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    Elifile the Evolution of Girafarig


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    Elifile the Evolution of Girafarig Empty Elifile the Evolution of Girafarig

    Post by Silverishness Wed Feb 29, 2012 5:23 pm

    Elifile the Evolution of Girafarig ElihphileEJ

    Elifile the Evolution of Girafarig DH2FjEd

    Name- Elifile

    Genders possible- M/F

    Signature Moves- N/A

    Ability- Inner focus/ Early Bird

    Type/s- Normal/ Psychic

    Height- 7'07"

    Weight- 213.8 lbs

    #???/ Elifile, the Palendrome Pokemon

    Pokédex Entry- The brain in its tail has developed to the point where it can strategize with the main head. The two brains can communicate telepathically.

    Egg type- Field

    Evolution line- Peeweep --> Girafarig --> Elifile

    Evolution Method- The trainer must massage the tail with a sweet incense.

    Origin of name- Elihphile- one who loves palendromes

    STAT build- Same as Girafarig's


    -By level:
    START: Power Swap
    START: Guard Swap
    START: Astonish
    START: Headbutt
    START: Tackle
    START: Confusion
    lvl 5: Stomp
    lvl 12: Agility
    lvl 17: Psybeam
    lvl 25: Baton Pass
    lvl 30: Double Hit
    lvl 35: Telekinesis
    lvl 43: Zen Headbutt
    lvl 50: Crunch
    lvl 59: Shadow Ball

    By TM:
    -All Girafarig's TM moves in Gen 5

    Egg moves:
    -Girafarig's in Gen 5

    User Notes:

    Sometimes the two heads can be thought of opposite sides of one person, the light and dark or yin and yang. The rear tail rarely, if ever, speaks to anyone other than the main head. The two heads can understand human speech.


    Elifile the Evolution of Girafarig PCP637Elifile the Evolution of Girafarig 635Elifile the Evolution of Girafarig 196

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    Elifile the Evolution of Girafarig Empty Re: Elifile the Evolution of Girafarig

    Post by Lugia Sat Mar 03, 2012 6:18 am

    I vote up


    Elifile the Evolution of Girafarig Shadowlugiasig


    "It's amazing how hard someone will fight for their underpants."


    Age : 37
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    Elifile the Evolution of Girafarig Empty Re: Elifile the Evolution of Girafarig

    Post by Suicune Sat Mar 03, 2012 5:29 pm

    Hmm. While this is very nice, I wonder if it looks too much like the original. In most evos, their anatomy changes significantly.
    This one still has the same body structure, albeit bigger and a few alterations.
    Would this be enough to consider it an evo?

    I keep my vote until I get a reply from Silverishness.


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    Elifile the Evolution of Girafarig Empty Re: Elifile the Evolution of Girafarig

    Post by Silverishness Sun Mar 04, 2012 11:03 am

    I can see your point, Sui... But the thing that has changed the most on the design is the tail, which is really most of the point of the evolution to begin with.

    Girafarig's main bulk has been altered-- different markings, larger horns, fluff instead of spikes. But like I earlier stated, the most different part is the tail, which looks radically different from Girafarig's.

    I hope it's enough to win your vote. :)


    Elifile the Evolution of Girafarig PCP637Elifile the Evolution of Girafarig 635Elifile the Evolution of Girafarig 196

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    Elifile the Evolution of Girafarig Empty Re: Elifile the Evolution of Girafarig

    Post by Guest Sun Mar 04, 2012 11:16 am

    There are actually quite a few different canon pokemon that don't really have huge differences. If you look at the Pidgey line, the only difference that occurs there is an increase in size and an alteration in the feathering (especially in Pidgeotto -> Pidgeot). Likewise, Voltorb -> Electrode merely switches the colour scheme a bit, and Diglett -> Dugtrio and Magnemite -> Magneton are just trios of the same pokemon. You could also possibly argue Bulbasaur -> Ivysaur seeing the main difference there is the bulb opening and a slight colour change.

    Figured I'd just throw my two cents in ^^; Feel free to hit me with a dead fish or something if I should not have.

    EDIT: Dagnabit, Ciana ninja'd me xD
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    Age : 37
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    Elifile the Evolution of Girafarig Empty Re: Elifile the Evolution of Girafarig

    Post by Suicune Sun Mar 04, 2012 1:21 pm

    Enough evidence was given by Eventide to win me over, lol.
    It isn't the only pokemon to keep its' original form.
    Voted up.


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    Elifile the Evolution of Girafarig Empty Re: Elifile the Evolution of Girafarig

    Post by Mewtwo Thu Mar 08, 2012 9:22 pm

    Why not?

    I vote up.


    Elifile the Evolution of Girafarig 3Br5nS6

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    Elifile the Evolution of Girafarig Empty Re: Elifile the Evolution of Girafarig

    Post by Honchkrow Sun Mar 11, 2012 1:16 pm

    I vote up as well.

    All admins have approved.


    [center]Elifile the Evolution of Girafarig 18oq4g

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    Elifile the Evolution of Girafarig Empty Re: Elifile the Evolution of Girafarig

    Post by Zapdos Wed Dec 17, 2014 7:58 pm

    Elifile has a canon shiny form thanks to Duma's hard work!

    Elifile the Evolution of Girafarig DH2FjEd

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