Welcome to New Johto;
This is what remains of the region after the virus hit.
Undead pokemon lurk behind every corner, infest every city, haunt every cave.
Dark Days are Ahead...
Will you survive?


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    Meltdown the Infected Heatmor


    Meltdown the Infected Heatmor Empty Meltdown the Infected Heatmor

    Post by Guest Wed Sep 07, 2011 5:48 pm

    Meltdown the Infected Heatmor Infected_heatmor_by_argentum_zeena-d48vwfd

    Name: Meltdown

    Species: Heatmor

    Approximate time of infection: A week or two ago

    Known Moves:
    -Flame Burst
    -Heat Wave (bred)
    -Bug Bite

    Height: 4'9"

    Weight: 128 lbs

    History: Meltdown was once the beloved pet of a poor, elderly couple. He was a 50th aniversary gift they had gotten for eachother. They needed him because they were too poor to afford a heater. They would wake up in the morning with his heat by their side, and go to bed in the evening with him as well.

    Life continued like this for a few years. When the infection had hit, Meltdown's family had been left behind by the rest of humanity. So they remained in their little cottage in the woods. When the infected Pokemon reached their cottage Meltdown's owners died of shock. Upset that these Pokemon had ruined his happy life, Meltdown fought them. He fought long and hard, but in the end he lost.

    As an undead, Meltdown is similar to a nuclear reactor on constant meltdown. The area around him (within 3 meters) feels like the heat of an oven that has just been opened. He is always looking for more fuel, feeling that his internal fire is weakening (it's really stronger than it was in life). Because of this, he is attracted to fire-types the most.

    User Notes: - His name isn't really Meltdown, it's just what his victims describe him as.
    - His eyes have permanently rolled up in his head.


    Age : 37
    Posts : 4642

    Meltdown the Infected Heatmor Empty Re: Meltdown the Infected Heatmor

    Post by Suicune Thu Sep 08, 2011 10:11 pm

    Very nice.
    You have a variety of teams to choose from.


    Founding Admin


    Meltdown the Infected Heatmor Empty Re: Meltdown the Infected Heatmor

    Post by Guest Fri Sep 09, 2011 2:15 am

    I'll take Alph team, please!

    Meltdown the Infected Heatmor Empty Re: Meltdown the Infected Heatmor

    Post by Guest Fri Sep 09, 2011 3:13 am

    Oh...oh god...
    Lia is totally toast. D8
    BTW nice infected.:3

    Meltdown the Infected Heatmor Empty Re: Meltdown the Infected Heatmor

    Post by Guest Sat Sep 10, 2011 9:13 pm

    Nice infected. like fire-type eh? Lalita will have to be careful.

    one question though, if his eyes are permanently rolled into his head, wouldn't that make him blind?

    Meltdown the Infected Heatmor Empty Re: Meltdown the Infected Heatmor

    Post by Guest Sat Sep 10, 2011 9:48 pm

    Thank you! Hehe, yeah. At least there's just one move that will do significant damage to her.

    Yes, he's blind. However, in my mind, he functions like a pit viper, "seeing" the heat of things around him through smell.

    Meltdown the Infected Heatmor Empty Re: Meltdown the Infected Heatmor

    Post by Guest Sun Sep 11, 2011 12:07 am

    Strewth, good idea. I'll have to remember that is I ever make a blind character.

    And that'd mean Fire-types or anything with a high-body temperature would glow like a star.

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