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    The SLATEPORT Team

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    Age : 31
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    The SLATEPORT Team - Page 7 Empty Re: The SLATEPORT Team

    Post by Nightfall Thu Sep 27, 2012 2:55 pm

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    Slateport City/Late Afternoon (25)

    Shadow turned to walk away, expecting the rather slow-witted group of Pokemon to follow. Honestly, what were they thinking, just standing around talking and making pleasantries immediately after a fight that left two of them injured? He was the only one with a sense of urgency about him. Who'd have thought it? He expected some sort of backlash from his words, possibly from Darron or that new girl, but the one who spoke first was actually Nalin, and the Milotic's sudden rant made the fur on Shadow's back start to bristle. He accuses me of being rude... His top lip curled backwards and exposed his sharp fangs. ...And yet I don't see HIM trying to help!

    "You'd better watch your fucking mouth,"
    Shadow snarled, licking his lips. But then, just to make things so much more dramatic than it needed to be, the new bitch decided to offer her opinion as well. "I agree. I appreciate your willingness to share your berries but if you are gong to be exhibiting such hostile behavior then I believe I would be better off finding them somewhere else." FUCKING GO THEN! Shadow's head screamed, but he kept his tongue in check for the time being. Losing your temper with a female was never a good thing to do. "There is no need to treat someone you don't know with such distaste," the bitch continued just when he thought she'd finished. "First impressions stick, you know."

    He just couldn't hold it back. "Why the fuck should you be caring about first impressions now?" he raged, baring his fangs once more. "In case you haven't noticed, we have two who are injured. I'm the one who actually tries to do something about it and all you lot care about is manners and first impressions?! What the fuck is wrong with you?!" But then something happened that Shadow did not expect in the slightest. Darron the Dumbass slithered forward and opened his mouth to speak. Shadow groaned, expecting another lecture, but what the Serperior said startled him.

    "...It's his food he's sharing, Nall- Nalin. I think he has a right to be a little bit of a prick. I mean, until we find our own, he's decent enough to try and feed all of these pokemon. The least we can do for now is just take the verbal abuse. When we find our own food, then we can dish it out." Well look at that. The one without a brain has the most common sense, Shadow thought to himself with concealed amazement. Darron started to slither towards him, obviously willing to follow. With a growl, Shadow turned back to the others.

    "Look, you can come with me, share my berries and develop your 'first impressions', or you can shove off and find your own. Your choice." Leaving the decision to them he turned away and started to walk with Darron towards the shed. While walking he glanced up at the Serperior and muttered quietly, "Thanks for that."

    Sem's wing weakly hit him on the side. Shadow turned to find that the bird was having trouble breathing. "Come on, we'd better move," he said, speeding up into a trot. "Hang in there, Sem. Just a minute longer."

    There you go again ... helping the enemy ... You soft bastard.


    Age : 29
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    The SLATEPORT Team - Page 7 Empty Re: The SLATEPORT Team

    Post by Snitch Sat Sep 29, 2012 5:15 am

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    Slateport City || Late Afternoon [16]

    An argument, albeit a relatively civil one of curt words, soon broke out. Joey, in no mood for such hostility amongst those he considered his allies, friends, simply continued to hobble away from the sight. The stinging in his legs forced him to lean rather inelegantly on the nearest building, shuffling along with the occasional hiss or grunt of pain. But it was the verbal sparring behind him that caused him more harm. He’d seen so much violence and all of it had come into being through a couple of measly arguments. Glancing over his shoulder, the equine was somewhat surprised to see both Nalin and the pretty mare in the midst of it. Shadow was unsurprising, Darron had been expected.
    “Please,” Joey whined, quietly enough to be talking to himself against loud voices around him. There was almost sides now – Nalin and Amalthea, whilst Darron had sided with Shadow. He had a point about the food, and whilst Joey wasn’t particularly fond of the canine’s blunt words, he simply hadn’t the heart to make a fuss about it. Others like that existed – really, it wasn’t so strange. “Stop arguing,”

    For a moment, Joey was convinced the shiny of his kind had been scared off – the female suddenly galloping away to leave him looking longingly over his shoulder. They’d only just met. Hiding the sorrow from his expression, the Rapidash reminded himself that he didn’t deserve her company. She was an angel on earth – the looks and kindness of her kind already revealed – whilst he was nothing more than a ‘soldier’. He hated the word. Ears flicking back, he continued to limp forward towards Shadow’s stash.

    "Take what you need, we can find some healing berries once your poison is taken care of."

    She came back, her sudden ethereal appearance making him jump a little as her soft words floated to his ears. He managed a shy smile, turning to see her stood with a branch of berries. She was certainly a stubborn girl, but he was grateful regardless. Nodding his head in silent thanks, he stretched his neck out in a bid to snatch one of the morsels from the branch. Not trusting the stability of his legs, he kept his weight firmly against the building.
    “Thank you… a-again,” He muttered softly, just before he’d snapped his teeth around one of the berries lifting his head to slowly chew the ripe fruit. It gave him a refreshing burst of energy, a small smile creeping onto his face. These berries were said to cure poisoning and whilst Joey was unsure whether ingesting them was the quickest means of pain relief, it had already began to ease him.

    But the group was moving now. Sem was clearly in a bad way, Shadow eager to get the bird all the help he deserved. Joey was beginning to feel guilty at his own recovery whilst the heroic bird was struggling to breathe. Looking down to the berries, the thought of Sem’s declining health against his own ever-growing strength flourished in his mind. Well, he was going to wait. Leaning down to pick up the branch in his mouth, he followed the duo, albeit particularly slowly, towards the shed. He’d bear this pain as punishment. If Sem died, he wouldn’t know how to forgive himself.

    The SLATEPORT Team - Page 7 Empty Re: The SLATEPORT Team

    Post by Guest Tue Oct 02, 2012 3:24 pm

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    Slateport City|Late Afternoon

    Nalin hissed at Darron as he tried to defend the angry mutt. He couldn't understand the logic behind it. "No one asked for him to share his food, we can find our own. So no, he doesn't have the right to be a jerk." And if no one asked, then offering especially didn't give the dog the right to be a dick, but that part was better left unsaid. "And trust me, one of you is more than enough. I don't want another one." Nalin just glared at Shadow and made his way over to check on Joey, currently being taken care of by that female called Amalthea.

    "Hey, you okay?" he asked softly, watching Joey struggle to stand. He seemed to be doing better than before, and the white female did give him berries that he needed without needing to borrow from the jerk. Said jerk was currently carrying off Sem and ordering the rest of the group to follow him and the Milotic frowned. "I'm not going anywhere with you. I know where food is and I don't need you and your attitude to get it. You want me to watch my mouth but it's you who better watch my tail before it goes right upside your head." He could hear Amalthea sigh behind him so he turned to look at her. "What?"


    Watching her fellow equine struggle was hard for her, but his heartfelt thanks made her blush rise once more. Shadow and Nalin were at it again and Amalthea couldn't help but pity both sides. Both thought they were trying to help, that they were supposed to take care of everyone else, but all their headbutting was just going to make things worse. Though, Nalin did have a point. No one asked for the possessive male to share. He offered all on his own so there really was no need for such hostility from him.

    He came forward to check on his friend and out of reflex she jumped back a couple of steps, water types always making her a little jumpy. But when he started after Shadow again she couldn't help it and let out a heavy, exasperated sigh. "What?" Shaking her head, mane flickering and dancing with the movement, she looked at him sadly. "You have so much anger and fear for one so young. I'm sorry for you." The look on his face suggested that he never expected such a thing to come from her, and she thought she caught the shimmering of tears in his eyes before they were quickly blinked away. Poor thing.

    ((OOC: Darron, I think your heart to heart with Nalin broke him...lol))

    Age : 31
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    The SLATEPORT Team - Page 7 Empty Re: The SLATEPORT Team

    Post by Nightfall Sat Oct 06, 2012 3:28 pm

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    Slateport City/Late Afternoon (26)

    Shadow was still seething with anger as he finally reached the shed, especially now that Nalin had practically threatened to thwack him around the head with his tail. What a nice way to thank him for all of his help. Shadow didn't see him doing anything apart from moaning and shouting at everyone. He was glad that Sem and his distance from the group were preventing him from charging at the Water-type and aiming straight for the throat. Idiots ... every one of them.

    He pushed open the door to the shed and then noticed that Joey was following him as well. In his mouth was a small branch baring several berries. Knowing that the Rapidash had a slight issue with small spaces, Shadow placed Sem on the floor and said to Darron, "Give him some of those, and be quick about it," as he gestured at the berries on the floor that had fallen out of the sack. He then trotted back outside to Joey just as the equine reached the door.

    "Lie down, outstretch that leg," he said, taking his first good look at the wounds. They were deep, oozing with blood and pus. He wasn't sure whether or not they had managed to avoid snatching up the virus. Perhaps they were just simply poisoned and could be healed with a few Pecha Berries? Shadow didn't want to admit that he hadn't a clue what he was doing. He tried to at least look convincing at he quickly ran back inside the shed and rolled out a few Pecha Berries towards Joey's feet. "Eat those ... they might help." He wanted to know what kind of berry was growing on the branch that Joey had with him, but couldn't see them properly since they were obscured slightly by leaves.

    ((What is it with me and mediocre posts lately? -_-))

    Age : 29
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    The SLATEPORT Team - Page 7 Empty Re: The SLATEPORT Team

    Post by Snitch Sun Oct 07, 2012 8:29 am

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    Slateport City || Late Afternoon [16]

    "Hey, you okay?"

    Joey turned his head tiredly to the voice’s source, mustering a kindly smile at Nalin’s concern. Setting the berry branch in front of him, too tired to move on, the Rapidash bestowed him with his full attention. He nodded his head in respect, knowing that without the serpent’s help, he would very well be dead. Catching the water-type’s gaze, his expression would be glowing with gratitude were it not marred by the scars of war and darkened eyes. He wasn’t well, the poison eating away his energy alongside the emotional strain of having to relive such battles of the past. With their emergence, he was left to fight yet more battles against his own vivid memory.
    “I’ll survive,” He grinned, sheepish. “Thank you, Nalin,” Tone serious, genuine and intense with emotion, Joey soon tore his gaze away. Looking down to his hooves, he smiled to himself. He owed not only Nalin, but all of these pokémon with his life – they had worked to save him from a watery grave and found himself forever indebted to their own safety. Not only comrades, they were his friends.

    He turned deaf as the heroic Milotic continued to threaten Shadow’s behaviour, Amalthea also choosing to reprimand the water-serpent for his newfound anger. Although Joey felt obliged to defend one who had already done so much, he was simply too averse to taking sides. It had been his own personal rule since leaving that wartime hellhole and nothing would endanger such loyalty to a non-confrontational environment. He was thankful when Shadow approached, changing the topic with the order to lie down. Whilst one might usually be taken back at such blunt commands, Joey was more than used to the tone. In fact, in comparison to the generals he’d worked under, Shadow’s request was particularly polite.

    Using the wall for support, Joey obediently fell to a lying position, slightly awkward with his movements as he emitted the occasional hiss of pain that shot up from his wounds. Outstretching his hind leg with a muffled whine, he worked hard not to look at the damage – unwilling to trust his gut. Instead, he focused on eating the pecha berries the canine had provided, Amalthea’s own branched collection at his side.
    “They’re pecha… I-I think?” Eyes darting to the beautiful equine who had offered the items for confirmation, Joey smiled lightly in thanks. It was rare to have so much medical attention and expertise around him. “I-It’s not too bad, is it?” Catching sight of Shadow, he spoke hesitantly. He trusted the canine even if the others doubted his intentions, but was soon reminded that he wasn’t accompanied by Sem. Alarmed, he raised his head in a desperate bid to catch sight of the bird – praying that he had recovered from his earlier breathlessness. “W-Where’s Sem? He’s okay, right?”

    Age : 36
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    The SLATEPORT Team - Page 7 Empty Re: The SLATEPORT Team

    Post by Silverishness Fri Oct 12, 2012 12:24 pm

    Post 28

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    Slateport Contest Hall| Late Afternoon

    Man, their little heart-to-heart had done more than get Nally out of his weeping mess. Darron's eyebrows rose as the milotic just went on a tirade, bitching about how the angry mutt didn't need to offer his food. The serperior didn't see much choice, as he didn't know of any other place to get food. But not one to want to deal with his bitching, he just shrugged and followed Shadow. He didn't have the best opinion of the dog either, but Shadow had food and was offering it. Good enough for him.

    "Thanks for that." The gratitude took Darron off guard, earning a surprised gaze from the serpent. He blinked, then smiled.

    "Guess I'm the only one that gets your charm, huh?" he mused, pausing to see where the others were. "Still..." He sighed, then stayed where he was to wait on the others. When they came, he went with them, settling in a pile of his own coils and plucking a berry or two for himself from the stash. Damn, it felt good to eat again.


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    The SLATEPORT Team - Page 7 Empty Re: The SLATEPORT Team

    Post by Nightfall Fri Oct 12, 2012 3:59 pm

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    Slateport City/Late Afternoon (27)

    "They’re pecha… I-I think?" Shadow blinked. Had Joey just read his mind about the berries? He looked down at the branch, admitting to himself that they did resemble the Poison-curers, even though they were smaller than usual. "Eat them, then," Shadow said gruffly, daring to look at the horrible wound again. If it was poisoned then that could be easily healed; what worried him was the wound itself. It still had to repair itself even after it had been healed of the poison. That would be the hard part.

    "I-It’s not too bad, is it?" Joey asked him tentatively as he caught him looking. Shadow suppressed a long sigh that he felt he needed to let out. Instead he looked at the wound again with a fake I-know-what-I'm-doing expression and nodded. "I reckon you'll live. Just eat those berries, and be quick about it." He rolled a few more of them towards him just as the Rapidash asked him about Sem in a panic.

    "He's in there with Darron," he said, gesturing to the shed behind him. "He's starting to--" Turning his head inside, he stopped. Darron was all coiled up and was helping himself to a few berries ... but wasn't offering a single one to Sem. "HEY!" Shadow bellowed, bursting through the old wooden door with so much force that it almost fell off its hinges. "Are you deaf? I told you to give those berries to Sem!" He growled his annoyance at the Grass-type, shoving past him as he made a beeline for the injured bird. "Sem." He spoke the Murkrow's name quietly as he picked up a Sitrus Berry and held it towards his beak. "You must try to eat this. If you don't I'll cram it down there myself."

    Age : 29
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    The SLATEPORT Team - Page 7 Empty Re: The SLATEPORT Team

    Post by Snitch Sun Oct 14, 2012 4:50 am

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    Slateport City || Late Afternoon [17]

    Obediently following Shadow’s orders to consume the berries, Joey was comforted in the blunt reply that ‘he’d live’ – that was all he needed. But whilst grateful for the quick reactions and care of the group around him, the equine wasn’t at ease. Through mouthfuls of the precious fruit, the pain in his leg rapidly numbing away into nothingness, the Rapidash’s eyes were glued to the shed. His thoughts consumed by the sight of Sem in so bad a state, the fire-type had little to no concern for his own wellbeing. He’d be fine. He’d gotten through worse situations. But Sem, the bird already seemed so fragile…

    “He's in there with Darron, He's starting to-- HEY!"

    The sudden outburst made him flinch away, eyes widening as a burst of fear wracked his body. He soon recovered, however. It was a natural reaction to loud, sudden sounds. Another gift bestowed upon him from his experiences at war. Looking fearfully to the hut, Shadow’s form soon disappeared into the gloom as his words fell out of range. Probably gone to scold Darron for neglecting the plucky bird’s health, Joey was left clueless to the dispute as he lie silently beyond, expression contorted into one of concern. Please be okay…

    The SLATEPORT Team - Page 7 Empty Re: The SLATEPORT Team

    Post by Guest Wed Oct 17, 2012 3:52 pm

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    Slateport City|Late Afternoon
    ((skipping Amalthea because she is going to follow after Joey to make sure he is ok))

    Nalin didn’t expect it to surprise him that Darron went with the asshole who thought he ran the group, but it did. Seemed their talk hadn’t done much for them after all. Trying his hardest not to sulk he looked with sad eyes as everyone went with him, even the new Rapidash. Though he couldn’t really blame her, she looked really worried about Joey and had offered to take care of him. But that left the Milotic all on his own. Again. “Why the hell do they keep leaving me?!”

    Knowing he didn’t need the arrogant mutt and his ‘shed’ Nalin slithered off towards home. Home was always where food was, and it wasn’t far from the contest hall. So let the fools follow a jerk who no one asked for help from but still bitched after offering it freely, he had his own way. Soon the small blue roof of home came into view and Nalin offered a small sigh of relief. It looked relatively untouched, considering everything that had been happening, so maybe the kitchen was still in one piece. Carefully prying open the door he set his scales inside his home for the first time since his boy died and at once felt his heart ache.

    The once happy place was eerily quiet. No lights were on, and the half drawn curtains spilled darkening shadows across the rooms of the house. He carefully made his way through each room, checking for anything that might try to jump out and eat him, and stopped when he came to their room. His boy…him…they had stayed in this room for as long as the child had owned him. His old tank from when he was a Feebas was still in that room. As his tail pushed to door to the side he suddenly couldn’t see through the tears. It was destroyed, the only room in the house that had been. It seemed his boy’s parents had fled to the room to check on them not knowing they were out and found themselves cornered by whatever got them. Their bodies lay in the middle of the mess and debris, his old tank shattered and bits of glass everywhere. Blood coated the walls and furniture causing Nalin’s stomach to turn. He couldn’t…not this…he just couldn’t…

    Finally dragging himself away from the scene he went into the kitchen, pleasantly surprised to see everything still in the upper pantry. The lower ones had been raided, and he really hoped it hadn’t been that stupid mutt, because there were bits of food and packaging crushed and strewn everywhere. Settling on a bag of mild poffins his boy would treat him with occasionally Nalin moved into the den and curled up by the fireplace. This was his home. This was where he failed again, this time by not being there. He couldn’t save his boy and he couldn’t save his family. This new world had taken everything from him and left him with Darron. Oh goodie.

    Age : 36
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    The SLATEPORT Team - Page 7 Empty Re: The SLATEPORT Team

    Post by Silverishness Sun Oct 21, 2012 4:51 am

    Post 29

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    Slateport Contest Hall| Late Afternoon

    Shit. Seemed his stomach had affected his eyes and ears; he hadn't heard Shadow's request, nor seen Sem in the corner all banged up. Not defending himself against the violent outburst from the dark type, he stayed quiet as he tended to the bird, sighing as he did so. He wanted to say he was sorry, that it was an honest mistake, but he figured any more from him would just make Shadow all the more angry. Once he'd taken a bite, he didn't realize he wa light-headed from hunger. Huh. Maybe that was why he was so damn calm...

    The thought occurred to him that Nally was, once again, absent. Tilting his head and slithering outside, he caught a glimpse of his fellow serpent slithering off to a random house. Well, that was odd. Wait. Was it? Oh, he couldn't remember. All he knew was that Nally was separating himself from the rest of the group... again... and it was likely that he needed to go out and get him again. Damn, those clouds looked fine. Making his way toward the house, humming a tune to himself, he didn't notice the odd path his muscles took him; not quite a straight line, nor zigzag. Just... drunk. Ha. Drunk. What a word...

    He nosed the door open, taking in the macabre decor with a bright eye, not affected by its depressing meaning. Well, it looked like everything else in the city. Going past the bloodied walls and curtains and clowns, he made his way to the kitchen, where he found Nally munching on what looked like blue sheeps. Well, that was an odd thing to eat. But then again, Nally was an odd guy. Dismissing his delusions, Darron cleared his throat and began. "So, Nally, whatcha doin?" he asked, his tone oddly playful. "Didn't know you like lamb. Or that it came in blue." His form swayed a little, but not from amusement as he would initially think. Damn, he was tired. When the hell had he gotten so damn tired? Must have been the clowns in the other room...

    With that, he began to lay his head down, but unconsciousness took him, and he collapsed on the tile.

    ((Lol, it was bound to happen. Hadn't eaten in forever XD Just what you always wanted, Nalin-- Darron passed out!))


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    The SLATEPORT Team - Page 7 Empty Re: The SLATEPORT Team

    Post by Nightfall Sun Oct 21, 2012 2:24 pm

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    Slateport City/Late Afternoon (28)

    Sem looked up at him with eyes that were somewhat more solemn than they usually were. Shadow did not move nor say a word as he stared back, the Sitrus Berry still clamped between his jaws. The Murkrow was clearly surprised by Shadow's kindness towards him. The truth was that Shadow was as well. He'd wanted to tear that bird's head off on sight but now ... things were changing. He wasn't going to admit to himself that he actually cared for Sem - that would be taking it too far - but he did feel some sort of duty to help him as far as his limits would allow.

    He is strong, Shadow thought as he looked into the crimson depths of Sem's eyes. He knows what he is ... knows what he is going to become. And yet ... he can still manages to hold his nerve. What a guy.

    "...I can barely feel the pain anymore," Sem's soft voice, barely a whisper, reached Shadow's ears and he flinched his way out of his thoughts. The small bird reached out and plucked the Sitrus Berry out of his mouth and quickly ate it. Shadow nodded, trying hard not to smile. "That's good. Hurry up and get some more of these down you." He rolled a few more healing berries towards him with his snout. "That fucking idiot," he growled, plonking down onto his haunches beside Sem. "I tell him to look after you and he only helps himself. Now he's pissed off to Arceus knows where."

    He noticed that the door was slightly ajar and skulked over to it. Nudging it open fully, he gave a curt nod to Joey. "Sem is feeling better," he told him. Stepping slightly to the side so that the Rapidash could see, he stood guard at the door, watching the two injured Pokemon as they finished their berries.


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    The SLATEPORT Team - Page 7 Empty Re: The SLATEPORT Team

    Post by Snitch Mon Oct 22, 2012 12:14 pm

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    Slateport City || Late Afternoon [18]

    Joey’s eyes were latched firmly onto the shed, the muffled ranting of Shadow reaching his pricked ears as he strained to catch the familiar, tired voice of Sem. Instead, his attention was drawn away by movement. Nalin was slithering off, the pain exploding in the equine’s chest soon touching his features. Why was he so keen to leave? Glancing to the grass serpent who seemed to be the root of the Milotic’s troubles, the Rapidash was unsurprised that he took to following in a bid to clear the air… again. At least, he was trying.

    "Sem is feeling better,"

    Jumping a little at the closer proximity of the canine’s gruff voice, Joey soon regained composure and nodded his head appreciative of the update. A smile graced his tired features as he took a moment to regard the dark-type, standing loyally amongst the wounded. As blunt as he was, the equine could tell that beneath the tough exterior he had a heart of gold.
    “Shadow,” He called, catching the Mightyena’s attention. “Thank you,” Joey spoke firmly, kindly as the gratitude oozed from his charming smile alone. He truly was thankful to not only Shadow, but the entire group and made a mental note to personally thank every individual surrounding him. It was rare to have such comradeship, such care, when only a few years previous, he would have been left for dead.

    The SLATEPORT Team - Page 7 Empty Re: The SLATEPORT Team

    Post by Guest Wed Oct 24, 2012 10:27 am

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    Slateport City|Early Evening

    Nalin sighed as he took small tidbits of his poffin at a time, the very idea as depressing as his current situation. But once again his morose solitude was to be disturbed. "So, Nally, whatcha doin?" While it was already odd enough that Darron followed him, again, something wasn't right about the way he was speaking. "Didn't know you like lamb. Or that it came in blue." Lamb? What? "What are you talking about...?" But his answer came in the form of the other serpent coiling up and passing clean out. "The hell?! Darron!" What was he supposed to do now?

    Going over to the other male he poked at his gently with his fin, trying to get him to wake up. 'Oh great...if they find him like this they are going to blame me!' The Milotic was frantic and tried the only thing he could think of, cold water. Quickly summoning an Aqua Tail he slammed it down next to the Serperior causing the water to rain down on him. Plants needed water...right?


    Amalthea watched with heavy eyes as the surly canine once again proved that he didn't care for anyone but himself. It was sad to watch as he verbally tore into Darron because he didn't hear the hound mention the bird. While he seemed to take some interest in Joey and the one called Sem, Shadow didn't seem to care much about them if at all. "Too much anger clouds the heart..."[/color] she whispered quietly.

    Amalthea watched as Darron took the lashing with quiet dignity before going after his watery friend. The look on Joey's face said there was more to him going after the delicate male than she knew, but it wasn't her place to ask questions. If people wanted her to know they would tell her. What she needed to focus on was finding her kin and the Red Bull. She had found the ocean, but for some reason they weren't here so she needed to find out why. Perhaps some of these Pokemon had seen them.

    The white equine denied any chance of taking food for herself until she was sure everyone else was fed, content in simply watching everyone else get their share. Once everyone seemed settled she felt it a good time to ask. "Forgive me for asking, but have any of you seen a Red Bull? He is large, angry, and covered in flames. I need to find this beast as soon as possible." It was a hopeful question, but even the gentle-hearted Rapidash knew that there was more a chance they would just think her crazy than to have seen her bull.

    Age : 36
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    The SLATEPORT Team - Page 7 Empty Re: The SLATEPORT Team

    Post by Silverishness Thu Oct 25, 2012 3:56 am

    ((Skip, he's still out like a light XD The aqua tail only made him slide a little from the force of the attack.))


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    The SLATEPORT Team - Page 7 Empty Re: The SLATEPORT Team

    Post by Nightfall Thu Oct 25, 2012 2:30 pm

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    Slateport City/Early Evening (29)

    "Shadow." The canine's ear flicked to the side as Joey's gentle voice reached it, and he turned to the Rapidash. "Thank you." The gratitude in his voice was unmissable, and Shadow hid the warm feeling embracing in his heart with a stern nod. Huh ... could that be the first time that anyone has ever offered me a heartfelt thanks? he thought, quickly looking away from Joey so that he didn't see the tears welling up in his eyes.

    He quickly blinked them away, however, as the white Rapidash, Whats-her-name, turned up. Shadow's ears flattened against his head as he glared at her defiantly. Hmph. What's she doing here? Come to develop her first impressions? He continued to glower at her until she came to a stop nearby. What came out of her mouth completely bemused him.

    "Forgive me for asking, but have any of you seen a Red Bull? He is large, angry, and covered in flames. I need to find this beast as soon as possible." Shadow blinked at her and said nothing for a moment or two. What was this chick on? It sounded like she was describing something like a Tauros or a Bouffalant, but he'd never seen and definitely never heard of one that was on fire.

    "I have no idea what you're talking about," he eventually replied, getting up and skulking back into the shed. He saw that Sem was getting shakily to his feet, and rushed over in case he needed help. "Be careful. Don't push yourself." He looked out of the open door at the darkening sky and sighed in frustration. "I suppose I'd better go and see where that twat Darron has pissed off to." He lowered his scarred face down to Sem's level. "You going to stay here? Or do you want me to carry you again?" There was no way that he was going to let him walk or fly just yet.

    You are betraying everything you promised to do since this whole mess began ... yet why can't you stop?

    Age : 29
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    The SLATEPORT Team - Page 7 Empty Re: The SLATEPORT Team

    Post by Snitch Sun Oct 28, 2012 8:21 am

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    Slateport City || Late Afternoon [19]

    Joey hadn’t caught Shadow’s reaction to his thanks, looking away out of a respect for the hound who was probably averse to talk of emotions. Still, the equine was pleased he hadn’t been met with a snappy remark. As he’d expected, there was a whole lot of good buried beneath that rough exterior. Smiling absently to himself, the Rapidash took to eating the remaining berries set before him.

    "Forgive me for asking, but have any of you seen a Red Bull? He is large, angry, and covered in flames. I need to find this beast as soon as possible."

    Pretty Amalthea. Joey was taken back every time he caught the mare’s clear eyes, this time no different as a warm smile flooded his features at the sight alone. Such beauty was unheard of in Joey’s world, thus he took every opportunity to bask in the glory, the splendour, of what was no doubt a higher being. But what she spoke of remained foreign to even him. He had seen a lot in this cruel world, but never had he the pleasure of meeting a ‘Red Bull’. Of course, Shadow was bound to be curt.

    "I have no idea what you're talking about,"

    Watching him trot away to scold Sem for his movements – no end of admiration stemmed from the bird's determination – Joey’s attention remained on the shiny. Smiling weakly, he gestured over his shoulder to the aloof Mightyena.
    “He’s not all bad,” The Rapidash nodded, feeling that there was a growing dislike for the canine in the group. Although unnecessarily blunt, Joey himself could see no drastic reason for alarm, let alone hatred. Then again, he always strived to salvage the goodness in everyone. Returning to the equine’s question, he continued. “As for a Red Bull, I’m afraid I haven’t seen one – ever, really,” Joey had always hated bestowing bad news upon the innocent. He never had grown used to it. Presuming this bull-character were a friend, the Rapidash flashed an apologetic smile, feeling the need to reassure Amalthea. “I-I’m sure we can find him though – I mean, I’m always happy to help,”

    Overhearing Shadow speak of locating the two serpents, the bickering duo having yet again disappeared, Joey carefully rose to his hooves using the wall as support. The ascent was surprisingly painless, a dull aching from his legs the only remaining hindrance. Besides, he’d felt far worse and had never been one to make a fuss. Smiling, pleased, he rose to his full height.
    “We should probably get moving anyway, no?” The equine chipped in hesitantly, knowing the canine and Sem were off to apprehend the duo. They might as well pick them up as they headed out of here; Joey, for one, wasn’t keen on remaining in this city any longer. Were the lurking undead not enough, the sea continued to unnerve him. “I imagine Nalin and Darron are together – wherever that may be,”

    The SLATEPORT Team - Page 7 Empty Re: The SLATEPORT Team

    Post by Guest Wed Oct 31, 2012 2:00 pm

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    Slateport City|Early Evening

    Nalin was beginning to panic. The Aqua Tail had done nothing other than cause the Serperior to flinch a little in his comatose state. “Darron...” he pleaded, practically whimpering. “Please wake up. I don't know what to do to fix you.” He kept prodding at the prone form hoping that something would jostle the snake into consciousness, but nothing was working. Panic began to grip him as he realized he wasn't going to be able to do this alone. “I'm going to get some help Darron, I'll be right back.” He didn't know why he was talking to the sleeping serpent, but it made him feel better just to let him know help was coming.


    Amalthea was a little disappointed that no one had even heard of the Red Bull, much less seen him, but she knew to expect as much. Her kin had to be around somewhere, along with the flaming monstrosity, but if they didn't know where he was maybe they knew what ocean to look for. If it wasn't this one then it had to be another, at least that was what she told herself. Joey offered his own assistance and the white Rapidash felt herself blush. “Thank you.”

    "I suppose I'd better go and see where that twat Darron has pissed off to." Amalthea was a little displeased with Shadow's attitude towards someone who he barely knew. He was so bitter towards the world and it pained the delicate female to witness. The poor dear acted as though he hadn't a friend in the world....“We should probably get moving anyway, no? I imagine Nalin and Darron are together – wherever that may be.” She agreed, ready to follow the pair outside but something charging towards them caught her attention. “Nalin?” Indeed it was the Milotic, slithering as fast as his coils would take him towards the shack. And he looked very upset.

    “Help!” he cried, making his way ever closer to where he had seen the two Rapidash head. “Something is wrong with Darron! He won't wake up!” Alarmed Amalthea charged forward, reaching Nalin at a breakneck speed. “Take me to him,” she began, standing aside him and pointing her head the way he came. “I will see what I can do.” A hushed thanks hissed from the exhausted water serpent, giving her a brief smile. As Nalin started to head back to the location of their fallen companion she turned her head back quickly to the others. “I'm going with him to help Darron! Follow when you are ready!”And with that she charged forward.

    Upon reaching the house Nalin opened the door for the firey female that followed him, leading her to the kitchen where Darron still lay, unmoved the entire time he was gone. She looked him over carefully and noted how slender the snake actually seemed, his leaves somewhat wilted. “Why is he all wet?” The look on the Milotic's face said more than enough. Poor boy probably panicked long before going for help. “He's very small and weak, he looks starved. I will try and get some sunlight from that portal and you see if you can get him to eat.” Wasting no time she went over to the small window and investigated the strange covering over it. The oddly covered hole in the wall showed sunlight coming through, but only slightly to match the setting sun. Giving up trying to figure out the white slats that hid the light she gripped it in her teeth and pulled hard until it came clattering off of the wall. Sunlight poured into the kitchen illuminating most of the area and Amalthea gave a triumphant smile.

    Nalin worriedly nudged some of the treats he had found towards Darron, not sure what he was supposed to do. Pushing a couple of them into the slack jaw he hoped that the Serperior's own instincts would kick in and make him start to chew. The guy was always so confident and invincible, could it really be as simple as him being hungry to bring him down? It seemed almost...anti-climactic. He watched with nervous eyes, waiting for any sign of Darron eating the offered food. “Please...don't die...”

    Age : 36
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    The SLATEPORT Team - Page 7 Empty Re: The SLATEPORT Team

    Post by Silverishness Sun Nov 04, 2012 5:49 am

    Post 30

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    Slateport City| Early Evening

    Warmth... It was the first thing he felt, and was eternally grateful for it. Water... His body seemed soaked in it, and it gratefully took it in. Eyes still closed, nearly dead to the world, the only thing Darron could understand was that his malnourished body was finally getting something it needed. Twitching, he only vaguely realized that something was in his mouth... the hell? He hadn't performed that move in months... What was his trainer thinking?

    Eyes lazily opening to be greeted by nothing more than blinding sunlight, he flinched away from the bright, happy setting orb as he tried to recollect how he'd ended up on the floor... completely soaked. He suddenly sat upright, causing the berries that had magically transported themselves into his face to roll down his throat, making him choke. A few moments of struggling with them ended after swallowing them whole, sighing gratefully for the generous meal. It was soon after that he found himself with company-- Nally and the white mare. Eyes widening in surprise, he broke out in a broad grin, as if nothing had happened.

    "Huh. That was weird, huh?" His tone was the same, as if the strange experience didn't affect him. "Say, Nally, why am I wet?" He looked down, inspecting himself, glad that at least he was covered in water instead of other, more unpleasant liquids. "And thanks for opening that window. And for the berries. Didn't think you'd wanna share."


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    The SLATEPORT Team - Page 7 Empty Re: The SLATEPORT Team

    Post by Nightfall Mon Nov 05, 2012 2:58 pm

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    Slateport City/Early Evening (30)

    "You won't take a 'No thank you' for an answer, will you?" Before Shadow could even say no, Sem flapped up onto his back, resting his head just on top of his collar. "This should be just fine, Mr. Shadow. Thank you." "Hold on to the collar if it gets a little bumpy," Shadow replied, steadily heading back to the shed entrance to rejoin Joey and Whatshername. Also if you could tear that thing off for me, that'd be great, he struggled not to add to the Murkrow.

    Just as Joey suggested that they got going, Nalin appeared looking panicked. "Help!" he cried. "Something is wrong with Darron! He won't wake up!" Shadow stood still and watched as everyone, including Miss First Impressions, charged off to help the self-centered prick. His ears flattening against his head and a low growl rumbling from his throat, Shadow flicked his tail and followed at his own pace. While he personally didn't care what happened to people who didn't give two shits themselves, he didn't exactly have anything better to do than to stand there like an idiot with an infected bird on his back.

    By the time he had reached where the others were, however, Darron looked perfectly fine to him, asking questions and conversing as if nothing had even happened. Shadow simply stood in silence and watched the scene unfold itself. Potential disaster was averted, it seemed.

    Age : 29
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    The SLATEPORT Team - Page 7 Empty Re: The SLATEPORT Team

    Post by Snitch Wed Nov 07, 2012 10:56 am

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    Slateport City || Early Evening [20]


    “Yeah, Nalin. He doesn’t like that nickname - ‘Nally’,” Joey replied absently, mistaking Amalthea’s utterance as a query rather than response to said Milotic charging towards them. The equine turned at the sudden shout for help, his instincts kicking in as his flaming mane flared with fear. Eyes widening, they soon latched onto the distressed water-serpent as he explained the situation of Darron’s poor health. Amalthea was first to react, the duo rocketing off to the Serperior’s aid before Joey even had time to speak.

    Desperate to help, the Rapidash followed after Shadow, moving as quickly as his delicate legs would permit. Unfortunately, the healing process was slow. Numbness had grasped the tender muscles, leaving his movements akin to an over-enthusiastic foal. It could be worse, he reminded himself determinedly, aloof to the humiliating gait as he hobbled onwards. Annoyingly, the group had disturbed within one of the human homes. Falling to a dead halt, his mind keeping him firmly immobile as he stared silently through the doorway, Joey eventually turned with a huff. Irritated at his own cowardice and inability to face something as harmless as four walls surrounding him, the equine instead limped around the corner as voices drifted from an open window.

    "And thanks for opening that window. And for the berries. Didn't think you'd wanna share."

    That was most certainly Darron’s voice, providing a beacon as Joey soon stumbled into view. Smiling, relieved to see the serpent well, albeit rather wet, the Rapidash gave an amused snicker. Content to play the role of an observer, his shining demeanour illuminated by the sun, Joey was glad that yet again, disaster had been averted.

    Age : 36
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    The SLATEPORT Team - Page 7 Empty Re: The SLATEPORT Team

    Post by Silverishness Sun Nov 11, 2012 6:36 am

    ((Skip... DX I tried waiting for Phoe, lol, but it looks like it didn't pan out. Sorry :<))


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