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    Reaper the creepy sadistic Absol [Floater]


    Age : 25
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    Reaper the creepy sadistic Absol [Floater] Empty Reaper the creepy sadistic Absol [Floater]

    Post by Duma Wed Apr 17, 2013 4:56 pm

    Reaper the creepy sadistic Absol [Floater] Umvk9NY

    Text Color #900000
    Item A small clock on a gold chain necklace.
    Gender Male
    Age Adult
    Species #359; Absol, the Disaster Pokemon [Dark Type]
    Height 3'11"
    Weight 103.6lbs
    Pokédex Entry It has the ability to foretell natural disasters. Its life span is over a hundred years. ~ Heartgold/Soulsilver
    Level 55
    Ability Pressure
    Nature Impish[+Defence, -Special Attack]
    Characteristic Mischievous[+Special Attack]
    Moves - Shadow Ball [TM]
    - Shadow Claw [TM]
    - Night Slash [Level Up]
    - Sucker Punch [Level Up]
    History The absol was born alone, he lived alone, and everything he knew was loneliness. Not that it bothered him. He rather liked being alone, it was quiet, it was secluded and it was good. Then one day Absol stumbled upon a trainer for the first time. This trainer was obsessed with Absols and how they could sense disasters. Without a second thought, Absol was captured in an Ultra Ball.

    The change of lifestyle was sudden and unexpected, taking its toll on Absol. He grew more and more unstable, all to the blind eye of his trainer. He was thrust into training, and every time he got something right, he was rewarded. Two such occasions he was rewarded with a strange disk that was pressed to his forehead. He hadn't the slightest clue what they did, he only knew that they made him stronger.

    The downside was that the change in lifestyle took a turn for the worst in Absol. His mind slowly unraveled at the seams, and he slowly became more and more dangerous, even coming close to killing a pokemon he was put up against.

    Absol's trainer slowly realized his mistake and one night he recalled the dark type, taking his pokeball and throwing it deep into the forest. The button hit a rock and Absol was let free. Now back in his natural element, Absol destroyed his pokeball, fleeing into the forest.

    Absol lived in that forest for a good while, but soon just defeating his targets grew too boring. He wanted blood, he wanted to hear their cries, he wanted his prey to suffer. He went off in search for his first kill.

    It was wonderful. Absol tracked down a small eevee, and waiting for it to come close, he sauntered up to it, challenging it to a battle. The eevee refused, and went to walk away, but Absol had other ideas. He leapt over the small normal type, blocking it's path. The eevee squealed in surprise, and Absol lunged.

    His teeth bit into the normal type's flesh and blood flooded his senses, the taste was beautiful, it was... Luscious. He ripped the skin off the eevee's back as it screamed in terror and pain. Absol loved every moment of it. Finally the eevee fell still. Unimpressed by how early on his prey fell, Absol settled for rolling in the blood and entrails, leaving the scene with a maniacal grin on his face, and blood staining his white form.

    The taste of pokemon blood though, soon grew dull. He lusted for more elaborate prey, more... delicate prey. He went searching for a human to taste. He could only imagine the taste of their flesh.

    He soon found his target - a young boy, probably only a few years. The perfect prey. Before he could attack though, a linoone started making odd noises. It was staring at Absol and shivering in fear - so it should. Before he went in for the kill though, the kid noticed him and pointed him out. Absol had to flee to avoid getting any more interest. He decided to do this slowly.

    One day he was watching the kid when his disaster sense went off. There would be a tree falling over on someone. His maw twisted into a sadistic grin as he stepped out, looking at the kid who was a bit older then, his face blank as he stared at the kid.

    Then came a scream. Absol took his chance and fled, cackling as he left. He got word that the kid that had been crushed by the tree was dead. Perfect. The kid began calling him Reaper - an appropriate name really.

    There were only a few more times that he visited that kid again. Once to the sense of an exploding bus - that killed his sister. The second was the sense of a well - the water killed his beloved vulpix. And finally, it was the kids turn.

    He was in a bad shape. Not allowed to leave his bed, the kid was slowly dying. Reaper thought it was best to kill him now, after all, all the other kills had been traumatizing, why shouldn't this one? He found his way to the roof that was looking into the window the kid's bed was on. He stood there for a while, watching him. Then he finally saw him. The kid looked at him with faint recognition. Reaper smiled - he knew what was coming. Bunching his muscles, Reaper jumped.

    The glass shattered as he jumped, landing on the ground beside the kid with a growl. He slowly walked up beside him, his grin growing ever bigger. Finally he was up at the kids head. On his travels he had found a small clock on a gold chain necklace that he had hanging loosely from his neck. The clock tocked loudly, counting the seconds. After the twentieth tock, Reaper attacked.

    Lifting one paw, the claws were shrouded in shadows as he prepared a Shadow Claw. He then dug one deep gouge into his chest. Blood spilled over his paw as the human gurgled with the blood that was travelling up his windpipe - too out of it to scream. This made Reaper mad. He gouged deeper and finally got the sweet sound. His prey screamed, and screamed and screamed. Reaper started cackling, before bringing his paw out of the boy's chest, holding his still beating heart. The kid watched with fading eyes as Reaper watched the heart shudder and stop. By then the kid was dead. Reaper gorged himself on the sweet flavor, before jumping onto the corpse and shredding it, his claws painted with the blood. Reaper then left, and all they found was a bloody mess, not evidence of there ever being a human on the bed.

    Then the Epidemic hit. Most pokemon hate it, but Reaper loved it. He began wandering the regions, wondering what mayhem he could create while he went around - after all, it was so fun to mess with another 'mons family, then watch them ask why. Reaper was going to like it here
    Appearance Dark blue skin adorned by soft white fur frames a slender, but well muscled body, it's blood red eyes shining with sadistic glee. A wide smile eerily splits it's head into a distorted grin, the fangs glistening with the intent to kill. Reaper awaits the time to strike.

    Reaper looks like your average Absol, however his eyes and creepy grin giveaway underlying thoughts. His pupils are dilated and small, and his eyes dart this way and that looking for his next kill. He has a small clock on a gold chain necklace that sits around his neck, which he has a habit of using a paw to flick it back and forth while muttering. His coat is sometimes seen drenched in blood as he has a habit of rolling in his victim's blood before fleeing the scene.
    Personality Extremely unstable mentally, he often says things like "Tick tock goes the clock, you're gonna die." He often giggles hysterically, and sometimes bursts into fits of maniacal laughter. He finds the suffering of others amusing and he will often sing songs for no apparent reason. He is evil, dangerous and he does not trust anyone. He will watch the world burn at his paws if he could, and he would do it with a smile on his face and a bounce to his step.
    User Notes -Based on the Absol Creepypsata
    -Often stutters when he speaks
    -Completely revamping this profile

    Last edited by Duma on Tue Mar 22, 2022 12:12 pm; edited 7 times in total

    Age : 25
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    Reaper the creepy sadistic Absol [Floater] Empty Re: Reaper the creepy sadistic Absol [Floater]

    Post by Duma Sat Jul 19, 2014 4:33 am

    Ready for Approval!

    Age : 37
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    Reaper the creepy sadistic Absol [Floater] Empty Re: Reaper the creepy sadistic Absol [Floater]

    Post by Suicune Sat Jul 19, 2014 4:52 pm

    I have an issue with the watch. They have paws, so he couldn't grasp it, and any running or attacking with a watch dangling from its' wrist would cause some issues.
    Perhaps if you moved it to his neck, as a necklace of some sort, I would approve.


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    Age : 25
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    Reaper the creepy sadistic Absol [Floater] Empty Re: Reaper the creepy sadistic Absol [Floater]

    Post by Duma Sat Jul 19, 2014 8:55 pm

    Mkay~ I'll see if I can get that now

    Age : 25
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    Reaper the creepy sadistic Absol [Floater] Empty Re: Reaper the creepy sadistic Absol [Floater]

    Post by Duma Sun Jul 20, 2014 12:36 am

    Fixed and ready for checking again~

    Age : 37
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    Reaper the creepy sadistic Absol [Floater] Empty Re: Reaper the creepy sadistic Absol [Floater]

    Post by Suicune Mon Jul 21, 2014 1:02 pm

    Thank you, approved.


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