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2 posters

    Noir the Cubone (Lavender, Kanto)


    Age : 37
    Posts : 1667

    Noir the Cubone (Lavender, Kanto) Empty Noir the Cubone (Lavender, Kanto)

    Post by Fox Sun Oct 02, 2011 6:34 pm

    Noir the Cubone (Lavender, Kanto) XUTtE
    Noir the Cubone (Lavender, Kanto) 1ffCW

    Text Color #C77826
    Item - Femur
    - A black tie that drags on the ground when he walks
    - A small pikachu plush
    Gender Male
    Age Child
    Species #104 Cubone/The Lonely Pokémon
    Height 1'04"
    Weight 14.3lbs
    Pokédex Entry When it thinks of its dead mother, it cries. Its crying makes the skull it wears rattle hollowly.
    Level 24
    Ability Lightningrod
    Nature Lonely
    Characteristic hard-headed, suspicious of others
    Moves - Bonemerang
    - Bone Club

    - Growl
    - Double Kick (egg move)
    History His original owner was an esteemed film critic who gave the baby Cubone he had received as a prize to his daughter as a gift. Her name was Iva. She was a sweet red-headed young woman who loved Pokemon. She was an activist, and often went into dangerous situations to rescue abused or poached pokemon. Iva was trying to set a a bunch of Pokemon free who were going to be sold on the black market when she was trampled by the very same creatures she sought to protect. She had left the Cubone home that day because she didn't want him put in any danger, being such a young Pokemon. After her death, her father took over his daughters' possessions, which included Noir.
    He was a broken man. He blamed all Pokemon for her death, and because of this hatred, he mistreated Noir, often beating him or abusing him severely. His owner fell into a deep depression and eventually shot himself in the face in front of Noir, leaving the young Cubone scarred mentally.

    Almost a week later, the police had been notified of the missing critic, and went to his home to investigate. They found the young Cubone sitting next to the legs of his rotting owner covered in blood, trembling and crying silently. He was taken to a shelter for abandoned Pokemon, but he didn't stay long. He didn't want another owner, and he couldn't take a cage. He broke out and began to wander Kanto, not really looking for anything.
    Appearance - Small, wears a long black tie, carries a Pikachu around along with his club. - The black tie that was Iva's. It's too big for him, but he wears it to remind himself of the only real friend he had. (He didn't treat her exceptionally well, but secretly, he did admire and like her)
    Personality - gets irritated easily
    - Noir feels severely guilty for not being at her side during the attack, but at the same time knows that he couldn't have saved her. This makes him fall into self-loathing often.
    - doesn't trust humans at all, due to his previous owners' abuse.
    - cries loudly at night from all the painful memories he's endured
    - often cries silently, though he's unsure exactly why he's crying.
    - untrusting of others
    - a bit selfish, and doesn't have any real social skills
    - due to repressed memories and pain, (he doesn't remember alot of that night when his owner killed himself) he often has anger issues.
    - he got his name from his appreciation and obsession with the genre of film noir. Iva named him Noir because he always loved to watch the noir films over and over again. He likes it so much because he finds it to be more beautiful than the world he knew.
    - he often quotes certain favorite black and white films to himself, sometimes pretending to be the anti-hero or the cynical private detective.

    Last edited by Anathema on Fri Jun 08, 2012 3:13 am; edited 6 times in total


    "What's the point in them being happy now if they're going to be sad later?
    The answer is, of course, because they're going to be sad later."

    Noir the Cubone (Lavender, Kanto) 4j0L6

    Age : 37
    Posts : 1667

    Noir the Cubone (Lavender, Kanto) Empty Re: Noir the Cubone (Lavender, Kanto)

    Post by Fox Fri Oct 14, 2011 1:24 am

    Noir is done!
    He is due to be in Lavender Town!


    "What's the point in them being happy now if they're going to be sad later?
    The answer is, of course, because they're going to be sad later."

    Noir the Cubone (Lavender, Kanto) 4j0L6

    Posts : 2653

    Noir the Cubone (Lavender, Kanto) Empty Re: Noir the Cubone (Lavender, Kanto)

    Post by Lugia Fri Oct 14, 2011 10:49 am

    So sad...! ;w; Approved! You'll be after the Marowak.


    Noir the Cubone (Lavender, Kanto) Shadowlugiasig


    "It's amazing how hard someone will fight for their underpants."


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    Noir the Cubone (Lavender, Kanto) Empty Re: Noir the Cubone (Lavender, Kanto)

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