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3 posters

    Ark the Aggron [Hoenn, Abandoned Team]


    Ark the Aggron [Hoenn, Abandoned Team] Empty Ark the Aggron [Hoenn, Abandoned Team]

    Post by Guest Wed Apr 25, 2012 8:44 pm

    Ark the Aggron [Hoenn, Abandoned Team] 2aadaps

    Item Dusty Scarf
    Gender Male
    Age About 3 human years
    Species #072 (Hoenn Regional Dex), Iron Armor Pokemon
    Height 7’1”
    Weight 798.4 lb.
    Pokédex Entry Aggron is surprisingly protective of its environment. If its mountain is ravaged by a landslide or a fire, this Pokémon will haul topsoil to the area, plant trees, and beautifully restore its own territory.
    Level Lvl. 43
    Ability Rock Head
    Nature Relaxed
    Characteristic Highly Persistent
    Moves - Take Down
    - Iron Head
    - Roar
    - Dragon Rush(Egg Move)
    History Despite living as a Lairon for quite some time after rather swiftly evolving from Aron, Ark lived as a wild Pokemon in the Hoenn region, defending his territory and accepting all challenges to his turf brazenly, though never once issuing a challenge. His history from the time as an Aron was rather topsy-turvy, to say the least. Ark was produced as the offspring from a Garchomp paired with an Aggron by a trainer that had caught these pokemon; not long after hatching, however, Ark was released into the wild, so he had little memory of the human that had bred him. Though, a human had encountered him at a much later time and naturally, he was ready to defend his territory; for who would be bold and foolish enough to invade on the lands where Lairons, Arons, and even the occasional Aggron roamed?
    The battle ended in Ark’s first loss; and his capture. Despite a relaxed nature, he was defiant to the trainer at first, persisting to only look out for himself. However, as time passed, he soon grew to like this trainer. Time passed, the female trainer and her team becoming stronger. Ark had evolved into an Aggron, and a rather massive one at that. Ark was always prepared to willingly battle and defend the trainer. As time passed and the pair aged, the world around them also changed. Life seemed well looking back…Until that day; that one, terrible day. News of some sort of epidemic hit Hoenn, causing some panic, though not all took it as seriously as it should’ve been handled; and that proved to be a fatal mistake.
    From Ark’s memory, the incident at Mauville was one blurry, but not easily forgotten. He only remembers being given a scarf from his trainer after being released and being told to run. Instinctively heading to the rocky desert nearby, Ark only looked over his shoulder once, though the scene unfolding was something he would not soon forget. If there was one thing that stood out the most, was the strange looking Murkrow that had seemed to appeared out of nowhere in a sort of outbreak, with a dark, noisy mass following close behind in the skies.
    After all of that, Ark was left to simply wander the regions, though it made itself a promise: seek out other survivors, fight off this infectious epidemic, and most importantly…stay alive.
    Appearance Fits the same appearance of a regular Aggron, though is slightly larger, in the ways of bulkiness and muscle in some areas. Stands near full height, but in a slightly slouched stance that, while seeming natural, actually hints at its laidback quirks.
    Personality Personality wise, Ark is a rather laidback fellow, with a rather fierce side if his emotions or aggression in battle reach a fevered pitch. He can be rather defiant to those who try to command him, mostly when they are unfamiliar to him; on the other hand, he is loyal in defending what he holds close and dear, and has a softer side, though is rarely shown. When not battling in any manner, he tends to make a habitual pause sometimes before making an action. Is thoroughly analytical, allowing for some brains to back up his brawn. Ark is able to take quite a bit of damage, his boon being his high natural defense, which is only enhanced by his sheer size, also playing onto his strength; in essence, Ark is not only able to take hits, but he can delive them as well. On the flipside, his girth slows him down; unless he is attacking or just flat out sprinting, he’ll have a hard time getting a good bit of speed picked up.
    User Notes Seems motivated to definitely live through, and maybe outlast, the epidemic (if it ever ends). Is rather defensive of the old scarf he carries, though it seems to be something that gives him a motivational drive and is part of what pushes him to persevere.

    Last edited by Ark on Wed May 02, 2012 3:27 pm; edited 7 times in total (Reason for editing : Editing profile)

    Ark the Aggron [Hoenn, Abandoned Team] Empty Re: Ark the Aggron [Hoenn, Abandoned Team]

    Post by Guest Thu Apr 26, 2012 10:27 am

    Your image is broken. You've got an extra opening bracket in there. (You wrote [/[img])

    Posts : 1265

    Ark the Aggron [Hoenn, Abandoned Team] Empty Re: Ark the Aggron [Hoenn, Abandoned Team]

    Post by Victini Thu Apr 26, 2012 1:40 pm

    I fixed it for you. =)


    Ark the Aggron [Hoenn, Abandoned Team] VictiniArk the Aggron [Hoenn, Abandoned Team] TGJeE
    The Victory Pokemon

    Profile Admin & Team Sheet Manager

    Ark the Aggron [Hoenn, Abandoned Team] Empty Re: Ark the Aggron [Hoenn, Abandoned Team]

    Post by Guest Thu Apr 26, 2012 4:17 pm

    *Bows in respect* Thank you. ^_^

    Posts : 3650

    Ark the Aggron [Hoenn, Abandoned Team] Empty Re: Ark the Aggron [Hoenn, Abandoned Team]

    Post by Mewtwo Thu Apr 26, 2012 9:12 pm

    Aggron can only learn Dragon Rush through breeding with the Garchomp line. Since he was a wild Poke for quite some time, then presumably his parents were as well, and other species do not usually interbreed unless caught by trainers.
    If you desire to keep the move, please label it as an Egg move and alter his history accordingly to reflect lineage.

    Also, your history mentions a scarf, but it is not listed as an item or in his picture. So I was wondering why it was there.

    Please revise and then I will look at for approval.


    Ark the Aggron [Hoenn, Abandoned Team] 3Br5nS6

    Ark the Aggron [Hoenn, Abandoned Team] ZGD0iWwAdmin - Profiles, PlotArk the Aggron [Hoenn, Abandoned Team] UugYyDK

    Posts : 60

    Ark the Aggron [Hoenn, Abandoned Team] Empty Re: Ark the Aggron [Hoenn, Abandoned Team]

    Post by Kyogre Thu May 03, 2012 1:10 am

    Moved to WIP until revised.

    Ark the Aggron [Hoenn, Abandoned Team] Empty Re: Ark the Aggron [Hoenn, Abandoned Team]

    Post by Guest Thu May 03, 2012 7:36 am

    Profile revised.

    Posts : 3650

    Ark the Aggron [Hoenn, Abandoned Team] Empty Re: Ark the Aggron [Hoenn, Abandoned Team]

    Post by Mewtwo Sun May 06, 2012 5:22 pm


    Please, note that his image can only be temporary, as he needs to have his item in the image. You can ask in the Artists Alley for one of our artists to edit it for you or they can draw you a new image.



    Ark the Aggron [Hoenn, Abandoned Team] 3Br5nS6

    Ark the Aggron [Hoenn, Abandoned Team] ZGD0iWwAdmin - Profiles, PlotArk the Aggron [Hoenn, Abandoned Team] UugYyDK

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    Ark the Aggron [Hoenn, Abandoned Team] Empty Re: Ark the Aggron [Hoenn, Abandoned Team]

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