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8 posters

    The WHIRL Team


    The WHIRL Team - Page 12 Empty Re: The WHIRL Team

    Post by Guest Sun Oct 14, 2012 8:39 pm

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    Whirl Islands | Early Afternoon (12)

    When Raz awoke he noticed the Scraggy looked angry, and ready to fight. Raz backed up thinking about his mother's words, "Stay alive for us...", he really missed her, but then a thought came to Raz's head, If she loved me so much, why would she want me alive longer and be further away, instead of me dying and going to her? He didn't really care much for his father because he always seemed so distant, probably thats were Raz got it from. So, to do as "Mommy" said, he backed against the wall trying to stay away from the evil Pokemon called undead. Raz started walking away slowly then gradually started jogging away.

    Raz didn't think it was the best idea to leave Jiru, but it was the closest to safety. Raz started up a Synthesis to shed some light on the situation. Not being Jiru really, dimmed the area. Raz kept walking on and on and it felt like forever. Every once and awhile he came across wild Geodude and Raz defeated the with a Razor Leaf. Raz soon leveled up and was now level 16. He was just walking until... Grrrrriiiiihhhhhhhh. Raz thought of what that sound could be. Suddenly a thought came to his head, UNDEAD!! Raz screamed!

    Age : 29
    Posts : 1078

    The WHIRL Team - Page 12 Empty Re: The WHIRL Team

    Post by SkeletonCupcake Thu Oct 18, 2012 8:47 pm

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    Whirl Islands | Early Afternoon(5)

    The twins couldn't help but giggle at the rage of the Charmeleon. They enjoyed seeing him like this, it meant they might actually get a chance to fight and injure someone that had been associated with the one that killed their 'father'. "What do you want!?" The Charmeleon growled at them. They giggled again, looking at each other with devilish gleams in their eyes.

    "We already said what we wanted a while back, to make you smile; permanently." They replied. Of course the mischievous Scraggys also wanted revenge among other things the pair of them believed no one else needed to know that. After all it was their own little personal goal. It would have made them even more estatic if they could have had the pleasure of killing all those associated with their 'fathers' murderer but they would settle for at the very least, maiming and injuring the Charmeleon.

    (short post is short and lazy, Darastrix you have my permission to have Jiru make a hit on them as long as it is not fatal.)

    Age : 31
    Posts : 566

    The WHIRL Team - Page 12 Empty Re: The WHIRL Team

    Post by Storm Sun Oct 21, 2012 2:25 pm

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    Whirl Islands, Early Afternoon

    "We already said what we wanted a while back, to make you smile; permanently." They both said in unison, and Jiru just clenched his teeth. He didn't want to smile, he hardly ever smiled anymore. Though they couldn't be as back as that clown from earlier.
    Looked at his side, to where Raz was only to find that he was not longer there. The dame grass type fled! Jiru thought, just getting angrier.
    He thought he could count on the grass starter to have hid back, and at least with him around it would have been an even fight, but it looked as though he was on his own.

    Jiru let out a growl before he took in a deep breath. He wanted to end this soon, he really wasn't in the mood to deal with them for as long as he had to deal with that mr.mime.
    Jiru only knew long range attacks, so that was what he had to work with to fight off these infected.
    Jiru's tail flame grew in size before he let lose a Dragon Rage on the two scraggy.
    The blue energy erupted from the Charmeleons mouth, and hit the ground just at the scraggy's feet, sending up rocks and stone that battered the scraggy from below.
    Jiru didn't know why he had aimed there and not directly at them, but he just figured this way he would still hit them even if they tried to dodge.

    The WHIRL Team - Page 12 Empty Re: The WHIRL Team

    Post by Guest Mon Oct 22, 2012 8:34 pm

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    Whirl Islands | Early Afternoon (13)

    It was scary being by yourself in a cave full of almost complete darkness. Raz was so tempted to go back to Jiru, but something about the Scraggy said, "GO AWAY!". So, as in every battle Raz has been in, he got into his battle stance. Soon two undead Geodudes came around the corner and spotted Raz. Here we go! Raz thought. Raz immediately used Razor Leaf and K.O.ed one of them. The other one used Self-Destruct and almost knocked Raz out. Raz the used Synthesis to regain health. Raz continued walking in the direction as before. He was so tempted to turn around and go help Jiru, but his Fear over ruled his Courage. Pretty fast came a short little passage of water. Raz jumped in and swam to the other side. When he got out he noticed he Miracle Seed was MISSING!

    ((OoC: Short POST IS Short!!!!))

    Age : 29
    Posts : 1078

    The WHIRL Team - Page 12 Empty Re: The WHIRL Team

    Post by SkeletonCupcake Tue Oct 23, 2012 1:06 pm

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    Whirl Islands | Early Afternoon (6)

    The twins were easily knocked off balance or Deidra fell and Delila was knocked back slightly. "Ouch that actually hurt." Deidra hissed as she got back to her feet her voice thick with sarcasm. Though damaged the infection didn't really give them a chance to register the pain within their minds so they would probably end up fighting to or near death. Without bothering to regain their previous stance they still stood side by side.

    Delila's fists balled and crackled as she prepared a Thunder Punch while her twin Deidra seemingly did nothing aside from standing there, grinning. Delila's and Deidra's expressions were both filled with malicious intent however Deidra's face seemed to be more taunting as if she were trying to force Jiru into a further state of rage. While Delila charged at the Charmeleon head on with her Thunder Punch her sister proceeded to tauntingly mock him by making rude faces.

    To most pokemon Deidra's taunting would be nothing more than childish however due to her moveset it was actually useful. As she happened to be using the move Swagger on Jiru in an attempt to force him into a rage induced confusion, though it was a risky choice as it would make him stronger.

    (Left Delila's attack open as well as Deidra's choice of using Swagger for Darastrix to decide)


    Age : 31
    Posts : 566

    The WHIRL Team - Page 12 Empty Re: The WHIRL Team

    Post by Storm Fri Oct 26, 2012 9:38 pm

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    Whirl Islands || Early Afternoon

    Jiru was prepared to take the Thunder Punch as the Scraggy charged at him, though it was hard to ignore the faces that the other one was making.
    He tried to keep his attention to the one coming at him, though his eyes kept darting to the other, and in a few moments, he started to feel himself get stronger.
    It took him awhile before he realized the other one was using Swagger on him. He started to feel a little confused.

    Before he knew it, Jiru felt a jolt of electricity hit him, sending him backwards. Skidding on the cold stone, though his head was killing him, and his vision was playing tricks on him.
    This wasn't the first time he was confused, and this wasn't going to be the last, but he hated it. Shaking his head, he tried to snap out of it, but it was always a pain.
    Trying to take aim on them, though he really didn't know if he was even looking in the right direction, he took in a deep breath before letting out a Flamethrower.

    ((Up to you if it hits them or not Ember.))

    The WHIRL Team - Page 12 Empty Re: The WHIRL Team

    Post by Guest Sat Oct 27, 2012 3:37 pm

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    Whirl Islands | Early Afternoon (14)

    Raz went into a panic looking for his Miracle Seed. Was it in the water, or...or was it on the other side? What if it fell off while battling the undead? It all hurt Raz's head and before he knew, he passed out. When he awoke, it seemed that his stomach was angry and that it needed something in it. Was that the reason he fainted? He needed to find food. ~gggggggrrrrrrrrrr~ His stomach made a growlish/rumbly noise that made Raz jump. So Raz went to look for some food and his Miracle Seed. Without either of them he would surely die. ~GGggggrrrrrrrrr~ His stomach noise growled again. Raz was super hungry he could eat 1,000 Oran Berries. MMMMMMmmmmmmm, Raz thought, Berriesssss. Raz went for a dip to see if there were any clams at the bottom, he didn't want raw clam meat...again, but he had to. Suddenly, he spotted his Miracle Seed at the water's floor. He went up for air and dove back in. He snagged the Seed and went up for more air. When he reached the top, he flipped the necklace on and did a lap for joy. The fun was ended quickly as a swarm of unde...no alive Golbats attacked Raz shouting, YOU WILL DIE! YOU WILL DIE! Raz sunk into the water as a Tentacruel appeared and helped him. It used Ice Beam and half of them fainted, all the time yelling, Back off ye' scoundrels'!

    When the fighting ended, Raz thanked the Tentacruel and asked for food, well not asked but begged. Raz happily ate a Sitrus Berry and and swam off shouting back to the nameless Tentacruel, Thank you, Thank you very much! When Raz gave a final wave and look at Nameless, his nickname, he saw him being devoured by undead. He wanted to save him but quickly fled.

    Age : 31
    Posts : 566

    The WHIRL Team - Page 12 Empty Re: The WHIRL Team

    Post by Storm Tue Oct 30, 2012 6:58 pm

    ((Skip, can't do much without Ember here. And sorry for the lateness, I hadn't noticed Ember was in the safehouse.))

    The WHIRL Team - Page 12 Empty Re: The WHIRL Team

    Post by Guest Thu Nov 01, 2012 6:22 pm

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    Whirl Islands | Early Afternoon (15)

    Ohhhh... I feel so baaaaaaaad. Raz moaned quietly, He was so nice why didn't I save him? Raz couldn't live with the guilt, Leaving Nameless behind and leaving Jiru behind with those terrible Scraggy. Then, an idea came to Raz, swim off the islands, leave Jiru behind. The tiny voice inside him was saying don't do it, a neutral volume voice was saying, swim to where the cave was that you and Jiru entered, but the big loud voice said DO IT, HE DOESN"T LIKE YOU ANYWAY! Raz decided with the neutral voice, he will swim all the way to the island that he was shipwrecked on first.

    Raz dipped his foot in to see if it was cold, then jumped in. He was swimming and swimming. Then, an undead came from behind him and took him by surprise! It bit him and Raz blacked out. Raz woke up to a vigorous shaking from Nameless. You hit your head under water and was knocked out. He said, I defeated the Golbat, and put you up on land. Raz thanked him and asked for food, knowing he isn't asleep this time. Instead of heading outside, Raz started heading back the way he came. The dream he had, felt so real. Maybe it wasn't a dream at all, but a vision.

    Age : 31
    Posts : 566

    The WHIRL Team - Page 12 Empty Re: The WHIRL Team

    Post by Storm Fri Nov 02, 2012 3:49 pm

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    Whirl Islands || Early Afternoon

    Jiru had no idea if his attack had hit or not, but he was really starting to get tired of the Scraggies tricks. He let out a rawr of rage and anger before slamming his head of the side of the cave.
    That was probably the worst thing the Charmeleon could have done, cause now his ears where ringing, and his head throbbing as well as his vision still a little blurred, but it seemed to have done what it was meant to do, it snapped him out of his confusion.
    He really wasn't in the mood to take on these two delinquents on his own, his best bet was to find Raz, beat some sense into him, and then take them on again when he had a partner instead of taking them on alone. He wasn't stupid.

    "As fun as this has been, I have a Beyleef to find." He growled at the Scraggy before taking in a deep breath and letting lose his smokescreen. He was glade he chose not to forget the move, it come's in handy when your in a pinch.
    Under the cover of the smoke, he made a run for it down one of the tunnels, not really caring which, just as long as it got the scraggy of his tail for the time being. At least enough time for him to find Raz and give him a piece of his mind. That grass type was going to wish he hadn't left him like that, that was for sure.

    The WHIRL Team - Page 12 Empty Re: The WHIRL Team

    Post by Guest Fri Nov 02, 2012 6:49 pm

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    Whirl Islands | Early Afternoon (16)

    Raz was running to see if Jiru was still alive. If he was, he was sure he'd get a beating, if he wasn't.... that would be too sad for Raz to think about. He ran into many living Pokemon who wanted to battle and he defeated them. He was getting good at thinking of strategy and was knocking them out here and there. He grew to level 17 very easily and felt more powerful. Why was it so hard for Jiru but so hard for him? Was it he was a lower level? Or, is he a better battler? Maybe it was the type difference. Raz was running, stopping for a breath, running again, stopping again. He almost ran into a bright light that turned out to be a Pokemon.

    Hi, Raz said..., JIRU! He was so happy to see someone he knew, if only Nameless was here. He was about to cuddle up next to him, but stopped in his tracks. He saw the look in Jiru's eyes, pure anger. His tail fire almost touching the cave ceiling. What? I guess I'm sorry for leaving, just the Scraggy looked at me and that looked like "Leave...now."

    Age : 31
    Posts : 566

    The WHIRL Team - Page 12 Empty Re: The WHIRL Team

    Post by Storm Sun Nov 04, 2012 6:32 pm

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    Whirl Islands || Early Afternoon

    Jiru looked behind him and was glade to see that the Scraggy weren't following him, he even managed to crack a grin, though it was soon gone when he heard his name, in the voice of someone he was extremely pissed at.
    "JIRU!" Raz shouted as he se him running up to him, though anger flashed in his eyes, though he didn't look to happy to see him when he saw the anger in Jiru's eyes, and the fire on his tail showed the anger with his eyes.
    "Raz!" Jiru growled before he raised his arm and swung it at the Bayleef, bunching Raz in the side of the face. Not enough to knock him out or break anything, but hard enough that it would hurt.
    "You fucking bastard! How could you leave me back there like that to face those two Scraggy alone." He yelled, obviously angry, his deep blue eye's betrayed no hint of joy at seeing the grass type again. "I should fucking kill you right now for what you did!"
    Jiru had never been so angry in his like, nor had he ever used that word before. It seemed he was angry enough not to even watch what he was saying. "Run off like that again when where facing an enemy, and it wont just be the undead you have to worry about."

    Jiru didn't say anything more as he stared at Raz, hoping he got the message loud and clear and wouldn't pull something like that again.
    With a stunt he pulled, Jiru didn't think of Raz as much of a friend anymore. Friends didn't leave there friends behind to die when they just wanted to live. They would have stayed and fought with them, regardless. Jiru really though the Bayleef was different then that.
    Turning around he began to walk down a different tunnel then the one he or Raz had come from. "Come on." He said with a look over his shoulder. Though he didn't really care if the Bayleef followed him or not.

    ((Had permission to punch Raz from Spencer.))

    The WHIRL Team - Page 12 Empty Re: The WHIRL Team

    Post by Guest Sun Nov 04, 2012 9:25 pm

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    Whirl Islands | Early Afternoon (17)

    Raz did deserve the punch, he would've done the same thing if it were switched. I am soooo sorry Jiru, can we please be friends still, Raz said catching up to Jiru. If they weren't friends anymore, Raz would have to kill himself. He considered Jiru a caring Pokemon who lost many friends. Raz wanted to find a way to repay Jiru for what he'd done, like let him defeat Raz a few times, so he could evolve. That would be good for both of them, then they could get off the Islands.

    Raz decided to go with the plans. Jiru, Raz looked at him with pleading eyes, I want to still be your friend, so you can defeat me, not kill me, but defeat me until you evolve. That is how I show my apologies. Please accept. Remember not to kill me, okay.

    ((OoC: I give permission for Jiru to do anything he wants to to Raz.))

    Age : 29
    Posts : 1078

    The WHIRL Team - Page 12 Empty Re: The WHIRL Team

    Post by SkeletonCupcake Thu Nov 08, 2012 1:15 am

    (tossing my skips around like a salad, as much as I don't want, I feel depressed, tired and unmotivated to do much beyond stare at my ceiling until I pass out. Might drop my characters back in the Safe House until I feel better if I have to skip too much.)

    Age : 31
    Posts : 566

    The WHIRL Team - Page 12 Empty Re: The WHIRL Team

    Post by Storm Mon Nov 12, 2012 5:03 pm

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    Whirl Islands || Early Afternoon

    "I am soooo sorry Jiru, can we please be friends still," Raz pleaded as he followed behind the Charmeleon, and Jiru did nothing but give him a glance over his shoulder.
    The Bayleef still wanted to be friend even after he abandoned him to face his death, no, he wasn't going to forgive the grass type so easily, it would take a lot more then just saying sorry for Jiru to forgive what he did. If it had been the other way around, Jiru would have stayed and fought, not run like a cowered.

    "Jiru, I want to still be your friend, so you can defeat me, not kill me, but defeat me until you evolve. That is how I show my apologies. Please accept. Remember not to kill me, okay." Raz said, and it somewhat surprised Jiru as he stopped and gave him a look that just read 'are you serious?'
    "Thanks, but no thanks. Though you have no idea how much I would love to pound you into the ground, I'm not about to." Jiru said as he turned around to look at the Bayleef face to face. "Beside's, I would get a lot more experience fighting pokemon I'm weak against. You think you can back me up in a fight like that?"
    He cared little about the Bayleefs answer before he once again started to walk down the path, looking around for anything strong enough that he could fight and gain levels from.

    The WHIRL Team - Page 12 Empty Re: The WHIRL Team

    Post by Guest Mon Nov 12, 2012 6:13 pm

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    Whirl Islands | Early Afternoon (18)

    "Thanks, but no thanks. Though you have no idea how much I would love to pound you into the ground, I'm not about to." Jiru said as he turned around to look at the Bayleef face to face. "Beside's, I would get a lot more experience fighting Pokemon I'm weak against. You think you can back me up in a fight like that?" Raz was happy that Jiru hadn't done what he had asked but sad at the same time. If he had done it, Raz would be seriously injured. But, since he didn't do it, he will still not like him very much which will make things very awkward between them, if things weren't already at extreme awkwardness. Finally, Raz answered, I will never leave your side unless you beg me, I seriously doubt that will ever happen, so I'll never leave your side again. Raz said with a serious tone, Also I will back you up in any fight even against Water Poison types like a Tentacruel. The thought of a Tentacruel made him want to cry about Nameless, but he continued, Although I would be extremely scared, I'll do it. It looked like Jiru didn't even pay attention because a rampaging stampede of Geodude came around the corner and he didn't even notice until Raz shouted shakily, Awwww, come on!

    Age : 31
    Posts : 566

    The WHIRL Team - Page 12 Empty Re: The WHIRL Team

    Post by Storm Thu Nov 15, 2012 6:01 pm

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    Whirl Islands || Early Afternoon

    Jiru nodded at the Bayleefs reply as they continued on through the cave. He didn't have much to say to Raz, or he would have tried to make conversation.
    They didn't really walk very far before the ground under there feet began to shake vigorously. Was it an earthquake? No, it couldn't be one, though it wouldn't he unnatural for one to be taking place in these caves since they always seemed rather unstable.
    Jiru turned to Raz before looking ahead of where they where going, and his eyes widened as a large group of Geodude began to stampede around the corner and in there direction.

    "Awwww, come on!" Jiru hear Raz cry out as the Geodude closed the distance between them. There was no way they could take on this many, but maybe he could scare them into turning around.
    Jiru took in a deep breath before firing a Flame Burst at the Geodude. Though it didn't seem to even faze them.
    "Ok, how about this." He said before using his Dragon Rage.
    Jiru could hear a lot of them shout in surprise at the sudden attack, they had even slowed down a few. Though he did manage to knock some of them out.
    "It's to narrow here, we need to find someplace where we can move around better." Jiru said as he turned to face Raz. "Let's try and get back to the cave we where just in, we should be able to move better there." He added as he started to run down the cave they had just come from.

    The WHIRL Team - Page 12 Empty Re: The WHIRL Team

    Post by Guest Thu Nov 15, 2012 6:29 pm

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    Whirl Islands | Early Afternoon (19)

    Raz watched a the Charmeleon let out a Flame Burst that didn't even effect the Geodudes, but countered that weak move with a Dragon Rage. "It's to narrow here, we need to find someplace where we can move around better." Jiru said as he turned to face Raz. "Let's try and get back to the cave we where just in, we should be able to move better there." Jiru said as he started to run. Raz stood his ground. No Jiru, I will stay, just remember that...that you are like the older brother I never had. Raz let out a multitude of Razor Leaves and bombarded the Geodudes, they were dropping, fainting everywhere. Raz had to protect Jiru so he will be his friend again. The anger the became of him inside at the Geodude was excruciating . It was so bad that a power had awoken in him, He stomped the ground, hard. Suddenly, giant tree trunks spouted from the ground and destroyed most, almost all, the Geodudes. He, had just used Frenzy Plant

    ((OoC: I hope it is okay that I used Frenzy Plant, If not, I will re-write it.))

    Age : 31
    Posts : 566

    The WHIRL Team - Page 12 Empty Re: The WHIRL Team

    Post by Storm Sun Nov 18, 2012 3:11 am

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    Whirl Islands || Early Afternoon

    It seemed Raz was going to play stubborn and not retreat. Jiru wasn’t sure if it was really stubbornness or just him being plain stupid, be the Bayleef attacked with a Razor Leaf, which managed to knock out some of them.
    “What a crazy kid.” Jiru said to himself as he turned once again to fight the approaching Geodude. Though he hadn’t expected the next attack that the Bayleed used.
    Roots began to shoot out of the ground in a fray and taking down almost all of the Geodude. Jiru watched with amazment at the use of the strongest grass type attack. He had never seen it before, but he was impressed by it’s power. Frenzy Plant was an attack that only the grass starters could learn, just as Blast Burn was a move only the fire starters could learn, and Jiru planned to try and learn it, someday.

    There were still some Geodude remaining, and the Charmeleon wasn’t going to let this chance get away. They where dazed from what had just happened, and now was his time to strike.
    Jiru took in a deep breath, the deepest he had ever taken before he blew out the largest flame he had ever made in a searing Flamethrower attack that even Raz would have gotten caught in had Jiru not stepped forward a few feet so that the grass type wouldn’t get caught in the blaze.
    The heat was immense, and he could hear the Geodude’s panicked cries as there stone bodies began to melt from the scorching heat. Jiru did nothing to cool down the flames, and tried as best he could to block out there cries for help. In a matter of moments, all was silent.

    When Jiru stopped his flame he was breathing heavily, as though the burst has taken it’s toll on him. His tail flame had even shrunk in size, and what lay before him lay the melted remains of rock types and small patches of fire and burning rock, as though a volcano had just erupted in the cavern.
    “That takes care of them.” Jiru said as he straitened up and stretched, though a sudden strange feeling came over him then, one he hadn’t felt in awhile.
    Jiru looked down at his claws as his body began to light up. “I can’t believe that did it.” Jiru said as his body became engulfed in light.
    Jiru could feel his figure getting larger, as well as new limbs forming out of his back, one’s which would become his wings for flight. Though evolution had a slight painful moment, it was all worth it in the end, for when it was over, he would be stronger then he was before.

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    The light around him soon faded, and the cavern felt smaller then it was before, to small for him to stretch out his newfound wings.
    Jiru looked over his shoulder and smiled at the Bayleef behind him. Overjoyed that he had finally reached his goal in becoming a Charizard, now all that was left was to get off this Lugia forsaken island and back to the mainland. At least out that way there was more to do, instead of in here when they didn’t have much room to move.
    “Come on, let’s go back and find that cave with the ocean view.” Jiru said as he turned around and began to once again walk down the path they had just come from.

    The WHIRL Team - Page 12 Empty Re: The WHIRL Team

    Post by Guest Sun Nov 18, 2012 11:35 am

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    Whirl Islands | Early Afternoon (20)

    Everything was a daze after Raz had used Frenzy Plant. Was he recharging, everything ached and Raz stumbled to the left. His sight was blurry, he kept looking around until it finally stopped. He watched in amazement when Jiru let loose the strongest Flamethrower he had ever seen. Raz felt the extreme heat, even though he was behind Jiru. Raz watched with a smirk at the remaining melting Geodudes. Then the most unexpected thing, but the most expected thing happened, Jiru evolved.

    Raz wished his vision was still blurry, at least he wouldn't be half blind. Raz said, Wow. We both just got a lot stronger, me with my Frenzy Plant and you with your evolution. Haha, this is so cool. Then a thought came to Raz's head, THEY CAN FINALLY LEAVE THIS DREADED ISLAND/ISLANDS. Raz kept hopping in circles cheering, We get to leave, We get to leave. He stopped slowly though as Jiru said, “Come on, let’s go back and find that cave with the ocean view.” Raz ran up to Jiru's new body. It was bigger and better and...stronger. Raz started to run ahead of Jiru and kept going. He stopped and waited for Jiru then ran again. He was so excited to leave, I hope those Scraggy don't come again. Raz thought, It would ruin everything. Raz shuddered at the idea of seeing them again.

    Age : 31
    Posts : 566

    The WHIRL Team - Page 12 Empty Re: The WHIRL Team

    Post by Storm Wed Nov 21, 2012 4:52 pm

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    Whirl Islands || Afternoon

    Jiru felt lost as they continued to wonder around the cave, it’s tunnels all looking the same. He figured that being here for so long he would know his way around by now, but no, he was as lost as any pokemon who just arrived on the island for the first time.
    Jiru thought maybe they should try to pass the time with some conversation while they tried to find the cave. For all he really new they could have passed it a while back. Jiru’s sense of direction was not one to be desired. And not being able to stretch his new wings without hitting the cave walls was also killing him.
    “So, Raz, when did you learn Frenzy Plant? That’s an attack you need a move tutor for, so you must have learned it before the epidemic right?” Jiru asked as he looked over his shoulder to the grass time the followed close behind. “Was it hard learning it?” Jiru knew if it was hard to learn Frenzy Plant, then it was most likely going to be hard to learn Blast Burn. Oh how Jiru wanted to learn that attack so badly, almost as badly as he wanted to learn Eruption.

    The WHIRL Team - Page 12 Empty Re: The WHIRL Team

    Post by Guest Wed Nov 21, 2012 6:14 pm

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    Whirl Islands | Afternoon (21)

    They had been walking for some time now and Raz was tired of running, so he decided to walk with Jiru. Jiru had had a pained look on his face and was straining his wings a lot. Raz was bored and decided to talk to him, but before he said anything Jiru asked, “So, Raz, when did you learn Frenzy Plant? That’s an attack you need a move tutor for, so you must have learned it before the epidemic right? Was it hard learning it?” Raz had completely forgot about his new move, he didn't know it until now though. No... I didn't learn it yet, well not until now. Raz said looking up at the Charizard, It did hurt after using it, I think that was the recharge. Raz didn't know how he learned it. All he felt before using it was pure anger and uncontrollable strength. I think I learned it because, when the Geodude were barely affected by Razor Leaf, I got really angry and couldn't control what I was doing. Jiru must have thought he was crazy. What if Jiru had to find a different path to unlock his Blast Burn, like he has to... go though something extremely hard to save someone. (i.e. Them getting off the Islands)

    Raz had a nearly photographic memory and was headed toward the cave. He ran a little ahead of Jiru and finally found it. Jiru... hey Jiru I found it, the cave, do I get a prize? Can that prize be getting off these Islands? Raz joked happily, but secretly meant it.

    Age : 31
    Posts : 566

    The WHIRL Team - Page 12 Empty Re: The WHIRL Team

    Post by Storm Thu Nov 22, 2012 10:42 pm

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    Whirl Islands || Afternoon

    What Raz was telling was impossible. There was no way one could learn such a strong attack like that without a move tutor, it wasn’t even a TM, or in Bayleef’s, or any grass types move sets either, so he couldn’t have just learned it. He had to have know it beforehand and just forgotten about it till now. That was the only explanation. Anyone else would probably be thinking the same thing.
    Pushing that aside, he continues onward, stretching out his wings every now and again only to feel them hit the cave walls before they could even extend half way, which just made him grumble in disappointment. He wanted nothing more then to try out his new wings. If only those Geodude had appeared just a little closer to the cave with the exit, or maybe he could have tried harder to evolve sooner.

    “Jiru... hey Jiru I found it, the cave, do I get a prize? Can that prize be getting off these Islands?” Raz said as he ran ahead and manage to miraculously find the cave with the ocean view.
    “Wow, nice work Raz.” Jiru said as he stepped into the open, finally able to open his wings to full length which turned into a much needed stretch. “Now we can finally ditch this island.” He added when he was done, flapping his wings a few time to get the feel of his new body parts.
    The wings felt great, like they had been there for years instead of hours. He couldn’t wait to try them out in flight. Jiru turned to Raz, and was somewhat wishing he was still a Chikorita, at least then he would be small enough to carry without any strain, and this was his first flight as well, so it would have been nice to try it with something lighter.

    ((They’ll leave the island my next turn. Cronos, will it be all right for Jiru to pick Raz up next round?))

    The WHIRL Team - Page 12 Empty Re: The WHIRL Team

    Post by Guest Fri Nov 23, 2012 10:50 am

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    Whirl Islands | Afternoon (22)

    They walked out onto the beach and Raz plumped down automatically. When he looked at Jiru to see what to do next, Raz was amazed. Jiru spread his wings and it was marvelous. He looked so strong, no one would want to mess with them. A Charizard whose Flamethrower can melt Geodude, and a Bayleef who knows the ultimate move, Frenzy Plant. Now Raz's mind wandered about what Jiru had said about him probably learning it before the epidemic. Maybe it was true, but his trainer would've told him...right? Maybe that's why Growl never works, he had never had it. Whenever he tried using Growl after and before the epidemic started, it never worked. But then again, why would his trainer never tell him? Never mind, Raz thought, it's pointless now, your trainer isn't here. Raz wanted to fall asleep just as much as he was hungry and wanted to leave. He decided with an exit. Jiru, Raz said, I know you'll be able to carry me, you are super strong now. Also, I'm not that heavy.

    ((OoC: Yes Jiru, that is fine.))

    Age : 31
    Posts : 566

    The WHIRL Team - Page 12 Empty Re: The WHIRL Team

    Post by Storm Tue Nov 27, 2012 4:16 pm

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    Whirl Islands || Afternoon

    Jiru began to flap his wings, and almost immediately took flight. It was a strange feeling, flying for the first time in his life, but it also felt right, as though this was what he was meant to do from the very beginning.
    Before he attempted to pick up Raz, he decided to fly around the cavern a bit, get the hang of steering, cause he really didn’t want to fly them into a mountain, or crash into the ocean, though he knew his landings wouldn’t be perfect anyway.
    Jiru was a natural flyer, circling around the cave like it was nothing before he slowed to a hover over Raz. He slowly decanted till he picked up the Bayleef by his sides and lifted him off the ground.
    Either Jiru was weaker then he looked, or Raz needed to lose a few more pounds. Either way he couldn’t leave the grass type on the island and soon flew out of the cave and up over the ocean.

    Jiru looked down as he flew higher, looking at the swirling water that surrounded the whirl islands. It felt good to finally be off those decollate rocks. They where in the clear now.
    In front of them was Cianwood City, but that’s not where Jiru wanted to go, he made a right turn as was soon on a flight course for the mainland. He didn’t want to get stuck on another island, he wanted to go back to the mainland, maybe to Goldenrod City, since it was right on course. There had to be something there, if not, then they where in for a long walk, cause Jiru didn’t want to carry Raz every time they needed to go somewhere.

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