbroken. Full of emotion he tried so desperately to deny, Daryl surrendered to the family’s infamous temper and lashed out at his father. The youth had grown strong over the years, but he was no match for his enraged parent. He was beaten within an inch of his life. Bloody and battered, Daryl fled that night. He didn’t know where he was going, but there was nothing left at home for him anymore. The place was toxic, the youth debilitated by a poisonous family life that he finally chose to abandon. Daryl wanted more. He travelled aimlessly for the next few days, but already weakened from his stand-off soon found himself captured by a human. The man, a skilled hunter, saw the Mightyena as a cheap companion but quickly found himself presented with a challenge. Daryl was untameable. He attempted escape countless time, lashed out at the man at every opportunity and ignored all the commands that met his ears. Daryl refused to be ruled. But he hadn’t anticipated the intensity of the human’s determination, a brutal obstinacy that rivalled his own. The hunter would break him. Beaten, neglected and starved, Daryl found himself reliving his childhood. There was no Merle to lean on now, no break in the cycle as he found himself weakening beneath a whole new breed of tyranny. Daryl lost the will to fight it. His priority was survival – as it always had been – and as his health worsened, he resigned himself to a subservient fate. The human, pleased at his victory over a stubborn hound, soon set about moulding Daryl into the perfect hunter. He battled daily, aging into a powerful force whilst growing ever-skilled in the art of tracking. Despite his ever-growing strength and understanding of the world, the years passed in one gloomy blur with only the odd pinprick of light here and there. The human would occasionally take new pokémon on, training them for an intense few weeks before selling them away. Daryl bonded with these creatures. They kept him sane, igniting the emotions he had always been taught to bury and bringing out something beautiful in the Mightyena. The moment they left, he numbed once more. He lived an empty life, a shell of the canine he could’ve been. He wondered what Merle would think of him. When the epidemic hit, Daryl found himself sent out to hunt a whole new kind of creature, the undead. The human fancied himself an exterminator in the early days, indulging in a lucrative business as he set his Mightyena to work. Daryl killed everything that confronted him, showing no shred of pity towards the infected and instead treating them with cold contempt. But over the months, their numbers continued to grow. More people were dying and soon his human joined the body count. Truly free for the first time in his life, Daryl found his mind consumed with memories of Merle. Despite a bitter resentment that had accumulated as a result of his abandonment, he couldn’t bring himself to turn his back on the creature that had provided the few moments of happiness in his otherwise gloomy existence. His best memories were those spent with his brother – it was the rest of the world that sought to destroy him. Daryl had to know if he was okay. Instinctively heading back to his homeland, the canine stumbled into the family’s territory one sunny afternoon to find Merle waiting for him. He was touched, all bitterness set aside as he immersed himself in the knowledge that despite it all, Merle had come back. They embraced, a reunion between two kindred spirits that re-established the bond they had shared all those years before. Daryl made no effort to stifle his happiness, glad to find that he hadn’t lost the ability to smile. The brothers laid low for some time, catching up on the years spent apart and working to iron out past mistakes. They talked, they laughed; and for the first time in their lives, they sat proud and unashamed in their home. But they didn’t stay longer. Undead eventually forced them onwards and out into the region. Merle and Daryl adapted almost effortlessly to the epidemic world. They were both powerful individuals, a survivalist mind-set engraved into them from the moment they could walk and they stood fearless before the undead. Daryl’s skills as a tracker led them to countless groups of survivors, but they always found themselves as the outsiders. The brothers were a dark entity, unwelcome among the civilized and soon embraced life as loners. They didn’t need anyone else. They were hunters, killers without a cause and with little obstacles to jeopardize their existence. Merle offered up his Razor Claw so that Daryl might evolve into a Direyena, an act that united them as one. An unstoppable force thriving in a brutal world, Merle and Daryl have never been happier. |
Appearance | Several inches larger than the average Direyena, Daryl is not quite as stocky as his brother and instead boasts a lankier physique, albeit with the same muscle definition. However, his thick, shaggy coat is often quick to disguise his form. Whilst the coloration is normal for his kind, Daryl’s fur is longer than average and hangs in the same, dirtied condition as Merle’s. He pays it no mind. Old scarring is one of Daryl’s more prominent features, an insight into his history of abuse. Whilst most of the marks are reserved to his legs and chest, faded into obscurity, there is a particularly prominent mark the left side of his face spanning from jawline to muzzle. More recent wounds sustained from his time with the human are obvious from the shorter patches of fur on his back, anomalies that he is particularly self-conscious about. Daryl walks like a hunter, often keeping his form low to the ground, hunched as he demonstrates his abilities as a trained tracker. His eyes always seem to be moving whilst a keen nose twitches to pick up on the scents around him. His eyes in question are closer to a shade of plum than the species’ typical red, soft and surprisingly kind when free of his common scowl. |
Personality | Physically Powerful | Aloof | Quiet | Rational | Aggressive | Stubborn | Extremely Loyal | Survivalist | Considerate | Perceptive | Compassionate | Misunderstood | Moral | Intense | Brave | Fearless An expert tracker with a physical strength that rivals his brother’s own, Daryl proves an equally as intimidating presence – but undeservedly so. He’s a creature of few words, aloof and very much content in his own company. Taught to be distrusting of others, many find the canine difficult to understand and so often write him off under the same description as Merle. In their eyes, he simply stands as a brooding presence, radiating a quiet intensity from the shadows. Daryl is mainly a calm individual whose rationality keeps himself planted firmly on the ground. He understands the epidemic world and expects nothing less than hardship to greet him. His seemingly cold outlook on the world is a trait strengthened by his brother, whilst his youthful optimism lingers, smothered, just beneath the surface. Daryl wants to dream, but catches such thoughts before they have time to manifest. He keeps himself thoroughly disciplined, tethered to reality. Whilst the Direyena’s patience seems almost saintly in comparison to his sibling’s, Daryl still possesses the family’s brutal temper and penchant for violence. He won’t shy away from a brawl, more than capable of holding his own in battle and never one to back down. He’s incredibly stubborn both in and out of the battlefield. However, the dark-type usually fights only as a means of defence. He seldom goes looking for trouble and often finds himself wrapped up in Merle’s conflicts instead. Daryl’s loyalty to his brother knows no bounds. He may not always share his views, but a strong moral compass ensures that the canine will unconditionally fight alongside his flesh and blood, so much so that he is often blinded by his loyalty. Daryl, like his brother, was born and raised with a survivalist mentality. He does what he has to in order to survive, capable of making rational albeit sometimes difficult decisions to sustain his existence. He shares Merle’s ruthless nature, but often goes about his actions with more sensitivity. He’s considerate to the condition of others and is surprisingly perceptive, capable of reading the emotions others might overlook. When he speaks, he speaks directly from the heart. And it is this quiet compassion that separates him from his initial appearance. Daryl is far more complex than that. Those capable of breaking past Daryl’s rough-and-tumble exterior are likely to find a surprisingly noble and kind-hearted centre. Away from Merle’s influence, Daryl’s an unlikely hero. He’ll selflessly go out of his way to protect the innocent, a bravery rare in these days emerging from the canine’s inability to leave a healthy man behind. Despite a lifetime of denying his loneliness and emotions, Daryl remains a social creature. Deep down, he cares. In time, he can even learn to love. He’s a provider, fearless, with an unbreakable sense of loyalty to those determined enough to earn it. |
User Notes | All user notes are in Merle's profile |
Merle | |
Text Color | #9D1309 |
Item | Razor Claw |
Gender | Male |
Age | Adult |
Species | #??? Direyena, the Dire Wolf Pokemon |
Height | 5'7" |
Weight | 178lbs |
Pokédex Entry | "Its horns are used to show authority, and it emanates a scent that alerts its pack when in danger. these horns are highly prized, but rarely gotten by poachers." |
Level | 67 |
Ability | Intimidate (lowers the opponent's Attack stat by one stage when they enter battle) |
Nature | Bold (-Attack, +Def) |
Characteristic | Quick tempered (+Attack) |
Moves | Sucker Punch (level up) Megahorn (level up) Incinerate (TM) Double Team (TM) |
History | Born in the wilds of Hoenn, Merle was the first child of a pair of Mightyena. His parents, banished from a pack years before, were dysfunctional to say the least; the mother aloof towards her offspring with a spirit destroyed from the years of her mate’s abusive nature. She was passive and disinterested in the young Poochyena, the child often going hungry as he found his cries falling on deaf ears. He quickly learnt to look after himself, sacrificing the frivolity of youth in order to survive his messy upbringing. It was tough, a matter of trial-and-error leading to the youngster’s victories of acquiring food, but Merle was determined. Merle, now a snappy child of six, had grown accustomed to the regular chaos of family life. He hunted for himself, trained as an outlet for his pent-up emotion and would linger as far from his home as long as possible, knowing that only aggression would greet him upon his return. His father was abusive, his short-temper quick to leave fresh wounds on the young Poochyena. Merle couldn’t be scared; he refused to be as weak as his mother. The desire to abandon the family was growing stronger each passing day, until a new arrival drew him back into the heart of the unit. Daryl was an unkempt-looking pup, his fur noticeably longer than average as he found himself suddenly confronted with a remarkably cruel world. Merle refrained from showing emotion, considering it a debilitating quality, but the pity he felt for this runt was enough incentive to make him stay. He hadn’t the heart to abandon him. In the few years that followed, Merle practically raised Daryl. He provided him with food, knowing his parents had never been the sort to share; kept him safe from wandering humans and pokémon alike and was soon growing increasingly attached to the pup. A bond was established between the two brothers that would only grow stronger with time. A forest fire broke out in the year Merle turned nine, devastating a portion of the family’s meagre patch of territory and claiming a life. Merle was convinced his mother threw herself into the flames, seeing death as her only escape. He and Daryl escaped unscathed, the latter traumatized to discover his mother’s suicide. He was young, but Merle still scolded him for crying. Humans eventually gathered to extinguish the flames, permitting the brother’s return to their now-ramshackle home only to find their father waiting. He was angry. Merle took the beating, apparently deemed responsible for the accident, whilst Daryl cowered at the side-lines. The years that followed were of the same nature as his early youth, but this time, Merle wasn’t quite as alone. The brothers remained in their territory, living in tension alongside their aggressive father and learning to accept life as what it was. They had learnt to fend for themselves, training hard and living as comfortably as they could, whilst Merle awaited the opportunity to take his father down. He was growing sick of the abuse, sharing his parent’s vicious temper as he often found himself retaliating against the violence. It got him nowhere, but only encouraged him to grow stronger. Merle had raised Daryl in his own image, sharing beliefs and stressing the importance of being tough to survive. After reaching his evolution, Merle’s aggression was reaching its peak. His scraps with his father became more frequent, bloodier, as he strived to put an end to all the abuse. He was frustrated, temper fearsome and occasionally directed towards the one creature who was undeserving of it, Daryl. The guilt affected Merle more than he would care to admit, and he soon began to wander further and further out of their territory to collect his thoughts. He would explore the nearby city of Lilycove, quickly involving himself in the gang culture as he formed questionable friendships in the form of the strays who lived there. He enjoyed the rush of stealing, enjoyed the violent spectacles between the groups and the opportunity to demonstrate his power. It was a way of life he was quickly learning to love. He would return home and visit Daryl most days, but his appearances became increasingly rare as Merle found himself totally wrapped up in a new world. He wasn’t just another nobody when he was in the city. He was feared, respected – everything he truly desired in this world. Over time, the brothers’ bond had begun to weaken. Merle was so caught up in the infamy that life in the city provided that he subconsciously became aloof, distanced from one he’d originally been so close to. One day, Merle simply didn’t return home. He didn’t dwell on the thought of Daryl too long; he was strong now and could make his own way in life. Merle wasn’t going to hold his hand forever. He was ready to move on to better things and Daryl would have to accept that. Merle spent the majority of his adulthood confined to Lilycove City, purely out of a love for the underworld that flourished there. He led a ruthless gang of misfits for a short time, stealing from the weak and picking fights with anyone who questioned him – the true definition of a thug. In later years, the Mightyena found himself captured by a human. The youth was a man as loutish as Merle himself. Merle didn’t like him – didn’t have much of an opinion of him at all – but he sponged off all the resources that were offered to him. He was well-fed, well-trained; but Merle was untameable. He had the freedom to wander the streets as he pleased, slowly building his empire whilst his human constructed one of his own. Despite all his newfound glory, Merle often found himself thinking of his brother. Years had passed and he’d heard no word. He would often travel back to his homeland despite himself, quietly hoping to find Daryl and introduce him to his world. But he was gone. Their ageing father still patrolled the territory and Merle took great pleasure in knocking him down to size, extracting his childhood dreams of revenge. But it would be too easy to kill him. Merle would repeat the whole process every few months, each time returning stronger than the time before. When whisperings of the epidemic broke out, Merle was mainly unconcerned and instead immersed in self-congratulations. He had evolved into a Direyena several months earlier, purely out of chance after having a missing claw replaced with a Razor Claw. He had killed and consequently triggered the transformation. His human, although proud, was growing increasingly fearful as rumours of the undead spread and soon made the decision to flee the city. Merle remained, ruling the city’s underbelly until the population started to sap. The undead were drawn to the city and the Direyena soon found himself defended his territory from a whole new threat. He enjoyed killing them, but underestimated their power. Friends were slaughtered, supplies were destroyed; chaos reigned until Merle found himself alone. Angry that his empire had crumbled at the hands of these freaks, Merle laid low for the next few days, considering his options. His first thought turned to Daryl. Was he okay? His brother had always lingered in the forefront of his mind, but now, more than ever, Merle realized that he had to find him. He would never admit it, but the epidemic was growing into something even Merle was starting to fear – purely for its ability to take away everything he cared about. The one thing that he had left was Daryl. Determined to find his estranged sibling, Merle tore his way out of the city centre and headed back towards the surrounding wilds. He had no idea where he would find Daryl, but instincts led him home. Their father was infected. Merle quickly and mercilessly disposed of the creature before moving on to clear out their territory. Killing the undead was a sport for the canine, a thrill he actively sought out as he spent the next few weeks hanging around the area in the hope that Daryl would return. Eventually, he did. The day he saw his baby brother, now a shaggy Mightyena, stumble through the trees, Merle was hit with an intense emotion he’d almost forgotten he possessed. It was a mixture between pride, relief and above all joy. They embraced, a reunion between two kindred spirits that re-established the bond they had shared all those years before. Merle, despite all his bravado, couldn’t have been happier. The brothers kept their heads down for some time, catching up on the years spent apart and working to iron out past mistakes. They talked, they laughed; and for the first time in their lives, they sat proud and unashamed in their home. But they didn’t stay longer. Undead eventually forced them onwards and out into the region. Merle and Daryl adapted almost effortlessly to the epidemic world. They were both powerful individuals, a survivalist mind-set engraved into them from the moment they could walk and they stood fearless before the undead. Daryl’s skills as a tracker led them to countless groups of survivors, but they always found themselves as the outsiders. The brothers were a dark entity, unwelcome among the civilized and soon embraced life as loners. They didn’t need anyone else. They were hunters, killers without a cause and with little obstacles to jeopardize their existence. Merle offered up his Razor Claw so that Daryl might evolve into a Direyena, an act that united them as one. An unstoppable force thriving in a brutal world, Merle and Daryl have never been happier. |
Appearance | A particularly large example of the Direyena species, Merle boasts a stocky, powerful frame gained from years of training. Whilst the epidemic has triggered an amount of weight loss, particularly noticeable in his face, the dark-type otherwise appears to be in good health. The coloration of his fur is typical to the species whilst the quality of his coat is less than impressive. Dirtied from his travels, Merle’s last priority is personal hygiene. His fur is matted in places, strands clumped together with dried, crusty blood whilst scars, old and new, litter his form. He wears them with pride, masking the sad truth of the oldest marks with elaborate stories. Merle's stature oozes confidence, his head held high as he greets the epidemic world with a cocky smirk. On closer inspection it's visible that he’s missing two claws on his left, front paw, however a Razor Claw substitute’s one of the lost appendages. He is undeniably quite an intimidating character, an air of brutishness constantly hanging over his gnarled features and shadowing copper-red eyes. |
Personality | Intimidating | Brutish | Physically Powerful | Survivalist | Ruthless | Fearless | Bad-Tempered | Cocky | Carefree | Volatile | Tormenting | Bully | Opinionated | Outspoken | Proud | Loyal to Daryl Alone Undeniably one to cast an intimidating first impression, Merle follows through with an equally as unpleasant personality. Misogynistic, bad-tempered and entirely ruthless, his aggression defines his character and is perhaps the root cause of his disrepute. Merle’s short-fuse pushes him into unnecessary acts of violence, something he has come to actively enjoy. Like hunting, fighting has become a sport to the hound. Merle is a skilled battler, utilizing an impressive brute strength, and is quick to demonstrate why he has survived so long in the epidemic world. He’s a survivalist, born and raised believing that it’s a 'dog-eat-dog' world. The Direyena’s own wellbeing is his sole priority and he will go to extreme lengths to ensure that it’s not jeopardized. He kills undead on sight and will seldom trust strangers. Merle knows how to stay alive and will not hesitate in making the sometimes difficult choices others fear. In his mind, it’s firmly kill or be killed. Whilst Merle is prone to snapping, he’s usually a surprisingly relaxed individual. He seldom panics, so confident in his own abilities that he has never found reason to get himself flustered. Instead, he greets his enemies with a cocky grin. Fearless in the face of danger, Merle tends to treat his existence as one bad joke. However, when provoked enough, the Direyena’s temper is savage. He’s blinded by his rage, becoming impulsive and increasingly sadistic. He’s a danger to both friend and foe, explosive and utterly merciless. However, the intensity of Merle’s temper is usually reserved only for special occasions. But even away from his anger issues, the canine proves unpleasant company. Merle and Daryl travel alone for a reason, namely because Merle is excellent at making enemies. He’s good at rubbing people the wrong way, is persistently tormenting and relishes in his ability to provoke a reaction from only a few harmless words. He’s a bully, thuggish in his ways and perfectly unashamed of it. Merle doesn’t care what anyone thinks of him, and those who openly express their disliking only give him further incentive to make their lives hell. Quite the loudmouth, Merle is an opinionated individual with some rather controversial beliefs. He’s openly sexist and unafraid to tell people exactly what he thinks of them. He has a sturdy ego, a superiority complex that he strives to preserve; so in moments of weakness, Merle’s infamous temper is bound to flare up to muffle his humiliation. He’s proud and doesn’t tolerate second best from anyone, let alone himself. Whilst Merle is undoubtedly a heavily flawed individual, he can never be labelled as truly evil. A marginally softer side to the canine is reserved solely for his brother, Daryl, and offers insight into the creature buried beneath his brutal façade. Merle is fiercely loyal to his sibling, quietly protective in his own, unique way. They scrap, argue, insult one another; but also embody a sense of tough love, never outright expressing their devotion to the other but remain fully aware of the unspoken bond. They don’t need confirmation of the fact that their first allegiances are to one another. |
User Notes | --Adopted from Snitch - original profile here --Merle is the equivalent of six years older than Daryl. --Merle has long been considered a bad influence on Daryl. With a heightened aggression, he subconsciously spurs on Daryl’s more negative personality traits and shapes him into his own image. Daryl’s redeeming qualities are often smothered as a result and people are apt to treat him with the same contempt as they do his sibling. --Like all brothers, Merle and Daryl are no strangers to arguments and when they clash, violence is inevitable. A scrap is nothing out of the ordinary and often allows them to let off enough steam to think rationally and resolve their dispute. --Although both of the brothers were physically abused throughout their childhood, Merle was under the impression that Daryl avoided most of it. He insists that he never realized the extent of Daryl's abuse, both during his childhood and adolescent years with the human. It's a tender subject that Daryl, in particular, will roughly dismiss. --Daryl is very close to leveling-up. --Both the brothers speak with Southern American accents as a result of their father's upbringing in the States. Merle's is far stronger, whilst Daryl's is partially obscured by a naturally husky voice. They've been labelled as 'rednecks' in the past. --Based off Merle and Daryl Dixon from the AMC Series ‘The Walking Dead’. |