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    Alexander the Metagross [Icirrus, Unova]


    Alexander the Metagross [Icirrus, Unova] Empty Alexander the Metagross [Icirrus, Unova]

    Post by Guest Sun Apr 29, 2012 5:04 pm

    Alexander the Metagross [Icirrus, Unova] Meta1010

    Name: Alexander

    Item: Wide Lens, Notebook

    Gender: Genderless (but will be refered to as "he")

    Age: 54

    Species: Metagross, #376, Iron Leg Pokemon

    Height: 5'03"

    Weight: 1212.5lbs

    Pokedex Entry: Metagross has four brains in total. Combined, the four brains can breeze through difficult calculations faster than a supercomputer. This Pokémon can float in the air by tucking in its four legs.

    Level: 45

    Ability: Clear Body

    Nature: Modest

    Characteristic: Strong Willed

    Hammer Arm
    Magnet Rise

    History: Throughout Alexander's life, he's loved research. Reading and going through any books he could find, writing anything of importance, and watching all that could be learned from. After the epidemic, these things were harder to come by. Now he works as a sort of chronicler, writing the events of the epidemic that he comes across, so that the information can be learned for the later generations.

    Alexander likes to speak with intelligence, but understands that certain few are unable to comprehend what he'll say, so he mostly speaks normally. He knows to keep his cool with things so that no rash decisions are made in result of something bad happening.

    Infected are just a thing in his way from what he is doing overall. Thier weak bodies being easily destroyed with his strength. He's not addicted to education though, whenever someone faces trouble, he drops all he is doing to help. Who knows? Maybe they have information to share for him.

    Appearance: Keeps a tough looking stance and uses the wide lens as a monocle.

    Personality: Feels according to the situation. Laughs when there's fun, keeps focussed in combat, etc.

    User note: Uses Psychic to write, read, and carry his notebook

    Last edited by FallenWarriorShadow on Tue Jun 26, 2012 7:29 pm; edited 2 times in total

    Alexander the Metagross [Icirrus, Unova] Empty Re: Alexander the Metagross [Icirrus, Unova]

    Post by Guest Sun Apr 29, 2012 5:51 pm

    Oh my.
    Very interesting indeed.
    Let us see how he fits into the team.

    Alexander the Metagross [Icirrus, Unova] Empty Re: Alexander the Metagross [Icirrus, Unova]

    Post by Guest Mon Apr 30, 2012 12:28 pm

    You can have the last spot on Icirrus.

    Alexander the Metagross [Icirrus, Unova] Empty Re: Alexander the Metagross [Icirrus, Unova]

    Post by Guest Mon Apr 30, 2012 1:42 pm


    Alexander the Metagross [Icirrus, Unova] Empty Re: Alexander the Metagross [Icirrus, Unova]

    Post by Guest Mon Apr 30, 2012 2:57 pm

    Your welcome.

    Posts : 3650

    Alexander the Metagross [Icirrus, Unova] Empty Re: Alexander the Metagross [Icirrus, Unova]

    Post by Mewtwo Wed May 02, 2012 10:07 am

    Several notes here:

    Iron Head is a Dream World exclusive move that can only be learned by Beldum. So this character can not have evolved with it because Dream World moves are forbidden. Officially, Beldum can only learn Take Down before evolving.

    Also, Earthquake can only be learned by this species by TM, so please update the move list to reflect that if you still wish to keep the move.

    Your history is very short and doesn't say much about him. However, I do not believe that should be able to write because he has no physical way to. Reading is iffy as well, short of stomping a page to try and turn it. The character does not possess the physical means to do these things, even if he has the mental capacity.

    And if a Pokemon is holding an item, it needs to be in the image regardless if they use it all the time or not.

    Please revise and then I will look at for approval.


    Alexander the Metagross [Icirrus, Unova] 3Br5nS6

    Alexander the Metagross [Icirrus, Unova] ZGD0iWwAdmin - Profiles, PlotAlexander the Metagross [Icirrus, Unova] UugYyDK

    Alexander the Metagross [Icirrus, Unova] Empty Re: Alexander the Metagross [Icirrus, Unova]

    Post by Guest Wed May 02, 2012 2:33 pm

    Fixed all but edit. I can't think of any more to add in the history, but I'll say when the picture is finished.

    Posts : 3650

    Alexander the Metagross [Icirrus, Unova] Empty Re: Alexander the Metagross [Icirrus, Unova]

    Post by Mewtwo Sun May 06, 2012 5:16 pm

    The move change works, and I suppose with psychic that he would be able to manipulate objects to write.

    Though please keep in mind that most Pokemon can't, so using as anything other than personal amusement would just be overlooked. No one would know what he was writing.

    My only question is if the image you currently have is going to be a temp, as he needs to have his items in there.


    Alexander the Metagross [Icirrus, Unova] 3Br5nS6

    Alexander the Metagross [Icirrus, Unova] ZGD0iWwAdmin - Profiles, PlotAlexander the Metagross [Icirrus, Unova] UugYyDK

    Alexander the Metagross [Icirrus, Unova] Empty Re: Alexander the Metagross [Icirrus, Unova]

    Post by Guest Sun May 06, 2012 5:57 pm

    I'm working on trying to get a commision done to have all the items in the pictures, so yes the curent one would be temporary. Could he perhaps read to others what he's writen?

    Posts : 3650

    Alexander the Metagross [Icirrus, Unova] Empty Re: Alexander the Metagross [Icirrus, Unova]

    Post by Mewtwo Tue May 08, 2012 5:30 pm

    Reading to them is fine, and if the image is a temp we can work with it.



    Alexander the Metagross [Icirrus, Unova] 3Br5nS6

    Alexander the Metagross [Icirrus, Unova] ZGD0iWwAdmin - Profiles, PlotAlexander the Metagross [Icirrus, Unova] UugYyDK

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    Alexander the Metagross [Icirrus, Unova] Empty Re: Alexander the Metagross [Icirrus, Unova]

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