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This is what remains of the region after the virus hit.
Undead pokemon lurk behind every corner, infest every city, haunt every cave.
Dark Days are Ahead...
Will you survive?


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    (ACE) The PYRITE Team


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    (ACE) The PYRITE Team  - Page 6 Empty Re: (ACE) The PYRITE Team

    Post by Silverishness Wed May 23, 2012 4:23 am

    Post 27

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    Pyrite Town| Dusk

    The head bump Phoe gave startled Asche, but as he looked up to see her guzzle down the two bottles, his posture improved. Maybe he hadn't fucked up? His tail starting to wag, he watched with awe as Phoe, now regailing in the fact that she could talk again, simply took charge and gave out precise orders. With a nod, Asche sprinted off to his old cubby hole; he knew there were things in there. The trick was to get the stuff without getting stuck... again.

    ((Short post is short :x))


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    (ACE) The PYRITE Team  - Page 6 Empty Re: (ACE) The PYRITE Team

    Post by Fox Wed May 23, 2012 6:30 pm

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    Pyrite Town | Late AFternoon (17)

    "Now everyone is going to need to snatch whatever comfortable thing you can find because that is going to be your bed. I have my own stash of comfy things, but I don't share those. Food I got, so don't worry about that unless you find some fresh berries. What we want is medical stuff and wood for fire. Don't stray from the buildings around the square! I want everyone within shouting distance if shit goes down so that anyone nearby can make it to help." The Ninetails barked out, looking at them all.

    Ra nodded and slithered towards the Poke-mart, noticing that the large dragon had wandered off, away from the group.
    I guess he decided to leave...I suppose that's for the best, considering the circumstances...
    His sisters' voice interrupted his thoughts.
    Ra, what are we going to get?
    He pondered a minute as he looked through the messy aisles of the quaint little store.
    Well,we're going to need some health regeneratives...
    Ra pushed himself through the rubble and broken items.
    Don't forget what daddy said about medicine! Fala chirped happily.
    The snake nodded subtly as he thought on the types that he had seen out there.
    Well...there's not much left here...he slowly slithered lower to look under all the shelves.
    Ah! Look!
    Ra pushed his tail under one of the eaves, pushing everything out from under it. Out rolled six max revives.
    Fala danced down his back, hopping to them as she inspected the cans.

    Only one of them is damaged! She beamed as she nudged them towards the Arbok. He returned her smile, his tongue darting out.
    Alright, let's take them back to the others.
    He lowered his head for her to hop on, then wrangled them into his coils, pushing them along as they left.


    "What's the point in them being happy now if they're going to be sad later?
    The answer is, of course, because they're going to be sad later."

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    Post by Guest Fri May 25, 2012 4:00 pm

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    Pyrite Town|Dusk

    "O-oh! Sure Phoenix. That sounds fine to me!" Phoenix gave the girl a proud smile as she gladly accepted the job. It wouldn't be a tough one, but the Ninetales herself was too big to fit into the opening. "But... Wait. Where am I going to sleep, then, if I am not looking for a bed?" The yellow fox let out a bark of a laugh and threw her tails up, turning to start towards the hotel. "Don't worry chickie, where we are going there is still plenty of comfy to grab."

    The hotel was quite possibly Phoenix's favorite spot to grab from, as the humans who left forgot a ton of neat crap in their rush. Other than the TV Station, it was the highest class joint in town. But, most of the main floor she had already pilfered from. What she needed was in the managers office, in a small opening behind a bookcase. Her great prize was a stash of evolutionary stones that the owner had taken as payment from trainers who tried to skip out on their bill. She had seen them, but she just couldn't reach them, and she had been trying for a long time. Though she herself was evolved, she would need the Fire Stone if she ever managed to find Nikkolai.


    The thought of her kit sent a stab of pain through the forlorn mother. Even after all this time she never gave up hope on finding him. In fact, that was why she and Erebos had originally settled in Pyrite. Cipher had been very active there, and shadow Pokemon where running amok, so it seemed logical that eventually one of them might bring Nikki. But that day never came. The infected came before her child did and she lost her mate in the process. She refused to believe Nikkolai was dead and wanted that Fire Stone ready for when she brought him home.


    Raven watched as Asche, the snake and bird, and Phoenix and Kylie each went different ways. Which building should she search in? The only place she could think of was the Fortune Teller's. Sure, it wasn't exactly in the square like Phoenix had said, but it wasn't that far. If anything happened she could always get back in time, right? Raven shook her head, and told herself that she was just thinking too hard. There had been so many new people in such a short amount of time, but since night was almost upon them no one else would be showing up. At least, nothing alive. A few infected the Persian was sure she could handle herself.

    So the Fortune Teller's it was. She slunk gracefully in through the open window in the front, and landed on the dust covered floor. A small cloud kicked up in her face and Raven started to cough lightly, hoping nothing might have heard her. The Classy Cat's eyes adjusted almost immediately to the darkness, glowing a soft yellow as she took in her surroundings. There was a lot of fun stuff in here, but not much of it useful. There were some nice soft throws that she could snatch, and even a pillow, so she dragged one of the larger ones to the center of the room and began piling stuff on it.

    By the time she finished, she had grabbed three blankets, a seat pillow, two potions, a few disk looking things, and she even found a box of lava cookies. They were all in a lump on the middle of the third blanket, which she proceeded to bite the corners of the drag them together. When she finally made her bundle she realized she would have to drag them back out through the window. "Dammit..." she muttered through a mouthful of cloth.

    Deciding to risk it, she tossed the bag out the window, praying that none of it flew apart as it landed, and leapt out after it. She was in luck, though, because only a couple of the cookies and a potion rolled out of the loosely bound blanket. Quickly shoving them back in she looked around nervously, searching for any eyes watching her. Seeing none of the ominous red glow of infected eyes, she grabbed her bundle and hauled ass back to the square to meet with the others.

    ((OOC: The disk looking things Raven grabbed are a couple of TMs. If anyone is interested in learning a new move just ask Raven for one and say it is whatever the move you want. She's going to use one, lol.))

    Age : 36
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    (ACE) The PYRITE Team  - Page 6 Empty Re: (ACE) The PYRITE Team

    Post by Silverishness Sat May 26, 2012 8:39 am

    Post 28

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    Pyrite Town| Dusk

    Asche sighed in nostalgia as he found his way back to the old windmill, door still forgotten on the dusty ground. With a firm, determined expression, he hopped back into the fray, hoping to find more than junk.

    After a few curses and small scrapes, he managed to find himself back in his old den, and immediately bundled the familiar worn, patched bedding. To his name, he had a blanket and two pillows as thick as a piece of paper. He laid out the thin blanket and pillows to begin his knapsack, then glanced his surroundings for anything else useful. It took a moment to spot some things, as they weren't much, but they could become useful later. A crowbar, a hardhat he had been using as a food bowl, a few small bits of fire-starters, an oil-stained towel that could also serve as either pillow or blanket, and some bottled waters that were still sealed and fresh. Content with his findings, he nodded proudly to himself and picked up his knapsack.

    Thankfully, he made it out of the debris of the windmill without a hitch, and he set back into town, not thinking to look for infected. Phoenix had already cleared them out, after all. He trotted back, his heavy knapsack straining with the weight of the crowbar. It stuck out awkwardly as he trotted, but Asche didn't seem to mind. He soon found the bright yellow ninetales, as he wasn't far from their meeting place and placed his bundle down. "Where do we go with the stuff?"

    Last edited by Silverishness on Sun Jun 10, 2012 2:01 pm; edited 1 time in total


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    Post by Min Wed May 30, 2012 11:23 pm

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    Pyrite Town| |Dusk

    Rkh could only watch as the others ran off to find whatever they needed. Something comfy... For having spent 97% of his life cooped up in a Pokeball and occasionally roosting on branches, even defining the meaning of comfy was hard. Sure, he did sleep out of his Pokeball every once in a while back in the day, but that was only in dark caves where the stupid rocks kept poking him as he rested. Even when he was with the gang, all they did was nest on pure ground...

    Blinking a few times, Rukh immediately took flight, looking down upon the city for... Scraps of metal. Human cushions and blankets tore too easily with his metal claws, and the ground would be plain uncomfortable. Catching sight of scrap metal littered in an alleyway, he swooped down and gathered them all up in his beak.

    Walking out of the alley, he looked around, strutting awkwardly with mismatched plates of rusted iron and a few gears shoved in his beak. Rukh caught the sight of bright yellow, and took a few steps before tripping and dropping everything. With a defeated sigh, he flapped his wings and took everything in his talons, waiting mid-air. "Wherever we're going, I hope I can get in while flying..." he grumbles, dropping a second gear.
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    Post by Fox Thu Jun 07, 2012 2:51 am

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    Pyrite Town | Late AFternoon (18)

    Ra pushed his thick coils across the battered streets towards the group,careful not to lose any of their goods as they moved.

    Ra...I'm sorry about what I said back there...the little Natu said quietly, her eyes full of regret.
    I didn't mean it...

    The Arbok froze as he looked up from the bouncing cans with wide eyes.

    You...you just scared me...the way you look when you're in battle...
    but I know now that you were only trying to protect us...
    And daddy would be proud of you. I know it.

    Ras' expression softened, a single tear falling from his eye as he smiled up at the Natu.
    Come on, little sister. Maybe they have food.

    They approached the others, the cans clinking softly against the sandy ground as they rolled towards the Ninetails.
    We found some great stuff, I know they're going to love it!
    Yeah, they're a rare find.

    "We found thessse. I'm sssure we can ussse them." He smiled happily at the fox, his coils circling around him slowly as they retracted.

    (OoC- not notified again, sorry)


    "What's the point in them being happy now if they're going to be sad later?
    The answer is, of course, because they're going to be sad later."

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    Post by Catalyst Fri Jun 08, 2012 5:47 pm

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    | Pyrite Town // Dusk |

    Purple scales unnoticeably glimmered in the clouds as a pokemon flew across the sky. Many people could mistake it's shape for a Charizard, but anyone who sees its color is obviously wrong. An Aerodactyl spiraled through the sky, up in the clouds. He didn't exactly feel great when flying, but he didn't mean he didn't enjoy it. A rare smile came across his face. He descended through the clouds, the red of the falling sun hitting off of his scales. As he dropped lower he saw nothing but desert. He wrinkled his nose. "So desolate...." He then looked forward to see a speck of brown in the distance. He flew forward, turning slightly to head straight for the place he saw. As he got closer, the place looked like it was made of rusted metal, like rusty cans piled on top of each other. He flew over the ridge of the canyon of the town, looking in and onto the rusty look of the place. Bane's pale blue eyes skimmed the ground before landing on a house. He looked to the group of pokemon he saw before, composed of an Arbok, Ninetales, Skarmory, Absol, and Persian as far as he saw. He noticed there were two others but they were too far away to really make out what they were. Bane sighed. "Might as well...." He jumped off the roof and let his wings catch him, he quickly glided forward towards the group, landing a couple yards away from where they were situated. He looked at all of them with a strong gaze but not a mean one.
    "Hello," he said dryly, but his voice not threatening, "Do you happen to know where this place is?"


    (OoC: Hey guys~ ;3)


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    Just hold out against the night

    And guard your hope with your life

    (ACE) The PYRITE Team  - Page 6 Empty Re: (ACE) The PYRITE Team

    Post by Guest Sun Jun 10, 2012 1:17 pm

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    Pyrite Town|Dusk

    Phoenix let out a soft curse as everyone showed back up in a matter of minutes. She and Kylie hadn't even gotten into the freaking hotel yet! Did they even grab anything?! She turned back around to see Asche with threadbare cloth with a crowbar sticking out. Kay... The snake and bird seemed to have medicine with them, which could be useful. Rukh collected a bunch of rusty metal...the hell? And Raven just had a giant bundle of cloth and there was no way to tell what was in it. Great. What a fantastic start to surviving the end of the world. At least the snake and bird thought it through.

    "Wow, your fast bro." The Ninetales twitched an eye, still not sure why they weren't still looking for stuff. "Although I think we are still doing... Whatever we are doing... But...?" Shaking her head Phoenix stomped her paw in irritation. "Yes, we are still hunting. I know what I want and with Kylie I can get it. The rest of you...wait out here, I guess, and guard the door. Shit goes down you yell, got it?" She turned with a huff and pushed open the door only to see a shadow pass overhead. Looking up sharply she saw another Aerodactyl and, remembering the one that chased little Kylie there, got into a defensive stance.

    It didn't attack, however. It just landed there and stared at them. What the hell did it want? "Hello. Do you happen to know where this place is?" No. No. Nononononononono! No more new people! Dead or alive this was way too much to handle! Her turf had been invaded so many times that day that she was ready to explode. Her tails fanned out immediately, anger radiating from her as she snarled at the flying menace. "You wanna know where you are?! Fine! I'll tell you! You're on my turf so kindly turn back around and fuck off! I've got enough problems of my own to deal with I don't need yours now too!" She nodded her head to the others as she mentioned 'problems', not really meaning to be inconsiderate but they had all quite literally barged in on her that morning and now she was having to deal with them.

    She looked at Asche and Raven and nodded to the newest invader. "Keep him busy while Kylie and I get what we came for. I don't want him going anywhere near my shit, got it? He takes one step anywhere but the other way around and I swear I will kill him." With that said she marched into the hotel, tails high and fanning, not even bothering to glance behind her. Hopefully Kylie would follow.


    Raven stared in shock as Phoenix snapped at the newcomer. Granted, they had just been attacked by one of its species, but this was something else. It was like this guy was the straw that broke the Camerupt's back. All he had done was ask where he was and Phoenix went off on a tirade. Maybe she had been a little more protective of her home that the Persian had first thought? She never really considered why Phoenix was always so territorial, but even when all of the world was dead or undead, she still fought to protect it. It was strange.

    "Keep him busy while Kylie and I get what we came for. I don't want him going anywhere near my shit, got it? He takes one step anywhere but the other way around and I swear I will kill him." Raven could only nod as she watched the other female storm off into the building and after a moment she turned back to the Aerodactyl. "Uh...hi there. Sorry about her but she, ah...well...yeah..." All Raven could do was shrug. She could offer no excuses for the Ninetales's behavior because in truth she wasn't sure what it was for. "Maybe she'll calm down after a few minutes inside? I'm Raven...and you're in Pyrite Town, Orre. You are?"

    Age : 36
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    Post by Silverishness Sun Jun 10, 2012 2:07 pm

    Post 29

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    Pyrite Town| Dusk

    Asche had expected Phoe to give him the hairy eyeball as he trotted up with his threadbare knapsack in his jaws, the rusty crowbar jutting out awkwardly. But her odd look didn't deter him, afterall-- you never knew when you could use a crwobar. Satisfied that he'd finally gotten something at least right, his body jolted when a shadow came across the square, and he turned to see another aerodactyl, alive, perched on a building.


    Phoenix exploded. Curses, insults, death threats, all, while normally part of her diction, dripping with disdain and loathing, teeth snapping with each syllable. Even if the wrathful rant wasn't directed at him, it was still uncomfortable to watch and hear. His golden eyes flicked to Kylie, unsure how she would handle another angry tyraid from the yellow ninetales. She then turned her wrath onto Raven and him, fire nearly coming out of her eyes.

    "Keep him busy while Kylie and I get what we came for. I don't want him going anywhere near my shit, got it? He takes one step anywhere but the other way around and I swear I will kill him." Asche could only muster a small, quick nod as she stormed away. However, these jagged movements proved too much for his cloth, and the knapsack split in two, right at the bottom, and spilled his entire contents. With only an exasperated frown, he stared down at the pile of junk, the bottles of water rolling away, he could only sigh as his teeth still held the remnants of the now useless cloth. "...Dammit..."

    He looked up to the newcomer, unsure of how to greet him. He frowned, his mood now considerably soured, and sighed. "I don't think a romp in a dilapidated hotel is gonna make her any better, Raven. But..." He looked up to where the aerodactyl was perched and frowned more. "..You might be better off staying out of sight. She's already offed someone else today... she's not a girl to be messed with." Sure that his words would get ignored anyway -they usually did- he turned to Raven and sighed.

    Could you watch my stuff? I need to go find... something else to carry it with... I know it's junk, but I worked hard to get it out of the windmill."


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    Post by Fox Sat Jun 16, 2012 9:28 pm

    (OoC-sorry, skip. I'm really busy tonight)


    "What's the point in them being happy now if they're going to be sad later?
    The answer is, of course, because they're going to be sad later."

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    Post by Catalyst Wed Jun 20, 2012 12:29 am

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    | Pyrite Town // Dusk |

    Bane jolted at the Ninetales's reaction.

    "You wanna know where you are?! Fine! I'll tell you! You're on my turf so kindly turn back around and fuck off! I've got enough problems of my own to deal with I don't need yours now too! Keep him busy while Kylie and I get what we came for. I don't want him going anywhere near my shit, got it? He takes one step anywhere but the other way around and I swear I will kill him."

    Bane just stood, shocked. His face turned to a rare expression of surprise. Well. That was the welcome of the century. He watched as the other two quadruped pokemon walked up to greet him. The Persian talked to him.

    "Uh...hi there. Sorry about her but she, ah...well...yeah... Maybe she'll calm down after a few minutes inside? I'm Raven...and you're in Pyrite Town, Orre. You are?"

    "I don't think a romp in a dilapidated hotel is gonna make her any better, Raven. But... ..You might be better off staying out of sight. She's already offed someone else today... she's not a girl to be messed with."

    Bane just quietly blinked, giving the tiniest of nods. Well, at least these pokemon didn't bitch-flip at him for the first moment they saw him. Bane's face went back to a quiet expression. "I am Bane. Thank you for telling me where I am." he said politely, but quietly. Bane mentally sighed. "I'm way far off from home.... Orre? Where is Orre? It has to be somewhere around Hoenn or something." he snapped out of his own thoughts. "And who may I have the pleasure of meeting?" Bane watched as the oddly colored Absol looked to the Persian he was addressing.

    "Could you watch my stuff? I need to go find... something else to carry it with... I know it's junk, but I worked hard to get it out of the windmill."

    Bane looked to it, then to the Persian who was awaiting an answer from. He was at least glad he had one pokemon on his side right now.


    (OoC: |D Totally had fun writing this post. lol)


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    Just hold out against the night

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    (ACE) The PYRITE Team  - Page 6 Empty Re: (ACE) The PYRITE Team

    Post by Guest Fri Jun 22, 2012 4:59 pm

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    Pyrite Town|Dusk

    Phoenix's mind was a swirling vortex of mixed emotions. Thinking about her little boy always put her on edge, but the fact that (if she was counting correctly) a thirteenth random stranger showed up in her territory unannounced acting like they were welcome there was just too much too quickly. She stalked her way through the hallways of the hotel and made her way to the manager's office before finally turning and seeing the look on Kylie's face. Her heart fell to the floor as she realized that she had frightened the poor insect. Again.

    "Hey doll..." she whispered softly. "Don't worry, I'm not going to do anything. I just...well you see-the thing is...Oh shit. I'm no good at this emotional crap!" The bright yellow fox swiped a paw at the ground, kicking up some of the rested dust that coated the floor into a small cloud that drifted away, making her dramatic gesture seem somewhat less than impressive. There was no way of getting out of this without just giving away everything, so if she had to tell someone she was glad it wasn't that bitch Raven.

    "Look, the truth is you reminded me of my kid. He's the reason I live here. He was taken by a group of thugs that used to run rampant around this place, but once the undead started popping up they got scarce and I never found him. And now all of these random creatures keep showing up, but...But, not one of them is my little boy..." Her voice trailed off at the end and a pained expression crumbled the steely mask Phoenix usually wore.

    She turned away from Kylie and pushed open the door to the office, blinking away the tears that threatened to fall in front of the young girl. She went up to the small hole in the wall behind the bookcase and began nudging the large wooden frame from the wall. When there was a large enough gap she looked back to Kylie. "There something in there that I need, a small tin box with a black handle on top. Think you can fit in there and get it? I need it...for- for my baby boy..."


    Suddenly there was a loud ripping sound and Raven turned to see Asche's blanket in shreds and his stuff rolling around everywhere. Poor guy, was that thin bit of cloth all he found? Raven felt bad for the guy, and looked to her own sack which had two more thick blankets inside of it cushioning her findings. She could probably spare one for the Absol, since he seemed to suffer from an endless stream of bad luck.

    "I don't think a romp in a dilapidated hotel is gonna make her any better, Raven. But..." Raven just sighed, fairly certain that Asche was right, but that didn't stop her from wanting to give Princess the benefit of the doubt. Truth be told, Phoenix had surprised her several times today with things that she didn't even believe the other female capable of. "You might be better off staying out of sight. She's already offed someone else today... she's not a girl to be messed with." Of course, that was also true.

    "Could you watch my stuff? I need to go find... something else to carry it with... I know it's junk, but I worked hard to get it out of the windmill." Raven gave a soft chuckle and began pulling at her own bundle, carefully unfolding it to get at her prize. She grabbed one of the fluffy black blankets she found in the fortune teller's and walked over to Asche. "Hayr ewe goah," she mumbled uselessly against the cloth, smiling around the bundle of fabric. The guy needed a break, so if that meant she wouldn't be spoiled with two extra blankets then so be it. She probably would have shared them with anyone who didn't find one once they got to Phoenix's anyway.

    ((OOC: OMG Phoe has a reason for being a crazy, raging B?! Who knew! lol))

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    Post by Silverishness Sat Jun 23, 2012 10:28 am

    Post 30

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    Pyrite Town| Dusk

    Asche was completely ready to just trot after Phoenix, give her his embarrassing situation and just find another damn blanket. However, after he'd trotted a bit away, he heard a strange jumble of syllables he recognized as resembling words, and turned to see Raven holding another blanket not riddled with holes. He looked the offering up and down, unsure of why she was giving him the much better blanket. He trotted back to her, still eying the blanket.

    "...For me?" he asked, his tone cautious but hopeful. "..Really? But..." He looked back to her pile, seeing the magnificent things she'd managed to collect. "...Don't you want to keep it?"


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    Post by Min Sat Jun 30, 2012 1:29 am

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    Pyrite Town| |Dusk

    When a shadow passed them overhead, Rukh dropped everything down in a neat pile, looking straight to the skies to find... A living fossil. He narrowed his eyes, the grey dragon circling before coming to land. He had seen many of its kind before, much too many. Hell, he saw one an hour or so ago! Clicking his talons impatiently, he listened as the Aerodactyl inquired about his whereabouts. As a reply, Phoenix flipped all shits. Nice.

    While the fox headed inside the hotel, Raven and Asche were tasked with keeping the newcomer busy. Bored, the Skarmory joined in. Only barely catching it's name, the metal bird stood, facing the Dino. "I'm Rukh." he mumbled. "Nice to meet you." The bird looked him over, thinking. "Your species didn't originate from here, and I don't recall Orre having any museums where fossils were resurrected... So am I right to assume that you aren't from this region?" Besides, if there were such technology here Steven would've been all over it months. In his mind, the avian sighed. Why did almost everything had to end up with him thinking about his ex-champion of a trainer? Did he miss him that much? But there wasn't a point in thinking about the man now, he was dead. Rotting in the cavern of Meteor Falls, his true home.

    ...I really need to move on.
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    Post by Catalyst Thu Jul 05, 2012 3:58 pm

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    | Pyrite Town // Dusk |

    Bane shuffled uncomfortably when the two quadrupeds didn't answer him. Well. His introduction was a fail. Then he noticed the metal bird start to walk up to him.

    "I'm Rukh. Nice to meet you."

    Thank god the bird had at least noticed him. He seemed to be a good fellow. "Nice to meet you too." Bane said in his usual voice, but with a hint of kindness. He saw the bird inspect him.

    "Your species didn't originate from here, and I don't recall Orre having any museums where fossils were resurrected... So am I right to assume that you aren't from this region?"

    Bane looked at him, but then nodded quietly. This bird was pretty intelligent. "... Yes, I am not from Orre. ...I'm from Kanto, actually." Bane then remembered his clan, his herd. He was still so angry at Pyre.... He needed to get revenge on him one day. Take back what was rightfully his. ... He pushed the thought out of his head. He took in a breath of the hot, deserty air and exhaled.
    "So is that Ninetales always that unwelcoming to others?" His face went into a sort of nervous grin. "I hope she at least accepts me for the time I'm here...." Bane knew when he hit the ground, his wings couldn't carry him much farther. He had to rest at least for a little while.


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    Just hold out against the night

    And guard your hope with your life

    (ACE) The PYRITE Team  - Page 6 Empty Re: (ACE) The PYRITE Team

    Post by Guest Sun Jul 08, 2012 3:32 pm

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    Pyrite Town|Dusk

    Phoenix was somewhat disquieted by the silent pity coming from the insect in front of her. Pity was one thing she couldn't handle, it made her feel weak and useless of which she was anything but. However, coming from a kid like Kylie, it just made her feel really sad. Kylie was so much like her little Nikki, so calm and sure with a heart bigger than her body. In all honesty Phoenix had no idea where Nikki had gotten that because it certainly wasn't from her, and Erebos was so stoic all of the time she didn't see him passing it down. But...he was her baby and she loved him no matter who he took after.

    Kylie was just like him...

    While lost in her memories of Nikkolai it seemed the Vibrava had made her way into the crawlspace and fished out the container. "Th.. there! That it, Phoenix?" The fox looked down to see a dusty silver box with a black handle dropped on the floor at her feet. Suddenly she felt very apprehensive, almost as if she were afraid that all these months of trying to get that damn thing wouldn't be worth it if the Fire Stone wasn't in there. With a timid sniff and a nudge she popped the small latch on the front and nosed the lid open. There, nestled safely inside, were three small stones of color. One blue, on yellow, and once bright red. Her Fire Stone.

    She smiled softly and used her paw to close the lid, taking a few tries to get the button latch to click, when suddenly she found herself with a chestfull of Kylie. "And if it helps... I will stay with you until you find him. We can look together." It almost felt like her heart ripped open at those words, and the Ninetales finally couldn't stop the flood of tears. She curled her paws and tails around Kylie and wept openly as she held the smaller creature, nearly clinging to her for support. From all the years she had been searching for Nikki, after losing Nikki and her home, then Erebos and everyone in her gang dying, all it took were the pure-hearted words of a child to bring her to her knees in tears.

    When the tears finally stopped she gave a few sniffles and stood up, trying to give herself a little composure. "Come on kiddo," she said, forcing a smile, "the others will be waiting." With that she grabbed the handle of the tin box into her mouth and shook her pelt clean of the dust settling in the old hotel. She nodded her head towards the door and made her way back out to the others. They were gathered in front of the building so it was nothing to sit down and wait for Kylie to catch up.

    It seemed everyone had made it back together alright, and everyone had some goodies with them (though why Ruhk had a bunch of metal and junk with him was a complete mystery to her) to take back to her den. At least they made themselves useful. The dino was still there, but for once Phoenix didn't care. She just looked him up and down and, box still in her mouth this whole time, made her final decision. "Come ef yer cohmink, I havnd got ahl nyte." The yellow fox then rose to her feet and started heading north through the square, heading home, and expecting everyone to know to follow her.


    "...For me?..Really? But..." Raven's ears dropped a little at the confused look that passed over Asche's face. Was he...was he trying to reject it? "...Don't you want to keep it?" Aww, the kid was just too sweet, just trying to make sure he wasn't putting her out. She dropped the blanket at his feet and shot him a toothy grin. "Of course it's for you, knucklehead." she laughed, letting out a good natured laugh. "I brought all I could carry in case someone else couldn't find anything. I meant to share them!"

    "I'm Rukh. Nice to meet you." Raven's ears perked up at the sound of Rukh's voice, certain he hadn't been there a moment ago. "Your species didn't originate from here, and I don't recall Orre having any museums where fossils were resurrected... So am I right to assume that you aren't from this region?" Another voice came from behind mentioning Kanto. "So is that Ninetales always that unwelcoming to others?" Oh dear Legends! How could she have been so rude?! Sure she gave her name and all after Phoenix went all...Phoenix, on him, but she totally spaced out on the newcomer when Asche pack shredded.

    "I'm so sorry!" she blurted out rather suddenly. "I wasn't trying to ignore you I promise!" She nearly tripped over her own paws rushing back to where she left the Aerodactyl and her pack. "I was just trying to help out my friend here, I didn't mean to be rude. I'm sorry that I didn't catch your name...I'm still Raven, and yeah, Phoenix is generally like that to everyone. Just not usually that quickly. It's been...well...a really long day for us." She paused in her apology when a bright flash of yellow caught her attention. Phoenix was back, Kylie in tow, and she had a strange metal box in her mouth. She braced herself for whatever smart ass remark was about to come from the fox, but none came. In fact, it almost sounded like she invited the Aerodactyl along.

    Well, this day officially was one for the Calenders. The day Phoenix, the Princess of Pyrite, finally grew a heart. With a soft smile and a nod to Bane, she grabbed her pack and trotted after Phoenix to wherever she was taking them. All the Classy Cat really wanted at this point was a hot meal and a good nights rest.

    ((OOC: LONG POST! lol. But I feel a little better than I have this last week and it put me in a good mood. So, this is the result. ^_^))

    Age : 36
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    (ACE) The PYRITE Team  - Page 6 Empty Re: (ACE) The PYRITE Team

    Post by Silverishness Mon Jul 09, 2012 4:16 pm

    ((Skip. Asche got his things back together... Can't post lol))


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    Post by Catalyst Wed Jul 18, 2012 5:51 pm

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    | Pyrite Town // Dusk |

    Bane looked back to the Persian, who suddenly started to scramble.

    "I'm so sorry! I wasn't trying to ignore you I promise! I was just trying to help out my friend here, I didn't mean to be rude. I'm sorry that I didn't catch your name.... I'm still Raven, and yeah, Phoenix is generally like that to everyone. Just not usually that quickly. It's been...well...a really long day for us."

    Bane had been awestruck. Such a long trail of words. He stood for a moment, then gave a small chuckle and a smile.
    "It's quite alright, you weren't being rude. I'm Bane. Pleased to meet you, Raven." he nodded, the smile still on his face. He caught a glimpse of orange out of the corner of his eye. He saw the Ninetales run out of the building she had gone into earlier. He looked to her as politely as he could manage. She seemed to just look at him.

    "Come ef yer cohmink, I havnd got ahl nyte."

    Bane simply nodded. Easy enough. He started to walk with the rest of the group, noticing the Vibrava that had been with the Ninetales. "Well we got a variety of pokemon here, eh?" he thought, seeing the different types. He seemed to be the only rock type, though. He mentally grinned. This group seemed ok. He didn't blame them for being upset. These times were hard.


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    Just hold out against the night

    And guard your hope with your life

    (ACE) The PYRITE Team  - Page 6 Empty Re: (ACE) The PYRITE Team

    Post by Guest Mon Jul 23, 2012 12:09 pm

    ((OOC: This will be Raven's leaving post, she's gonna get carted away, lol. I am only placing her inactive until she can get on another team, but she is making room for Phoe's Breeder Dean! btw...Phoe's will be kinda short since it focuses on Raven.))
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    Pyrite Town|Early Evening

    Satisfied that everyone was following after her Phoenix kept heading towards home. She wasn't happy about having to share her den, she didn't like her privacy intruded, but this was basically her new gang and she did miss having companions around. Sometimes. But she couldn't leave little Kylie out in the town at night, and Asche had proven himself trustworthy. It was the others that made her fur bristle when she thought of them in her personal space.

    As the sun set quickly in the horizon a shadow passed overhead making the fox stop. "Wait-something..." but it was too late. Without warning a giant bird dropped right in the middle of the group and broke rule number 5...It went after one of her own. Raven was in danger, and the yellow fox was not going to stand for that. "Back off freak!" was her only warning before charging in to help.


    As Raven followed the brightly colored fox to...wherever the hell hey were going, and was actually feeling strangely happy. Yeah, she didn't exactly trust Phoenix, not completely, it would take more than an afternoon of firsts to erase years of rivalry but it was certainly a start. She held her bundled cloth tightly in her mouth as she trotted happily along, not even noticing the large shadow passing overhead. As she turned to see if everyone was following the shadow suddenly dropped over her.

    It was a massive Braviary, and the look of it was completely feral. It didn't look dead, which was the odd part, but was molting and smelled of the infected. It must have been a recent infection but she didn't have time to think about that as it suddenly snapped its beak at her. Raven hissed and clawed at the monster bird, even shot a few Thunderbolts, but nothing she did even phased it. Its eyes were crazed and suddenly it spread its wings, kicking up dust ad debris that flew into the cat's face. Phoenix dropped her box and tried to get to her, trying a few Extrasensory attacks to distract it but it was for not.

    The bird had eyes for the cat, and with a powerful kick it knocked her down and grabbed her in its talons. She screamed as she was taken high into the air away from everyone, away from the safety of the group, to Arceus knew where. Why it wasn't eating her right away who knew, the infected tended to act on instinct rather than sense, but the way it was behaving made her worry all the more.

    Where was she going?

    Age : 36
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    (ACE) The PYRITE Team  - Page 6 Empty Re: (ACE) The PYRITE Team

    Post by Silverishness Wed Jul 25, 2012 4:16 am

    Post 31

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    Pyrite Town| Early Evening

    Finally, Asche managed to re-tie and gather his things in his knapsack, sighing with triumph as he looked back down to the brand-spanking new bag of crap. Well... at least it was useful. He was about to give Raven his thanks when a shadow came over the square, and a giant bird revealed itself as its owner. Stunned, Asche could only watch as it snapped and shrieked at Raven, who did her best to try and ward it off. Only when it picked her up did Asche's feet remember how to work, and he lunged after it, trying to bring it down with an ice beam.

    "Raven!" he cried, his heart pounding in his ears as her screams saturated the night air. "RAVEN!" He shot more ice beams, aiming for the bastard's wings, until he was too high for him to hit. "...No..." And just like that... carted off on the winds... she was gone.


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