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3 posters

    Legendary: Kyogre


    Posts : 60

    Legendary: Kyogre  Empty Legendary: Kyogre

    Post by Kyogre Fri Jan 20, 2012 9:34 pm

    Legendary: Kyogre  Snf01v
    Name- Kyogre (obviously)
    Gender- Unknown
    Level- Unknown
    Moves- Aqua Ring
    Ice Beam
    Calm Mind
    Hydro Pump
    Ability- Drizzle
    Nature- Calm
    Characteristics- Strong-willed
    National Dex No./Species- #382- Kyogre, the Sea Basin Pokemon
    Length- 14'09"
    Weight- 776lbs
    Pokédex Entry- Kyogre is named in mythology as the pokemon that expanded the sea by covering the land with torrential rain and towering tidal waves. It took to sleep after a cataclysmic battle with Groudon.
    Item- None
    History- Atop the great tomb-mountain Pyre rested three orbs, once- Red, blue, and green, they were. Once. Recent events, however, specifically a powerful, unnatural earthquake, have brought the ancient burial ground down, reducing it to rubble. The orbs were lost to the sea in the collapse..
    The sea, however, loses nothing. The three orbs were scattered by currents, each in its own way.. Our story, however, follows the Blue.

    Carried by currents running deep in the vast ocean beyond Hoenn, the orb settled into a deep cavern untouched by time...
    A pair of great golden eyes opened.

    A great thunderous noise carried forth to the far reaches of the sea as the ancient waterborne colossus awakened, scattering living and dead alike from the site.
    Kyogre rose from the depths, living once more.

    And the Leviathan was displeased.
    What has been done with my world, thought he?
    This plague of little creatures, these "humans" had spread over his world, defiling the beautiful earth he and his brother had made, raping the glory of nature.
    This world was no longer paradise, and Kyogre would have none of it.

    Learning of the state of the Legendaries awakened already, Kyogre was disgusted. They had LET this human scourge rage across the world, content to let these insects ruin the beauty of the untouched wild. However, he also heard terrified tales of a great Harbinger of a new age- One Honchkrow, that had set forth to bring about the end of humanity and the next step in the evolution of the true dominant beings. Kyogre had grown to admire him from stories heard, and so, seeking to help guide this new path for the world, he set forth for Orre, bringing with him his trademark torrential rains.

    Notes- (We do know where he goes, yes?)

    Last edited by Kyogre on Tue Jan 24, 2012 8:47 pm; edited 1 time in total

    Age : 37
    Posts : 4642

    Legendary: Kyogre  Empty Re: Legendary: Kyogre

    Post by Suicune Sun Jan 22, 2012 4:30 am

    It seems that the bird will need to approve of your joining his team.


    Founding Admin


    Posts : 60

    Legendary: Kyogre  Empty Re: Legendary: Kyogre

    Post by Kyogre Sun Jan 22, 2012 12:50 pm

    Alright then.

    Posts : 156

    Legendary: Kyogre  Empty Re: Legendary: Kyogre

    Post by Honchkrow Tue Jan 24, 2012 4:34 am

    A few things:

    Kyogre is genderless, though you may state to reference it as masculine.

    Use "Unknown" as far as Level goes, like the other Legends.

    Despite that I appreciate you did your research for what Kyogre's dimensions should be, you need to stick to Pokemon canon. Just use the normal pokedex information, even if it is obscure.

    I'm also quite curious to how you shall be an active part of the team, since you are water-bound. That, however, can be discussed in pm.


    [center]Legendary: Kyogre  18oq4g

    Posts : 156

    Legendary: Kyogre  Empty Re: Legendary: Kyogre

    Post by Honchkrow Wed Jan 25, 2012 6:43 pm

    Ah. I have been enlightened.

    Very well, then. Your turn on the team shall be after Articuno.

    Welcome, Legend.


    [center]Legendary: Kyogre  18oq4g

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