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    Orion the Delphox [Mauville||Ace]


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    Orion the Delphox [Mauville||Ace] Empty Orion the Delphox [Mauville||Ace]

    Post by Silverishness Fri Jan 02, 2015 12:00 pm

    Orion the Delphox [Mauville||Ace] Orion_zpsad4ae44b

    Health Slightly malnourished, otherwise healthy
    Text Color #57a4c7
    Item None
    Biological Sex Male
    Chosen Gender Identity He/him
    Age Young Adult
    Species #655/ Delphox, the Fox Pokemon
    Height 4'10” [Slightly Smaller]
    Weight 75.2 lbs [Light]
    Pokédex Entry Using psychic power, it generates a fiery vortex of 5,400 degree Fahrenheit, incinerating foes swept into this whirl of flame.
    Level 38
    Ability Blaze
    Nature Rash (+SpA,-SpDef)
    Characteristic Hates to lose (SpDef IVs)
    Moves -Shadow Ball (TM)
    -Dazzling Gleam (TM)
    -Psychic (TM)
    -Mystical Fire (Learned)
    Quote None yet.
    History Living in Kalos were two brothers, Jason and Shaun. Each of them had a Delphox, one male and the other female. Rather than battling, the two Pokemon had a desire to become mates, and so their Trainers dropped them off at a Pokemon Daycare for some...alone time. Surely enough, when they returned, two eggs had been laid.

    One of the eggs hatched into a Fennekin possessing very oddly-colored fur; many shades of blue instead of the usual orange and white. The other newborn had normal coloration. Both were male, and they were named Orion and Sirius.

    Orion, the blue-furred of the two kits, was immediately coveted and claimed by the younger of the human brothers, Shaun. Though the two shared responsibility for the kits' care, Shaun often occupied his time with playing with Orion or petting him-- but Jason was typically the one for meals. Once Shaun became tired of Orion's company, however, the small kit would be shut outside or in a smaller area so he "couldn't annoy" Shaun. The small puppy would remain cut off from his only means for comfort, entertainment -sometimes even food and water, when Shaun was especially hasty to get away from the kit- for hours on end. So when the time came for the two brothers to go on their own journeys, Orion was... less than enthused. Hurt and jealous that his situation was so stark in comparison to his brother, the day they began their adventures was one Orion would always try to forget.

    At first, Shaun took great pride in beginning his journey with such a uniquely colored fox. Orion ate some of the best things as a kit, but the young trainer soon found that proper nutrition and actual care took much time and effort and quickly sought cheaper and easier means. As the journey continued, he acquired new pokemon, some that were far more independent and self-sustaining than Orion. While in the beginning, Orion was understandably one of the highest leveled pokemon in Shaun's party, being his starter and all. But that quickly changed as Shaun realized that perhaps his shiny fox wasn't all it was cracked up to be.

    The brothers occasionally met for friendly sparring, and nearly each time, Orion was bested by his normal, beautiful brother. Silken coat, powerful attacks; Orion just could not understand what Sirius had over him. They were round-about the same level. They had even the same attacks. But with each failing, Shaun grew less and less impressed with the fire fox, soon only sending him out to buy time to heal to more important members of the party. With the brothers' last confrontation before leaving Kalos, Orion was humiliated, getting KO'd with a single move.

    Once in the new region, Shaun became obsessed with power and powerful pokemon. With Orion's shininess being his only saving grace, he was kept on the team, if only as a meat shield and to garner awe and appreciation from the ladies. It was very clear he was nothing but a tool; a mindset that would have been easier to cope with if not for Shaun's loving and generous attitude towards his other pokemon. Though his other teammates held some sympathy towards the fox in the beginning, Orion's personality quickly became volatile, cynical and aggressive, severing that pity. In the weeks leading up to the eventual outbreak, Orion was alone, and it seemed that he always would be.

    Once the Infected began swarming the tropics of Hoenn, Shaun's initial instinct was to escape, with his pokemon intact. They fled where they could, but eventually were caught. Infected were everywhere, swarming and ravenous, desperate for fresh meat. Once darkness fell, Shaun pulled Orion out, pleading him to run. To find someplace safe. To live. He apologized for never being able to train him correctly, and that Orion's constant failings was his fault. If Orion would run, Shaun would lead the Infected away, to give him even the smallest of chances. But as Orion stood, staring at his trainer, something was amiss. If Shaun was actually trying to right all the wrongs by being a martyr, he was doing it wrong. He spied the pokeballs of his teammates still at the boy's hip, and the final straw snapped.

    Here, at the end of the world, Shaun was feigning an apology... trying to trick Orion into getting himself killed while everyone else -everyone important- slithered into the safety of the night. Once again, he was nothing but a tool. A way for everyone else to live longer, at his expense. The bastard even had the audacity to use such low, demeaning words... Well, that was stopping. Immediately.

    Livid, Orion stood, rising to his full height on his own two legs; something he rarely attempted, much less accomplished. Holding his staff high in the air, igniting it, he drew a circle of fire around the boy, trapping him in a small, dangerous patch of grass. Not breathing a word while Shaun screamed for Orion to stop, the fox glared at the human through the blue flames, then let out a long, throaty howl. This damnable human would pay. He'd take a dose of his own medicine. A lethal dose. The fire, the howl, the screaming-- they were all irresistible beacons for the Infected. And with one last glare to his now former trainer, Orion fled, leaving the boy to the mercy of the maw behind him.

    Finally, he felt... vindicated. Free. Capable.

    But Shaun's neglect soon proved harder to be free of than the fox initially thought. Lack of battling experience was a larger handicap than anything else, forcing Orion to make fast decisions that were now life-and-death. Thankfully, Orion was able to find some sort of city-building, a place he could perhaps find some sort of refuge. But the city was more dense with undead, and his exit was soon cut off. Trapped, the only option was to dig deep and hope for a miracle.

    Little did he know, however, that his brother walked the same halls...
    Bulbapedia "Delphox is a relatively tall bipedal Pokémon resembling a fox. It is covered in a coat of fur that resembles a robe; this "robe" is primarily dark red, with red-orange, flame-like markings near its knees, as well as a thin tuft of white fur on its torso, flanked by yellow fur draping down from its shoulders. It has three tufts of red-orange fur protruding out of each ear. Its forearms feature long red fur resembling sleeves, and its hands and feet are dark gray with three clawed fingers and toes, respectively. A tail covered in yellow fur protrudes from its "robe." When its mouth is open, two pointed teeth can be seen on its upper jaw.

    Delphox carries a stick that it uses like a magic wand; when in use, the tip is set alight, and when not in use, the stick is hidden away in its sleeve-like fur. Delphox gazes into the flame at the tip of its "wand" to achieve a focused state of mind that allows it to see into the future. It can use its psychic power to ensnare its enemies in a fiery vortex capable of reaching 5,400 degrees Fahrenheit. Prior to Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire, Delphox was the only known Pokémon capable of learning Mystical Fire.
    Appearance Orion is a strange coloration as his pallet consists of blues instead of reds. His fur is often disheveled and matted, and he is a bit on the skinny side. Shaun was confused of whether or not a braxien should be able to stand on hind legs, so he taught Orion to keep on all fours. This behavior stuck, even into his final evolution. He is still capable of standing at his full height, as is mentioned in his History, but is clumsy when walking, and is generally hunched.
    Accent American
    Religion Atheist, unless Murphy's Law counts
    Motivation To survive and maybe regain some dignity.

    • A victim of chronic neglect
      -This is the root of his personality; it is the cause of just about every single major point of his entire personality.
    • Vulnerable
      -Not able to take criticism -constructive or no- very well.
      -Easily dismayed or disheartened
      -Takes light insults, like jokes, personally. Takes everything personally, really
    • Cynical
      -Not optimistic.
    • Sentimental
      -There were few things in his life that brought him joy; those that did, however, are held very near and dear to his heart. Unfortunately, he has no items, save for his staff to cling to-- all he has are memories.
      -However, if he comes across something that reminds him of something good, he will hold onto that. Desperately.
    • Possessive
      -See above.
    • Stubborn
      -A lifetime of being told what to do by someone he loathed has instilled a angry, rebellious spirit in Orion. He is unwilling to listen to many others, especially his brother, if their views differ.
    • Emotional
      -Orion has been frustrated, hurt and neglected for a very long time, building his emotions to be more and more extreme over that time. As he reached adulthood, even the smallest wrong situation or bad turnout provoked a hellish temper or horrible sadness in the fox. Though he was initially punished for such outbursts, Shaun soon just went to ignoring the fox, driving Orion to create louder and louder cries for attention. It does not take much to set him off.
    • Has major trust issues
      -See Socially Anxious
    • Lonely
    • Rash/ Abrasive
      -Decisions need to be made quickly, lest Death's sickle find him before that decision can be made. Unfortunately, Orion's decisions are often fueled with his unending well of negative emotions, and are generally made without thought to the consequences.
      -Depends heavily on first impressions
      -Shaun instilled in him, whether Orion acknowledges it or not, the idea that power is everything. Coupled with his belief in first impressions, Orion often comes off as very gruff, violent, and even unstable.
    • Socially anxious
      -His years with other pokemon have only given him the experience of being the outcast. He is unused to generosity, or any other pleasant characteristic and does not know how to react to positivity.
      -This also makes him very awkward; almost timid.
      -When met with a situation he does not know how to approach, he is often unreadable or unpredictable.

    User Notes
    -As a kennel tech, I've seen many manners of dogs in the five years I've worked in clinics. Neglected dogs tend to have a very reliable pattern to them, I've found, and I based much of Orion's history and personality on those observations.
    -Sirius is his biological brother and littermate.

    Last edited by Silverishness on Sun Jan 11, 2015 7:23 am; edited 5 times in total


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    Post by Nightfall Fri Jan 02, 2015 12:09 pm



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    Post by Lugia Fri Jan 02, 2015 1:29 pm



    Orion the Delphox [Mauville||Ace] Shadowlugiasig


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    Post by Silverishness Sun Jan 11, 2015 7:23 am

    Ready for approval~


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