Kyurialle [Kyu]
Blizzard [TM]
Shadow Ball [TM]
Toxic [TM]
Thunder [TM]
Keen Eye
[Keen Eye prevents loss of Accuracy. If the Pokémon with Keen Eye is leading the party, then Keen Eye decreases the chance of encountering a lower-level wild Pokémon by 50%]
Thoroughly Cunning
National Dex No./Species-
#162, Furret. the long body Pokemon.
Pokédex Entry-
The mother puts its offspring to sleep by curling up around them. It corners foes with speed.
She wears a Dark Blue scarf with yellow stripes and a necklace with a small bottle attached containing an Arbok fang. Neither of these items raise her stats. When she was younger, she swallowed a Toxic Orb.
Kyu was born in a lab, but not any lab. She was born in the P2 Lab in Route 17 of Unova. She became a test subject to the scientists, often being put in extreme conditions and forced to do things she didn't like by the scientists as tests. She never really fought back, she knew that a Sentret against a group of Scientists with well-trained Pokemon had no chance to win. That is, until she evolved. Once she had evolved, something she didn't expect happened. She wasn't used as a test subject anymore, but was taken by a scientist to be a 'lab partner'. From that day on, Kyu and the scientist both worked on tests and projects together, and learned many things.
Kyu was always willing to learn about science. She grew up with being part of it, and she wanted to know more about it, especially Toxicology. One day her professor bought her a Toxic orb, but being naive and still young, she swallowed it. Of course, it had poisoned her, but the Poison was incurable as long as the Toxic Orb was inside. Unfortunately, after an X-ray, it was shown that it would be impossible to get the orb out without killing her, and thus, she slowly adapted to living with the constant illness. But good things came out of this too, she developed a special immune system which made her stronger against certain deseases, but weaker against others.
It was when Kyu finally reached the level of 50 that she was given a present from her Scientist. A dark blue scarf with yellow stripes and a necklace with a bottle containing a Arbok fang. A month later, the infection hit, hard. All human in the lab were taken to safety, while Kyu was left behind, being a Pokemon. Frustrated [and rather pissed off.] Kyu had killed the others left in the laboratory, mind filling with paranoia and separation anxiety. Scared of her own power and what she could do, Kyu ran away as far as she could, to a new region, the home of her own species. Johto.
User Note-
-Kyu is Paranoid of strangers, but if you're living and you be nice to her at first meeting, shell immediately trust you, no matter what.
-Due to severe separation anxiety, once she trusts you, she will follow you everywhere.
-Kyu only has TM moves.
-She has a good resistance against the Infection due to her Toxic Orb that she ate.
-She's smart and intelligent, but she only gives her two cents when they are needed.
-To keep her mind off of everything, she's living in her own bubble.
-She's also studying the infection, to see if there is any possible cure.
-Her diet consists of berries and Pokemon Eggs. Any Pokemon Eggs, preferably Pikachu.
-She coughs a lot, and often gets high fevers. And even on rare occasions, especially in a heated area, she will faint. She gets tired very easily.
[Sorry for the horrible history. I'm bad at writing them. ORZ]
Last edited by Slange on Fri Aug 05, 2011 9:44 pm; edited 3 times in total