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    Atticus the Arcanine [Lacunosa, Unova]


    Age : 36
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    Atticus the Arcanine [Lacunosa, Unova] Empty Atticus the Arcanine [Lacunosa, Unova]

    Post by Silverishness Wed Jun 20, 2012 4:52 pm

    Atticus the Arcanine [Lacunosa, Unova] 059Arcanine

    Hex Color #EE8130
    Item None
    Gender Male
    Age Aged Adult (52 in Human terms)
    Species #059/ Arcanine, the Legendary Pokemon
    Height 6'3”
    Weight 341.7 lbs
    Pokédex Entry Its proud and regal appearance has captured the hearts of people since long ago.
    Level 50
    Ability Flash Fire
    Nature Serious
    Characteristic Often lost in thought
    Moves -Crunch (Prior Evolution)
    -Fire Fang
    -Extremespeed (Egg)
    History Atticus was born as a child of the law. As a small growlithe, he was brought into training with the canine forces, to become dependable deputies to the officers that served the cities of the pokemon regions. He grew a love for the law, the lines of logic and morality that kept the world from descending into chaos and anarchy. He graduated top of his class, his loyalty and calm head without peer. He was evolved for the honor of top dog.

    His years of being a deputy were some of the best of his life, taking down criminals and enforcing the law that he so adored. His officer and he were close-knit, the former not even having to shout orders for Atticus to know what to do. They were in sync, in tune, and they worked together perfectly to bring down even the roughest of the rough. The wonder years ended, however, when a rogue criminal shot him in the hindquarter, ending his career as a deputy. The officer that owned him was as horrified and dismayed at his parter's loss that he resigned himself and took up the law in a different manner.

    The officer soon became a prosecuter, and even if they weren't chasing down criminals, now they were bringing them to justice. Atticus, now sitting in court beside his beloved owner, poured over the meticulous lines of law with him, scouring the books for loopholes, definitions and precedents. Soon, should his owner have trouble finding something, Atticus' intense memorization of certain phrases and key words allowed him to help. He was as passionate as his owner, a fierce presence in the courtroom.

    But of course, the worst occured. The city went into lockdown because of strange pokemon, and as the police's forces wore thin, Atticus and his owner took it upon themselves to protect and serve, just as they used to. They took out what seemed dozens, hundreds of the beasts when a stray attacked Atticus' human. The old leg wound rebelled, and gave the split second to the infected to kill his human. Agonized, Atticus managed to kill the beast, but had to leave his human's body behind in order to keep living.

    He roamed, unsure of what to do now that he was alone for the first time in his long life. A strange power flung him to a new country though, and now he merely searches for something, anything, to hold on to. For a purpose.
    Appearance A proud, confident being, Atticus walks straight and calmly, his face only showing the stress of his previous ventures. When he is not in battle, he is somewhat slow with a slight limp, showing his age. However, when in the heat of battle, his moves are concise, planned and decisive. Sometimes, his old leg wound acts up. Otherwise, he's a fairly normal Arcanine.
    Personality Atticus has, above all, a strong moral center. Justice is nearly his religion, seeing the world with criminals, victims, and those that are caught in between. An old soul, he goes through the world with a steady mind and body, preferring to keep to himself rather than force his ideals on others. His sense of virtue is important to him, but he is not the sort of pokemon to force his opinions on others. He enjoys the variety of life, liking to observe more than take part.

    He is not one to take bickering or all-out negativity lightly, nor anything less than open-mindedness from those closest to him. Should a conflict arise, he will seek to quell it through his calm demeanor and words; his "retirement" years had been spent speaking and talking and is now used to a verbal conclusion to most arguments. He knows this isn't possible all the time, but is his preffered method.

    Atticus is patient, and therefore very hard to upset or anger. He understands people and pokemon come from all walks of life, and in order for peace to thrive, the masses must embrace this sort of thinking. Not one to preach, he simply gives his opinion in a non-condescending manner, hoping that his efforts will not be in vain. He is extremely easy to get along with; friendly, calm and warm. He is a father-like figure to any who seek one, as he mimicks his owner's demeanor.
    User Notes -Loosely based off of the character Atticus Finch from "To Kill A Mockingbird".
    -He cannot truly read, but years of studying books with his owner has given him some insight into the English language. He recognizes only certain words that pertain to his trade. He is not fluent by any means, nor can he speak English.
    -His normal speech is soft, but concise.

    Last edited by Silverishness on Sun Jun 24, 2012 12:43 pm; edited 2 times in total


    Atticus the Arcanine [Lacunosa, Unova] PCP637Atticus the Arcanine [Lacunosa, Unova] 635Atticus the Arcanine [Lacunosa, Unova] 196

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    Atticus the Arcanine [Lacunosa, Unova] Empty Re: Atticus the Arcanine [Lacunosa, Unova]

    Post by Silverishness Sun Jun 24, 2012 8:31 am

    Please place in Inactive.

    I can't seem to get the coding right on the hex color though... it says [*color=EE8130]EE8130[/*color] in the code... I don't know what's wrong :\

    Without the stars, of course


    Atticus the Arcanine [Lacunosa, Unova] PCP637Atticus the Arcanine [Lacunosa, Unova] 635Atticus the Arcanine [Lacunosa, Unova] 196

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    Atticus the Arcanine [Lacunosa, Unova] Empty Re: Atticus the Arcanine [Lacunosa, Unova]

    Post by Jay Sun Jun 24, 2012 9:51 am

    Did you forget to put the # sign before the numbers and letters? :b

    like this?


    [color=#EE8130]like this?[/color]

    Age : 36
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    Atticus the Arcanine [Lacunosa, Unova] Empty Re: Atticus the Arcanine [Lacunosa, Unova]

    Post by Silverishness Sun Jun 24, 2012 11:59 am

    Psht! I sure did. Thank you!


    Atticus the Arcanine [Lacunosa, Unova] PCP637Atticus the Arcanine [Lacunosa, Unova] 635Atticus the Arcanine [Lacunosa, Unova] 196

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    Atticus the Arcanine [Lacunosa, Unova] Empty Re: Atticus the Arcanine [Lacunosa, Unova]

    Post by Silverishness Thu Jun 28, 2012 4:45 am

    Inactive, please, lol


    Atticus the Arcanine [Lacunosa, Unova] PCP637Atticus the Arcanine [Lacunosa, Unova] 635Atticus the Arcanine [Lacunosa, Unova] 196

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    Atticus the Arcanine [Lacunosa, Unova] Empty Re: Atticus the Arcanine [Lacunosa, Unova]

    Post by Silverishness Sun Jul 08, 2012 2:50 pm

    Atticus is ready for approval~!


    Atticus the Arcanine [Lacunosa, Unova] PCP637Atticus the Arcanine [Lacunosa, Unova] 635Atticus the Arcanine [Lacunosa, Unova] 196

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    Atticus the Arcanine [Lacunosa, Unova] Empty Re: Atticus the Arcanine [Lacunosa, Unova]

    Post by Mewtwo Tue Jul 10, 2012 4:48 pm

    Approved. Second in rotation.


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