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4 posters

    Striker the Nincada (Any, Hoenn)


    Striker the Nincada (Any, Hoenn) Empty Striker the Nincada (Any, Hoenn)

    Post by Guest Fri Nov 02, 2012 9:47 pm

    Striker the Nincada (Any, Hoenn) Strike12

    Name- Striker
    Text Color- #993241
    Item - Everstone
    Gender - Boy
    Age - Adolescent
    Species - #290 Nincada, the Trainee Pokemon
    Height -
    Weight - 11.6 pounds
    Pokédex Entry - It grows underground, sensing its surroundings using antennae instead of its virtually blind eyes.
    Level - 33
    Ability - Compoundeyes
    Nature - Serious
    Characteristic - Highly persistent.
    Moves - X-Scissor (TM)- False Swipe - Fury Swipe- Dig (TM)
    History- Striker was caught by an aspiring Trainer. Striker was that Trainer's first Pokemon, and he felt proud. He always stood by his Trainer's side, trying to knockout any other Trainer's Pokemon. Whenever the Trainer caught a Pokemon, they would be battled against Striker. Striker enjoyed the constant attention, the thrill of battling. That fact compensated for how slowly he leveled up. Then the infection happened. The day the infection started, the Trainer was going to a Gym battle in Unova. Right on the route to the ferry, the Trainer encountered a Lampent acting oddly.The trainer decided to catch it and sent out Striker to battle it. Striker had dodged the first Flamethrower sent at him, but it had burned half of the Trainer. The pokeball Striker was caught in was destroyed, and Striker had run away. He couldn't help his Trainer, and would have been infected or worse if he stayed. Now, he roams around Hoenn to take revenge on all infected Pokemon.
    Appearance- A Nincada with red eyes and an Everstone in a little pouch around his neck.
    Personality- Smart, sometimes sarcastic, always trying to make others happy.
    User Notes- He has red eyes, instead of green.

    Last edited by sporedragon34 on Thu Dec 06, 2012 8:40 pm; edited 6 times in total

    Striker the Nincada (Any, Hoenn) Empty Re: Striker the Nincada (Any, Hoenn)

    Post by Guest Sat Nov 03, 2012 11:26 am

    Ready to be approved.

    Striker the Nincada (Any, Hoenn) Empty Re: Striker the Nincada (Any, Hoenn)

    Post by Guest Sat Nov 03, 2012 11:45 am

    Psst...the characteristic should be something like this.

    I made the same mistake. XD Hope that helped a bit.

    Striker the Nincada (Any, Hoenn) Empty Re: Striker the Nincada (Any, Hoenn)

    Post by Guest Sat Nov 03, 2012 2:35 pm

    Thanks. That really did help!

    Age : 29
    Posts : 2679

    Striker the Nincada (Any, Hoenn) Empty Re: Striker the Nincada (Any, Hoenn)

    Post by Dandelion Sat Nov 03, 2012 3:12 pm

    Welcome to EJ! I hope to see you in the RP. c:
    Okay, lets get this fixed up for Mewtwo! Looks pretty good but needs a few changes:

    His name, Striker, needs to have a line for it like this
    Name - Striker

    All the lines should be separated by spaces so its a bit easier for to read like this:

    Name -

    Age -

    Gender -

    It does say its a temporary image in the User Notes, but put ((Temporary Image)) under the picture as well, and center it with [*center]YourUrlHere[/center] without the asterisk.
    It cant have a the white background on it, try asking in the Artists Alley if they will remove it for you.

    He knows False Swipe twice, I think you meant Fury Swipes for one of those. c:

    Annndd, he needs a team. It says he's still in his home region in his history, so maybe put him on a Hoenn team?
    You can find open Hoenn teams here.
    Once you choose one, in the title after his name put (Team Name, Region).

    Hope this helps ^ ^;

    Last edited by Cinderspark on Sat Nov 03, 2012 4:31 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : Grammatical Errors)

    Posts : 391

    Striker the Nincada (Any, Hoenn) Empty Re: Striker the Nincada (Any, Hoenn)

    Post by Ho-Oh Sat Nov 03, 2012 5:50 pm

    I have moved it to the profile computer like you wish, but i suggest taking out the "(WIP)" bit from the title and adding in the team/region you wish instead. Otherwise Mewtwo may overlook your character thinking it belongs in the WIP section.

    I also recomend adding to the history. Our minimum is 2 paragraphs, and although it looks like two sections, each of those look a bit short.... I would suggest elaborating on his relationship with his trainer, or the incident where his trainer got killed.

    Striker the Nincada (Any, Hoenn) Empty Re: Striker the Nincada (Any, Hoenn)

    Post by Guest Sat Nov 03, 2012 10:38 pm

    it isn't [*center]dfhfg[ center] it is [center ]djgv[/ center] without the space.

    Posts : 2477

    Striker the Nincada (Any, Hoenn) Empty Re: Striker the Nincada (Any, Hoenn)

    Post by Zapdos Sat Nov 03, 2012 10:40 pm

    I have gone ahead and fixed the centering for you. B)

    Posts : 3650

    Striker the Nincada (Any, Hoenn) Empty Re: Striker the Nincada (Any, Hoenn)

    Post by Mewtwo Mon Nov 12, 2012 8:29 am


    Welcome to EJ.


    Striker the Nincada (Any, Hoenn) 3Br5nS6

    Striker the Nincada (Any, Hoenn) ZGD0iWwAdmin - Profiles, PlotStriker the Nincada (Any, Hoenn) UugYyDK

    Posts : 391

    Striker the Nincada (Any, Hoenn) Empty Re: Striker the Nincada (Any, Hoenn)

    Post by Ho-Oh Mon Nov 12, 2012 2:27 pm

    Seeing as the location was ANY in Hoenn, Striker the Nincada has been placed on the SKY TEAM in Hoenn). And is after the Quilava in the posting cycle.

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    Striker the Nincada (Any, Hoenn) Empty Re: Striker the Nincada (Any, Hoenn)

    Post by Sponsored content

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