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    Namdnas the Dissolving Infected Gengar(Canalave, Sinnoh)


    Age : 30
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    Namdnas the Dissolving Infected Gengar(Canalave, Sinnoh) Empty Namdnas the Dissolving Infected Gengar(Canalave, Sinnoh)

    Post by Kaze Fri Jul 13, 2012 8:35 pm

    Namdnas the Dissolving Infected Gengar(Canalave, Sinnoh) 2k4ymt

    Namdnas (pronounced Nam-di-nass)
    Text Color #6633CC
    Item None
    Gender Male
    Age Elder (human 76)
    Time Of Infection 1 month
    Species #o94, Gengar, the gas pokemon
    Height 4'11"
    Weight 89.3lbs
    Pokédex Entry
    It hides in shadows. It is said that if GENGAR is hiding, it cools the area by nearly 10 degrees F. - Diamond
    Level 68 (RP level up)
    Ability Levitate-This Pokémon can not be hit by Ground Type moves
    Nature Gentle
    Characteristic Likes to relax
    Moves - Hypnosis
    - Curse
    - Dream Eater
    - Fire Punch (Tutor)
    History Sit down children, let me tell you a story. A story of what used to be.

    Once upon a time there was a place called Lavender Town. It was a quaint little place with very few people and it was haunted by ghosts. Standing tall and proud over the town was the Pokemon Tower where the bodies of the dead were buried and, some say, their spirits rose again as the Gastly and Haunters that roamed freely there. It was a peaceful place for the ghosts meant no harm to those that did not wish to harm them and their small mischief were no hardship for the people of the town. Rather they loved the reputation their little town had gathered and they loved the playful spirits of the ghost types. It was a peaceful place where the bodies of dead Pokémon could be returned to the ground and their spirits find peace.

    That was what happened to me, many years ago. I barely remember anything of my previous life before the deep purple ball of my spirit rose from the earth that had cradled me; I recall only the soft pressure of her arms holding me and the salty taste of her tears as they fell on my lips.
    It was enough for me to know that I must have been loved and all I need to know of my previous life.
    There was no home like the tower for becoming accustomed to my new form and there was a happy euphoria to being a ghost and granted a second chance at life.
    It was in Lavender Town I was given another chance to be a companion to a trainer. His name was Daniel and he was a native of Lavender Town on his way to start off a pokemon journey; challenging gyms and collecting badges. He stood before me with no pokemon at his side and determination in his eyes. He captured me with the pokeball his father had given to him to capture his first pokemon, a Dusk Ball and he took me with him when he left the Pokemon tower to explore.

    It was an exciting time those first few battles and wins; one I enjoyed with a curious sense of nostalgia. Even though my form was thin and toxic Daniel treated me with the kindness and respect he showed all pokemon. If a Gastly could evolve from happiness I would have. As it was I soon became a powerful Haunter, halfway through our second gym battle. Even though I had known them since they first joined the team Daniel's other pokemon grew afraid of my larger form.
    I did what came naturally to me and put them to sleep whenever they felt panicked and sung them lullabies until they came to accept me for what I was.
    When we won our fourth badge together Daniel bought me a gift, a twist of dark colored cloth that felt soothing against my flickering form. I kept it by my side as a reminder of how fortunate I was to have such a trainer.

    After we won our sixth gym badge sadness visited my life for the first time outside of my dreams. Daniel's absolute determination was one of the things that first endeared me to him yet only days after we left Saffron City Daniel grew sick. Before I didn't think much of the small bleeding scratches on his arms as he had endured much worse from pokemon more intimidating than a skinny red-eyed rattata but when he started coughing red all of us knew he was seriously sick.
    Before he died Daniel released all of his pokemon and they led in fear back into the forests they had came from. I stayed by his side until the end though. I had to.
    He was hurting so much and I knew my oldest friend was beyond the help I could give.
    I softly sang him to sleep and saw his eyes close for the last time as I devoured away his pain and took his dreams into me to preserve forever...

    Oh? You'd rather know about this little war wound of mine? Its not something I would like to talk about, in fact that memory is rather blurred. I was lonely after Daniel died, so very lonely without a friend. It was hard with my light gaseous body but I tried to carry him back, back, back to his hometown and the sacred rest of the tower were I first met him.
    I was attacked in my endeavors but it was inevitable and the scratches and tackles always passed straight through me so I paid them no attention. It was a Houndour that gave me the disease through fangs of fire, although then there was no way of knowing about the disease until I started to do what all ghost types did when they became inflicted. I began to fade, starting from where the creature had bitten my horn but my mind did not deteriorate.
    Or perhaps it has and I have yet to notice...
    I returned to Lavender Town and set to rest Daniel's body but I fear it will be too soon before my spirit goes to join him.
    I cannot let his dreams go to waste. I cannot simply let myself become nothing, not while there is still movement in these coils of fog.
    Wander I may but in truth all I want...is to feel loved again before I die.
    There will be no third chance at life.
    Appearance An aging infected Genger that is starting to fade from the infection. There are bags under his eye from where the infection has prevented him for being able to sleep. He instinctively flinches back from others and prefers to travel hidden inside the wall or floors of wherever he is. The infection has caused the entire right side of his body to start to evaporate and disperse back into a toxic gas (it appears to get worse whenever he uses an attack.) 'Bubbles' of gas break off from the wound and float away at a slow rate. For security whenever at rest he curls up inside a wall rather than in sight. Whenever he uses Curse his wound will deepen visibly and Namdnas will scream out loud from the pain and collapse. He hovers sullenly and rarely smiles except when around friends.
    Personality Namdnas is, for his species, a rare gentle soul. He dislikes to feed on the life force of others, feeling it is inconsiderate and greedy. The infection has left his mind pretty much intact due to his poison sub-typing but causes him immense pain and prevents him from sleeping. He still considers himself a guardian for others and, if attacked by living, will opt to harmlessly put them to sleep with Hypnosis and keep them safe until they no longer feel hostile towards him. His Fire Punch is reserved for dangerous Undead only and he will avoid using Dream Eater until there is no further option. He enjoys watching others sleep as it seems to be the only time they do not wish to harm him (he does not know this is mainly due to his previous life as a Hypno) and does not believe this is in any way creepy. He is a cheerful soul when accepted and tries to hide the enormous pain the infection causes him to avoid scaring others. He normally plays on the strengths of his Ghost Typing for sacrificial strategies and will harm himself badly for the approval of the living. He is trying to do as much good as possible before the infection reduces him to nothing. He never licks except to kill off an already weakened pokemon.
    User Notes -Namdnas's voice has an inherent soothing quality which makes it difficult to detect if he is using Hypnosis.
    -The Polar opposite of Freddy Kreuger.
    -Was formerly a hypno before being resurrected as a gastly, leading to his love of Hypnosis and faint memories of his former trainer.
    -The more moves he uses the faster he fades, particularly if he's using Fire Punch. For some reason Hypnosis does not seem to effect his rate of evaporation. Evolution has helped slow the process somewhat.
    -Name is Sandman spelled backwards

    Last edited by Kaze on Thu Jan 17, 2013 4:52 pm; edited 10 times in total (Reason for editing : coding correction)

    Posts : 3650

    Namdnas the Dissolving Infected Gengar(Canalave, Sinnoh) Empty Re: Namdnas the Dissolving Infected Gengar(Canalave, Sinnoh)

    Post by Mewtwo Mon Jul 16, 2012 11:43 am

    You do not have a free Undead ticket to use for him, dear.

    If one has been purchased or if you asked for a switch from living in the shop just reply once it goes through and I will look at him again.


    Namdnas the Dissolving Infected Gengar(Canalave, Sinnoh) 3Br5nS6

    Namdnas the Dissolving Infected Gengar(Canalave, Sinnoh) ZGD0iWwAdmin - Profiles, PlotNamdnas the Dissolving Infected Gengar(Canalave, Sinnoh) UugYyDK

    Age : 30
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    Namdnas the Dissolving Infected Gengar(Canalave, Sinnoh) Empty Re: Namdnas the Dissolving Infected Gengar(Canalave, Sinnoh)

    Post by Kaze Sun Jul 22, 2012 3:36 am

    Ticket has been gained, this profile is now ready for approval.

    Posts : 3650

    Namdnas the Dissolving Infected Gengar(Canalave, Sinnoh) Empty Re: Namdnas the Dissolving Infected Gengar(Canalave, Sinnoh)

    Post by Mewtwo Sun Jul 22, 2012 7:03 pm



    Namdnas the Dissolving Infected Gengar(Canalave, Sinnoh) 3Br5nS6

    Namdnas the Dissolving Infected Gengar(Canalave, Sinnoh) ZGD0iWwAdmin - Profiles, PlotNamdnas the Dissolving Infected Gengar(Canalave, Sinnoh) UugYyDK

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